Author: Kevin Norton
Publisher: UNSW Press
ISBN: 9780868402239
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 438
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A core textbook for sports science and human movement courses. Describes measurement techniques, and covers the interpretation and analysis of data and the applications of anthropometry in ergonomics, psychology, nutrition, physiology, exercise, and sports. Also outlines the Australian model of accreditation in anthropometry. A disk is available with software for simulations and tests against a large Australian anthropometric database. Distributed by ISBS. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
Author: Rand Morimoto
Publisher: Sams Publishing
ISBN: 0672328984
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 1370
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"This book covers the planning, design, prototype testing, implementation, administration, and support of Windows 2003 and Active Directory as well as the security aspects of protecting an organization from external and internal attacks. Additionally, this book addresses the design and implementation of DNS, WINS, DHCP, and Global Catalog Servers that make up the backbone of an Active Directory implementation." -- back cover.
Author: Gord Barker
Publisher: Que Publishing
ISBN: 9780789727732
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 760
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Annotation Expert Insight. Both authors are Microsoft-certified Windows XP specialists. Comprehensive. Organized according to the actual exam objectives, our Training Guide series features Exam Tips, Study Strategies, Step-by-Step Exercises, Case Studies, Summaries & Review Breaks, Review Questions, Exam Questions, Hands-On Exercises, Guided Practice Exercises, Fast Facts, etc. - providing readers with the most effective learning tools in the marketplace. Innovative. Our Training Guide series features our acclaimed Exam Gear software - enhancing our readers' learning experience by providing them with powerful test simulation. About the Author: Robert L. Bogue, MCSE, CNA, A+, Network+, I-Net+, Server+, e-Biz+, IT Project+, and CDIA+, has contributed to over 100 book projects, numerous magazine articles, and reviews. His broad experience has led him to networking and integration topics as well as software development. nbsp; Gord Barker, MCSE, currently works as a Senior Consultant for Microsoft Canada Co. in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. He worked with Telus to complete the largest single rollout of Windows 2000 to occur prior to the product launch. He currently works with large customers to deploy Microsoft technology.
Author: Tariq Azad
Publisher: Syngress
ISBN: 0080569986
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 768
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Citrix Presentation Server allows remote users to work off a network server as if they weren't remote. That means: Incredibly fast access to data and applications for users, no third party VPN connection, and no latency issues. All of these features make Citrix Presentation Server a great tool for increasing access and productivity for remote users. Unfortunately, these same features make Citrix just as dangerous to the network it's running on. By definition, Citrix is granting remote users direct access to corporate servers?..achieving this type of access is also the holy grail for malicious hackers. To compromise a server running Citrix Presentation Server, a hacker need not penetrate a heavily defended corporate or government server. They can simply compromise the far more vulnerable laptop, remote office, or home office of any computer connected to that server by Citrix Presentation Server. All of this makes Citrix Presentation Server a high-value target for malicious hackers. And although it is a high-value target, Citrix Presentation Servers and remote workstations are often relatively easily hacked, because they are often times deployed by overworked system administrators who haven't even configured the most basic security features offered by Citrix. "The problem, in other words, isn't a lack of options for securing Citrix instances; the problem is that administrators aren't using them." (eWeek, October 2007). In support of this assertion Security researcher Petko D. Petkov, aka "pdp", said in an Oct. 4 posting that his recent testing of Citrix gateways led him to "tons" of "wide-open" Citrix instances, including 10 on government domains and four on military domains. - The most comprehensive book published for system administrators providing step-by-step instructions for a secure Citrix Presentation Server - Special chapter by Security researcher Petko D. Petkov'aka "pdp detailing tactics used by malicious hackers to compromise Citrix Presentation Servers - Companion Web site contains custom Citrix scripts for administrators to install, configure, and troubleshoot Citrix Presentation Server
Author: Patrice-Anne Rutledge
Publisher: FT Press
ISBN: 0789737884
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 220
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Examining the popularity of social networking, this title offers advice on making the most of online connections, social networking strategies, tips for guarding privacy, and a look at the future of social networking, all written in a practical, user-friendly style.
Author: William Panek
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 111925230X
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 582
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NOTE: The correct URL to access the Sybex interactive online test bank and study tools is The book’s back cover, Introduction, and last page in the book provided the wrong URL. We apologize for any confusion and inconvenience this may have caused you. Master 100 percent of Microsoft Windows 10 exam with real-world hands-on practice MCSA: Microsoft Windows 10 Complete Study Guide is your ultimate preparation resource for the new Windows 10 certification. Fully updated to align with the latest version of the exam, this new edition digs deeper into the intricacies of the Windows OS and provides the most up-to-date information on new Windows 10 technologies. With complete coverage of all exam topics, this invaluable guide walks you through device planning, deployment, and management; network and storage configuration; access, data, app, and recovery management, and much more to help you master the exam material. You also get access to the Sybex interactive online learning environment, featuring electronic flashcards, a searchable glossary, an assessment test, and bonus practice exams designed to give you a preview of exam day. MCSA: Microsoft Windows 10 is the Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate certification for Windows 10, testing your abilities in a broad variety of associate-level tasks. This book rounds them up into a comprehensive knowledge base to help you clarify, memorize, and deepen your understanding so you can approach exam day with confidence. Master 100 percent of exam 70-697, Configuring Windows Devices, objectives Get more hands-on practice in real-world scenarios Test your knowledge with challenging review questions Access digital study aids and practice tests for comprehensive prep Windows is the world's leading operating system, with an estimated 90 percent share of the desktop OS market. There are currently over 110 million Windows 10 users, and that number is expected to rise—putting Windows 10 Specialists in high demand in the job market. If you're ready to fill the growing need for trained Windows 10 associates, Microsoft Configuring Windows Devices Study Guide Exam 70-697 has you covered for complete and detailed exam preparation.
Author: Robert M. Henry
Category : Winds
Languages : en
Pages : 122
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Author: David J. Balding
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118814533
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 232
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DNA evidence is widely used in the modern justice system. Statistical methodology plays a key role in ensuring that this evidence is collected, interpreted, analysed and presented correctly. This book is a guide to assessing DNA evidence and presenting that evidence in a courtroom setting. It offers practical guidance to forensic scientists with little dependence on mathematical ability, and provides the scientist with the understanding they require to apply the methods in their work. Since the publication of the first edition of this book in 2005 there have been many incremental changes, and one dramatic change which is the emergence of low template DNA (LTDNA) profiles. This second edition is edited and expanded to cover the basics of LTDNA technology. The author's own open-source R code likeLTD is described and used for worked examples in the book. Commercial and free software are also covered.
Author: Danilo Garcia
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3031242203
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 319
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This timely volume provides an up-to-date exploration of the affective profiles model, a person-centered means of understanding the affective system. It presents the etiology underpinning the affective system and compares the model with other existing personality models, such as the Big Five Model, and the Cloninger’s Biopsychosocial Model. Most important, it examines the affective profiles model in relation to well-being, which includes life satisfaction, as well as psycho-logical health. As such, it illuminates the problems of depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders. Based on a wealth of longitudinal, cross-cultural and intervention studies, this book offers a critical view of the affective profiles model that will enrich both further research and clinical practice.
Author: David Planchard
Publisher: SDC Publications
ISBN: 1630573140
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 1028
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• A comprehensive reference book for SOLIDWORKS 2020 • Contains 260 plus standalone tutorials • Starts with a basic overview of SOLIDWORKS 2020 and its new features • Tutorials are written for each topic with new and intermediate users in mind • Includes access to each tutorial’s initial and final state • Contains a chapter introducing you to 3D printing The SOLIDWORKS 2020 Reference Guide is a comprehensive reference book written to assist the beginner to intermediate user of SOLIDWORKS 2020. SOLIDWORKS is an immense software package, and no one book can cover all topics for all users. This book provides a centralized reference location to address many of the tools, features and techniques of SOLIDWORKS 2020. This book covers the following: • System and Document properties • FeatureManagers • PropertyManagers • ConfigurationManagers • RenderManagers • 2D and 3D Sketch tools • Sketch entities • 3D Feature tools • Motion Study • Sheet Metal • Motion Study • SOLIDWORKS Simulation • PhotoView 360 • Pack and Go • 3D PDFs • Intelligent Modeling techniques • 3D printing terminology and more Chapter 1 provides a basic overview of the concepts and terminology used throughout this book using SOLIDWORKS 2020 software. If you are completely new to SOLIDWORKS, you should read Chapter 1 in detail and complete Lesson 1, Lesson 2 and Lesson 3 in the SOLIDWORKS Tutorials. If you are familiar with an earlier release of SOLIDWORKS, you still might want to skim Chapter 1 to become acquainted with some of the commands, menus and features that you have not used; or you can simply jump to any section in any chapter. Each chapter provides detailed PropertyManager information on key topics with individual stand-alone short tutorials to reinforce and demonstrate the functionality and ease of the SOLIDWORKS tool or feature. The book provides access to over 260 models, their solutions and additional support materials. Learn by doing, not just by reading. Formulate the skills to create, modify and edit sketches and solid features. Learn the techniques to reuse features, parts and assemblies through symmetry, patterns, copied components, design tables, configurations and more. The book is designed to complement the Online Tutorials and Online Help contained in SOLIDWORKS 2020. The goal is to illustrate how multiple design situations and systematic steps combine to produce successful designs. The author developed the tutorials by combining his own industry experience with the knowledge of engineers, department managers, professors, vendors and manufacturers. He is directly involved with SOLIDWORKS every day and his responsibilities go far beyond the creation of just a 3D model.