The Cambridge Handbook of Health Research Regulation

The Cambridge Handbook of Health Research Regulation PDF Author: Graeme Laurie
ISBN: 1108576095
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 444

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The definitive reference guide to designing scientifically sound and ethically robust medical research, considering legal, ethical and practical issues.

The Cambridge Handbook of Health Research Regulation

The Cambridge Handbook of Health Research Regulation PDF Author: Graeme Laurie
ISBN: 1108576095
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 444

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The definitive reference guide to designing scientifically sound and ethically robust medical research, considering legal, ethical and practical issues.

Report of the Committee of Inquiry Into Human Fertilisation and Embryology

Report of the Committee of Inquiry Into Human Fertilisation and Embryology PDF Author: Great Britain. Committee of Inquiry into Human Fertilisation and Embryology
Category : Artificial insemination
Languages : en
Pages : 130

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The Report of the Committee of Inquiry into Human Fertilisation and Embryology (1984) (the “Warnock report”) set out the regulatory framework and ethical consensus that still govern human fertilisation today. It was the work of a committee chaired by Warnock, which had spent two years painstakingly sifting evidence from doctors, scientists, anti-abortion groups, faith leaders, and many more.The inquiry was prompted by new in vitro fertilisation (IVF) techniques, which led to the birth of the first “test tube” baby, Louise Brown, in 1978. Some were uneasy about the ethics of IVF, and by 1980 MPs were lobbying for an inquiry.

The Human Embryo In Vitro

The Human Embryo In Vitro PDF Author: Catriona A. W. McMillan
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1108945163
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 249

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The Human Embryo in vitro explores the ways in which UK law engages with embryonic processes under the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 (as amended), the intellectual basis of which has not been reconsidered for almost thirty years. McMillan argues that in regulating 'the embryo' – that is, a processual liminal entity in itself - the law is regulating for uncertainty. This book offers a fuller understanding of how complex biological processes of development and growth can be better aligned with a legal framework that purports to pay respect to the embryo while also allowing its destruction. To do so it employs an anthropological concept, liminality, which is itself concerned with revealing the dynamics of process. The implications of this for contemporary regulation of artificial reproduction are fully explored, and recommendations are offered for international regimes on how they can better align biological reality with social policy and law.

Embryo Experimentation

Embryo Experimentation PDF Author: Peter Singer
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521435888
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 284

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New developments in reproductive technology have made headlines since the birth of the world's first in vitro fertilization baby in 1978. But is embryo experimentation ethically acceptable? What is the moral status of the early human embryo? And how should a democratic society deal with so controversial an issue, where conflicting views are based on differing religious and philosophical positions? These controversial questions are the subject of this book, which, as a current compendium of ideas and arguments on the subject, makes an original contribution of major importance to this debate. Peter Singer is the author of many books, including Practical Ethics (CUP, 1979), Marx (Hill & Wang, 1980), and Should the Baby Live? (co-authored with Helga Kuhse, Oxford U.P., 1986).

Examining the State of the Science of Mammalian Embryo Model Systems

Examining the State of the Science of Mammalian Embryo Model Systems PDF Author: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309676711
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 155

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Because of the recent advances in embryo modeling techniques, and at the request of the Office of Science Policy in the Office of the Director at the National Institutes of Health, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, hosted a 1-day public workshop that would explore the state of the science of mammalian embryo model systems. The workshop, which took place on January 17, 2020, featured a combination of presentations, panels, and general discussions, during which panelists and participants offered a broad range of perspectives. Participants considered whether embryo model systems - especially those that use nonhuman primate cells - can be used to predict the function of systems made with human cells. Presentations provided an overview of the current state of the science of in vitro development of human trophoblast. This publication summarizes the presentation and discussion of the workshop.

Human Embryonic Stem Cells

Human Embryonic Stem Cells PDF Author: Arlene Chiu
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 488

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A discussion of all the key issues in the use of human pluripotent stem cells for treating degenerative diseases or for replacing tissues lost from trauma. On the practical side, the topics range from the problems of deriving human embryonic stem cells and driving their differentiation along specific lineages, regulating their development into mature cells, and bringing stem cell therapy to clinical trials. Regulatory issues are addressed in discussions of the ethical debate surrounding the derivation of human embryonic stem cells and the current policies governing their use in the United States and abroad, including the rules and conditions regulating federal funding and questions of intellectual property.

The Ethics of Embryonic Stem Cell Research

The Ethics of Embryonic Stem Cell Research PDF Author: Katrien Devolder
Publisher: OUP Oxford
ISBN: 0191036234
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 211

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Embryonic stem cell research holds unique promise for developing therapies for currently incurable diseases and conditions, and for important biomedical research. However, the process through which embryonic stem cells are obtained involves the destruction of early human embryos. Katrien Devolder focuses on the tension between the popular view that an embryo should never be deliberately harmed or destroyed, and the view that embryonic stem cell research, because of its enormous promise, must go forward. She provides an in-depth ethical analysis of the major philosophical and political attempts to resolve this tension. One such attempt involves the development of a middle ground position, which accepts only types or aspects of embryonic stem cell research deemed compatible with the view that the embryo has a significant moral status. An example is the position that it can be permissible to derive stem cells from embryos left over from in vitro fertilisation but not from embryos created for research. Others have advocated a technical solution. Several techniques have been proposed for deriving embryonic stem cells, or their functional equivalents, without harming embryos. An example is the induced pluripotent stem cell technique. Through highlighting inconsistencies in the arguments for these positions, Devolder argues that the central tension in the embryonic stem cell debate remains unresolved. This conclusion has important implications for the stem cell debate, as well as for policies inspired by this debate.

The ethical issues in human stem cell research

The ethical issues in human stem cell research PDF Author:
Publisher: Nordic Council of Ministers
ISBN: 9789289306539
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 116

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Includes the introductory talks and a summary of the general discussion of a workshop arranged by the Nordic Committee on Bioethics and held Oct. 10-11, 2000--Introd.

Human Genome Editing

Human Genome Editing PDF Author: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309452880
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 329

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Genome editing is a powerful new tool for making precise alterations to an organism's genetic material. Recent scientific advances have made genome editing more efficient, precise, and flexible than ever before. These advances have spurred an explosion of interest from around the globe in the possible ways in which genome editing can improve human health. The speed at which these technologies are being developed and applied has led many policymakers and stakeholders to express concern about whether appropriate systems are in place to govern these technologies and how and when the public should be engaged in these decisions. Human Genome Editing considers important questions about the human application of genome editing including: balancing potential benefits with unintended risks, governing the use of genome editing, incorporating societal values into clinical applications and policy decisions, and respecting the inevitable differences across nations and cultures that will shape how and whether to use these new technologies. This report proposes criteria for heritable germline editing, provides conclusions on the crucial need for public education and engagement, and presents 7 general principles for the governance of human genome editing.

Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells

Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells PDF Author:
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080546161
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 577

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This volume covers all aspects of embryonic stem cell differentiation, including mouse embryonic stem cells, mouse embryonic germ cells, monkey and human embryonic stem cells, and gene discovery.* Early commitment steps and generation of chimeric mice* Differentiation to mesoderm derivatives* Gene discovery by manipulation of mouse embryonic stem cells