Dynamics of Structures

Dynamics of Structures PDF Author: Patrick Paultre
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118599691
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 665

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Book Description
This book covers structural dynamics from a theoretical and algorithmic approach. It covers systems with both single and multiple degrees-of-freedom. Numerous case studies are given to provide the reader with a deeper insight into the practicalities of the area, and the solutions to these case studies are given in terms of real-time and frequency in both geometric and modal spaces. Emphasis is also given to the subject of seismic loading. The text is based on many lectures on the subject of structural dynamics given at numerous institutions and thus will be an accessible and practical aid to students of the subject. Key features: Examines the effects of loads, impacts, and seismic forces on the materials used in the construction of buildings, bridges, tunnels, and more Structural dynamics is a critical aspect of the design of all engineered/designed structures and objects - allowing for accurate prediction of their ability to withstand service loading, and for knowledge of failure-causeing or critical loads

Dynamics of Structures

Dynamics of Structures PDF Author: Patrick Paultre
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118599691
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 665

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Book Description
This book covers structural dynamics from a theoretical and algorithmic approach. It covers systems with both single and multiple degrees-of-freedom. Numerous case studies are given to provide the reader with a deeper insight into the practicalities of the area, and the solutions to these case studies are given in terms of real-time and frequency in both geometric and modal spaces. Emphasis is also given to the subject of seismic loading. The text is based on many lectures on the subject of structural dynamics given at numerous institutions and thus will be an accessible and practical aid to students of the subject. Key features: Examines the effects of loads, impacts, and seismic forces on the materials used in the construction of buildings, bridges, tunnels, and more Structural dynamics is a critical aspect of the design of all engineered/designed structures and objects - allowing for accurate prediction of their ability to withstand service loading, and for knowledge of failure-causeing or critical loads

Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 2

Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 2 PDF Author: Kirk Grimmelsman
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030771431
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 157

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Book Description
Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 2: Proceedings of the 39th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 2021, the second volume of nine from the Conference brings together contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on fundamental and applied aspects of the Dynamics of Civil Structures, including papers on: Structural Vibration Humans & Structures Innovative Measurement for Structural Applications Smart Structures and Automation Modal Identification of Structural Systems Bridges and Novel Vibration Analysis Sensors and Control

Dynamics and Control of Structures

Dynamics and Control of Structures PDF Author: Wodek K. Gawronski
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 0387218556
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 248

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This book addresses problems in structural dynamics and control encountered in applications such as robotics, aerospace structures, earthquake-damage prevention, and active noise suppression. The rapid developments of new technologies and computational power have made it possible to formulate and solve engineering problems that seemed unapproachable only a few years ago. This presentation combines concepts from control engineering (such as system norms and controllability) and structural engineering (such as modal properties and models), thereby revealing new structural properties as well as giving new insight into well-known laws. This book will assist engineers in designing control systems and dealing with the complexities of structural dynamics.

Dynamics of Coupled Structures, Volume 1

Dynamics of Coupled Structures, Volume 1 PDF Author: Matt Allen
Publisher: Springer Science & Business
ISBN: 3319045016
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 466

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This first volume of eight from the IMAC-XXXII Conference, brings together contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on fundamental and applied aspects of Structural Dynamics, including papers on: Linear Systems Substructure Modelling Adaptive Structures Experimental Techniques Analytical Methods Damage Detection Damping of Materials & Members Modal Parameter Identification Modal Testing Methods System Identification Active Control Modal Parameter Estimation Processing Modal Data

Dynamics of Structures: Second Edition

Dynamics of Structures: Second Edition PDF Author: J. Humar
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 9789058092465
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1006

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Book Description
This major textbook provides comprehensive coverage of the analytical tools required to determine the dynamic response of structures. The topics covered include: formulation of the equations of motion for single- as well as multi-degree-of-freedom discrete systems using the principles of both vector mechanics and analytical mechanics; free vibration response; determination of frequencies and mode shapes; forced vibration response to harmonic and general forcing functions; dynamic analysis of continuous systems;and wave propagation analysis. The key assets of the book include comprehensive coverage of both the traditional and state-of-the-art numerical techniques of response analysis, such as the analysis by numerical integration of the equations of motion and analysis through frequency domain. The large number of illustrative examples and exercise problems are of great assistance in improving clarity and enhancing reader comprehension. The text aims to benefit students and engineers in the civil, mechanical and aerospace sectors.

Dynamics of Smart Structures

Dynamics of Smart Structures PDF Author: Ranjan Vepa
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 9780470710616
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 410

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Dynamics of Smart Structures is a practical, concise and integrated text that provides an introduction to the fundamental principles of a field that has evolved over the recent years into an independent and identifiable subject area. Bringing together the concepts, techniques and systems associated with the dynamics and control of smart structures, it comprehensively reviews the differing smart materials that are employed in the development of the smart structures and covers several recent developments in the field of structural dynamics. Dynamics of Smart Structures has been developed to complement the author's new interdisciplinary programme of study at Queen Mary, University of London that includes courses on emerging and new technologies such as biomimetic robotics, smart composite structures, micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) and their applications and prosthetic control systems. It includes chapters on smart materials and structures, transducers for smart structures, fundamentals of structural control, dynamics of continuous structures, dynamics of plates and plate-like structures, dynamics of piezoelectric media, mechanics of electro-actuated composite structures, dynamics of thermo-elastic media: shape memory alloys, and controller designs for flexible structures.

Nonlinear Dynamics of Structures

Nonlinear Dynamics of Structures PDF Author: Sergio Oller
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319051946
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 203

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This book lays the foundation of knowledge that will allow a better understanding of nonlinear phenomena that occur in structural dynamics. This work is intended for graduate engineering students who want to expand their knowledge on the dynamic behavior of structures, specifically in the nonlinear field, by presenting the basis of dynamic balance in non‐linear behavior structures due to the material and kinematics mechanical effects. Particularly, this publication shows the solution of the equation of dynamic equilibrium for structure with nonlinear time‐independent materials (plasticity, damage and frequencies evolution), as well as those time dependent non‐linear behavior materials (viscoelasticity and viscoplasticity). The convergence conditions for the non‐linear dynamic structure solution are studied and the theoretical concepts and its programming algorithms are presented.

Stochastic Dynamics of Structures

Stochastic Dynamics of Structures PDF Author: Jie Li
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0470824255
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 426

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In Stochastic Dynamics of Structures, Li and Chen present a unified view of the theory and techniques for stochastic dynamics analysis, prediction of reliability, and system control of structures within the innovative theoretical framework of physical stochastic systems. The authors outline the fundamental concepts of random variables, stochastic process and random field, and orthogonal expansion of random functions. Readers will gain insight into core concepts such as stochastic process models for typical dynamic excitations of structures, stochastic finite element, and random vibration analysis. Li and Chen also cover advanced topics, including the theory of and elaborate numerical methods for probability density evolution analysis of stochastic dynamical systems, reliability-based design, and performance control of structures. Stochastic Dynamics of Structures presents techniques for researchers and graduate students in a wide variety of engineering fields: civil engineering, mechanical engineering, aerospace and aeronautics, marine and offshore engineering, ship engineering, and applied mechanics. Practicing engineers will benefit from the concise review of random vibration theory and the new methods introduced in the later chapters. "The book is a valuable contribution to the continuing development of the field of stochastic structural dynamics, including the recent discoveries and developments by the authors of the probability density evolution method (PDEM) and its applications to the assessment of the dynamic reliability and control of complex structures through the equivalent extreme-value distribution." —A. H-S. Ang, NAE, Hon. Mem. ASCE, Research Professor, University of California, Irvine, USA "The authors have made a concerted effort to present a responsible and even holistic account of modern stochastic dynamics. Beyond the traditional concepts, they also discuss theoretical tools of recent currency such as the Karhunen-Loeve expansion, evolutionary power spectra, etc. The theoretical developments are properly supplemented by examples from earthquake, wind, and ocean engineering. The book is integrated by also comprising several useful appendices, and an exhaustive list of references; it will be an indispensable tool for students, researchers, and practitioners endeavoring in its thematic field." —Pol Spanos, NAE, Ryon Chair in Engineering, Rice University, Houston, USA

Dynamics and Control of Structures

Dynamics and Control of Structures PDF Author: Leonard Meirovitch
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 9780471628583
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 450

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A text/reference on analysis of structures that deform in use. Presents a new, integrated approach to analytical dynamics, structural dynamics and control theory and goes beyond classical dynamics of rigid bodies to incorporate analysis of flexibility of structures. Includes real-world examples of applications such as robotics, precision machinery and aircraft structures.

Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 2

Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 2 PDF Author: Shamim Pakzad
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319744216
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 370

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Book Description
Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 2: Proceedings of the 36th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 2018, the second volume of nine from the Conference brings together contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on fundamental and applied aspects of the Dynamics of Civil Structures, including papers on: Modal Parameter Identification Dynamic Testing of Civil Structures Control of Human Induced Vibrations of Civil Structures Model Updating Damage Identification in Civil Infrastructure Bridge Dynamics Experimental Techniques for Civil Structures Hybrid Simulation of Civil Structures Vibration Control of Civil Structures System Identification of Civil Structures