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Author: Achintya Haldar
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119901642
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 308
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RELIABILITY EVALUATION OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS EXCITED IN TIME DOMAIN – REDSET Multi-disciplinary approach to structural reliability analysis for dynamic loadings offering a practical alternative to the random vibration theory and simulation Reliability Evaluation of Dynamic Systems Excited in Time Domain – REDSET is a multidisciplinary concept that enables readers to estimate the underlying risk that could not be solved in the past. The major hurdle was that the required limit state functions (LSFs) are implicit in nature and the lack of progress in the reliability evaluation methods for this class of problems. The most sophisticated deterministic analysis requires that the dynamic loadings must be applied in the time domain. To satisfy these requirements, REDSET is developed. Different types and forms of dynamic loadings including seismic, wind-induced wave, and thermomechanical loading in the form of heating and cooling of solder balls used in computer chips are considered to validate REDSET. Time domain representations and the uncertainty quantification procedures including the use of multiple time histories are proposed and demonstrated for all these dynamic loadings. Both onshore and offshore structures are used for validation. The potential of REDSET is demonstrated for implementing the Performance Based Seismic Design (PBSD) concept now under development in the United States. For wider multidisciplinary applications, structures are represented by finite elements to capture different types of nonlinearity more appropriately. Any computer program capable of conducting nonlinear time domain dynamic analysis can be used, and the underlying risk can be estimated with the help of several dozens or hundreds of deterministic finite element analyses, providing an alternative to the simulation approach. To aid comprehension of REDSET, numerous illustrative examples and solution strategies are presented in each chapter. Written by award-winning thought leaders from academia and professional practice, the following sample topics are included: Fundamentals of reliability assessment including set theory, modeling of uncertainty, the risk-based engineering design concept, and the evolution of reliability assessment methods Implicit performance or limit state functions are expressed explicitly by the extensively modified response surface method with several new experimental designs Uncertainty quantification procedures with multiple time histories for different dynamic loadings, illustrated with examples The underlying risk can be estimated using any computer program representing structures by finite elements with only few deterministic analyses REDSET is demonstrated to be an alternative to the classical random vibration concept and the basic simulation procedure for risk estimation purposes REDSET changes the current engineering design paradigm. Instead of conducting one deterministic analysis, a design can be made more dynamic load tolerant, resilient, and sustainable with the help of a few additional deterministic analyses This book describing REDSET is expected to complement two other books published by Wiley and authored by Haldar and Mahadevan: Probability, Reliability and Statistical Methods in Engineering Design and Reliability Assessment Using Stochastic Finite Element Analysis. The book is perfect to use as a supplementary resource for upper-level undergraduate and graduate level courses on reliability and risk-based design.
Author: Achintya Haldar
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119901642
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 308
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Book Description
RELIABILITY EVALUATION OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS EXCITED IN TIME DOMAIN – REDSET Multi-disciplinary approach to structural reliability analysis for dynamic loadings offering a practical alternative to the random vibration theory and simulation Reliability Evaluation of Dynamic Systems Excited in Time Domain – REDSET is a multidisciplinary concept that enables readers to estimate the underlying risk that could not be solved in the past. The major hurdle was that the required limit state functions (LSFs) are implicit in nature and the lack of progress in the reliability evaluation methods for this class of problems. The most sophisticated deterministic analysis requires that the dynamic loadings must be applied in the time domain. To satisfy these requirements, REDSET is developed. Different types and forms of dynamic loadings including seismic, wind-induced wave, and thermomechanical loading in the form of heating and cooling of solder balls used in computer chips are considered to validate REDSET. Time domain representations and the uncertainty quantification procedures including the use of multiple time histories are proposed and demonstrated for all these dynamic loadings. Both onshore and offshore structures are used for validation. The potential of REDSET is demonstrated for implementing the Performance Based Seismic Design (PBSD) concept now under development in the United States. For wider multidisciplinary applications, structures are represented by finite elements to capture different types of nonlinearity more appropriately. Any computer program capable of conducting nonlinear time domain dynamic analysis can be used, and the underlying risk can be estimated with the help of several dozens or hundreds of deterministic finite element analyses, providing an alternative to the simulation approach. To aid comprehension of REDSET, numerous illustrative examples and solution strategies are presented in each chapter. Written by award-winning thought leaders from academia and professional practice, the following sample topics are included: Fundamentals of reliability assessment including set theory, modeling of uncertainty, the risk-based engineering design concept, and the evolution of reliability assessment methods Implicit performance or limit state functions are expressed explicitly by the extensively modified response surface method with several new experimental designs Uncertainty quantification procedures with multiple time histories for different dynamic loadings, illustrated with examples The underlying risk can be estimated using any computer program representing structures by finite elements with only few deterministic analyses REDSET is demonstrated to be an alternative to the classical random vibration concept and the basic simulation procedure for risk estimation purposes REDSET changes the current engineering design paradigm. Instead of conducting one deterministic analysis, a design can be made more dynamic load tolerant, resilient, and sustainable with the help of a few additional deterministic analyses This book describing REDSET is expected to complement two other books published by Wiley and authored by Haldar and Mahadevan: Probability, Reliability and Statistical Methods in Engineering Design and Reliability Assessment Using Stochastic Finite Element Analysis. The book is perfect to use as a supplementary resource for upper-level undergraduate and graduate level courses on reliability and risk-based design.
Author: Achintya Haldar
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119901650
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 308
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Book Description
RELIABILITY EVALUATION OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS EXCITED IN TIME DOMAIN – REDSET Multi-disciplinary approach to structural reliability analysis for dynamic loadings offering a practical alternative to the random vibration theory and simulation Reliability Evaluation of Dynamic Systems Excited in Time Domain – REDSET is a multidisciplinary concept that enables readers to estimate the underlying risk that could not be solved in the past. The major hurdle was that the required limit state functions (LSFs) are implicit in nature and the lack of progress in the reliability evaluation methods for this class of problems. The most sophisticated deterministic analysis requires that the dynamic loadings must be applied in the time domain. To satisfy these requirements, REDSET is developed. Different types and forms of dynamic loadings including seismic, wind-induced wave, and thermomechanical loading in the form of heating and cooling of solder balls used in computer chips are considered to validate REDSET. Time domain representations and the uncertainty quantification procedures including the use of multiple time histories are proposed and demonstrated for all these dynamic loadings. Both onshore and offshore structures are used for validation. The potential of REDSET is demonstrated for implementing the Performance Based Seismic Design (PBSD) concept now under development in the United States. For wider multidisciplinary applications, structures are represented by finite elements to capture different types of nonlinearity more appropriately. Any computer program capable of conducting nonlinear time domain dynamic analysis can be used, and the underlying risk can be estimated with the help of several dozens or hundreds of deterministic finite element analyses, providing an alternative to the simulation approach. To aid comprehension of REDSET, numerous illustrative examples and solution strategies are presented in each chapter. Written by award-winning thought leaders from academia and professional practice, the following sample topics are included: Fundamentals of reliability assessment including set theory, modeling of uncertainty, the risk-based engineering design concept, and the evolution of reliability assessment methods Implicit performance or limit state functions are expressed explicitly by the extensively modified response surface method with several new experimental designs Uncertainty quantification procedures with multiple time histories for different dynamic loadings, illustrated with examples The underlying risk can be estimated using any computer program representing structures by finite elements with only few deterministic analyses REDSET is demonstrated to be an alternative to the classical random vibration concept and the basic simulation procedure for risk estimation purposes REDSET changes the current engineering design paradigm. Instead of conducting one deterministic analysis, a design can be made more dynamic load tolerant, resilient, and sustainable with the help of a few additional deterministic analyses This book describing REDSET is expected to complement two other books published by Wiley and authored by Haldar and Mahadevan: Probability, Reliability and Statistical Methods in Engineering Design and Reliability Assessment Using Stochastic Finite Element Analysis. The book is perfect to use as a supplementary resource for upper-level undergraduate and graduate level courses on reliability and risk-based design.
Author: Neeraj Kumar Goyal
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119620589
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 240
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This book presents novel and efficient tools, techniques and approaches for reliability evaluation, reliability analysis, and design of reliable communication networks using graph theoretic concepts. In recent years, human beings have become largely dependent on communication networks, such as computer communication networks, telecommunication networks, mobile switching networks etc., for their day-to-day activities. In today's world, humans and critical machines depend on these communication networks to work properly. Failure of these communication networks can result in situations where people may find themselves isolated, helpless and exposed to hazards. It is a fact that every component or system can fail and its failure probability increases with size and complexity. The main objective of this book is to devize approaches for reliability modeling and evaluation of such complex networks. Such evaluation helps to understand which network can give us better reliability by their design. New designs of fault-tolerant interconnection network layouts are proposed, which are capable of providing high reliability through path redundancy and fault tolerance through reduction of common elements in paths. This book covers the reliability evaluation of various network topologies considering multiple reliability performance parameters (two terminal reliability, broadcast reliability, all terminal reliability, and multiple sources to multiple destinations reliability).
Author: Karl Johan Åström
Publisher: Princeton University Press
ISBN: 069121347X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 523
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The essential introduction to the principles and applications of feedback systems—now fully revised and expanded This textbook covers the mathematics needed to model, analyze, and design feedback systems. Now more user-friendly than ever, this revised and expanded edition of Feedback Systems is a one-volume resource for students and researchers in mathematics and engineering. It has applications across a range of disciplines that utilize feedback in physical, biological, information, and economic systems. Karl Åström and Richard Murray use techniques from physics, computer science, and operations research to introduce control-oriented modeling. They begin with state space tools for analysis and design, including stability of solutions, Lyapunov functions, reachability, state feedback observability, and estimators. The matrix exponential plays a central role in the analysis of linear control systems, allowing a concise development of many of the key concepts for this class of models. Åström and Murray then develop and explain tools in the frequency domain, including transfer functions, Nyquist analysis, PID control, frequency domain design, and robustness. Features a new chapter on design principles and tools, illustrating the types of problems that can be solved using feedback Includes a new chapter on fundamental limits and new material on the Routh-Hurwitz criterion and root locus plots Provides exercises at the end of every chapter Comes with an electronic solutions manual An ideal textbook for undergraduate and graduate students Indispensable for researchers seeking a self-contained resource on control theory
Author: Gene F. Franklin
Publisher: Pearson Higher Ed
ISBN: 0133002276
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 843
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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For senior-level or first-year graduate-level courses in control analysis and design, and related courses within engineering, science, and management. Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, Sixth Edition is perfect for practicing control engineers who wish to maintain their skills. This revision of a top-selling textbook on feedback control with the associated web site,, provides greater instructor flexibility and student readability. Chapter 4 on A First Analysis of Feedback has been substantially rewritten to present the material in a more logical and effective manner. A new case study on biological control introduces an important new area to the students, and each chapter now includes a historical perspective to illustrate the origins of the field. As in earlier editions, the book has been updated so that solutions are based on the latest versions of MATLAB and SIMULINK. Finally, some of the more exotic topics have been moved to the web site.
Author: Charles M. Close
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 708
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This text is intended for a first course in dynamic systems and is designed for use by sophomore and junior majors in all fields of engineering, but principally mechanical and electrical engineers. All engineers must understand how dynamic systems work and what responses can be expected from various physical systems.
Category : Aeronautics
Languages : en
Pages : 1068
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Author: Jie Li
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0470824255
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 426
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In Stochastic Dynamics of Structures, Li and Chen present a unified view of the theory and techniques for stochastic dynamics analysis, prediction of reliability, and system control of structures within the innovative theoretical framework of physical stochastic systems. The authors outline the fundamental concepts of random variables, stochastic process and random field, and orthogonal expansion of random functions. Readers will gain insight into core concepts such as stochastic process models for typical dynamic excitations of structures, stochastic finite element, and random vibration analysis. Li and Chen also cover advanced topics, including the theory of and elaborate numerical methods for probability density evolution analysis of stochastic dynamical systems, reliability-based design, and performance control of structures. Stochastic Dynamics of Structures presents techniques for researchers and graduate students in a wide variety of engineering fields: civil engineering, mechanical engineering, aerospace and aeronautics, marine and offshore engineering, ship engineering, and applied mechanics. Practicing engineers will benefit from the concise review of random vibration theory and the new methods introduced in the later chapters. "The book is a valuable contribution to the continuing development of the field of stochastic structural dynamics, including the recent discoveries and developments by the authors of the probability density evolution method (PDEM) and its applications to the assessment of the dynamic reliability and control of complex structures through the equivalent extreme-value distribution." —A. H-S. Ang, NAE, Hon. Mem. ASCE, Research Professor, University of California, Irvine, USA "The authors have made a concerted effort to present a responsible and even holistic account of modern stochastic dynamics. Beyond the traditional concepts, they also discuss theoretical tools of recent currency such as the Karhunen-Loeve expansion, evolutionary power spectra, etc. The theoretical developments are properly supplemented by examples from earthquake, wind, and ocean engineering. The book is integrated by also comprising several useful appendices, and an exhaustive list of references; it will be an indispensable tool for students, researchers, and practitioners endeavoring in its thematic field." —Pol Spanos, NAE, Ryon Chair in Engineering, Rice University, Houston, USA
Author: Zhi-Fang Fu
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080511783
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 305
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Modal Analysis provides a detailed overview of the theory of analytical and experimental modal analysis and its applications. Modal Analysis is the processes of determining the inherent dynamic characteristics of any system and using them to formulate a mathematical model of the dynamic behavior of the system. In the past two decades it has become a major technological tool in the quest for determining, improving and optimizing dynamic characteristics of engineering structures. Its main application is in mechanical and aeronautical engineering, but it is also gaining widespread use in civil and structural engineering, biomechanical problems, space structures, acoustic instruments and nuclear engineering. - The only book to focus on the theory of modal analysis before discussing applications - A relatively new technique being utilized more and more in recent years which is now filtering through to undergraduate courses - Leading expert in the field
Author: Phillip A. Laplante
Publisher: Wiley-IEEE Press
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 392
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"IEEE Press is pleased to bring you this Second Edition of Phillip A. Laplante's best-selling and widely-acclaimed practical guide to building real-time systems. This book is essential for improved system designs, faster computation, better insights, and ultimate cost savings. Unlike any other book in the field, REAL-TIME SYSTEMS DESIGN AND ANALYSIS provides a holistic, systems-based approach that is devised to help engineers write problem-solving software. Laplante's no-nonsense guide to real-time system design features practical coverage of: Related technologies and their histories Time-saving tips * Hands-on instructions Pascal code Insights into decreasing ramp-up times and more!"