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Author: Davide L. Ferrario
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1441972366
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 254
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Simplicial Structures in Topology provides a clear and comprehensive introduction to the subject. Ideas are developed in the first four chapters. The fifth chapter studies closed surfaces and gives their classification. The last chapter of the book is devoted to homotopy groups, which are used in short introduction on obstruction theory. The text is more in tune with the original development of algebraic topology as given by Henry Poincaré (singular homology is discussed). Illustrative examples throughout and extensive exercises at the end of each chapter for practice enhance the text. Advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students will benefit from this book. Researchers and professionals interested in topology and applications of mathematics will also find this book useful.
Author: Davide L. Ferrario
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1441972366
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 254
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Book Description
Simplicial Structures in Topology provides a clear and comprehensive introduction to the subject. Ideas are developed in the first four chapters. The fifth chapter studies closed surfaces and gives their classification. The last chapter of the book is devoted to homotopy groups, which are used in short introduction on obstruction theory. The text is more in tune with the original development of algebraic topology as given by Henry Poincaré (singular homology is discussed). Illustrative examples throughout and extensive exercises at the end of each chapter for practice enhance the text. Advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students will benefit from this book. Researchers and professionals interested in topology and applications of mathematics will also find this book useful.
Author: J. P. May
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
ISBN: 0226511812
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 171
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Simplicial sets are discrete analogs of topological spaces. They have played a central role in algebraic topology ever since their introduction in the late 1940s, and they also play an important role in other areas such as geometric topology and algebraic geometry. On a formal level, the homotopy theory of simplicial sets is equivalent to the homotopy theory of topological spaces. In view of this equivalence, one can apply discrete, algebraic techniques to perform basic topological constructions. These techniques are particularly appropriate in the theory of localization and completion of topological spaces, which was developed in the early 1970s. Since it was first published in 1967, Simplicial Objects in Algebraic Topology has been the standard reference for the theory of simplicial sets and their relationship to the homotopy theory of topological spaces. J. Peter May gives a lucid account of the basic homotopy theory of simplicial sets, together with the equivalence of homotopy theories alluded to above. The central theme is the simplicial approach to the theory of fibrations and bundles, and especially the algebraization of fibration and bundle theory in terms of "twisted Cartesian products." The Serre spectral sequence is described in terms of this algebraization. Other topics treated in detail include Eilenberg-MacLane complexes, Postnikov systems, simplicial groups, classifying complexes, simplicial Abelian groups, and acyclic models. "Simplicial Objects in Algebraic Topology presents much of the elementary material of algebraic topology from the semi-simplicial viewpoint. It should prove very valuable to anyone wishing to learn semi-simplicial topology. [May] has included detailed proofs, and he has succeeded very well in the task of organizing a large body of previously scattered material."—Mathematical Review
Author: Andrew Ranicki
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521420242
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 372
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Assuming no previous acquaintance with surgery theory and justifying all the algebraic concepts used by their relevance to topology, Dr Ranicki explains the applications of quadratic forms to the classification of topological manifolds, in a unified algebraic framework.
Author: Paul G. Goerss
Publisher: Birkhäuser
ISBN: 3034887078
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 520
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Since the beginning of the modern era of algebraic topology, simplicial methods have been used systematically and effectively for both computation and basic theory. With the development of Quillen's concept of a closed model category and, in particular, a simplicial model category, this collection of methods has become the primary way to describe non-abelian homological algebra and to address homotopy-theoretical issues in a variety of fields, including algebraic K-theory. This book supplies a modern exposition of these ideas, emphasizing model category theoretical techniques. Discussed here are the homotopy theory of simplicial sets, and other basic topics such as simplicial groups, Postnikov towers, and bisimplicial sets. The more advanced material includes homotopy limits and colimits, localization with respect to a map and with respect to a homology theory, cosimplicial spaces, and homotopy coherence. Interspersed throughout are many results and ideas well-known to experts, but uncollected in the literature. Intended for second-year graduate students and beyond, this book introduces many of the basic tools of modern homotopy theory. An extensive background in topology is not assumed.
Author: Rudolf Fritsch
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521327848
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 348
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This book describes the construction and the properties of CW-complexes. These spaces are important because firstly they are the correct framework for homotopy theory, and secondly most spaces that arise in pure mathematics are of this type. The authors discuss the foundations and also developments, for example, the theory of finite CW-complexes, CW-complexes in relation to the theory of fibrations, and Milnor's work on spaces of the type of CW-complexes. They establish very clearly the relationship between CW-complexes and the theory of simplicial complexes, which is developed in great detail. Exercises are provided throughout the book; some are straightforward, others extend the text in a non-trivial way. For the latter; further reference is given for their solution. Each chapter ends with a section sketching the historical development. An appendix gives basic results from topology, homology and homotopy theory. These features will aid graduate students, who can use the work as a course text. As a contemporary reference work it will be essential reading for the more specialized workers in algebraic topology and homotopy theory.
Author: Jonathan A. Barmak
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642220029
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 184
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This volume deals with the theory of finite topological spaces and its relationship with the homotopy and simple homotopy theory of polyhedra. The interaction between their intrinsic combinatorial and topological structures makes finite spaces a useful tool for studying problems in Topology, Algebra and Geometry from a new perspective. In particular, the methods developed in this manuscript are used to study Quillen's conjecture on the poset of p-subgroups of a finite group and the Andrews-Curtis conjecture on the 3-deformability of contractible two-dimensional complexes. This self-contained work constitutes the first detailed exposition on the algebraic topology of finite spaces. It is intended for topologists and combinatorialists, but it is also recommended for advanced undergraduate students and graduate students with a modest knowledge of Algebraic Topology.
Author: Jakob Jonsson
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3540758585
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 376
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A graph complex is a finite family of graphs closed under deletion of edges. Graph complexes show up naturally in many different areas of mathematics. Identifying each graph with its edge set, one may view a graph complex as a simplicial complex and hence interpret it as a geometric object. This volume examines topological properties of graph complexes, focusing on homotopy type and homology. Many of the proofs are based on Robin Forman's discrete version of Morse theory.
Author: Jean-Daniel Boissonnat
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1108419399
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 247
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A rigorous introduction to geometric and topological inference, for anyone interested in a geometric approach to data science.
Author: Tamal Krishna Dey
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1009103199
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 456
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Topological data analysis (TDA) has emerged recently as a viable tool for analyzing complex data, and the area has grown substantially both in its methodologies and applicability. Providing a computational and algorithmic foundation for techniques in TDA, this comprehensive, self-contained text introduces students and researchers in mathematics and computer science to the current state of the field. The book features a description of mathematical objects and constructs behind recent advances, the algorithms involved, computational considerations, as well as examples of topological structures or ideas that can be used in applications. It provides a thorough treatment of persistent homology together with various extensions – like zigzag persistence and multiparameter persistence – and their applications to different types of data, like point clouds, triangulations, or graph data. Other important topics covered include discrete Morse theory, the Mapper structure, optimal generating cycles, as well as recent advances in embedding TDA within machine learning frameworks.
Author: Ronald Brown
Publisher: JP Medical Ltd
ISBN: 9783037190838
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 714
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The main theme of this book is that the use of filtered spaces rather than just topological spaces allows the development of basic algebraic topology in terms of higher homotopy groupoids; these algebraic structures better reflect the geometry of subdivision and composition than those commonly in use. Exploration of these uses of higher dimensional versions of groupoids has been largely the work of the first two authors since the mid 1960s. The structure of the book is intended to make it useful to a wide class of students and researchers for learning and evaluating these methods, primarily in algebraic topology but also in higher category theory and its applications in analogous areas of mathematics, physics, and computer science. Part I explains the intuitions and theory in dimensions 1 and 2, with many figures and diagrams, and a detailed account of the theory of crossed modules. Part II develops the applications of crossed complexes. The engine driving these applications is the work of Part III on cubical $\omega$-groupoids, their relations to crossed complexes, and their homotopically defined examples for filtered spaces. Part III also includes a chapter suggesting further directions and problems, and three appendices give accounts of some relevant aspects of category theory. Endnotes for each chapter give further history and references.