Research Design

Research Design PDF Author: John W. Creswell
Publisher: SAGE
ISBN: 1452226105
Category : Reference
Languages : en
Pages : 305

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Book Description
The bestseller that pioneered the comparison of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research design continues in its Fourth Edition to help students and researchers prepare their plan or proposal for a scholarly journal article, dissertation or thesis.

Research Design

Research Design PDF Author: John W. Creswell
Publisher: SAGE
ISBN: 1452226105
Category : Reference
Languages : en
Pages : 305

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Book Description
The bestseller that pioneered the comparison of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research design continues in its Fourth Edition to help students and researchers prepare their plan or proposal for a scholarly journal article, dissertation or thesis.

An Applied Guide to Research Designs

An Applied Guide to Research Designs PDF Author: W. Alex Edmonds
Publisher: SAGE Publications
ISBN: 1483317269
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 393

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Book Description
The Second Edition of An Applied Guide to Research Designs offers researchers in the social and behavioral sciences guidance for selecting the most appropriate research design to apply in their study. Using consistent terminology, authors W. Alex Edmonds and Thomas D. Kennedy visually present a range of research designs used in quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods to help readers conceptualize, construct, test, and problem solve in their investigation. The Second Edition features revamped and expanded coverage of research designs, new real-world examples and references, a new chapter on action research, and updated ancillaries.

Research Methods and Statistics

Research Methods and Statistics PDF Author: Janie H. Wilson
Publisher: SAGE Publications
ISBN: 1483392163
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 439

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Book Description
This innovative text offers a completely integrated approach to teaching research methods and statistics by presenting a research question accompanied by the appropriate methods and statistical procedures needed to address it. Research questions and designs become more complex as chapters progress, building on simpler questions to reinforce student learning. Using a conversational style and research examples from published works, this comprehensive book walks readers through the entire research process and includes ample pedagogical support for SPSS, Excel, and APA style.

Encyclopedia of Research Design

Encyclopedia of Research Design PDF Author: Neil J. Salkind
Publisher: SAGE
ISBN: 1412961270
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 1779

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Book Description
"Comprising more than 500 entries, the Encyclopedia of Research Design explains how to make decisions about research design, undertake research projects in an ethical manner, interpret and draw valid inferences from data, and evaluate experiment design strategies and results. Two additional features carry this encyclopedia far above other works in the field: bibliographic entries devoted to significant articles in the history of research design and reviews of contemporary tools, such as software and statistical procedures, used to analyze results. It covers the spectrum of research design strategies, from material presented in introductory classes to topics necessary in graduate research; it addresses cross- and multidisciplinary research needs, with many examples drawn from the social and behavioral sciences, neurosciences, and biomedical and life sciences; it provides summaries of advantages and disadvantages of often-used strategies; and it uses hundreds of sample tables, figures, and equations based on real-life cases."--Publisher's description.

Research Design

Research Design PDF Author: John W. Creswell
Publisher: SAGE Publications
ISBN: 1506386695
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 257

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Book Description
This best-selling text pioneered the comparison of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research design. For all three approaches, John W. Creswell and new co-author J. David Creswell include a preliminary consideration of philosophical assumptions, key elements of the research process, a review of the literature, an assessment of the use of theory in research applications, and reflections about the importance of writing and ethics in scholarly inquiry. The Fifth Edition includes more coverage of: epistemological and ontological positioning in relation to the research question and chosen methodology; case study, PAR, visual and online methods in qualitative research; qualitative and quantitative data analysis software; and in quantitative methods more on power analysis to determine sample size, and more coverage of experimental and survey designs; and updated with the latest thinking and research in mixed methods.

Social Research Methods

Social Research Methods PDF Author: Nicholas Walliman
Publisher: SAGE
ISBN: 1847878180
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 231

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Book Description
SAGE Course Companions are an exciting new series from SAGE offering students an insider's guide into how to make the most of their undergraduate courses and extend their understanding of key concepts covered in their course. Social Research Methods provides student readers with essential help with their research project, with revising for their course exams, preparing and writing course assessment materials, and enhancing and progressing their knowledge and thinking skills in line with course requirements on Research Methods courses. This Course Companion is designed to augment, rather than replace, existing textbooks for the course, and will provide: " Helpful summaries of the course curriculum to aid essay and project planning " Key summaries of the approach taken by the main Methods textbooks " Guidance on the essential study skills required " Help with developing critical thinking " Route-maps to aid the development of wider learning above and beyond the textbook " Pointers to success in course exams and written assessment exercises " A tutor's-eye view of what course examiners are looking for " An insider's view of what key course concepts are really all about SAGE Course Companions are much more than revision guides for undergraduate; they are an essential tool to taking your course learning and understanding to new levels and in new directions that are the key to success in undergraduate courses.

Qualitative Research Design

Qualitative Research Design PDF Author: Joseph A. Maxwell
Publisher: SAGE
ISBN: 9780761926085
Category : Reference
Languages : en
Pages : 196

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Book Description
Qualitative Research Design: An Interactive Approach, Second Edition provides researchers and students with a user-friendly, step-by-step guide to planning qualitative research. A bestseller in its First Edition, this invaluable book presents an innovative approach to the components of design and how they interact with each other. The text presents a clear strategy for creating coherent and workable relationships among these design components and highlights key design issues. Based on a course the author taught for seven years at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, the work is written in an informal, jargon-free style and incorporates many examples and hands-on exercises.

When to Use What Research Design

When to Use What Research Design PDF Author: W. Paul Vogt
Publisher: Guilford Press
ISBN: 1462503535
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 402

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Book Description
Systematic, practical, and accessible, this is the first book to focus on finding the most defensible design for a particular research question. Thoughtful guidelines are provided for weighing the advantages and disadvantages of various methods, including qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods designs. The book can be read sequentially or readers can dip into chapters on specific stages of research (basic design choices, selecting and sampling participants, addressing ethical issues) or data collection methods (surveys, interviews, experiments, observations, archival studies, and combined methods). Many chapter headings and subheadings are written as questions, helping readers quickly find the answers they need to make informed choices that will affect the later analysis and interpretation of their data. ? Useful features include: *Easy-to-navigate part and chapter structure. *Engaging research examples from a variety of fields. *End-of-chapter tables that summarize the main points covered. *Detailed suggestions for further reading at the end of each chapter. ?*Integration of data collection, sampling, and research ethics in one volume. *Comprehensive glossary. ?

Single-case Research Designs

Single-case Research Designs PDF Author: Alan E. Kazdin
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
ISBN: 9780195341881
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 452

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Book Description
Kazdin's text is a notable contrast to the quantitative methodology approach that pervades the biological and social sciences. The methodology in Single-Case Reasearch Designs focuses on a widely applicable methodology for evaluating interventions, such as treatment, or psychotherapy, using applied behavior anlaysis. However, this revision aims to encompass a broader range of research areas that utilize single-case designs. The text will convey the pertinence of this research methodology to disciplines ranging from psychology and medicine to business and industry. The first edition of this book, which was published in 1982, still sells a steady amount of copies today. The fact that professors continue to use the first edition of this book more than twenty years after it was published is a testament to the quality of information, organization, and narrative throughout the text. The possibility of a revision has professors excited that they can expose their students toa well-written, clear, and updated text that will reflect the current status of single-case research.

Research Design

Research Design PDF Author: Stephen Gorard
Publisher: SAGE
ISBN: 1446290859
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 234

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Book Description
Research design is of critical importance in social research, despite its relative neglect in many methods resources. Early consideration of design in relation to research questions leads to the elimination or diminution of threats to eventual research claims, by encouraging internal validity and substantially reducing the number of alternative explanations for any finite number of research ′observations′. This new book: discusses the nature of design; gives an introduction to design notation; offers a flexible approach to new designs; looks at a range of standard design models; and presents craft tips for real-life problems and compromises. Most importantly, it provides the rationale for preferring one design over another within any given context. Each section is illustrated with case studies of real work and concludes with suggested readings and topics for discussion in seminars and workshops, making it an ideal textbook for postgraduate research methods courses. Based on the author′s teaching on the ESRC Doctoral Training Centre "Masters in Research Methods" at the University of Birmingham, and his ongoing work for the ESRC Researcher Development Initiative, this is an essential text for postgraduate researchers and academics. There is no book like Research Design on the market that addresses all of these issues in an easy to comprehend style, for those who want to design research and make critical judgements about the designs of others.