Service Quality

Service Quality PDF Author: Roland T. Rust
Publisher: SAGE
ISBN: 0803949200
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 201

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The importance of service and service quality has been growing in the world economy since the late 1970s. Establishing new levels of sophistication and rigor, as well as a broad set of approaches, Service Quality presents the latest research and theory in customer satisfaction and services marketing.

Assessing Service Quality

Assessing Service Quality PDF Author: Peter Hernon
Publisher: American Library Association
ISBN: 0838913105
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 552

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This extensively revised and updated edition explores even further the ways technology influences both the experiences of library customers and the ways libraries themselves can assess those experiences.

Service Quality

Service Quality PDF Author: Stephen Walter Brown
Publisher: Lexington Books
ISBN: 9780669211528
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 416

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To learn more about Rowman & Littlefield titles please visit us at

Delivering Quality Service

Delivering Quality Service PDF Author: Valarie A. Zeithaml
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 1439137471
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 190

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Excellence in customer service is the hallmark of success in service industries and among manufacturers of products that require reliable service. But what exactly is excellent service? It is the ability to deliver what you promise, say the authors, but first you must determine what you can promise. Building on seven years of research on service quality, they construct a model that, by balancing a customer's perceptions of the value of a particular service with the customer's need for that service, provides brilliant theoretical insight into customer expectations and service delivery. For example, Florida Power & Light has developed a sophisticated, computer-based lightening tracking system to anticipate where weather-related service interruptions might occur and strategically position crews at these locations to quicken recovery response time. Offering a service that customers expect to be available at all times and that they will miss only when the lights go out, FPL focuses its energies on matching customer perceptions with potential need. Deluxe Corporation, America's highly successful check printer, regularly exceeds its customers' expectations by shipping nearly 95% of all orders by the day after the orders were received. Deluxe even put U.S. Postal Service stations inside its plants to speed up delivery time. Customer expectations change over time. To anticipate these changes, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company regularly monitors the expectations and perceptions of their customers, using focus group interviews and the authors' 22-item generic SERVQUAL questionnaire, which is customized by adding questions covering specific aspects of service they wish to track. The authors' groundbreaking model, which tracks the five attributes of quality service -- reliability, empathy, assurance, responsiveness, and tangibles -- goes right to the heart of the tendency to overpromise. By comparing customer perceptions with expectations, the model provides marketing managers with a two-part measure of perceived quality that, for the first time, enables them to segment a market into groups with different service expectations.

Delivering Satisfaction and Service Quality

Delivering Satisfaction and Service Quality PDF Author: Peter Hernon
Publisher: American Library Association
ISBN: 9780838907894
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 204

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Good customers expect excellent service. Increasingly, library customers are looking to online services instead of to the library for information. For every library that wants to win satisfied customers and bring those that have strayed back into the library, here are proven tools to assess needs and improve service.

Achieving Excellence Through Customer Service

Achieving Excellence Through Customer Service PDF Author: John Tschohl
Publisher: Best Sellers Publishing
ISBN: 9780963626844
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 388

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Promotes the theory that superior customer service leads to a superior business organisation

Quality Service Management

Quality Service Management PDF Author: John Maleyeff
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 100058772X
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 225

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Providing clear guidance for anyone servicing internal or external customers, this book offers a framework for analyzing and managing quality using a comprehensive closed-loop approach. This book cuts through the complexities of the mantra ‘better, cheaper, faster’ (BCF) and offers procedures for the evaluation of customer needs, the determination of performance metrics, and the design of effective customer satisfaction surveys. It details basic statistical techniques and packages the framework, procedures, and methods into a management construct that includes external quality certification systems and internal performance management systems. Importantly, the book also describes how these systems can be implemented in a virtual workplace. This quality management book will be essential to service-oriented firms (financial, government, healthcare, hospitality, etc.), as well as any firm with internal customer service processes such as human resource management, purchasing, and accounting. Professionals at all levels, corporate trainers, and students will welcome this book’s common set of principles and tools, accompanied by many case studies that illustrate how they are applied in various environments.

Quality Planning and Assurance

Quality Planning and Assurance PDF Author: Herman Tang
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 9781119819301
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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"Quality planning has been a fundamental industrial practice for several decades, yet there are few comprehensive quality planning textbooks dedicated to the understanding of this subject at the undergraduate and graduate levels. In the quality field, professionals often consider Toyota as a role model for best practices. While one can learn Toyota quality for its principles, its specific practices are not necessarily applicable for every situation. In The Toyota Way to Service Excellence, Dr. Liker and Ross stated, "the Toyota Way training was designed to teach principles rather than specific methodology" (p.32). Similarly, this book focuses on the fundamental principles of quality planning, and extrapolates on their applications in various industries throughout each chapter. For current and future quality professionals, you can start learning these principles, with supporting application examples in this book, and later apply them towards your unique applications. Like one of my students said, "What I enjoyed most about this course was taking the information learned in this course and being able to utilize it within the industry that I currently work in.""--

Service Quality

Service Quality PDF Author: Benjamin Schneider
Publisher: SAGE
ISBN: 9780761921479
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 204

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The last three decades have seen a dramatic increase in the attention businesses devote to their quality of service. Scholars and researchers in a number of disciplines, including marketing, human resources I/O psychology, sociology, and consumer behavior, have all made substantial contributions to understanding what service is, how service and service delivery quality are experienced by customers, and the role of employees and their organizations in service delivery. Service Quality: Research Perspectives presents a comprehensive overview and analysis of the field and its research, including its growth, emerging trends, and debates

Service Quality Measurement: Issues and Perspectives

Service Quality Measurement: Issues and Perspectives PDF Author: Lewlyn L. R. Rodrigues
Publisher: Anchor Academic Publishing (aap_verlag)
ISBN: 3954890526
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 85

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This book is very useful for it is not just 'descriptive' in its nature, but 'prescriptive', too. It is descriptive in the sense that it describes the process of developing or using a metric in a problem situation, and prescriptive as it clearly prescribes how a beginner can put the theory into practice. In this globalized economy, maintaining quality of products and services has been the thrust area of interest among academicians and practitioners. Today, there are quite a good number of books and research articles available. Nevertheless, service quality measurement has always posed problems, particularly in the context of service industries due to the difficulty in the measurement of the intangibles and implied needs of the customers. The research literature is filled with articles on how to quantify the services, and there are several streams of arguments on the choice of the most ideal approach. However, the research gap lies in the answer to the question: 'Do these measurement instruments concur in their measurement outcomes or do they give different results in the same situation?' This book primarily makes an attempt to answer this question through a case study approach. Even though, there are several instruments for the measurement of service quality, the two most widely used instruments are SERVQUAL and SERVPERF metrics. Comprehensively, this book explains the systematic procedure of using both, the instruments in a service sector, and further, the procedure for conducting a statistical analysis so that one will be able to apply the same in any service sector. It then takes the reader through a series of tests in order to compare the two metrics, and to prove statistically if there is the same outcome in a problem situation. The results are sure to surprise the reader, and trigger the "research bent of mind" to undertake a similar study of such metrics and gain mastery over performing an independent research with very minimal guidance from a professional gu