Author: Hartman Publishing Staff
ISBN: 9781888343205
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 332
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Author: William Leahy
Publisher: Hartman Publishing Inc
ISBN: 1888343680
Category : Home health aides
Languages : en
Pages : 370
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The second edition of Providing Home Care: A Textbook for Home Health Aides, the accompanying workbook, and the instructor?s guide are now available!This book will help your aides master what they need to know to provide excellent, compassionate care to clients with very different needs.This book is organized around learning objectives with colored tabs for easy location of material.The second edition contains new and/or updated information on: HIPPA and protecting a client's privacy MRSA and VRE Care for the client with COPD Cultural sensitivity Hip replacement care Mercury-free thermometers Disinfection and sterilization NEW two-step procedure for taking blood pressure We also condensed and made the anatomy and physiology chapter more basic, added chapter review questions, and updated the design and many of the illustrations.
Author: Joan M. Birchenall
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 9780323016568
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 588
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Covering the essential content and procedures a home care aide needs to know, Mosby's Textbook for the Home Care Aide, 3rd Edition prepares you for success in this rapidly growing field. A clear approach makes the book easy to use and understand, featuring hundreds of full-color photographs and drawings along with step-by-step procedures for skills performed by home care aides. Updated and expanded in this edition are chapters on meeting the client's nutritional needs and on getting and keeping a job. Written by home care experts Joan Birchenall and Eileen Streight, this textbook prepares you for the many types of situations you may encounter as a home care aide. Hundreds of full-color photos and drawings depict key ideas and clearly demonstrate procedure steps. Procedures provide step-by-step, easy-to-understand instructions on performing important skills and tasks. UNIQUE! A cast of caregivers, including a supervisor and four home care aides, are highlighted in scenarios that provide realistic examples of the types of situations you are likely to encounter in the home care environment. Guidelines for Observing, Recording, and Reporting (ORR) are highlighted throughout the text, emphasizing the home care aide's responsibilities for observing and documenting the client's condition and care. Key considerations and reminders are presented in color font to emphasize the importance of performing these actions. Objectives and Key Terms in each chapter focus your attention on essential information. Chapter summaries and study questions review the key points in each chapter. Updated/Expanded Meeting the Client's Nutritional Needs chapter includes the new MyPlate food guide and new nutrition guidelines. Updated/Expanded Getting a Job and Keeping It chapter reflects the job prospects and challenges of today, including the realities of moving between states and differences in certification requirements. Updated equipment photos are included. Evolve companion website includes skills competency checklists and an audio glossary.
Author: Danielle L. Terry
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1000173100
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 179
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A practical guide to providing home-based mental health services, Providing Home Care for Older Adults teaches readers how to handle the unique aspects of home-based care and apply and adapt evidence-based assessment and treatment within the home-based setting. Featuring contributions from experienced, board-certified home care psychologists, social workers, and psychiatrists, the book explains the multifaceted role of a home-based provider, offers concrete and practical considerations for working within the home, and highlights adaptations to specific evidence-based methods used in treating homebound older adults. Also covered are special topics related to hoarding, safety, capacity evaluations, caregivers, case management, and use of technology. Each chapter includes engaging case examples with practical tips that illustrate what it is like to work in this new and exciting frontier. Psychologists, counselors, and other mental health practitioners in home settings will be able to use this guide to provide effective home-based care to older adults.
Author: Brendan John
ISBN: 0983183201
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 234
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Home Care How To is an in depth guide to helping anyone start and run their own in home care business. You will learn the systems and step-by-step activities required to setting up and operating your elder care company. Discover the secrets, opportunities and pitfalls to watch for that other senior care and home health agency franchisees pay tens of thousands for! Find out how to staff your business with excellent care providers and how to effectively market your services to the growing number of aging baby boomers and their parents.
Author: Jetta Lee Fuzy
ISBN: 9781604251586
Category : Home care services
Languages : en
Pages : 0
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Author: Karen E. Monks
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 9780323018654
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 500
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This unique, spiral-bound handbook is compact, portable, and written with busy home health nurses in mind! Organized by body system, it offers instant advice on assessment and care planning for the disorders home health nurses are likely to encounter. Providing assessment guides for all body systems, the home environment, and the client's psychological status, it includes full care plans for over 50 illnesses and conditions most commonly encountered in the home. Each plan lists nursing diagnoses, short- and long-term expected outcomes, nursing interventions, and client caregiver interventions. Care plans are organized by body systems to allow for quick retrieval of information. Both short-term and long-term outcomes are included in the care plans to aid evaluation of the care provided. Detailed assessment guidelines are provided for all body systems to facilitate complete and comprehensive client examinations. Guidelines for environmental and safety assessments aid in the appraisal and improvement of clients' living conditions. Client and caregiver interventions are outlined in the care plans to promote active client participation in self-care. The convenient pocket size makes transportation and use convenient to home health nurses. Appendices on documentation guidelines, laboratory values, medication administration, home care resources, and standard precautions provide quick access to useful home care information. Related OASIS items are identified in the assessment section, and ICD-9 diagnostic codes in the care plans section assist with proper home care documentation. Visit frequency and duration schedules are suggested within each care plan to assist nurses in evaluating and planning care. NANDA nursing diagnoses are consistent with the latest 2001-2002 nomenclature. An increase in suggested therapy referrals within the care plans and in a new appendix helps nurses identify indicators for specialized services. A fully updated Resources Appendix includes websites for easy access to home health service information.
Author: John Spratt
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 9781884015939
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 412
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Twenty-nine practitioners combine their expertise to bring clarity to an issue that is at the forefront of discussion-home health care. The field is emerging and is growing faster than most professionals and their patients can keep up with. Here is a text in which the authors make every effort to provide readers with the latest thinking and technology that can better the home health care field. Spiralling costs have forced all aspects of illnesses to be closely scrutinized for possible home care applications and financial savings. The industry is growing rapidly, fueled by increasing service and constant technological breakthroughs, but the overriding philosophy must be focused on cost containment with maintenance of high quality care. This book is directed at providing highly practical, up-to-date information that health care professionals can use in their daily practices.
Author: Susan Alvare
Publisher: Hartman Publishing Inc
ISBN: 188834380X
Category : Caregivers
Languages : en
Pages : 100
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Over 6,000 instructors shared their ideas for the perfect nursing assistant textbook. Nursing Assistant Care is exactly what you asked for: a full-color, up-to-date, affordable book that meets and exceeds federal and state requirements. Specifically, it contains: beautifully illustrated and clearly photographed chapters organized around learning objectives and written at a low reading level creative methods to teach care and observations, promoting independence, and essential information on preventing abuse and neglect chapter-ending material which develops critical thinking and tests the chapter illnesses and common conditions in one chapter, organized by body system an entire chapter on confusion, dementia, and Alzheimer?s disease up-to-date CPR and emergency care sections a full chapter on mental health and mental illness information on developmental disabilities personal care skills housed within one chapter, as are nursing skills separate chapters for bowel and urinary elimination
Author: Emmanuel C. Anene
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 0595471609
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 110
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It is my hope that this text, when properly used will be of great benefit to the individual aide or aide intraining in mastering the required skills that would make the individual a good home health aide. The book has been specially tailored as a teaching tool for home health aides.The book has two sections, the tutorial section one and the practical hands on section two. The second section is a good aide or good training tool for practical demonstartion purposes. For the purpose of understanding only, a home health aide does not have to be a Certified Nurses Aide. As a result this book can be used to train and prepare an individual to function in the capacity of a home health aide. The agency must prepare a set of standardized tests for the aides to ensure that the individual have fully internalized the reaching and traning that they have been put through. This book further addresses the rule and regulation (federal and State) that the home health aide must be familiar with. This book is an excellent tool for the home health aide. I strongly encourage all individual who practice and plans to practice as an aide in the home health field to read this book.