Author: Andreas Genoni
Publisher: Verlag Barbara Budrich
ISBN: 3847417320
Category : Social Science
Languages : de
Pages : 182
Book Description
Die Identität von Migrant*innen und ihre Zugehörigkeit zu einer Minderheit oder zur Mehrheitsgesellschaft ist ein kontroverses politisches Thema, das Einblicke in die Herausforderungen der Integration und des sozialen Zusammenhalts bietet. Ausgehend von einem zweidimensionalen Modell der ethnischen Identität fragt das Buch nach der Rolle des sozialen Status für die Identifikation von Migrant*innen mit ihrer Herkunftsgruppe und der Mehrheitsbevölkerung. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf Unterschieden zwischen den Generationen, der Sichtbarkeit von Migrant*innen, der Diskrepanz zwischen den Status und der Situation im Aufnahmeland. Die Ergebnisse zeigen Formen ethnischer Identität, die über die klassische Annahme der gegenseitigen Ausschließlichkeit hinausgehen, was auf eine Minderheitenidentität bei Migrant*innen mit niedrigem Status und eine Mehrheitsidentität bei Migranten mit hohem Status hindeutet.
Status and Ethnic Identity
Ethnic Identity and Power
Author: Yali Zou
Publisher: State University of New York Press
ISBN: 1438424884
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 470
Book Description
The relationship between ethnic identity and power has important consequences in a modern world that is changing rapidly through global immigration trends. Studies of ethnic/racial conflict of ethnic identity and power become necessarily studies of political power, social status, school achievement, and allocation of resources. The recognition of power by an ethnic group, however, creates a competition for control and a rivalry for power over public arenas, such as schools. In this context this book provides interesting and important insights into the dilemmas faced by immigrants and members of ethnic groups, by school personnel, and by policy makers. The first part of the book consists of comparative studies of ethnic identity. The second part focuses directly on some of the lessons learned from social science research on ethnic identification and the critical study of equity, with its implications for pedagogy. An interdisciplinary group of scholars offers profoundly honest and stimulating accounts of their struggles to decipher self-identification processes in various political contexts, as well as their personal reflections on the study of ethnicity. A powerful message emerges that invites reflection about self-identification processes, and that allows a deeper understanding of the empowering consequences of a clear and strong personal, cultural, ethnic, and social identity. These pages offer a keen grasp of the undeniable political contexts of education.
Publisher: State University of New York Press
ISBN: 1438424884
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 470
Book Description
The relationship between ethnic identity and power has important consequences in a modern world that is changing rapidly through global immigration trends. Studies of ethnic/racial conflict of ethnic identity and power become necessarily studies of political power, social status, school achievement, and allocation of resources. The recognition of power by an ethnic group, however, creates a competition for control and a rivalry for power over public arenas, such as schools. In this context this book provides interesting and important insights into the dilemmas faced by immigrants and members of ethnic groups, by school personnel, and by policy makers. The first part of the book consists of comparative studies of ethnic identity. The second part focuses directly on some of the lessons learned from social science research on ethnic identification and the critical study of equity, with its implications for pedagogy. An interdisciplinary group of scholars offers profoundly honest and stimulating accounts of their struggles to decipher self-identification processes in various political contexts, as well as their personal reflections on the study of ethnicity. A powerful message emerges that invites reflection about self-identification processes, and that allows a deeper understanding of the empowering consequences of a clear and strong personal, cultural, ethnic, and social identity. These pages offer a keen grasp of the undeniable political contexts of education.
The Legal Status and Perspectives of Ethnic Minorities in European States
Author: Magdalena Butrymowicz
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield
ISBN: 179364604X
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 223
Book Description
The way we exist in society defines our place in its social structures and reaffirms our belonging, identity, and dignity. Europe is a continent characterized by many internal conflicts and ongoing struggles inside societies. The battlefield is society itself, where state law clashes with ethnic law over the very identity of society. Exploring debates from Scandinavia to Spain about the religious and political autonomy and freedom, this book explains that the violation of the rights of ethnic minorities and indigenous peoples, such as the Sami and Basque peoples, remains a problem in Europe. In addition to these political conflicts, Magdalena Butrymowicz analyzes the legal and religious culture within minority ethnic structures themselves. Ultimately, this book raises timely questions about the balance between state control and legal autonomy for ethnic minorities across Europe advocating for a new definition of ethnic law as the right of ethnic minorities, creating their legal and ethnic identity. The book will interest anyone exploring the dynamic between European states and the ethnic minorities that live in them.
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield
ISBN: 179364604X
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 223
Book Description
The way we exist in society defines our place in its social structures and reaffirms our belonging, identity, and dignity. Europe is a continent characterized by many internal conflicts and ongoing struggles inside societies. The battlefield is society itself, where state law clashes with ethnic law over the very identity of society. Exploring debates from Scandinavia to Spain about the religious and political autonomy and freedom, this book explains that the violation of the rights of ethnic minorities and indigenous peoples, such as the Sami and Basque peoples, remains a problem in Europe. In addition to these political conflicts, Magdalena Butrymowicz analyzes the legal and religious culture within minority ethnic structures themselves. Ultimately, this book raises timely questions about the balance between state control and legal autonomy for ethnic minorities across Europe advocating for a new definition of ethnic law as the right of ethnic minorities, creating their legal and ethnic identity. The book will interest anyone exploring the dynamic between European states and the ethnic minorities that live in them.
Studying Ethnic Identity
Author: Carlos E. Santos
Publisher: Amer Psychological Assn
ISBN: 9781433819797
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 256
Book Description
In this book, social and applied scientists from a wide range of fields investigate the process by which ethnic identity is formed and maintained throughout the lifespan.
Publisher: Amer Psychological Assn
ISBN: 9781433819797
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 256
Book Description
In this book, social and applied scientists from a wide range of fields investigate the process by which ethnic identity is formed and maintained throughout the lifespan.
Embodying Inequality
Author: Nancy Krieger
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1351844598
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 512
Book Description
To advance the epidemiological analysis of social inequalities in health, and of the ways in which population distributions of disease, disability, and death reflect embodied expressions of social inequality, this volume draws on articles published in the "International Journal of Health Services" between 1990 and 2000. Framed by ecosocial theory, it employs ecosocial constructs of "embodiment"; "pathways of embodiment"; "cumulative interplay of exposure, susceptibility, and resistance across the lifecourse"; and "accountability and agency" to address the question; and who and what drives current and changing patterns of social inequalities in health.
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1351844598
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 512
Book Description
To advance the epidemiological analysis of social inequalities in health, and of the ways in which population distributions of disease, disability, and death reflect embodied expressions of social inequality, this volume draws on articles published in the "International Journal of Health Services" between 1990 and 2000. Framed by ecosocial theory, it employs ecosocial constructs of "embodiment"; "pathways of embodiment"; "cumulative interplay of exposure, susceptibility, and resistance across the lifecourse"; and "accountability and agency" to address the question; and who and what drives current and changing patterns of social inequalities in health.
Ethnic Identity
Author: Richard D. Alba
Publisher: Yale University Press
ISBN: 9780300052213
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 398
Book Description
Examines the implications of intermarriages between white Americans of differing ethnic backgrounds and looks at this new culture
Publisher: Yale University Press
ISBN: 9780300052213
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 398
Book Description
Examines the implications of intermarriages between white Americans of differing ethnic backgrounds and looks at this new culture
White Nativism, Ethnic Identity and US Immigration Policy Reforms
Author: Maria del Mar Farina
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 131530709X
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 365
Book Description
Analysing US immigration and deportation policy over the last twenty years, this book illustrates how US immigration reform can be conceived as a psychological, legal, policy-driven tool which is inexorably entwined with themes of American identity, national belonging and white nativism. Focusing on Hispanic immigration and American-born children of Mexican parentage, the author examines how engrained, historical, individual and collective social constructions and psychological processes, related to identity formation can play an instrumental role in influencing political and legal processes. It is argued that contemporary American immigration policy reforms need to be conceptualized as a complex, conscious and unconscious White Nativist psychological, legal, defence mechanism related to identity preservation and contestation. Whilst building on existing theoretical frameworks, the author offers new empirical evidence on immigration processes and policy within the United States as well as original research involving the acculturation and identity development of children of Mexican immigrant parentage. It brings together themes of race, ethnicity and American national identity under a new integrated sociopolitical and psychological framework examining macro and micro implications of recent US immigration policy reform. Subsequently this book will have broad appeal for academics, professionals and students who have an interest in political psychology, childhood studies, American immigration policy, constructions of national identity, critical race and ethnic studies, and the Mexican diaspora.
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 131530709X
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 365
Book Description
Analysing US immigration and deportation policy over the last twenty years, this book illustrates how US immigration reform can be conceived as a psychological, legal, policy-driven tool which is inexorably entwined with themes of American identity, national belonging and white nativism. Focusing on Hispanic immigration and American-born children of Mexican parentage, the author examines how engrained, historical, individual and collective social constructions and psychological processes, related to identity formation can play an instrumental role in influencing political and legal processes. It is argued that contemporary American immigration policy reforms need to be conceptualized as a complex, conscious and unconscious White Nativist psychological, legal, defence mechanism related to identity preservation and contestation. Whilst building on existing theoretical frameworks, the author offers new empirical evidence on immigration processes and policy within the United States as well as original research involving the acculturation and identity development of children of Mexican immigrant parentage. It brings together themes of race, ethnicity and American national identity under a new integrated sociopolitical and psychological framework examining macro and micro implications of recent US immigration policy reform. Subsequently this book will have broad appeal for academics, professionals and students who have an interest in political psychology, childhood studies, American immigration policy, constructions of national identity, critical race and ethnic studies, and the Mexican diaspora.
Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?
Author: Beverly Daniel Tatum
Publisher: Basic Books
ISBN: 1541616588
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 476
Book Description
The classic, New York Times-bestselling book on the psychology of racism that shows us how to talk about race in America. Walk into any racially mixed high school and you will see Black, White, and Latino youth clustered in their own groups. Is this self-segregation a problem to address or a coping strategy? How can we get past our reluctance to discuss racial issues? Beverly Daniel Tatum, a renowned authority on the psychology of racism, argues that straight talk about our racial identities is essential if we are serious about communicating across racial and ethnic divides and pursuing antiracism. These topics have only become more urgent as the national conversation about race is increasingly acrimonious. This fully revised edition is essential reading for anyone seeking to understand dynamics of race and racial inequality in America.
Publisher: Basic Books
ISBN: 1541616588
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 476
Book Description
The classic, New York Times-bestselling book on the psychology of racism that shows us how to talk about race in America. Walk into any racially mixed high school and you will see Black, White, and Latino youth clustered in their own groups. Is this self-segregation a problem to address or a coping strategy? How can we get past our reluctance to discuss racial issues? Beverly Daniel Tatum, a renowned authority on the psychology of racism, argues that straight talk about our racial identities is essential if we are serious about communicating across racial and ethnic divides and pursuing antiracism. These topics have only become more urgent as the national conversation about race is increasingly acrimonious. This fully revised edition is essential reading for anyone seeking to understand dynamics of race and racial inequality in America.
Ethnic Identity
Author: Lola Romanucci-Ross
Publisher: Rowman Altamira
ISBN: 9780761991113
Category : Afro-Americans
Languages : en
Pages : 406
Book Description
Disscusses ethnic identity in contemporary subjects
Publisher: Rowman Altamira
ISBN: 9780761991113
Category : Afro-Americans
Languages : en
Pages : 406
Book Description
Disscusses ethnic identity in contemporary subjects
Struggle for Ethnic Identity
Author: Pyong Gap Min
Publisher: Rowman Altamira
ISBN: 9780761990673
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 244
Book Description
Dr. Pyong Gap Min and Rose Kim present a compilation of narratives on ethnic identity written by first-, 1.5-, and second-generation Asian American professionals. In an attempt to reconcile the dichotomies long associated with being both Asian and American, these narratives trace the formation of each author's ethnic identity and discuss its importance in shaping his or her professional career. The narratives touch upon common themes of prejudice and discrimination, loss and retention of ethnic subculture, ethnic versus non-ethnic friendship networks, and racial and inter-racial dating patterns. When coupled with Dr. Min's comprehensive introductory chapter on contemporary trends in the study of ethnicity, these narratives prove that constructing one's ethnicity is truly a dynamic process and serve as an invaluable resource for anyone interested in teaching or studying the concepts of ethnic identity.
Publisher: Rowman Altamira
ISBN: 9780761990673
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 244
Book Description
Dr. Pyong Gap Min and Rose Kim present a compilation of narratives on ethnic identity written by first-, 1.5-, and second-generation Asian American professionals. In an attempt to reconcile the dichotomies long associated with being both Asian and American, these narratives trace the formation of each author's ethnic identity and discuss its importance in shaping his or her professional career. The narratives touch upon common themes of prejudice and discrimination, loss and retention of ethnic subculture, ethnic versus non-ethnic friendship networks, and racial and inter-racial dating patterns. When coupled with Dr. Min's comprehensive introductory chapter on contemporary trends in the study of ethnicity, these narratives prove that constructing one's ethnicity is truly a dynamic process and serve as an invaluable resource for anyone interested in teaching or studying the concepts of ethnic identity.