Security of Nuclear Material in Transport

Security of Nuclear Material in Transport PDF Author: International Atomic Energy Agency
Publisher: IAEA Nuclear Security
ISBN: 9789201020154
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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This publication provides guidance to States and their competent authorities on how to implement and maintain a physical protection regime for transport of nuclear material. It will also be useful to shippers or carriers in the design and implementation of their physical protection systems. The publication builds upon the Nuclear Security Recommendations on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities (INFCIRC/225/Revision 5), IAEA Nuclear Security Series No. 13, and provides additional guidance on how to implement these recommendations in practice.

Emergency Preparedness Exercises for Nuclear Facilities

Emergency Preparedness Exercises for Nuclear Facilities PDF Author: International Atomic Energy Agency
Publisher: Bernan Press(PA)
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 134

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Provides guidance for operating organisations and public authorities on planning, organising and conducting emergency preparedness exercises, preparing exercise scenarious and evaluating exercises, and utilizing their results to improve current emergency plans and preparedness.

Safe and Secure Transport and Storage of Radioactive Materials

Safe and Secure Transport and Storage of Radioactive Materials PDF Author: Ken Sorenson
Publisher: Woodhead Publishing
ISBN: 1782423222
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 361

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Safe and Secure Transport and Storage of Radioactive Materials reviews best practice and emerging techniques in this area. The transport of radioactive materials is an essential operation in the nuclear industry, without which the generation of nuclear power would not be possible. Radioactive materials also often need to be stored pending use, treatment, or disposal. Given the nature of radioactive materials, it is paramount that transport and storage methods are both safe and secure. A vital guide for managers and general managers in the nuclear power and transport industries, this book covers topics including package design, safety, security, mechanical performance, radiation protection and shielding, thermal performance, uranium ore, fresh fuel, uranium hexafluoride, MOX, plutonium, and more. - Uniquely comprehensive and systematic coverage of the packaging, transport, and storage of radioactive materials - Section devoted to spent nuclear fuels - Expert team of authors and editors

Security in the Transport of Radioactive Material

Security in the Transport of Radioactive Material PDF Author: International Atomic Energy Agency
Publisher: IAEA Nuclear Security
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 66

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This publication addresses the vulnerability of radioactive material during transport. Given the international concern over acts of nuclear terrorism, it is imperative to have a well defined plan for the security of sensitive materials during transport. This publication provides guidance on implementing, maintaining or enhancing a State's nuclear security regime to protect radioactive material in transport against theft, sabotage or other malicious acts. It will be of use to regulators and to operating personnel engaged in the transport of such material.

Nuclear Safeguards, Security, and Nonproliferation

Nuclear Safeguards, Security, and Nonproliferation PDF Author: James Doyle
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann
ISBN: 0128032715
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 480

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Nuclear Safeguards, Security and Nonproliferation: Achieving Security with Technology and Policy, Second Edition is a comprehensive reference covering the cutting-edge technologies used to trace, track and safeguard nuclear material. Sections cover security, the illicit trafficking of nuclear materials, improvised nuclear devices, and how to prevent nuclear terrorism. International case studies of security at nuclear facilities and illegal nuclear trade activities provide specific examples of the complex issues surrounding the technology and policy for nuclear material protection, control and accountability. New case studies include analyses of nuclear programs of important countries, such as North Korea, Iran, and Kazakhstan, among others. This is a thoroughly updated, must-have volume for private and public organizations involved in driving national security, domestic and international policy issues relating to nuclear material security, non-proliferation, and nuclear transparency.

India-United States Cooperation on Global Security

India-United States Cooperation on Global Security PDF Author: Committee on India-United States Cooperation on Global Security: Technical Aspects of Civilian Nuclear Materials Security
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309289777
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 186

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The U.S. government has made safeguarding of weapons-grade plutonium and highly enriched uranium an international policy priority, and convened The 2010 Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, D.C., on April 12 and 13, 2010. Forty six governments sent delegations to the summit and twenty nine of them made national commitments to support nuclear security. During the Summit, India announced its commitment to establish a Global Centre for Nuclear Energy Partnership. The Centre is to be open to international participation through academic0 exchanges, training, and research and development efforts. India-United States Cooperation on Global Security is the summary of a workshop held by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (NAS) together with its partner of more than 15 years, the National Institute for Advanced Studies (NIAS) in Bangalore, India. The workshop identified and examined potential areas for substantive scientific and technical cooperation between the two countries on issues related to nuclear material security. Technical experts from India and the United States focused on topics of nuclear material security and promising opportunities for India and the United States to learn from each other and cooperate. This report discusses nuclear materials management issues such as nuclear materials accounting, cyber security, physical security, and nuclear forensics.

Going the Distance?

Going the Distance? PDF Author: National Research Council
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309100046
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 355

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This new report from the National Research Council's Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board (NRSB) and the Transportation Research Board reviews the risks and technical and societal concerns for the transport of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste in the United States. Shipments are expected to increase as the U.S. Department of Energy opens a repository for spent fuel and high-level waste at Yucca Mountain, and the commercial nuclear industry considers constructing a facility in Utah for temporary storage of spent fuel from some of its nuclear waste plants. The report concludes that there are no fundamental technical barriers to the safe transport of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive and the radiological risks of transport are well understood and generally low. However, there are a number of challenges that must be addressed before large-quantity shipping programs can be implemented successfully. Among these are managing "social" risks. The report does not provide an examination of the security of shipments against malevolent acts but recommends that such an examination be carried out.

Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material

Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material PDF Author: International Atomic Energy Agency
Publisher: IAEA
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 178

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The Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material was signed at Vienna and at New York on 3 March 1980. The Convention is the only international legally binding undertaking in the area of physical protection of nuclear material. It establishes measures related to the prevention, detection and punishment of offenses relating to nuclear material. A Diplomatic Conference in July 2005 was convened to amend the Convention and strengthen its provisions. The amended Convention makes it legally binding for States Parties to protect nuclear facilities and material in peaceful domestic use, storage as well as transport. It also provides for expanded cooperation between and among States regarding rapid measures to locate and recover stolen or smuggled nuclear material, mitigate any radiological consequences of sabotage, and prevent and combat related offences. The amendments will take effect once they have been ratified by two-thirds of the States Parties of the Convention.

Governmental, Legal, and Regulatory Framework for Safety

Governmental, Legal, and Regulatory Framework for Safety PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789200589089
Category : Nuclear facilities
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Safety Assessment for Facilities and Activities

Safety Assessment for Facilities and Activities PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789200589089
Category : Nuclear facilities
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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"This publication describes the generally applicable requirements to be fulfilled in safety assessments for facilities and activities, with special attention paid to defence in depth, quantitative analyses and the application of a graded approach to the range of facilities and activities that are addressed. The requirements provide a consistent and coherent basis for safety assessments, facilitating the transfer of good practices between organizations. A review of Safety Requirements publications was commenced in 2011 following the accident in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan. The review revealed no significant areas of weakness and resulted in just a small set of amendments to strengthen the requirements and facilitate their implementation, which are contained in the present publication."--Publisher's description.