Sport Education Seasons

Sport Education Seasons PDF Author: Sean M. Bulger
Publisher: Human Kinetics
ISBN: 9780736046398
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 374

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"Finally, a sport resource that offers in-depth, complete seasons applying the sport education model of teaching and coaching. This book and CD-ROM package includes 68 complete sessions and lessons for three complete seasons - basketball, soccer, and fitness education - that you can use in their entirety or choose lessons to reinforce your existing program. It also includes more than 150 reproducibles in the book and 400 on the CD-ROM."--BOOK JACKET.

Signature Seasons

Signature Seasons PDF Author: Paul Warburton
Publisher: McFarland
ISBN: 0786457732
Category : Sports & Recreation
Languages : en
Pages : 265

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This work recreates for the reader the best of the best, at their best. The author devotes a chapter each to the most memorable season of some of baseball's greatest players: Christy Mathewson (1908), Ty Cobb (1911), Babe Ruth (1921), Rogers Hornsby (1922), George Sisler (1922), Hack Wilson (1930), Jimmie Foxx (1932), Dizzy Dean (1934), Lou Gehrig (1936), Hank Greenberg (1937), Ted Williams (1941), Bob Feller (1946), Stan Musial (1948), Joe DiMaggio (1948) and Jackie Robinson (1949).

Four Seasons

Four Seasons PDF Author: Isadore Sharp
Publisher: Penguin
ISBN: 9781591842446
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 326

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The founder of Four Seasons Hotels shares the philosophy and values that have made his legendary brand How did a child of immigrants, starting with no background in the hotel business, create the world's most admired and successful hotel chain? And how has Four Seasons grown dramatically, over nearly a half century, without losing its focus on exceptional quality and unparalleled service? Isadore Sharp answers these questions in his engaging memoir, which doubles as a powerful guide for leaders in any field. He recalls the surprising history of his company, starting with its roots in his father's small construction business, which Sharp joined after getting a degree in architecture. Shifting into hotels wasn't easy, and he learned by trial and error. His breakthrough was a vision for a new kind of hotel, featuring superior design, top-quality amenities, and, above all, a deep commitment to service. Sharp realized that customers would gladly pay extra for a "home away from home" experience. But that would be possible only if everyone-from managers and supervisors to bellmen, servers, and housekeepers-was fully engaged. The front-line staff, who have the most contact with guests, can make or break a five-star reputation. Readers will be fascinated to learn how Four Seasons does it, year after year, in more than thirty countries around the world.

Sport Education Seasons

Sport Education Seasons PDF Author: Sean M. Bulger
Publisher: Human Kinetics
ISBN: 9780736046398
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 374

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Book Description
"Finally, a sport resource that offers in-depth, complete seasons applying the sport education model of teaching and coaching. This book and CD-ROM package includes 68 complete sessions and lessons for three complete seasons - basketball, soccer, and fitness education - that you can use in their entirety or choose lessons to reinforce your existing program. It also includes more than 150 reproducibles in the book and 400 on the CD-ROM."--BOOK JACKET.

A Home for All Seasons

A Home for All Seasons PDF Author: Danielle Rollins
Publisher: Rizzoli Publications
ISBN: 0847867161
Category : Cooking
Languages : en
Pages : 242

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Tastemaker and designer Danielle Rollins invites readers to join her at home for a primer on living and entertaining in style. Danielle Rollins is renowned for her elegant touch. In her second book, she welcomes readers into her world and shows them how to create gorgeous style at home in rooms tailor-made for gatherings, get-togethers, cocktail hours, dinner parties, and intimate suppers. Traveling room by room through the house, Rollins shares practical advice and design inspiration. Drawing on her background as an expert hostess and noted designer, Rollins delivers a live-your-best-life guide rooted in the function and design essentials that keep a house beautifully humming: the primacy of a useful floor plan in creating spaces people actually live in and use; the necessity of organization for beautiful, stress-free table settings and entertaining; and creating vivid and happy color schemes that flow seamlessly from room to room. The book will also include more than a dozen entertaining occasions and tablescapes, including Easter brunch in the garden, a fried-chicken buffet supper, and a candlelit Christmas Eve dinner in the living room. With tips for a gracious life, from organizing your china pantry to setting a memorable table, this book is a celebration of the power of opening up your front door and inviting people in.

The Search for Substance

The Search for Substance PDF Author: Crow
Publisher: Author House
ISBN: 1463405081
Category : Poetry
Languages : en
Pages : 125

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Living to see another day means nothing if you did not learn to avoid yesterdays mistakes. Crow The Search for Substance questions the direction of our lives and our motivations. We find that our challenges and opportunities to inspire and to be inspired are limited based on our skewed view of the world. For these reasons, we are on an endless journey in which faith, failure, and incite detour or determine the impact of our presence. The ability to define and catalogue our experiences may grant us enough space to live in our success and build a bridge from who we are to who we want to be. Our flaws create our character and since real life comes with no scripts, the ability to improvise helps us to survive. The moment we identify what we consider substance, then the when, how and why we search will forever provide us with answers. It is true that we often create goals based on the things we want to possess in life. Somehow during this process, we find purpose and the adventure solidifies the amount of time we have invested in our own growth. This discovery of who we are and who we can become remains priceless and the true value of failing is found in how we respond. These poems examine how we respond.

The Athletics of Philadelphia

The Athletics of Philadelphia PDF Author: David M. Jordan
Publisher: McFarland
ISBN: 9780786406203
Category : Sports & Recreation
Languages : en
Pages : 232

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In 1900, American League president Ban Johnson convinced Connie Mack to manage the newly created Philadelphia Athletics, which had been strategically placed in the same market as the National League Phillies, making the City of Brotherly Love a two-team town. The Athletics thus began their 54-year history by attempting to split the city's fan base, perhaps the first indication of the team's tendency toward polarity and vicissitude. As Ed Fitzgerald put it, "Like the little girl with the curl on her forehead, when the Athletics were good, they were very very good. But when they were bad, horrid was hardly the word." The A's won nine pennants and five World Series, yet finished last 16 times; they raided the Phillies roster in 1901, and later stripped themselves in baseball's first great fire sale; they boasted the illustrious "$100,000 Infield," yet Mack had to sell star players one after another to pull the A's through the Depression. This book, written by a long-time fan of the defunct team, relates the Athletics to the city of Philadelphia and tells the stories of the organization's signature seasons, from the championship years to the days when the A's were synonymous with baseball's cellar. The book also details the exploits of such Hall of Famers as Chief Bender, Eddie Collins, Lefty Grove, Jimmie Foxx, and Al Simmons, and considers the unique achievements and personality of Connie Mack, baseball's "Tall Tactician."

Collecting Baseball Memorabilia

Collecting Baseball Memorabilia PDF Author: Dan Zachofsky
Publisher: McFarland
ISBN: 078648232X
Category : Sports & Recreation
Languages : en
Pages : 212

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This second edition handbook provides readers with advice on obtaining autographed baseball memorabilia (balls, bats, photos, etc.), whether through in-person or through the postal service. It also provides insight into the booming online market for memorabilia, with information on online auctions as well as working with fellow online collectors. The author discusses designing a personalized memorabilia room and display, in addition to the most successful ways to authenticate memorabilia and a handy guide to acquiring the signatures of each living member of the Hall of Fame.

Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 15

Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 15 PDF Author: Benoist Schaal
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3031351592
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 511

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The 15th Meeting on Chemical Signals in Vertebrates (CSiV) reunited participants from 20 countries from 5 continents who "electronically commuted" to Dijon, France, during three days (3-5 November 2021). This virtual meeting was a great opportunity to share information on how amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals communicate through chemosignals and integrate their environment through chemical cues. Scientists from varied disciplines ranging from biology and psychology to chemistry and biostatistics attended the meeting to share their research on how vertebrates produce and release chemical cues and signals, how they detect, discriminate, process, and interpret them; how they respond to them behaviorally, physiologically, and/or neurally in adaptive ways; how the typical or atypical environment modulates such chemocommunication loops, and chemoreception in general. In total, this 2021 CSiV meeting presented important new findings, representative of the growing points in the rapidly expanding field of research on chemocommunication among vertebrates. As appreciated by D Müller-Schwarze (a well-known pioneer in the field and the founding father of the book series in question) in his foreword to the meeting, “Our field has broadened to new horizons: besides multicomponent cues, we now learn about multisource and multifunction chemical signals. The range of study animals and settings has become richer, and we have learned enough that practical applications are becoming realistic.” This proceedings documents key presentations from this virtual conference.

The IRS Research Bulletin

The IRS Research Bulletin PDF Author:
Category : Economic forecasting
Languages : en
Pages : 212

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Myth and the Creative Process

Myth and the Creative Process PDF Author: Jacob E. Nyenhuis
Publisher: Wayne State University Press
ISBN: 9780814330029
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 432

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Highlighting the interaction between myth and artist, word and image, Jacob Nyenthuis here presents a catalogue of these works, one that will enlighten Ayrton's British following while introducing him to an American audience."--BOOK JACKET.