Southern Forest Resource Assessment

Southern Forest Resource Assessment PDF Author: David N. Wear
Category : Electronic books
Languages : en
Pages : 652

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Book Description
The southern forest resource assessment provides a comprehensive analysis of the history, status, and likely future of forests in the Southern United States. Twenty-three chapters address questions regarding social/economic systems, terrestrial ecosystems, water and aquatic ecosystems, forest health, and timber management; 2 additional chapters provide a background on history and fire. Each chapter surveys pertinent literature and data, accesses conditions, identifies research needs, and examines the implications for southern forests and the benefits they provide.

The Southern Forest Resource Assessment

The Southern Forest Resource Assessment PDF Author: David N. Wear
Category : Electronic books
Languages : en
Pages : 114

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Book Description
The Southern Forest Resource Assessment was initiated in 1999 as a result of concerns raised by natural resource managers, the science community, and the public regarding the status and likely future of forests in the South. These included changes to the regiongass forests brought about by rapid urbanization, increasing timber demand, increasing numbers of satellite chip mills, forest pests, and changing air quality. In response to these issues, leaders of four of the regiongass Federal natural resource agencies (USDA Forest Service, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service), and the Tennessee Valley Authority, agreed to work together to provide a careful evaluation of the overall condition and ongoing changes of southern forests. State forestry and fish and wildlife agencies were invited to take part and have actively contributed to the effort. The USDA Forest Service, through the Southern Region and Southern Research Station, has provided overall leadership. The Technical Report (General Technical Report SRS-53) and this Summary Report are the culmination of more than 3 years of effort by more than 25 scientists and analysts from the above agencies as well as southern universities. More than 100 scientists from universities, State and Federal agencies, industry, and conservation organizations provided peer reviews to enhance the reportsgas accuracy and completeness. This Summary Report is intended to provide its reader with an overview of the many forces of change affecting southern forests and the changes they produce. It summarizes the detailed results reported by Assessment Team members in individual chapters of the full Technical Report. The information contained in the body of the Assessment should enhance public understanding of southern forests, inform public debate, and improve public policies that result.

Southern Forest Resource Assessment

Southern Forest Resource Assessment PDF Author: David N. Wear
Category : Electronic books
Languages : en
Pages : 654

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Book Description
The southern forest resource assessment provides a comprehensive analysis of the history, status, and likely future of forests in the Southern United States. Twenty-three chapters address questions regarding social/economic systems, terrestrial ecosystems, water and aquatic ecosystems, forest health, and timber management; 2 additional chapters provide a background on history and fire. Each chapter surveys pertinent literature and data, accesses conditions, identifies research needs, and examines the implications for southern forests and the benefits they provide.

The Southern Forest Resource Assessment

The Southern Forest Resource Assessment PDF Author: David N. Wear
Category : Electronic books
Languages : en
Pages : 116

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Book Description
The Southern Forest Resource Assessment was initiated in 1999 as a result of concerns raised by natural resource managers, the science community, and the public regarding the status and likely future of forests in the South. These included changes to the regiongass forests brought about by rapid urbanization, increasing timber demand, increasing numbers of satellite chip mills, forest pests, and changing air quality. In response to these issues, leaders of four of the regiongass Federal natural resource agencies (USDA Forest Service, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service), and the Tennessee Valley Authority, agreed to work together to provide a careful evaluation of the overall condition and ongoing changes of southern forests. State forestry and fish and wildlife agencies were invited to take part and have actively contributed to the effort. The USDA Forest Service, through the Southern Region and Southern Research Station, has provided overall leadership. The Technical Report (General Technical Report SRS-53) and this Summary Report are the culmination of more than 3 years of effort by more than 25 scientists and analysts from the above agencies as well as southern universities. More than 100 scientists from universities, State and Federal agencies, industry, and conservation organizations provided peer reviews to enhance the reportsgas accuracy and completeness. This Summary Report is intended to provide its reader with an overview of the many forces of change affecting southern forests and the changes they produce. It summarizes the detailed results reported by Assessment Team members in individual chapters of the full Technical Report. The information contained in the body of the Assessment should enhance public understanding of southern forests, inform public debate, and improve public policies that result.

The Southern Forest Resource Assessment

The Southern Forest Resource Assessment PDF Author: David N. Wear
Category : Forests and forestry
Languages : en
Pages : 103

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Southern Forest Resource Assessment

Southern Forest Resource Assessment PDF Author: David N. Wear
Category : Forests and forestry
Languages : en
Pages : 104

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Forces of change; Social and economics systems; Forest area conditions; Terrestrial ecosystems; Water quality, wetlands, and aquatic ecosystems.

Southern Forest Science

Southern Forest Science PDF Author:
Category : Electronic books
Languages : en
Pages : 402

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Book Description
"Southern forests provide innumerable benefits. Forest scientists, managers, owners, and users have in common the desire to improve the condition of these forests and the ecosystems they support. A first step is to understand the contributions science has made and continues to make to the care and management of forests. This book represents a celebration of past accomplishments, summarizes the current state of knowledge, and creates a vision for the future of southern forestry research and management. Chapters are organized into seven sections: "Looking Back," "Productivity," "Forest Health," "Water and Soils," "Socioeconomic," "Biodiversity," and "Climate Change." Each section is preceded by a brief introductory chapter. Authors were encouraged to focus on the most important aspects of their topics; citations are included to guide readers to further information."

Field Guide for the Identification of Invasive Plants in Southern Forests

Field Guide for the Identification of Invasive Plants in Southern Forests PDF Author: James H. Miller
Publisher: DIANE Publishing
ISBN: 1437987451
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 136

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Book Description
Invasions of non-native plants into forests of the Southern United States continue to go unchecked and only partially un-monitored. These infestations increasingly erode forest productivity, hindering forest use and management activities, and degrading diversity and wildlife habitat. Often called non-native, exotic, non-indigenous, alien, or noxious weeds, they occur as trees, shrubs, vines, grasses, ferns, and forbs. This guide provides information on accurate identification of the 56 non-native plants and groups that are currently invading the forests of the 13 Southern States. In additin, it lists other non-native plants of growing concern. Illustrations. This is a print on demand edition of an important, hard-to-find publication.

Comprehensive Regional Resource Assessments and Multipurpose Uses of Forest Inventory and Analysis Data, 1976 to 2001

Comprehensive Regional Resource Assessments and Multipurpose Uses of Forest Inventory and Analysis Data, 1976 to 2001 PDF Author: Victor A. Rudis
Category : Electronic books
Languages : en
Pages : 136

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Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Management Options

Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Management Options PDF Author: James M. Vose
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1466572752
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 494

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Book Description
Forest land managers face the challenges of preparing their forests for the impacts of climate change. However, climate change adds a new dimension to the task of developing and testing science-based management options to deal with the effects of stressors on forest ecosystems in the southern United States. The large spatial scale and complex interactions make traditional experimental approaches difficult. Yet, the current progression of climate change science offers new insights from recent syntheses, models, and experiments, providing enough information to start planning now for a future that will likely include an increase in disturbances and rapid changes in forest conditions. Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Management Options: A Guide for Natural Resource Managers in Southern Forest Ecosystems provides a comprehensive analysis of forest management options to guide natural resource management in the face of future climate change. Topics include potential climate change impacts on wildfire, insects, diseases, and invasives, and how these in turn might affect the values of southern forests that include timber, fiber, and carbon; water quality and quantity; species and habitats; and recreation. The book also considers southern forest carbon sequestration, vulnerability to biological threats, and migration of native tree populations due to climate change. This book utilizes the most relevant science and brings together science experts and land managers from various disciplines and regions throughout the south to combine science, models, and on-the-ground experience to develop management options. Providing a link between current management actions and future management options that would anticipate a changing climate, the authors hope to ensure a broader range of options for managing southern forests and protecting their values in the future.