Frailty and Sarcopenia

Frailty and Sarcopenia PDF Author: Yannis Dionyssiotis
Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand
ISBN: 9535134833
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 256

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Frailty is considered a multisystem impairment that makes an individual vulnerable to external or internal stressors. Sarcopenia, the age-dependent loss of muscle mass and function, is proposed as the biological substrate and the pathway whereby the consequences of physical frailty develop. These syndromes are associated with a negative impact in quality of life and can lead to the occurrence of disability, institutionalization, and even mortality. The book focuses upon all the related aspects of frailty and sarcopenia and the new advancements in the related treatments including complex issues and research. It includes high-quality chapters in all related aspects for the syndromes of sarcopenia and frailty, which adversely affect the function and overall effectiveness of the musculoskeletal system and interventions to promote rehabilitation.

Sarcopenia and frailty: The role of physical activity for better aging

Sarcopenia and frailty: The role of physical activity for better aging PDF Author: Ricardo Aurélio Carvalho Sampaio
Publisher: Frontiers Media SA
ISBN: 2832539998
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 98

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Frailty and Sarcopenia

Frailty and Sarcopenia PDF Author: Yannis Dionyssiotis
Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand
ISBN: 9535134833
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 256

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Book Description
Frailty is considered a multisystem impairment that makes an individual vulnerable to external or internal stressors. Sarcopenia, the age-dependent loss of muscle mass and function, is proposed as the biological substrate and the pathway whereby the consequences of physical frailty develop. These syndromes are associated with a negative impact in quality of life and can lead to the occurrence of disability, institutionalization, and even mortality. The book focuses upon all the related aspects of frailty and sarcopenia and the new advancements in the related treatments including complex issues and research. It includes high-quality chapters in all related aspects for the syndromes of sarcopenia and frailty, which adversely affect the function and overall effectiveness of the musculoskeletal system and interventions to promote rehabilitation.


Sarcopenia PDF Author: Alfonso J. Cruz-Jentoft
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119597900
Category : Medical
Languages : de
Pages : 478

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Tiefgehende Analyse von Sarkopenie in der Gerontologie. Die Erkrankung ist noch immer wenig erforscht, hat jedoch weitreichende Auswirkungen in dem Fachgebiet. Von Sarkopenie sind ältere Männer und Frauen betroffen. Im klinischen Kontext spielt die Krankheit, die erst 2016 formal in die Internationale Klassifikation von Krankheiten aufgenommen wurde, weiterhin eine ungeordnete Rolle. Die gesundheitlichen und finanziellen Folgen können für eine Gesellschaft immens sein, wenn keine einheitlichen und effektiven Verfahren umgesetzt werden, um die Erkrankung zu erkennen und zu behandeln. In der überarbeiteten und erweiterten 2. Auflage von Sarcopenia erhalten Geriatern und weitere Experten aus dem Gesundheitssektor einen Überblick über diese kaum erforschte und wenig erkannte Erkrankung. Die Herausgeber sind namhafte Experten und betrachten die Epidemiologie und Diagnose der Sarkopenie, Behandlungsoptionen und mögliche Präventionsstrategien. Die acht neuen Kapitel bauen auf dem vorhandenen Wissensstand auf und liefern neue Erkenntnisse, u. a. zu Biomarkern bei Sakropenie und den Auswirkungen auf das Gesundheitswesen. Diese wichtige Publikation - definiert Sarkopenie und erläutert die klinische Relevanz. - präsentiert die jüngsten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse. - beleuchtet Behandlungsoptionen. - erläutert Präventionsstrategien. - zeigt die Bedeutung von Sarkopenie im Gesundheitswesen. - enthält acht neue Kapitel, u. a. zu dem klinischen Management der Erkrankung, zu Biomarkern und zu den finanziellen Folgen. Die 2. Auflage von Sarcopenia ist ein bahnbrechendes und wichtiges neues Referenzwerk für Kliniker und weitere Experten in der Geriatrie, Altenpflege und Altenheimen und der Fachrichtungen Ernährung, Onkologie, Endokrinologie, Chirurgie, Sportmedizin sowie einer Vielzahl von Fachgebieten.

World Report on Ageing and Health

World Report on Ageing and Health PDF Author: World Health Organization
Publisher: World Health Organization
ISBN: 9241565047
Category : Family & Relationships
Languages : en
Pages : 260

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The WHO World report on ageing and health is not for the book shelf it is a living breathing testament to all older people who have fought for their voice to be heard at all levels of government across disciplines and sectors. - Mr Bjarne Hastrup President International Federation on Ageing and CEO DaneAge This report outlines a framework for action to foster Healthy Ageing built around the new concept of functional ability. This will require a transformation of health systems away from disease based curative models and towards the provision of older-person-centred and integrated care. It will require the development sometimes from nothing of comprehensive systems of long term care. It will require a coordinated response from many other sectors and multiple levels of government. And it will need to draw on better ways of measuring and monitoring the health and functioning of older populations. These actions are likely to be a sound investment in society's future. A future that gives older people the freedom to live lives that previous generations might never have imagined. The World report on ageing and health responds to these challenges by recommending equally profound changes in the way health policies for ageing populations are formulated and services are provided. As the foundation for its recommendations the report looks at what the latest evidence has to say about the ageing process noting that many common perceptions and assumptions about older people are based on outdated stereotypes. The report's recommendations are anchored in the evidence comprehensive and forward-looking yet eminently practical. Throughout examples of experiences from different countries are used to illustrate how specific problems can be addressed through innovation solutions. Topics explored range from strategies to deliver comprehensive and person-centred services to older populations to policies that enable older people to live in comfort and safety to ways to correct the problems and injustices inherent in current systems for long-term care.


Osteosarcopenia PDF Author: Gustavo Duque
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0128204206
Category : Reference
Languages : en
Pages : 350

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Falls, fractures, frailty, osteoporosis and sarcopenia are highly prevalent in older persons. While the concept of osteosarcopenia is new, it is a rapidly evolving and cross-disciplinary problem. Prevention and treatment are challenging and a combined therapeutic approach is needed. Osteosarcopenia provides evidence-based information on how to prevent and treat these conditions at multiple settings, including multiple illustrations, care pathways and tips to easily understand the pathophysiology, diagnostic methods and therapeutic approach to these conditions. This work evaluates the potential for a link between osteoporosis, sarcopenia and obesity. - Presents diagnostic and therapeutic tips that facilitate the design and implementation of new care pathways, impacting the wellbeing of our older population - Provides cross-disciplinary understanding by experts from the bone/osteoporosis field and the muscle/sarcopenia field - Covers muscle and bone biology, mesenchymal stem cells, age-related changes and cross-talk between muscle, fat and bone, falls and fracture risk, glucose metabolism, diagnosis, imaging, and genetics of osteosarcopenia

Osteosarcopenia: Bone, Muscle and Fat Interactions

Osteosarcopenia: Bone, Muscle and Fat Interactions PDF Author: Gustavo Duque
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030258904
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 382

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This edited work presents the most current evidence on osteosarcopenia from bench to bedside, which is expected to facilitate the understanding of this syndrome and to develop preventive and therapeutic strategies. With our aging population, chronic diseases such as osteoporosis and sarcopenia are becoming highly prevalent. Fortunately, our understanding of the bone and muscle interactions has increased in recent years. This has allowed to the coining of the term osteosarcopenia to describe a syndrome in which these two diseases overlap. This overlap between osteoporosis and sarcopenia has major negative effects not only on our older adults but also on health systems worldwide. Readers will find a highly translational approach that starts with a summary of recent discoveries on stem cells biology, muscle and bone interactions – including the role of local bone and muscle fat – followed by comprehensive reviews on myokines (i.e. myostatin), osteokines (i.e. osteocalcin) and adipokines (i.e. interleukins) as major players and determinants of bone and muscle loss with aging. In addition, the role of sex steroids (i.e. estrogens, androgens), and calciotropic hormones (i.e. parathyroid hormone, vitamin D) in the pathogenesis of this syndrome is also reviewed. Moreover, using practical diagnostic and therapeutic tips, this book summarizes the clinical characteristics of osteosarcopenic patients thus facilitating the diagnosis and treatment of this syndrome in clinical practice. Finally, the book presents the case for the Falls and Fractures Clinic as the optimal model of care for this syndrome, aimed to avoid fragmentation and optimize osteosarcopenia care, and simultaneously prevent falls and fractures in older persons. This book offers relevant information on the mechanisms of osteosarcopenia, and a practical guide on how to identify and treat this geriatric syndrome and its adverse outcomes, which are dramatically affecting our aging population. The work is written by leaders in the field and is especially suited not only to any researcher in the musculoskeletal arena but also to medical specialists and allied health professionals involved in the care of older persons.

Pathy's Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine

Pathy's Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine PDF Author: Alan J. Sinclair
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119954142
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 3453

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This new edition of the comprehensive and renowned textbook Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine offers a fully revised and updated review of geriatric medicine. It covers the full spectrum of the subject, features 41 new chapters, and provides up-to-date, evidence-based, and practical information about the varied medical problems of ageing citizens. The three editors, from UK, USA and France, have ensured that updated chapters provide a global perspective of geriatric medicine, as well as reflect the changes in treatment options and medical conditions which have emerged since publication of the 4th edition in 2006. The book includes expanded sections on acute stroke, dementia, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory diseases, and features a new section on end-of-life care. In the tradition of previous editions, this all-encompassing text continues to be a must-have text for all clinicians who deal with older people, particularly geriatric medical specialists, gerontologists, researchers, and general practitioners. This title is also available as a mobile App from MedHand Mobile Libraries. Buy it now from Google Play or the MedHand Store. Praise for the 4th edition: " excellent reference for learners at all clinical and preclinical levels and a useful contribution to the geriatric medical literature." —Journal of the American Medical Association, November 2006 5th edition selected for 2012 Edition of Doody's Core TitlesTM

Interdisciplinary Nutritional Management and Care for Older Adults

Interdisciplinary Nutritional Management and Care for Older Adults PDF Author: Ólöf G. Geirsdóttir
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030638928
Category : Adulthood
Languages : en
Pages : 274

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Intro -- Foreword -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- Part I: Nutritional Care in Geriatrics -- 1: Overview of Nutrition Care in Geriatrics and Orthogeriatrics -- 1.1 Defining Malnutrition -- 1.2 Nutrition Care in Older Adults: A Complex and Necessary Challenge -- 1.3 Malnutrition: A Truly Wicked Problem -- 1.4 Building the Rationale for Integrated Nutrition Care -- 1.5 Managing the Wicked Nutrition Problems with a SIMPLE Approach (or Other Tailored Models) -- 1.5.1 Keep It SIMPLE When Appropriate -- 1.5.2 A SIMPLE Case Example -- S-Screen for Malnutrition -- I-Interdisciplinary Assessment -- M-Make the Diagnosis (es) -- P-Plan with the Older Adult -- L-Implement Interventions -- E-Evaluate Ongoing Care Requirements -- 1.6 Bringing It All Together: Integrated Nutrition Care Across the Four Pillars of (Ortho) Geriatric Care -- 1.7 Summary: Finishing Off with a List of New Questions -- References -- Recommended Reading -- 2: Nutritional Requirements in Geriatrics -- 2.1 Nutritional Recommendations for Older Adults, Geriatric and Orthogeriatric Patients -- 2.2 Nutritional Recommendations for Older Adults -- 2.2.1 Energy Requirement and Recommended Intake -- 2.2.2 Protein Requirement and Recommended Intake -- 2.2.3 Micronutrients and Dietary Fibers -- 2.3 Nutritional Risk Factors in Older Adults -- 2.4 Estimating Intake in Older Adults -- 2.5 Nutritional Status of Older Adults, Geriatric and Orthogeriatric Patients -- 2.6 Summary -- References -- Recommended Reading -- 3: Nutritional Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment in Geriatrics -- 3.1 The Nutrition Care Process -- 3.2 Nutritional Screening/Risk Detection -- 3.3 Nutritional Assessment and Diagnosis -- 3.3.1 Nutrition Impact Symptoms -- 3.3.2 Nutritional Diagnosis -- 3.3.3 Etiologic Criteria.

Exercise and Physical Activity for Older Adults

Exercise and Physical Activity for Older Adults PDF Author: Danielle R. Bouchard
Publisher: Human Kinetics Publishers
ISBN: 149257290X
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 354

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"This book discusses the physical benefits of exercise and physical activity when aging without major diseases, making this book unique in the sense of its primary prevention focus"--


Sarcopenia PDF Author: Nicola Veronese
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030800385
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 221

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This book offers a concise and updated guide for all readers (physicians and non-physicians) interested in gaining a comprehensive and precise understanding of sarcopenia. Over the last several years, sarcopenia has increasingly developed from being a concept known only in research settings to one that is commonly explored in journals and scientific meetings for various disciplines, such as geriatrics, rheumatology and rehabilitation medicine. Thus, all domains of sarcopenia, from molecular aspects to clinical management, represent highly active areas of research and clinical practice for health professionals in a variety of fields, including geriatric medicine, nutrition, and epidemiology. Despite being a relatively new concept in medicine, sarcopenia is increasingly being recognized as an important determinant of other health conditions, including mortality and disability. This book, written by experts from around the globe, covers several core aspects of sarcopenia management, from molecular mechanisms to genetics, epidemiology, diagnosis and finally treatment, including the clinical impact of sarcopenia as a risk factor, the known genetic and molecular aspects that can aid in predicting sarcopenia, and selected treatment and therapy concepts, including indications for nutrition and physical exercise. Sharing data from the latest studies, it will be of considerable interest not only for geriatricians, but also for a wide range of other readers.