Reproductive Biology of Bats

Reproductive Biology of Bats PDF Author: Elizabeth G. Crichton
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0080540538
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 523

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The Reproductive Biology of Bats presents the first comprehensive, in-depth review of the current knowledge and supporting literature concerning the behavior, anatomy, physiology and reproductive strategies of bats. These mammals, which occur world-wide and comprise a vast assemblage of species, have evolved unique and successful reproductive strategies through varied anatomical and physiological specialization. These are accompanied by individual and/or group behavioral interactions, usually in response to environmental mechanisms essential to their reproductive success. - Is the first book devoted to the reproductive biology of bats - Contains in-depth reviews of the literature concerned with bat reproduction - Contributors are widely recognized specialists - Provides a powerful database for future research

Reproductive Biology of Bats

Reproductive Biology of Bats PDF Author: Elizabeth G. Crichton
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0080540538
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 523

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Book Description
The Reproductive Biology of Bats presents the first comprehensive, in-depth review of the current knowledge and supporting literature concerning the behavior, anatomy, physiology and reproductive strategies of bats. These mammals, which occur world-wide and comprise a vast assemblage of species, have evolved unique and successful reproductive strategies through varied anatomical and physiological specialization. These are accompanied by individual and/or group behavioral interactions, usually in response to environmental mechanisms essential to their reproductive success. - Is the first book devoted to the reproductive biology of bats - Contains in-depth reviews of the literature concerned with bat reproduction - Contributors are widely recognized specialists - Provides a powerful database for future research

Bat Ecology

Bat Ecology PDF Author: Thomas H. Kunz
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
ISBN: 0226462072
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 799

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In recent years researchers have discovered that bats play key roles in many ecosystems as insect predators, seed dispersers, and pollinators. Bats also display astonishing ecological and evolutionary diversity and serve as important models for studies of a wide variety of topics, including food webs, biogeography, and emerging diseases. In Bat Ecology, world-renowned bat scholars present an up-to-date, comprehensive, and authoritative review of this ongoing research. The first part of the book covers the life history and behavioral ecology of bats, from migration to sperm competition and natural selection. The next section focuses on functional ecology, including ecomorphology, feeding, and physiology. In the third section, contributors explore macroecological issues such as the evolution of ecological diversity, range size, and infectious diseases (including rabies) in bats. A final chapter discusses conservation challenges facing these fascinating flying mammals. Bat Ecology is the most comprehensive state-of-the-field collection for scientists and researchers. Contributors: John D. Altringham, Robert M. R. Barclay, Tenley M. Conway, Elizabeth R. Dumont, Peggy Eby, Abigail C. Entwistle, Theodore H. Fleming, Patricia W. Freeman, Lawrence D. Harder, Gareth Jones, Linda F. Lumsden, Gary F. McCracken, Sharon L. Messenger, Bruce D. Patterson, Paul A. Racey, Jens Rydell, Charles E. Rupprecht, Nancy B. Simmons, Jean S. Smith, John R. Speakman, Richard D. Stevens, Elizabeth F. Stockwell, Sharon M. Swartz, Donald W. Thomas, Otto von Helversen, Gerald S. Wilkinson, Michael R. Willig, York Winter

Ontogeny, Functional Ecology, and Evolution of Bats

Ontogeny, Functional Ecology, and Evolution of Bats PDF Author: Rick A. Adams
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521626323
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 414

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This book explores the importance of understanding developmental processes in analyses of bat ecology and evolution.

A Comparative Overview of Mammalian Fertilization

A Comparative Overview of Mammalian Fertilization PDF Author: Bonnie S. Dunbar
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1475789823
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 458

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In 1964, the Fertilization and Gamete Physiology Research Training Program (FERGAP) was established at the Marine Biological Laboratories, Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Over the course of the next 12 years, under the directorship of Dr. Charles B. Metz, FERGAP brought together, trained, and inspired a generation of students in reproductive biology from all over the world. As students of C. B. Metz and as FERGAP trainees, we would like to dedicate this collected work on comparative mammalian fertilization to our teacher and mentor, Dr. Charles B. Metz. Like a number of authors contributing to this volume, we have been struck by the significant impact that C. B. Metz and FERGAP had on the development of students of reproductive biology. Applying both the classical and molecular techniques of cell biology and immunology to problems of gamete biology, Dr. Metz emphasized a comparative and analytical approach that was reflected in his own research on fertilization in Paramecia, sea urchins, frogs, and mammals. It is hoped that this volume will serve to stimulate students to discover the myriad of fascinating research problems in gamete and reproductive biology. Bonnie S. Dunbar Michael G. O'Rand Houston, Texas Chapel Hill, North Carolina ix Contents Part I COMPARATIVE OVERVIEW OF MAMMALIAN GAMETES The Coevolution of Mammalian Gametes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 J. Michael Bedford I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2. Gamete Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.1. Monotremes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2. Marsupials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3. Eutherians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3. Gamete Maturation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 .1. Oocyte Maturation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2. Sperm Maturation in the Male . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 . . . . . . . . . .

The Short-Tailed Fruit Bat

The Short-Tailed Fruit Bat PDF Author: Theodore H. Fleming
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
ISBN: 9780226253282
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 392

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As dusk settles over the Costa Rican forest, the short-tailed fruit bat, Carollia perspicillata, stirs from its cave roost. Flying out to search for ripe fruit, Carollia returns to a night roost in the forest vegetation to eat. After a few such flights Carollia rests, and the fruits pass through its short digestive tract. The seeds are excreted onto the ground, to be eaten in turn by mice and insects, but a few are pushed into crevices where they await the necessary conditions for germination. In The Short-tailed Fruit Bat, Theodore Fleming examines Carollia's role in the ecology of tropical forests. Based on more than ten years' research, this study provides the most detailed ecological and evolutionary account to date of the life history of a Neotropical mammal and includes striking photographs of the bats in flight.

Sociality in Bats

Sociality in Bats PDF Author: Jorge Ortega
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 331938953X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 296

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This book provides new insights into the social behavior of bats - one of the most fascinating topics currently being pursued by researchers. After an introduction reviewing the history of research in bat behavioral ecology, it covers three major themes: bat sociality per se (Part I), bat communication (Part II), and ecological aspects (Part III). Part I offers a concise overview of the social organization and systems of bats, introducing readers to the complexity and dynamics of group structures. Part II is devoted to the innovative field of social communication, focusing on bat songs, dialects and calls. Part III discusses the influence of the environment on bat behavior, particularly with regard to roosting and foraging. This book addresses the needs of researchers working in behavioral sciences, evolution and ecology.

Bats of the Savannah River Site and Vicinity

Bats of the Savannah River Site and Vicinity PDF Author: Michael A. Menzel
Category : Bats
Languages : en
Pages : 80

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The U.S. Department of Energygass Savannah River Site supports a diverse bat community. Nine species occur there regularly, including the eastern pipistrelle (Pipistrellus subflavus), southeastern myotis (Myotis austroriparius), evening bat (Nycticeius humeralis), Rafinesquegass big-eared bat (Corynorhinus rafinesquii), silver-haired bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans), eastern red bat (Lasiurus borealis), Seminole bat (L. seminolus), hoary bat (L. cinereus), and big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus). There are extralimital capture records for two additional species: little brown bat (M. lucifigus) and northern yellow bat (Lasiurus intermedius). Acoustical sampling has documented the presence of Brazilian free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis), but none has been captured. Among those species common to the Site, the southeastern myotis and Rafinesque's big-eared bat are listed in South Carolina as threatened and endangered, respectively. The presence of those two species, and a growing concern for the conservation of forest-dwelling bats, led to extensive and focused research on the Savannah River Site between 1996 and 2002. Summarizing this and other bat research, we provide species accounts that discuss morphology and distribution, roosting and foraging behaviors, home range characteristics, habitat relations, and reproductive biology. We also present information on conservation needs and rabies issues; and, finally, identification keys that may be useful wherever the bat species we describe are found.


Bats PDF Author: M. Brock Fenton
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
ISBN: 022606526X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 305

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There are more than 1,300 species of bats—or almost a quarter of the world’s mammal species. But before you shrink in fear from these furry “creatures of the night,” consider the bat’s fundamental role in our ecosystem. A single brown bat can eat several thousand insects in a night. Bats also pollinate and disperse the seeds for many of the plants we love, from bananas to mangoes and figs. Bats: A World of Science and Mystery presents these fascinating nocturnal creatures in a new light. Lush, full-color photographs portray bats in flight, feeding, and mating in views that show them in exceptional detail. The photos also take the reader into the roosts of bats, from caves and mines to the tents some bats build out of leaves. A comprehensive guide to what scientists know about the world of bats, the book begins with a look at bats’ origins and evolution. The book goes on to address a host of questions related to flight, diet, habitat, reproduction, and social structure: Why do some bats live alone and others in large colonies? When do bats reproduce and care for their young? How has the ability to fly—unique among mammals—influenced bats’ mating behavior? A chapter on biosonar, or echolocation, takes readers through the system of high-pitched calls bats emit to navigate and catch prey. More than half of the world’s bat species are either in decline or already considered endangered, and the book concludes with suggestions for what we can do to protect these species for future generations to benefit from and enjoy. From the tiny “bumblebee bat”—the world’s smallest mammal—to the Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox, whose wingspan exceeds five feet, A Battery of Bats presents a panoramic view of one of the world’s most fascinating yet least-understood species.

Walker's Bats of the World

Walker's Bats of the World PDF Author: Ronald M. Nowak
Publisher: JHU Press
ISBN: 9780801849862
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 298

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Valuable guide for general readers and an important reference for professionals.

Functional and Evolutionary Ecology of Bats

Functional and Evolutionary Ecology of Bats PDF Author: Akbar Zubaid
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0198035241
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 359

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Every three years a major international conference on bats draws the leading workers in the field to a carefully orchestrated presentation of the research and advances and current state of understanding of bat biology. Bats are the second most populous group of mammalia species, after rodents, and they are probably the most intensively studied group of mammals. Virtually all mammologists and a large proportion of organismic biologists are interested in bats. The earlier two edited books deriving from previous bat research conferences, as well as this one, have been rigorously edited by Tom Kunz and others, with all chapters subjected to peer review. The resulting volumes, published first by Academic Press and most recently by Smithsonian, have sold widely as the definitive synthetic treatments of current scientific understanding of bats.