Stereoselective Alkene Synthesis

Stereoselective Alkene Synthesis PDF Author: Jianbo Wang
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 364231824X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 283

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Stereoselective Synthesis of Tetrasubstituted Alkenes via Torquoselectivity-Controlled Olefination of Carbonyl Compounds with Ynolates, by Mitsuru Shindo and Kenji Matsumoto.- Stereoselective Synthesis of Z-Alkenes, by Woon-Yew Siau, Yao Zhang and Yu Zhao.- Stereoselective Synthesis of Mono-fluoroalkenes, by Shoji Hara.- Recent Advances in Stereoselective Synthesis of 1,3-Dienes, by Michael De Paolis, Isabelle Chataigner and Jacques Maddaluno.- Selective Olefination of Carbonyl Compounds via Metal-Catalyzed Carbene Transfer from Diazo Reagents, by Yang Hu and X. Peter Zhang.- Selective Alkene Metathesis in the Total Synthesis of Complex Natural Product, by Xiaoguang Lei and Houhua Li.- Olefination Reactions of Phosphorus-Stabilized Carbon Nucleophiles, by Yonghong Gu and Shi-Kai Tian.- Alkene Synthesis Through Transition Metal-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling of N-Tosylhydrazones, by Yan Zhang and Jianbo Wang.

Stereoselective Alkene Synthesis

Stereoselective Alkene Synthesis PDF Author: Jianbo Wang
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 364231824X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 283

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Book Description
Stereoselective Synthesis of Tetrasubstituted Alkenes via Torquoselectivity-Controlled Olefination of Carbonyl Compounds with Ynolates, by Mitsuru Shindo and Kenji Matsumoto.- Stereoselective Synthesis of Z-Alkenes, by Woon-Yew Siau, Yao Zhang and Yu Zhao.- Stereoselective Synthesis of Mono-fluoroalkenes, by Shoji Hara.- Recent Advances in Stereoselective Synthesis of 1,3-Dienes, by Michael De Paolis, Isabelle Chataigner and Jacques Maddaluno.- Selective Olefination of Carbonyl Compounds via Metal-Catalyzed Carbene Transfer from Diazo Reagents, by Yang Hu and X. Peter Zhang.- Selective Alkene Metathesis in the Total Synthesis of Complex Natural Product, by Xiaoguang Lei and Houhua Li.- Olefination Reactions of Phosphorus-Stabilized Carbon Nucleophiles, by Yonghong Gu and Shi-Kai Tian.- Alkene Synthesis Through Transition Metal-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling of N-Tosylhydrazones, by Yan Zhang and Jianbo Wang.

Classics in Stereoselective Synthesis

Classics in Stereoselective Synthesis PDF Author: Erick M. Carreira
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 9783527324521
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 664

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Die wichtigsten und nützlichsten Methoden der modernen stereoselektiven Synthese sind in diesem Band zusammengefasst. Viele anschauliche Beispiele für die Darstellung von Wirkstoffen und Naturstoffen regen zur gezielten Abwandlung und Integration in eigene Synthesewege an. Dabei geht es den Autoren weniger darum, das Gebiet in seiner Gesamtheit darzustellen; vielmehr versuchen sie, die wirklich grundlegenden Ansätze auszuwählen, die jeder organische Synthesechemiker kennen und anwenden sollte.

Organic Syntheses Based on Name Reactions and Unnamed Reactions

Organic Syntheses Based on Name Reactions and Unnamed Reactions PDF Author: Alfred Hassner
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 1483287343
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 462

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Synthetically useful organic reactions or reagents are often referred to by the name of the discoverer(s) or developer(s). Older name reactions are described in text books, but more recently developed synthetically useful reactions that may have been associated occasionally with a name are not always well known. For neither of the above are experimental procedures or references easy to find. In this monograph approximately 500 name reactions are included, of which over 200 represent newer name reactions and modern reagents. Each of these reactions are extremely useful for the contemporary organic chemistry researcher in industry or academic institutions. This book provides the information in an easily accessible form. In addition to seminal references and reviews, one or more examples for each name reaction are provided and a complete typical experimental procedure is included, to enable the student or researcher to immediately evaluate reaction conditions. Besides an alphabetical listing of reactions and reagents, cross references permit the organic practitioner to find those name reactions or reagents that enable specific transformations, such as, conversion of amines to nitriles, stereoselective reduction, fluoroalkylation, phenol alkynylation, asymmetric syntheses, allylic alkylation, nucleoside synthesis, cyclopentanation, hydrozirconation, to name a few. Emphasis has been placed on stereoselective and regioselective transformations as well as on enantioselective processes. The listing of reactions and reagents is supported by four indexes.

Dienamine Catalysis for Organic Synthesis

Dienamine Catalysis for Organic Synthesis PDF Author: Kengadarane Anebouselvy
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
ISBN: 1782620907
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 220

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In the last decade a new era in asymmetric catalysis has been realised by the discovery of L-proline induced chiral enamines from carbonyls. Inspired by this, researchers have developed many other primary catalytic species in situ, more recently secondary catalytic species such as aminals have been identified for use in asymmetric synthesis. High-yielding asymmetric synthesis of bioactive and natural products through mild catalysis is an efficient approach in reaction engineering. In the early days, synthetic chemists mainly focused on the synthesis of complex molecules, with less attention on the reaction efficiency and eco-friendly conditions. Recent investigations have been directed towards the development of atom economy, eco-friendly and enantioselective synthesis for more targeted and efficient synthesis. Building on the momentum of this rapidly expanding research area, Dienamine catalysis for organic synthesis will provide a comprehensive introduction, from the preformed species, in situ generation and onto their applications in the synthesis of bioactive molecules and natural products.

Metal Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions and More

Metal Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions and More PDF Author: Armin de Meijere
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 3527655603
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 1640

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This three volume book is the follow-up handbook to the bestselling volume "Metal-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions", the definitive reference in the field. In line with the enormous developments in this area, this is not a new edition, but rather a new book in three volumes with over 50% more content. This new content includes C-H activation, shifting the focus away from typical cross-coupling reactions, while those topics and chapters found in de Meijere/Diederich's book have been updated and expanded. With its highly experienced editor team and the list of authors reading like an international Who's-Who in the field, this work will be of great interest to every synthetic chemist working in academia and industry.

Advanced Organic Chemistry

Advanced Organic Chemistry PDF Author: Francis A. Carey
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9780306462450
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 988

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Concentrating on the most important reactions used for organic synthesis, this upper-level textbook presents the material by reaction type. The final chapter discusses the planning and execution of multi-step synthesis.

Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds

Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds PDF Author: V.K. Ahluwalia
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030849619
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 615

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This textbook provides a simple approach to understand the various complex aspects of stereochemistry. It deals with basic static stereochemistry and gives an overview of the different isomeric forms and nomenclatures. With simple writing style and many examples, this book covers the topics such as stereochemistry of hydrocarbons, alkenes, cycloalkenes, optically active compounds, trivalent carbon, fused, bridged and caged rings and related compounds. This textbook also covers the additional topics such as optical rotatory dispersion and circular dichroism, steroechemistry of elimination reactions, substitution reactions, rearrangement reactions and pericyclic reactions. The book includes pedagogical features like end-of-chapter problems and key concepts to help students in self-learning. The textbook is extremely useful for the senior undergraduate and postgraduate students pursuing course in chemistry, especially organic chemistry. Besides, this book will also be a useful reference book for professionals working in various chemical industries, biotechnology, bioscience and pharmacy.

Strategic Applications of Named Reactions in Organic Synthesis

Strategic Applications of Named Reactions in Organic Synthesis PDF Author: Laszlo Kurti
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080575412
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 808

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Kurti and Czako have produced an indispensable tool for specialists and non-specialists in organic chemistry. This innovative reference work includes 250 organic reactions and their strategic use in the synthesis of complex natural and unnatural products. Reactions are thoroughly discussed in a convenient, two-page layout--using full color. Its comprehensive coverage, superb organization, quality of presentation, and wealth of references, make this a necessity for every organic chemist. - The first reference work on named reactions to present colored schemes for easier understanding - 250 frequently used named reactions are presented in a convenient two-page layout with numerous examples - An opening list of abbreviations includes both structures and chemical names - Contains more than 10,000 references grouped by seminal papers, reviews, modifications, and theoretical works - Appendices list reactions in order of discovery, group by contemporary usage, and provide additional study tools - Extensive index quickly locates information using words found in text and drawings

Modern Synthesis Processes and Reactivity of Fluorinated Compounds

Modern Synthesis Processes and Reactivity of Fluorinated Compounds PDF Author: Henri Groult
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0128037903
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 792

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Modern Synthesis Processes and Reactivity of Fluorinated Compounds focuses on the exceptional character of fluorine and fluorinated compounds. This comprehensive work explores examples taken from all classes of fluorine chemistry and illustrates the extreme reactivity of fluorinating media and the peculiar synthesis routes to fluorinated materials. The book provides advanced and updated information on the latest synthesis routes to fluorocompounds and the involved reaction mechanisms. Special attention is given to the unique reactivity of fluorine and fluorinated media, along with the correlation of those properties to valuable applications of fluorinated compounds. - Contains quality content edited, and contributed, by leading scholars in the field - Presents applied guidance on the preparation of original fluorinated compounds, potentially transferable from the lab scale to industrial applications - Provides practical synthesis information for a wide audience interested in fluorine compounds in many branches of chemistry, materials science, and physics

Side Reactions in Organic Synthesis

Side Reactions in Organic Synthesis PDF Author: Florencio Zaragoza Dörwald
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 3527604987
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 389

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Most syntheses in the chemical research laboratory fail and usually require several attempts before proceeding satisfactorily. Failed syntheses are not only discouraging and frustrating, but also cost a lot of time and money. Many failures may, however, be avoided by understanding the structure-reactivity relationship of organic compounds. This textbook highlights the competing processes and limitations of the most important reactions used in organic synthesis. By allowing chemists to quickly recognize potential problems this book will help to improve their efficiency and success-rate. A must for every graduate student but also for every chemist in industry and academia. Contents: 1 Organic Synthesis: General Remarks 2 Stereoelectronic Effects and Reactivity 3 The Stability of Organic Compounds 4 Aliphatic Nucleophilic Substitutions: Problematic Electrophiles 5 The Alkylation of Carbanions 6 The Alkylation of Heteroatoms 7 The Acylation of Heteroatoms 8 Palladium-Catalyzed C-C Bond Formation 9 Cyclizations 10 Monofunctionalization of Symmetric Difunctional Substrates