Sol-Gel Derived Optical and Photonic Materials

Sol-Gel Derived Optical and Photonic Materials PDF Author: Rui Almeida
Publisher: Woodhead Publishing
ISBN: 0128182369
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 396

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Sol-gel processing is a low temperature, low cost wet chemistry route to a range of different materials, particularly glassy and ceramic oxides, including nanoparticles and powders, fibers, thin films and membranes, or monoliths and composites. Thin films and coatings represent by far the most important category of sol-gel derived products with optical, electronic and magnetic functionalities, for example photoresist and dielectric spin-on-glass layers, flat screen displays, anti-reflection, conducting and magnetic disk coatings, as well as photochromic, electrochromic and photovoltaic coatings. Sol-gel derived materials are homogeneous at the molecular level and are a good example of a bottom-up approach to materials synthesis. There is increasing need of new optical and photonic materials with improved performance, where molecular level homogeneity and easy fabrication in film form may be especially convenient, highlighting a decisive advantage of sol-gel over other more established technologies to obtain graded index optical components, solar control coatings, phosphors, glass ceramics or multilayer photonic structures. There is no book available yet which focuses in particular on optical and photonic sol-gel derived materials. This is what makes this book unique at this point for those especially or exclusively interested in optical and photonic functional materials and applications. This book represents an important tool to update scientists and engineers with recent advances in the rapidly evolving field of optical and photonic materials, components and devices. Our target audience are those working in materials science, physics, engineering and chemistry disciplines, in particular academics and researchers working in advanced optical/photonic processing technologies, research and development engineers in high technology industries and research project leaders. This book will also be an essential tool for graduate students pursuing a PhD or even a Master's degree. - Reviews wide range of sol-gel derived coatings including reflective and anti-reflective, self-cleaning, and electrochromic - Discusses latest advances in sol-gel derived photonic crystals including one dimensional, two dimensional, and three dimensional structures - Addresses key applications in solid state lighting, solar cells, sensors, fiber optics, and magneto-optical devices

Sol-Gel Derived Optical and Photonic Materials

Sol-Gel Derived Optical and Photonic Materials PDF Author: Rui Almeida
Publisher: Woodhead Publishing
ISBN: 0128182369
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 396

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Book Description
Sol-gel processing is a low temperature, low cost wet chemistry route to a range of different materials, particularly glassy and ceramic oxides, including nanoparticles and powders, fibers, thin films and membranes, or monoliths and composites. Thin films and coatings represent by far the most important category of sol-gel derived products with optical, electronic and magnetic functionalities, for example photoresist and dielectric spin-on-glass layers, flat screen displays, anti-reflection, conducting and magnetic disk coatings, as well as photochromic, electrochromic and photovoltaic coatings. Sol-gel derived materials are homogeneous at the molecular level and are a good example of a bottom-up approach to materials synthesis. There is increasing need of new optical and photonic materials with improved performance, where molecular level homogeneity and easy fabrication in film form may be especially convenient, highlighting a decisive advantage of sol-gel over other more established technologies to obtain graded index optical components, solar control coatings, phosphors, glass ceramics or multilayer photonic structures. There is no book available yet which focuses in particular on optical and photonic sol-gel derived materials. This is what makes this book unique at this point for those especially or exclusively interested in optical and photonic functional materials and applications. This book represents an important tool to update scientists and engineers with recent advances in the rapidly evolving field of optical and photonic materials, components and devices. Our target audience are those working in materials science, physics, engineering and chemistry disciplines, in particular academics and researchers working in advanced optical/photonic processing technologies, research and development engineers in high technology industries and research project leaders. This book will also be an essential tool for graduate students pursuing a PhD or even a Master's degree. - Reviews wide range of sol-gel derived coatings including reflective and anti-reflective, self-cleaning, and electrochromic - Discusses latest advances in sol-gel derived photonic crystals including one dimensional, two dimensional, and three dimensional structures - Addresses key applications in solid state lighting, solar cells, sensors, fiber optics, and magneto-optical devices

Handbook of sol-gel science and technology. 3. Applications of sol-gel technology

Handbook of sol-gel science and technology. 3. Applications of sol-gel technology PDF Author: Sumio Sakka
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9781402079689
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 834

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Since Dr. Disiich of Germany prepared a glass lens by the sol-gel method around 1970, sol-gel science and technology has continued to develop. Since then this field has seen remarkable technical developments as well as a broadening of the applications of sol-gel science and technology. There is a growing need for a comprehensive reference that treats both the fundamentals and the applications, and this is the aim of "Handbook of Sol-Gel Science and Technology."The primary purpose of sol-gel science and technology is to produce materials, active and non-active including optical, electronic, chemical, sensor, bio- and structural materials. This means that sol-gel science and technology is related to all kinds of manufacturing industries. Thus Volume 1, "Sol-Gel Processing," is devoted to general aspects of processing. Newly developed materials such as organic-inorganic hybrids, photonic crystals, ferroelectric coatings, photocatalysts will be covered. Topics in this volume include: Volume 2, "Characterization of Sol-Gel Materials and Products, "highlights the important fact that useful materials are only produced when characterization is tied to processing. Furthermore, characterization is essential to the understanding of nanostructured materials, and sol-gel technology is a most important technology in this new field. Since nanomaterials display their functional property based on their nano- and micro-structure, "characterization" is very important. Topics found in Volume 2 include: Sol-gel technology is a versatile technology, making it possible to produce a wide variety of materials and to provide existing substances with novel properties. This technology was applied to producingnovel materials, for example organic-inorganic hybrids, which are quite difficult to make by other fabricating techniques, and it was also applied to producing materials based on high temperature superconducting oxides. "Applications of Sol-Gel Technology," (Volume 3), will cover applications such as:

Handbook of Advanced Electronic and Photonic Materials and Devices, Ten-Volume Set

Handbook of Advanced Electronic and Photonic Materials and Devices, Ten-Volume Set PDF Author: Hari Singh Nalwa
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0125137451
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 383

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Vol. 1: Semiconductors;Vol. 2: Semiconductors Devices;Vol. 3: High-Tc Superconductors and Organic Conductors; Vol. 4: Ferroelectrics and Dielectrics; Vol. 5: Chalcogenide Glasses and Sol-Gel Materials; Vol. 6 Nanostructured Materials; Vol. 7: Liquid Crystals, Display and Laser Materials; Vol. 8: Conducting Polymers; Vol. 9: Nonlinear Optical Materials; Volume 10: Light-Emitting Diodes, Lithium Batteries and Polymer Devices

Nano-Glass Ceramics

Nano-Glass Ceramics PDF Author: Vahak Marghussian
Publisher: William Andrew
ISBN: 0323354327
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 293

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Nano-Glass Ceramics: Processing, Properties and Applications provides comprehensive coverage of synthesis and processing methods, properties and applications of the most important types of nano-glass ceramics, from a unique material science perspective. Emphasis is placed on the experimental and practical aspects of the subject while covering the theoretical and practical aspects and presenting, numerous examples and details of experimental methods. In the discussing the many varied applications of nano-glass ceramics, consideration is given to both, the fields of applications in which the materials are firmly established and the fields where great promise exists for their future exploitation. The methods of investigation adopted by researchers in the various stages of synthesis, nucleation, processing and characterization of glass ceramics are discussed with a focus on the more novel methods and the state of the art in developing nanostructured glass ceramics. - Comprehensive coverage of nanostructured glass ceramics with a materials science approach. The first book of this kind - Applications-oriented approach, covering current and future applications in numerous fields such as Biomedicine and Electronics - Explains the correlations between synthesis parameters, properties and applications guiding R&D researchers and engineers to choose the right material and increase cost-effectiveness

Sol-Gel Optics

Sol-Gel Optics PDF Author: Lisa C. Klein
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1461527503
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 589

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Sol--Gel--Optics encompasses numerous schemes for fabricating optical materials from gels -- materials such as bulk optics, optical waveguides, doped oxides for laser and nonlinear optics, gradient refractive index (GRIN) optics, chemical sensors, environmental sensors, and `smart' windows. Sol--Gel--Optics: Processing and Applications provides in-depth coverage of the synthesis and fabrication of these materials and discusses the optics related to microporous, amorphous, crystalline and composite materials. The reader will also find in this book detailed descriptions of new developments in silica optics, bulk optics, waveguides and thin films. Various applications to sensor and device technology are highlighted. For researchers and students looking for novel optical materials, processing methods or device ideas, Sol--Gel--Optics: Processing and Applications surveys a wide array of promising new avenues for further investigation and for innovative applications. (This book is the first in a new subseries entitled `Electronic Materials: Science and Technology).

Handbook of Sol-Gel Science and Technology

Handbook of Sol-Gel Science and Technology PDF Author: Lisa Klein
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3319321013
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 3755

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This completely updated and expanded second edition stands as a comprehensive knowledgebase on both the fundamentals and applications of this important materials processing method. The diverse, international team of contributing authors of this reference clarify in extensive detail properties and applications of sol-gel science and technology as it pertains to the production of substances, active and non-active, including optical, electronic, chemical, sensor, bio- and structural materials. Essential to a wide range of manufacturing industries, the compilation divides into the three complementary sections: Sol-Gel Processing, devoted to general aspects of processing and recently developed materials such as organic-inorganic hybrids, photonic crystals, ferroelectric coatings, and photocatalysts; Characterization of Sol-Gel Materials and Products, presenting contributions that highlight the notion that useful materials are only produced when characterization is tied to processing, such as determination of structure by NMR, in-situ characterization of the sol-gel reaction process, determination of microstructure of oxide gels, characterization of porous structure of gels by the surface measurements, and characterization of organic-inorganic hybrid; and Applications of Sol-Gel Technology, covering applications such as the sol-gel method used in processing of bulk silica glasses, bulk porous gels prepared by sol-gel method, application of sol-gel method to fabrication of glass and ceramic fibers, reflective and antireflective coating films, application of sol-gel method to formation of photocatalytic coating films, and application of sol-gel method to bioactive coating films. The comprehensive scope and integrated treatment of topics make this reference volume ideal for R&D scientists and engineers across a wide range of disciplines and professional interests.

Advanced Surface Engineering Materials

Advanced Surface Engineering Materials PDF Author: Ashutosh Tiwari
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119314178
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 738

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Advanced surfaces enriches the high-throughput engineering of physical and chemical phenomenon in relatin to electrical, magnetic, electronics, thermal and optical controls, as well as large surface areas, protective coatings against water loss and excessive gas exchange. A more sophisticated example could be a highly selective surface permeability allowing passive diffusion and selective transport of molecules in the water or gases. The smart surface technology provides an interlayer model which prevents the entry of substances without affecting the properties of neighboring layers. A number of methods have been developed for coatings, which are essential building blocks for the top-down and/or bottom-up design of numerous functional materials. Advanced Surface Engineering Materials offers a detailed up-to-date review chapters on the functional coatings and adhesives, engineering of nanosurfaces, high-tech surface, characterization and new applications. The 13 chapters in this book are divided into 3 parts (Functional coatings and adhesives; Engineering of nanosurfaces; High-tech surface, characterization and new applications) and are all written by worldwide subject matter specialists. The book is written for readers from diverse backgrounds across chemistry, physics, materials science and engineering, medical science, environmental, bio- and nano- technologies and biomedical engineering. It offers a comprehensive view of cutting-edge research on surface engineering materials and their technological importance.

Smart Ceramics

Smart Ceramics PDF Author: Ajay Kumar Mishra
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1351671642
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 481

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Recent advances in nanotechnology have paved the way for the development of new smart materials. The term "smart ceramics" refers to ceramic materials fabricated from ultrafine particles. They have attracted the attention of researchers and scientists thanks to their potential to manipulate the length scale in the nanorange, leading to better and some unusual material properties. Smart ceramics ensure control of particle size, surface contamination, and degree of agglomeration. They play a crucial role in challenging applications such as bone surgery (e.g., the development of substitutes for load-bearing bone parts) and in biomedical science, especially in tissue engineering, dental applications, and drug and antigen delivery using modified ceramics. Porous nanostructured ceramics have potential use in both simple and complex applications, such as bioimaging, sensors, paints and pigments, optics, and electronics, because of their surface- and size-dependent properties. For the synthesis of smart ceramics, the sol-gel route has been mainly utilized because of its ability to produce a large variety of compositions and to ensure homogeneous mixing of the constituent particles at low temperature. This book describes the innovations in technologies through the development of functionalized ceramic materials for various applications. It also describes recent and expected challenges, along with their potential solutions, in advanced techniques for the synthesis and characterization of nanostructured ceramics and their composites: bioceramics, bioactive ceramics, multifunctional nanoceramics, transparent ceramics, nanocore shells, nanowires, thin films, nanotubes, and nanorods. The applications include the environment, health care, electrochemical sensors, high-temperature superconductors, nuclear reactor fuels, electrical insulators, refractory materials, electrical transformers, and magnetic core memory. The book will benefit researchers, scientists, engineers, and technologists working in the industry and in national and international research laboratories; academics who are interested in traditional and advanced smart ceramic composites; and students pursuing their postgraduate, graduate, and undergraduate degrees in smart ceramics, nanomaterials, nanoscience, and engineering.

Nanostructured Thin Films and Coatings

Nanostructured Thin Films and Coatings PDF Author: Sam Zhang
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1420093975
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 415

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Authored by leading experts from around the world, the three-volume Handbook of Nanostructured Thin Films and Coatings gives scientific researchers and product engineers a resource as dynamic and flexible as the field itself. The first two volumes cover the latest research and application of the mechanical and functional properties of thin films an

Handbook of Greener Synthesis of Nanomaterials and Compounds

Handbook of Greener Synthesis of Nanomaterials and Compounds PDF Author: Boris Kharisov
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 012821967X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 978

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Modern techniques to produce nanoparticles, nanomaterials, and nanocomposites are based on approaches that frequently involve high costs, inefficiencies, and negative environmental impacts. As such, there has been a real drive to develop and apply approaches that are more efficient and benign. The Handbook of Greener Synthesis of Nanomaterials and Compounds provides a comprehensive review of developments in this field, combining foundational green and nano-chemistry with the key information researchers need to assess, select and apply the most appropriate green synthesis approaches to their own work.Volume 1: Fundamental Principles and Methods provides a clear introduction to the fundamentals of green synthesis that places synthesis in the context of green chemistry. Beginning with a discussion of key greener physical and chemical methods for synthesis, including ultrasound, microwave and mechanochemistry methods, the book goes on to explore biological methods, including biosynthesis, green nanoformation, and virus-assisted methods. - Discusses synthesis in the context of the principles of green chemistry - Highlights both traditional and innovative technologies for the synthesis of nanomaterials and related composites under green chemistry conditions - Reflects on the current and potential applications of natural products chemistry in synthesis