Station Paper

Station Paper PDF Author:
Category : Forests and forestry
Languages : en
Pages : 664

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Station Paper

Station Paper PDF Author:
Category : Forests and forestry
Languages : en
Pages : 664

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Station Paper

Station Paper PDF Author: Southeastern Forest Experiment Station (Asheville, N.C.)
Category : Forests and forestry
Languages : en
Pages : 308

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Station Paper

Station Paper PDF Author: United States. Northern Forest Experiment Station, Juneau, Alaska
Category : Forests and forestry
Languages : en
Pages : 364

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Station Paper - Southeastern Forest Experiment Station

Station Paper - Southeastern Forest Experiment Station PDF Author:
Category : Forests and forestry
Languages : en
Pages : 84

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Paper PDF Author: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Category : Mechanical engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 846

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Blind Massive MIMO Base Stations

Blind Massive MIMO Base Stations PDF Author: Marcus Karlsson
Publisher: Linköping University Electronic Press
ISBN: 9176852490
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 84

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Massive MIMO (Multiple-Input--Multiple-Output) is a cellular-network technology in which the base station is equipped with a large number of antennas and aims to serve several different users simultaneously, on the same frequency resource through spatial multiplexing. This is made possible by employing efficient beamforming, based on channel estimates acquired from uplink reference signals, where the base station can transmit the signals in such a way that they add up constructively at the users and destructively elsewhere. The multiplexing together with the array gain from the beamforming can increase the spectral efficiency over contemporary systems. One challenge of practical importance is how to transmit data in the downlink when no channel state information is available. When a user initially joins the network, prior to transmitting uplink reference signals that enable beamforming, it needs system information---instructions on how to properly function within the network. It is transmission of system information that is the main focus of this thesis. In particular, the thesis analyzes how the reliability of the transmission of system information depends on the available amount of diversity. It is shown how downlink reference signals, space-time block codes, and power allocation can be used to improve the reliability of this transmission. In order to estimate the uplink and downlink channels from uplink reference signals, which is imperative to ensure scalability in the number of base station antennas, massive MIMO relies on channel reciprocity. This thesis shows that the principles of channel reciprocity can also be exploited by a jammer, a malicious transmitter, aiming to disrupt legitimate communication between two single-antenna devices. A heuristic scheme is proposed in which the jammer estimates the channel to a target device blindly, without any knowledge of the transmitted legitimate signals, and subsequently beamforms noise towards the target. Under the same power constraint, the proposed jammer can disrupt the legitimate link more effectively than a conventional omnidirectional jammer in many cases. Massiv MIMO (eng: Multiple-Input--Multiple-Output) är en teknologi inom cellulär kommunikation som förutspås ha en betydande roll i framtida kommunikationssystem på grund av de många fördelar som denna teknologi medför. Massiv MIMO innebär att basstationen har ett stort antal antenner där varje antenn kan styras individuellt. De många antennerna gör att basstationen kan rikta de elektromagnetiska signalerna på ett sådant sätt att de förstärks på positioner där användarna befinner sig men släcks ut i övrigt. Detta i sin tur innebär att flera användare kan betjänas samtidigt, på samma frekvensband utan att de stör varandra. Detta medför att massiv MIMO kan erbjuda en högre datatakt än nutida cellulära kommunikationssystem. För att kunna rikta signalerna på ett effektivt sätt måste basstationen känna till kanalen, eller utbredningsmiljön, mellan sig själv och de användare som betjänas. När en användare precis kommer in i systemet vet basstationen inte var användaren befinner sig, men måste likväl tillgodose användaren med information om hur systemet fungerar. Nu måste alltså basstationen kommunicera med användaren, utan möjligheten att kunna rikta signalen på ett effektivt sätt. Det är detta problem som vi i huvudsak studerar i denna avhandling: hur man kan utnyttja de många antennerna på basstationen för att skicka information till användarna utan någon kanalkännedom. Vi studerar även hur en gruppantenn med många antenner, baserad på samma teknologi som massiv MIMO, kan användas som en störsändare. Störsändarens mål är att hindra kommunikationen mellan två enheter på ett effektivt sätt. En störsändare med ett stort antal antenner kan, utan någon kännedom av vad de två enheterna skickar, i många fall prestera bättre än en konventionell störsändare på grund av att störsignalen kan riktas mot en specifik enhet.

Forest Products Exports

Forest Products Exports PDF Author: Mary E. Lassanyi
Category : Export marketing
Languages : en
Pages : 42

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Monthly Catalogue, United States Public Documents

Monthly Catalogue, United States Public Documents PDF Author:
Category : Government publications
Languages : en
Pages : 1732

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Wildlife Abstracts

Wildlife Abstracts PDF Author:
Category : Natural resources
Languages : en
Pages : 452

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Wildland Fire Behaviour

Wildland Fire Behaviour PDF Author: Mark A. Finney
ISBN: 1486309097
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 377

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Wildland fires have an irreplaceable role in sustaining many of our forests, shrublands and grasslands. They can be used as controlled burns or occur as free-burning wildfires, and can sometimes be dangerous and destructive to fauna, human communities and natural resources. Through scientific understanding of their behaviour, we can develop the tools to reliably use and manage fires across landscapes in ways that are compatible with the constraints of modern society while benefiting the ecosystems. The science of wildland fire is incomplete, however. Even the simplest fire behaviours – how fast they spread, how long they burn and how large they get – arise from a dynamical system of physical processes interacting in unexplored ways with heterogeneous biological, ecological and meteorological factors across many scales of time and space. The physics of heat transfer, combustion and ignition, for example, operate in all fires at millimetre and millisecond scales but wildfires can become conflagrations that burn for months and exceed millions of hectares. Wildland Fire Behaviour: Dynamics, Principles and Processes examines what is known and unknown about wildfire behaviours. The authors introduce fire as a dynamical system along with traditional steady-state concepts. They then break down the system into its primary physical components, describe how they depend upon environmental factors, and explore system dynamics by constructing and exercising a nonlinear model. The limits of modelling and knowledge are discussed throughout but emphasised by review of large fire behaviours. Advancing knowledge of fire behaviours will require a multidisciplinary approach and rely on quality measurements from experimental research, as covered in the final chapters.