RF/Microwave Engineering and Applications in Energy Systems

RF/Microwave Engineering and Applications in Energy Systems PDF Author: Abdullah Eroglu
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119268796
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 644

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RF/MICROWAVE ENGINEERING AND APPLICATIONS IN ENERGY SYSTEMS An essential text with a unique focus on RF and microwave engineering theory and its applications In RF/Microwave Engineering and Applications in Energy Systems, accomplished researcher Abdullah Eroglu delivers a detailed treatment of key theoretical aspects of radio-frequency and microwave engineering concepts along with parallel presentations of their practical applications. The text includes coverage of recent advances in the subject, including energy harvesting methods, RFID antenna designs, HVAC system controls, and smart grids. The distinguished author provides step-by-step solutions to common engineering problems by way of numerous examples and offers end-of-chapter problems and solutions on each topic. These practical applications of theoretical subjects aid the reader with retention and recall and demonstrate a solid connection between theory and practice. The author also applies common simulation tools in several chapters, illustrating the use and implementation of time domain circuit simulators in conjunction with electromagnetic simulators, as well as Matlab for design, simulation, and implementation at the component and system levels. Readers will also benefit from: A thorough introduction to the foundations of electromagnetics, including line, surface, and volume integrals, vector operation and theorems, and Maxwell’s equations Comprehensive explorations of passive and active components in RF and microwave engineering, including resistors, capacitors, inductors, and semiconductor materials and active devices Practical discussions of transmission lines, including transmission line analysis, Smith charts, microstrip lines, and striplines In-depth examinations of network parameters, including impedance parameters, ABCD parameters, h-Hybrid parameters, and network connections Perfect for senior-level undergraduates and graduate students studying RF or Microwave engineering, RF/Microwave Engineering and Applications in Energy Systems is also an indispensable resource for professionals whose work touches on radio-frequency and microwave technologies.

RF/Microwave Engineering and Applications in Energy Systems

RF/Microwave Engineering and Applications in Energy Systems PDF Author: Abdullah Eroglu
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119268796
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 644

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Book Description
RF/MICROWAVE ENGINEERING AND APPLICATIONS IN ENERGY SYSTEMS An essential text with a unique focus on RF and microwave engineering theory and its applications In RF/Microwave Engineering and Applications in Energy Systems, accomplished researcher Abdullah Eroglu delivers a detailed treatment of key theoretical aspects of radio-frequency and microwave engineering concepts along with parallel presentations of their practical applications. The text includes coverage of recent advances in the subject, including energy harvesting methods, RFID antenna designs, HVAC system controls, and smart grids. The distinguished author provides step-by-step solutions to common engineering problems by way of numerous examples and offers end-of-chapter problems and solutions on each topic. These practical applications of theoretical subjects aid the reader with retention and recall and demonstrate a solid connection between theory and practice. The author also applies common simulation tools in several chapters, illustrating the use and implementation of time domain circuit simulators in conjunction with electromagnetic simulators, as well as Matlab for design, simulation, and implementation at the component and system levels. Readers will also benefit from: A thorough introduction to the foundations of electromagnetics, including line, surface, and volume integrals, vector operation and theorems, and Maxwell’s equations Comprehensive explorations of passive and active components in RF and microwave engineering, including resistors, capacitors, inductors, and semiconductor materials and active devices Practical discussions of transmission lines, including transmission line analysis, Smith charts, microstrip lines, and striplines In-depth examinations of network parameters, including impedance parameters, ABCD parameters, h-Hybrid parameters, and network connections Perfect for senior-level undergraduates and graduate students studying RF or Microwave engineering, RF/Microwave Engineering and Applications in Energy Systems is also an indispensable resource for professionals whose work touches on radio-frequency and microwave technologies.

Principles and Applications of RF/Microwave in Healthcare and Biosensing

Principles and Applications of RF/Microwave in Healthcare and Biosensing PDF Author: Changzhi Li
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0128092181
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 343

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This reference, written by leading authorities in the field, gives basic theory, implementation details, advanced research, and applications of RF and microwave in healthcare and biosensing. It first provides a solid understanding of the fundamentals with coverage of the basics of microwave engineering and the interaction between electromagnetic waves and biomaterials. It then presents the state-of-the-art development in microwave biosensing, implantable devices -including applications of microwave technology for sensing biological tissues – and medical diagnosis, along with applications involving remote patient monitoring. this book is an ideal reference for RF and microwave engineer working on, or thinking of working on, the applications of RF and Microwave technology in medicine and biology. Learn: - The fundamentals of RF and microwave engineering in healthcare and biosensing - How to combine biological and medical aspects of the field with underlying engineering concepts - How to implement microwave biosensing for material characterization and cancer diagnosis - Applications and functioning of wireless implantable biomedical devices and microwave non-contact biomedical radars - How to combine devices, systems, and methods for new practical applications - The first book to review the fundamentals, latest developments, and future trends in this important emerging field with emphasis on engineering aspects of sensing, monitoring, and diagnosis using RF and Microwave - Extensive coverage of biosensing applications are included - Written by leaders in the field, including members of the Technical Coordinating Committee of the Biological Effects and Medical Applications of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society

Microstrip Filters for RF / Microwave Applications

Microstrip Filters for RF / Microwave Applications PDF Author: Jia-Sheng Hong
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118002121
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 608

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The first edition of “Microstrip Filters for RF/Microwave Applications” was published in 2001. Over the years the book has been well received and is used extensively in both academia and industry by microwave researchers and engineers. From its inception as a manuscript the book is almost 8 years old. While the fundamentals of filter circuits have not changed, further innovations in filter realizations and other applications have occurred with changes in the technology and use of new fabrication processes, such as the recent advances in RF MEMS and ferroelectric films for tunable filters; the use of liquid crystal polymer (LCP) substrates for multilayer circuits, as well as the new filters for dual-band, multi-band and ultra wideband (UWB) applications. Although the microstrip filter remains as the main transmission line medium for these new developments, there has been a new trend of using combined planar transmission line structures such as co-planar waveguide (CPW) and slotted ground structures for novel physical implementations beyond the single layer in order to achieve filter miniaturization and better performance. Also, over the years, practitioners have suggested topics that should be added for completeness, or deleted in some cases, as they were not very useful in practice. In view of the above, the authors are proposing a revised version of the “Microstrip Filters for RF/Microwave Applications” text and a slightly changed book title of “Planar Filters for RF/Microwave Applications” to reflect the aforementioned trends in the revised book.

RF and Microwave Engineering

RF and Microwave Engineering PDF Author: Frank Gustrau
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118349571
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 374

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This book provides a fundamental and practical introduction to radio frequency and microwave engineering and physical aspects of wireless communication In this book, the author addresses a wide range of radio-frequency and microwave topics with emphasis on physical aspects including EM and voltage waves, transmission lines, passive circuits, antennas, radio wave propagation. Up-to-date RF design tools like RF circuit simulation, EM simulation and computerized smith charts, are used in various examples to demonstrate how these methods can be applied effectively in RF engineering practice. Design rules and working examples illustrate the theoretical parts. The examples are close to real world problems, so the reader can directly transfer the methods within the context of their own work. At the end of each chapter a list of problems is given in order to deepen the reader’s understanding of the chapter material and practice the new competences. Solutions are available on the author’s website. Key Features: Presents a wide range of RF topics with emphasis on physical aspects e.g. EM and voltage waves, transmission lines, passive circuits, antennas Uses various examples of modern RF tools that show how the methods can be applied productively in RF engineering practice Incorporates various design examples using circuit and electromagnetic (EM) simulation software Discusses the propagation of waves: their representation, their effects, and their utilization in passive circuits and antenna structures Provides a list of problems at the end of each chapter Includes an accompanying website containing solutions to the problems (http:\\www.fh-dortmund.de\gustrau_rf_textbook) This will be an invaluable textbook for bachelor and masters students on electrical engineering courses (microwave engineering, basic circuit theory and electromagnetic fields, wireless communications). Early-stage RF practitioners, engineers (e.g. application engineer) working in this area will also find this book of interest.

RF and Microwave Applications and Systems

RF and Microwave Applications and Systems PDF Author: Mike Golio
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1420006711
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 656

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This volume, RF and Microwave Applications and Systems, includes a wide range of articles that discuss RF and microwave systems used for communication and radar and heating applications. Commercial, avionics, medical, and military applications are addressed. An overview of commercial communications systems is provided. Past, current, and emerging cellular systems, navigation systems, and satellite-based systems are discussed. Specific voice and data commercial systems are investigated more thoroughly in individual chapters that follow. Detailed discussions of military electronics, avionics, and radar (both military and automotive) are provided in separate chapters. A chapter focusing on FR/microwave energy used for therapeutic medicine is also provided. Systems considerations including thermal, mechanical, reliability, power management, and safety are discussed in separate chapters. Engineering processes are also explored in articles about corporate initiatives, cost modeling, and design reviews. The book closes with a discussion of the underlying physics of electromagnetic propagation and interference. In addition to new chapters on WiMAX and broadband cable, nearly every existing chapter features extensive updates and several were completely rewritten to reflect the massive changes areas such as radio navigation and electronic warfare.

Microwave RF Antennas and Circuits

Microwave RF Antennas and Circuits PDF Author: Ofer Aluf
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319454277
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1060

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Book Description
This book describes a new concept for analyzing RF/microwave circuits, which includes RF/microwave antennas. The book is unique in its emphasis on practical and innovative microwave RF engineering applications. The analysis is based on nonlinear dynamics and chaos models and shows comprehensive benefits and results. All conceptual RF microwave circuits and antennas are innovative and can be broadly implemented in engineering applications. Given the dynamics of RF microwave circuits and antennas, they are suitable for use in a broad range of applications. The book presents analytical methods for microwave RF antennas and circuit analysis, concrete examples, and geometric examples. The analysis is developed systematically, starting with basic differential equations and their bifurcations, and subsequently moving on to fixed point analysis, limit cycles and their bifurcations. Engineering applications include microwave RF circuits and antennas in a variety of topological structures, RFID ICs and antennas, microstrips, circulators, cylindrical RF network antennas, Tunnel Diodes (TDs), bipolar transistors, field effect transistors (FETs), IMPATT amplifiers, Small Signal (SS) amplifiers, Bias-T circuits, PIN diode circuits, power amplifiers, oscillators, resonators, filters, N-turn antennas, dual spiral coil antennas, helix antennas, linear dipole and slot arrays, and hybrid translinear circuits. In each chapter, the concept is developed from the basic assumptions up to the final engineering outcomes. The scientific background is explained at basic and advanced levels and closely integrated with mathematical theory. The book also includes a wealth of examples, making it ideal for intermediate graduate level studies. It is aimed at electrical and electronic engineers, RF and microwave engineers, students and researchers in physics, and will also greatly benefit all engineers who have had no formal instruction in nonlinear dynamics, but who now desire to bridge the gap between innovative microwave RF circuits and antennas and advanced mathematical analysis methods.

Lumped Elements for RF and Microwave Circuits, Second Edition

Lumped Elements for RF and Microwave Circuits, Second Edition PDF Author: Inder J. Bahl
Publisher: Artech House
ISBN: 1630819336
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 593

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Fully updated and including entirely new chapters, this Second Edition provides in-depth coverage of the different types of RF and microwave circuit elements, including inductors, capacitors, resistors, transformers, via holes, airbridges, and crossovers. Featuring extensive formulas for lumped elements, design trade-offs, and an updated and current list of references, the book helps you understand the value and usefulness of lumped elements in the design of RF, microwave and millimeter wave components and circuits. You’ll find a balanced treatment between standalone lumped elements and their circuits using MICs, MMICs and RFICs technologies. You’ll also find detailed information on a broader range RFICs that was not available when the popular first edition was published. The book captures – in one consolidated volume -- the fundamentals, equations, modeling, examples, references and overall procedures to design, test and produce microwave components that are indispensable in industry and academia today. With its superb organization and expanded coverage of the subject, this is a must-have, go-to resource for practicing engineers and researchers in industry, government and university and microwave engineers working in the antenna area. Students will also find it a useful reference with its clear explanations, many examples and practical modeling guidelines.

The RF and Microwave Handbook

The RF and Microwave Handbook PDF Author: Mike Golio
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1420036769
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1377

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The recent shift in focus from defense and government work to commercial wireless efforts has caused the job of the typical microwave engineer to change dramatically. The modern microwave and RF engineer is expected to know customer expectations, market trends, manufacturing technologies, and factory models to a degree that is unprecedented in the

Solutions Manual for RF and Microwave Wireless Systems Refer to G. Telecki X6317

Solutions Manual for RF and Microwave Wireless Systems Refer to G. Telecki X6317 PDF Author: Kai Chang
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience
ISBN: 9780471406365
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages :

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A comprehensive introduction to the hardware, parameters, and architectures of RF/microwave wireless systems As the basis for some of the hottest technologies of the new millennium, radio frequency (RF) and microwave wireless systems rapidly propel us toward a future in which the transmission of voice, video, and data communications will be possible anywhere in the world through the use of simple, handheld devices. This book provides scientists and engineers with clear, thorough, up-to-date explanations of all aspects of RF and microwave wireless systems, including general hardware components, system parameters, and architectures. Renowned authority Kai Chang covers both communication and radar/sensor systems and extends the discussion to other intriguing topics, from global positioning systems (GPS) to smart highways and smart automobiles. With an emphasis on basic operating principles, Dr. Chang reviews waves and transmission lines, examines modulation and demodulation and multiple-access techniques, and helps bridge the gap between RF/microwave engineering and communication system design. Ample practical examples of components and system configurations and nearly 300 illustrations and photographs complete this timely and indispensable resource. An Instructor's Manual presenting detailed solutions to all the problems in the book is available from the Wiley editorial department

RF and Microwave Circuit and Component Design for Wireless Systems

RF and Microwave Circuit and Component Design for Wireless Systems PDF Author: Kai Chang
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience
ISBN: 9780471197737
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 552

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This is the first book to provide comprehensive coverage of hardware and circuit design specifically for engineers working in wireless communications. It serves as a reference for practicing engineers and technicians working in the areas of RF, microwaves, communications, solid-state devices, and radar.