Supply Chain Risk Management

Supply Chain Risk Management PDF Author: Gregory L. Schlegel
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1482205971
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 338

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You don’t have to outrun the bear ... you just have to outrun the other guy. Often in business we only have to run a bit faster than our competitors to be successful. The same is true in risk management. While we would always like to anticipate and prevent risk from happening, when risk events do occur being faster, flexible, and more responsive than others can make a world of difference. Supply Chain Risk Management: An Emerging Discipline gives you the tools and expertise to do just that. While the focus of the book is on how you can react better and faster than the others, the text also helps you understand how to prevent certain risks from happening in the first place. The authors detail a risk management framework that helps you reduce the costs associated with risk, protect your brand and reputation, ensure positive financial outcomes, and develop visible, predictable, resilient, and sustainable supply chains. They provide access to a cloud-based, end-to-end supply chain risk assessment "Heat Map" that illustrates the maturity of the chain through the various stages. It should not come as a surprise to anyone that the world is a riskier place than it was just 15 years ago. A survey used to calculate the Allianz Risk Barometer recently concluded for the first time that supply chain risk is now the top concern of global insurance providers. For most organizations this new reality requires major adjustments, some of which will not be easy. This book helps you understand the emerging discipline called supply chain risk management. It explains the relevant concepts, supplies a wide variety of tools and approaches to help your organization stay ahead of its competitors, and takes a look at future directions in risk management—all in a clear, concise presentation that gives you practical advice and helps you develop actionable strategies.

Supply Chain Risk

Supply Chain Risk PDF Author: John Manners-Bell
Publisher: Kogan Page Publishers
ISBN: 0749471115
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 262

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Risk is at the very core of supply chain theory and is at the heart of every decision-making process. Supply chain risk is now becoming everyone's responsibility and over the last two years has become more important than ever, making its presence on the boardroom agenda of most big companies. Supply Chain Risk assesses the various sources of external threat to the supply chain and how multinational corporations should be dealing with them at a strategic level. In this book John Manners-Bell clearly shows how to implement risk strategies that minimize, even completely eliminate, supply chain risk, and outlines how to build resilient supply chains. Supply Chain Risk includes case studies of best practice and cites examples of when and how things go wrong. Each case study describes the company's supply chain strategy and production/sourcing strategy, outlines the catastrophic event which occurred, including the supply chain consequences and material losses, the management response, and resultant changes to company supply chain strategy. The book is accompanied by invaluable downloadable online resources, including a survey on companies' attitudes to supply chain risk. Supply Chain Risk has won the ACA-Bruel Special Mention prize for its contribution to the development of leading new concepts and methods in purchasing and supply chain. The prize is organised by the Association of Purchasing and Supply Chain (CESA) of HEC School of Management in Paris. Highly accessible with real practical application, Supply Chain Risk is for supply chain managers and anyone interfacing with the supply chain.

Handbook for Supply Chain Risk Management

Handbook for Supply Chain Risk Management PDF Author: Omera Khan
Publisher: J. Ross Publishing
ISBN: 1604270381
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 273

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“This book provides a valuable resource for all those who seek to understand the sources of supply chain risk and provides powerful insights into how that risk might be mitigated.” — Martin Christopher, Emeritus Professor of Marketing & Logistics, Cranfield School of Management, UK “This handbook is perfectly balanced with academic theory and real-world best practices making it a useful resource for both supply chain practitioners and students of the trade.” — Sean S. Murphy, President and CEO, Lootok “This book provides practitioners and students with an overview of good supply chain risk management practices, nicely illustrated with a diverse set of case examples.” — Stephan M. Wagner, Ph.D., Professor and Chair of Logistics Management, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich) Recent business trends, and practices, coupled with unpredictable external events have made many firms much more vulnerable to supply chain risk and disruptions than in the past. The Handbook for Supply Chain Risk Management offers the first comprehensive collection of diverse practices executives and practitioners in most any industry can adopt to proactively manage supply chain risks and improve their overall business performance.Key Features • Delivers valuable insights from 30 international contributing authors • Provides comprehensive coverage of current and future supply chain risks such as globalization, outsourcing, Lean initiatives, information security, natural disasters, political upheaval and economic recession • Includes a wide variety of cases from various industries demonstrating effective approaches useful for benchmarking, reducing the chance and financial impact of risk, and for creating a more robust and resilient firm in the face of supply chain risk • Supplies practitioners with a set of best practices, processes, tools, and techniques supported by illustrative examples • WAV offers downloadable instructional materials — available from the Web Added Value™ Download Resource Center at

Supply Chain Risk

Supply Chain Risk PDF Author: George A. Zsidisin
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 0387799346
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 351

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Risk is of fundamental importance in this era of the global economy. Supply chains must into account the uncertainty of demand. Moreover, the risk of uncertain demand can cut two ways: (1) there is the risk that unexpected demand will not be met on time, and the reverse problem (2) the risk that demand is over estimated and excessive inventory costs are incurred. There are other risks in unreliable vendors, delayed shipments, natural disasters, etc. In short, there are a host of strategic, tactical and operational risks to business supply chains. Supply Chain Risk: A Handbook of Assessment, Management, and Performance will focus on how to assess, evaluate, and control these various risks.

Structural Dynamics and Resilience in Supply Chain Risk Management

Structural Dynamics and Resilience in Supply Chain Risk Management PDF Author: Dmitry Ivanov
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319693050
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 332

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This book offers an introduction to structural dynamics, ripple effect and resilience in supply chain disruption risk management for larger audiences. In the management section, without relying heavily on mathematical derivations, the book offers state-of-the-art concepts and methods to tackle supply chain disruption risks and designing resilient supply chains in a simple, predictable format to make it easy to understand for students and professionals with both management and engineering background. In the technical section, the book constitutes structural dynamics control methods for supply chain management. Real-life problems are modelled and solved with the help of mathematical programming, discrete-event simulation, optimal control theory, and fuzzy logic. The book derives practical recommendations for management decision-making with disruption risk in the following areas: How to estimate the impact of possible disruptions on performance in the pro-active stage? How to generate efficient and effective stabilization and recovery policies? When does one failure trigger an adjacent set of failures? Which supply chain structures are particular sensitive to ripple effect? How to measure the disruption risks in the supply chain?

Supply Chain Risk Management

Supply Chain Risk Management PDF Author: Donald Waters
Publisher: Kogan Page Publishers
ISBN: 0749464267
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 264

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Vulnerability to sudden supply chain disruption is one of the major threats facing companies today. The challenge for businesses today is to mitigate this risk through creating resilient supply chains. Addressing this need, Supply Chain Risk Management guides you through the whole risk management process from start to finish. Using jargon-free language, this accessible book covers the fundamentals of managing risk in supply chains. From identifying the risks to developing and implementing a risk management strategy, this essential text covers everything you need to know about this critical topic. It assesses the growing impact of risk on supply chains, how to plan for and manage disruptions and disasters, and how to mitigate their effects. It examines a whole range of risks to supply chains, from traffic congestion to major environmental disasters. Highly practical, Supply Chain Risk Management provides a range of useful tables, diagrams and tools and is interspersed with real life case study examples from leading companies, including Nokia, IBM, and BP. The 2nd edition has been completely revised with brand new case studies on the Chilean Mining Disaster and BP oil spill.

Safety And Quality Management In Food Supply Chain

Safety And Quality Management In Food Supply Chain PDF Author: K.P. Sudheer
Publisher: New India Publishing Agency
ISBN: 9389571839
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 6

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Food safety and quality is a matter of international significance and a responsibility of food processors and governments in the global food supply chain. Technological interventions in food quality analysis and safety detection are advancing at tremendous rates. A comprehensive documentation to create awareness, to implement strategies and to fill up the void in research and development in safety of foods of plant and animal origin is a long standing demand of scientific and industrial communities. In this context, it is essential that the current procedures and protocols in the areas of safety and quality analysis/detection be made available in an easy to read format for the benefit of the students, analysts and researchers. The disciplinary background of the contributors range from Food Engineering, Post-harvest Technology, Food technology, Food Microbiology, Meat Technology, Veterinary Public health, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Food Packaging and Quality management, to Community science. It covers the most common and new techniques in safety and quality analysis while addressing the relevant food safety and quality issues. Besides compiling the safety aspects of various food products viz: cereals, fruits and vegetables, milk, meat, fish, water, bakery and confectionery, this book also documents the rules, regulation and certification associated with food industry. We are sure this book will be a good reading material for academia and industry in food processing sector.

Supply Chain Disruptions

Supply Chain Disruptions PDF Author: Haresh Gurnani
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 0857297783
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 339

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One of the most critical issues facing supply chain managers in today’s globalized and highly uncertain business environments is how to deal proactively with disruptions that might affect the complicated supply networks characterizing modern enterprises. Supply Chain Disruptions: Theory and Practice of Managing Risk presents a state-of the-art perspective on this particular issue. Supply Chain Disruptions: Theory and Practice of Managing Risk demonstrates that effective management of supply disruptions necessitates both strategic and tactical measures – the former involving optimal design of supply networks; the latter involving inventory, finance and demand management. It shows that managers ought to use all available levers at their disposal throughout the supply network – like sourcing and pricing strategies, providing financial subsidies, encouraging information sharing and incentive alignment between supply chain partners – in order to tackle supply disruptions. The editors combine up-to-date academic research with the latest operational risk management practices used in industry to demonstrate how theoreticians and practitioners can learn from each other. As well as providing a wealth of knowledge for students and professors who are interested in pursuing research or teaching courses in the rapidly growing area of supply chain risk management, Supply Chain Disruptions: Theory and Practice of Managing Risk also acts as a ready reference for practitioners who are interested in understanding the theoretical underpinnings of effective supply disruption management techniques.

Contract and Risk Management for Supply Chain Management Professionals

Contract and Risk Management for Supply Chain Management Professionals PDF Author: X. Paul Humbert
ISBN: 9780615956718
Category : Business logistics
Languages : en
Pages : 312

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What Will This Book Do for You? This book provides a survival manual for anyone involved in the crafting, structuring, negotiating, supporting or managing contracts involving commercial transactions of goods, services or both. It blends the practical with general legal principles and highlights best practices for supply chain professionals and anyone else involved, directly or indirectly, with the generation or management of contracts from cradle-to-grave. Even commercially wise and sophisticated organizations can be untrained and unaware of certain gaps and traps in the management of their contracts. This book addresses those pitfalls and provides lessons learned and guidance that are not typically taught at the college or even graduate school level. Experience can be hard and expensive to come by and this book provides a concentrated dose of experience that immediately raises the reader's level of sophistication and awareness for gaps and traps while providing practical solutions to pitfalls that can haunt any organization. Left unchecked, these pitfalls can lead to dysfunction and confusion; both of which can be an expensive proposition in today's competitive and uncertain economic environment. Who Should Use this Book? Supply Chain Management Professionals, Risk Managers, Insurance Experts, Project Managers, Purchasing Agents, Contract Administrators, Executives and any business or technical professionals who are involved with developing, managing or implementing projects, purchases or any complex transaction or procurement where cost, schedule and scope certainty are important. What Does This Book Cover? This book covers how the relationship of the parties affects commercial transactions and addresses the importance of upholding the integrity of the process and the contract by understanding key supply chain best practices. The book focuses on contracting strategies and approaches including how to structure requests for proposals and instructions to bidders as well as key considerations in pricing and pricing adjustments, risk management tools and techniques, the importance of defining the deliverables and outcomes, negotiation strategies and techniques, negotiating warranties and remedies, applying leadership and influencing skills to the process, how to implement sound change management as well as capturing and applying past lessons learned. In addition, special attention is given to the importance of sound "kick off" and "close out", including termination for cause or convenience techniques and other best practices.

Global Supply Chain Quality Management

Global Supply Chain Quality Management PDF Author: Barbara B. Flynn
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1439815569
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 416

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This book draws together key insights from the relevant literature across diverse disciplines and presents detailed research case studies of six extended global supply chains in three industries: toys, food, and pharmaceuticals. These case studies cover U.S. companies with supply chains that extend into China and include the perspectives of U.S. and Chinese executives. The book then presents a conceptual model that synthesizes the literature and case studies, and describes the ways in which alternative product recall strategies influence consumers' perception of an organization's corporate social legitimacy and consumers' future purchasing behaviors.