Author: Jamie Brownlee
Publisher: Fernwood Publishing
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 172
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The "economic elite" has long been thought to cooperate at a corporate level to impact state and national policies and programs at the expense of the Canadian citizenry. However, this work reveals the expanding reach of the elite and their current encroachment into the noncorporate arena as yet another opportunity to exert their formidable influence. Citing the increasingly unified and class-conscious aspects of the group, this text reveals the degree to which this minority continues to prosper, dominate, and threaten Canadian democracy through numerous unifying mechanisms: corporate director interlocks; concentrated economic ownership; ties to the mass media; and the many business-oriented think tanks, philanthropic foundations, and corporate policy organizations. Maintaining that these existing relations need not be considered inevitable, the author challenges concerned citizens to come together to disrupt the political and economic status quo.
Author: James W. St. G. Walker
Publisher: Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 474
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Drawing on four cases relating to race between 1914 and 1955, Walker (history, U. of Waterloo) explores the role of the Canadian Supreme Court and the law in racializing Canadian society. He demonstrates that the justices were expressing the prevailing common sense in their legal decisions, and argues that the law has created the conditions for the country's chronic racism. He projects past and current trends into the future. Co-published by the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History. Canadian card order number: C97-931762-2. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
Category : Law reports, digests, etc
Languages : en
Pages : 1260
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"This series of reports is in a sense a continuation, but with a decided expansion, of the plan of the English ruling cases, as it takes the cases from the British empire, instead of from England only, but it continues the English ruling cases in the sense that it will include the most important cases from the English courts decided since that series terminated."--Pref.
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 994
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Category : Labor
Languages : en
Pages : 40
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Author: Canada. Supreme Court
Category : Law reports, digests, etc
Languages : en
Pages : 766
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Author: Brian A. Facey
ISBN: 9780433473893
Category : Antitrust law
Languages : en
Pages : 384
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Author: Andrea Olive
Publisher: University of Toronto Press
ISBN: 1487570376
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 377
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The Canadian Environment in Political Context uses a non-technical approach to introduce environmental politics to undergraduate readers. The second edition features expanded chapters on wildlife, water, pollution, land, and energy. Beginning with a brief synopsis of environmental quality across Canada, the text moves on to examine political institutions and policymaking, the history of environmentalism in Canada, and other crucial issues including Indigenous peoples and the environment, as well as Canada’s North. Enhanced with case studies, key words, and a comprehensive glossary, Olive's book addresses the major environmental concerns and challenges that Canada faces in the twenty-first century.
Author: Louis William Coutlée
Publisher: Carswell
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 336
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Author: Edward B. Brown
Category : Canada
Languages : en
Pages : 890
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From 1900 to 1908 includes the "Annual digest of Canadian cases ... decided in the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, in the Supreme and Exchequer Courts of Canada, and in the courts of the provinces ... Edited by Edward B. Brown."