Sustainable Steel Buildings

Sustainable Steel Buildings PDF Author: Milan Veljkovic
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118740815
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 384

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Sustainable Steel Buildings reviews steel and its potential as a sustainable building material and shows how steel can be used to deliver buildings and structures with a high level of sustainability. The book's main focus is on the advantages and disadvantages of steel and how those characteristics can be used under a range of international certification systems (DGNB, LEED, BREEAM, openhouse etc).

Sustainable Steel Buildings

Sustainable Steel Buildings PDF Author: Milan Veljkovic
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118741110
Category : Architecture
Languages : de
Pages : 380

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Sustainable Steel Buildings betrachtet Stahl und seine Einsatzmöglichkeiten als nachhaltigen Konstruktionswerkstoff. Es bietet einen umfassenden Überblick hinsichtlich Nachhaltigkeit und zeigt auf, wie Stahl mit einem hohen Maß an Nachhaltigkeit für Gebäude genutzt werden kann. Das Buch konzentriert sich auf die Vor- und Nachteile von Stahl und wie diese Eigenschaften im Rahmen internationaler Zertifizierungssysteme eingesetzt werden können (DGNB, LEED, BREEAM, openhouse etc). Um ein möglichst umfassendes Spektrum abzudecken, behandelt das Buch die folgenden Themen: * Der Hintergrund nachhaltigen Bauens * Grundlagen einer ressourcenschonenden Bauweise * Methoden und Gestaltungsmittel für die Bereitstellung nachhaltiger Gebäude * Stahl und sein Abschneiden in Zertifizierungssystemen, sowohl Kriterien als auch werkstoffspezifische Antworten * Informationen und Daten hinsichtlich relevanter Stahlbauprodukte * Beispiele nachhaltiger Gebäude in Stahlbauweise.

Recent Trends in Cold-Formed Steel Construction

Recent Trends in Cold-Formed Steel Construction PDF Author: Cheng Yu
Publisher: Woodhead Publishing
ISBN: 0081001576
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 334

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Recent Trends in Cold-Formed Steel Construction discusses advancements in an area that has become an important construction material for buildings. The book addresses cutting-edge new technologies and design methods using cold-formed steel as a main structural material, and provides technical guidance on how to design and build sustainable and energy-efficient cold-formed steel buildings. Part One of the book introduces the codes, specifications, and design methods for cold-formed steel structures, while Part Two provides computational analysis of cold-formed steel structures. Part Three examines the structural performance of cold-formed steel buildings and reviews the thermal performance, acoustic performance, fire protection, floor vibrations, and blast resistance of these buildings, with a final section reviewing innovation and sustainability in cold-formed steel construction. - Addresses building sciences issues and provides performance solutions for cold-formed buildings - Provides guidance for using the next generation design method, computational tools, and technologies - Edited by an experienced researcher and educator with significant knowledge on new developments in cold-formed steel construction

Sustainable Buildings and Structures: Building a Sustainable Tomorrow

Sustainable Buildings and Structures: Building a Sustainable Tomorrow PDF Author: Konstantinos Papadikis
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1000767647
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 417

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Sustainable Buildings and Structures: Building a Sustainable Tomorrow collects the contributions presented at the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Buildings and Structures (Suzhou, China, 25-27 October 2019). The papers aim at sharing the state-of-the-art on sustainable approaches to engineering design and construction, and cover a wide range of topics: Sustainable Construction Materials Sustainable Design in Built Environment Green and Low Carbon Buildings Smart Construction and Construction Management Sustainable Buildings and Structures: Building a Sustainable Tomorrow will be of interest to academics, professionals, industry representatives and local government officials involved in civil engineering, architecture, urban planning, structural engineering, construction management and other relate fields.

Making Better Buildings

Making Better Buildings PDF Author: Chris Magwood
Publisher: New Society Publishers
ISBN: 0865717060
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 467

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Sustainable building from the ground up - the pros and cons of the latest green and natural materials and technologies

Steel Structures

Steel Structures PDF Author: Hassan Al Nageim
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1482263629
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 463

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The fourth edition of this popular steel structures book contains references to both Eurocodes and British Standards. All the material has been updated where necessary, and new and revised worked examples are included. Sections on the meaning, the purpose and limits of structural design, sustainable steel building and energy saving have been updated. The initial chapters cover the essentials of structural engineering and structural steel design. The remainder of the book is dedicated to a detail examination of the analysis and design of selected types of structures, presenting complex designs in an understandable and user-friendly way. These structures include a range of single and multi-storey buildings, floor systems and wide-span buildings. Each design example is illustrated with applications based on current Eurocodes or British Standard design data, thus assisting the reader to share in the environment of the design process that normally takes place in practical offices and develop real design skills. Two new chapters on the design of cased steel columns and plate girders with and without rigid end posts to EC4 & EC3 are included too. References have been fully updated and include useful website addresses. Emphasis is placed on practical design with a view to helping undergraduate students and newly qualified engineers bridge the gap between academic study and work in the design office. Practising engineers who need a refresher course on up-to-dates methods of design and analysis to EC3 and EC4 will also find the book useful, and numerous worked examples are included.

Green Building with Concrete

Green Building with Concrete PDF Author: Gajanan M. Sabnis
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1439812969
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 338

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With superior fire resistance, strength, and a long service life, concrete is the most widely used construction material in the world. A sustainable material, concrete is also easily and affordably reused and rehabilitated. The first book to provide an overview of sustainability and concrete, Green Building with Concrete: Sustainable Design and Construction surveys the material’s history in the green building movement and presents state-of-the-art methodologies and best practices. From the manufacturing of cement to the rehabilitation of concrete, this comprehensive book explains how concrete can be used for sustainable design and construction. It offers insight into new technological and social developments guiding the introduction of green buildings and examines the attributes that concrete has to offer the green building movement. The text also highlights research on economic analysis—particularly life cycle costing—to provide a full picture of the economic benefits of concrete. Expert contributors from around the world offer diverse viewpoints on global sustainability. Topics covered include: Principles of sustainable design Benefits of concrete’s thermal mass Mitigation of urban heat island effects Surface runoff and the application of pervious concrete for sidewalks and parking areas Reduction of construction waste Leadership in energy and environmental design (LEED) standards Emphasizing environmental impact and occupational and consumer health and safety, this book explains how to make the most of concrete in sustainable design. Written for university and concrete industry continuing education courses, it also serves as a reference for building owners and industry professionals who recognize the value of green building.

Building Reuse

Building Reuse PDF Author: Kathryn Rogers Merlino
Publisher: University of Washington Press
ISBN: 0295742356
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 233

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How to reimagine existing buildings to create a more sustainable future The construction and operation of buildings is responsible for 41 percent of all primary energy use and 48 percent of all carbon emissions, and the impact of the demolition and removal of an older building can greatly diminish the advantages of adding green technologies to new construction. In Building Reuse, Kathryn Rogers Merlino makes an impassioned case that truly sustainable design requires reusing and reimagining existing buildings. Additionally, Merlino calls for a more expansive view of preservation that goes beyond keeping only the most distinctive structures based on their historical and cultural significance to embrace the creative reuse of even unremarkable buildings for their environmental value. Building Reuse includes a compelling range of case studies—from a private home to an eighteen-story office building—all located in the Pacific Northwest, a region with a long history of sustainable design and urban growth policies that have made reuse projects feasible. Reusing existing buildings can be challenging to accomplish, but changing the way we think about environmentally conscious architecture has the potential to significantly reduce energy consumption, carbon emissions, and waste.

Sustainable Materials in Building Construction

Sustainable Materials in Building Construction PDF Author: J. M. P. Q. Delgado
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030468003
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 168

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This book presents a selection of recent research works that provide best practice solutions, case studies and practical advice on the implementation of sustainable construction techniques. The topics covered include innovations in building sustainability assessment, sustainable construction and materials, service-life prediction, construction 4.0, digitalization of the construction process, and circular economy. Reviewing the current state of knowledge, the book will benefit scientists, students, practitioners, lecturers and other interested parties in a range of scientific and engineering disciplines, e.g. civil, materials and mechanical engineering.

Sustainable Steel Buildings

Sustainable Steel Buildings PDF Author: Milan Veljkovic
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118740815
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 384

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Book Description
Sustainable Steel Buildings reviews steel and its potential as a sustainable building material and shows how steel can be used to deliver buildings and structures with a high level of sustainability. The book's main focus is on the advantages and disadvantages of steel and how those characteristics can be used under a range of international certification systems (DGNB, LEED, BREEAM, openhouse etc).

Sustainable Materials without the hot air

Sustainable Materials without the hot air PDF Author: Julian Allwood
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
ISBN: 1906860696
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 415

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Book Description
Now in its second edition, Sustainable Materials shows how we can greatly reduce the amount of material demanded and used in manufacturing, while still meeting everyone's needs. Materials, transformed from natural resources into the buildings, equipment, vehicles and goods that underpin our remarkable lifestyle, are made with amazing efficiency. But our growing demand is not sustainable. Production of just five materials – steel, aluminium, paper, plastics and cement – accounts for 55% of industrial emissions, and demand for materials will double by 2050. Can we continue to live well but use less materials? So far people have considered the problem with only one eye open, hoping for a magic solution (such as carbon capture and storage). But with both eyes open we have a whole new set of options. Rather than making more materials, we can use them more wisely – with less material, keeping them for longer, re-using their parts and more. These options make a huge difference: we really could set up our children with a more sustainable life, without compromising our own. Sustainable Materials faces up to the impacts of making materials in the 21st century. Drawing on their experiences working with innovative materials as well as the facts and findings of their research, Julian Allwood and Jonathan Cullen provide an evidence-based vision of change that will allow us to make our future more sustainable. Packed with hundreds of colour photos and helpful graphs and diagrams, Sustainable Materials provides a thorough analysis of the problems that we face through wasteful attitudes and the growing demand for materials, as well as an evaluation of practical and achievable solutions for the future. The first edition of this optimistic and richly-informed book was listed as one of Bill Gate's top reads in 2015, and was also chosen as an Outstanding Academic Title by ACRL Choice magazine. This up-to-date, revised edition is perfect for anyone with an interest in sustainability.