Index of NLM Serial Titles

Index of NLM Serial Titles PDF Author: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Category : Medicine
Languages : en
Pages : 1516

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A keyword listing of serial titles currently received by the National Library of Medicine.

Annual Biology Colloquium

Annual Biology Colloquium PDF Author:
Category : Biology
Languages : en
Pages : 72

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Index of NLM Serial Titles

Index of NLM Serial Titles PDF Author: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Category : Medicine
Languages : en
Pages : 1516

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A keyword listing of serial titles currently received by the National Library of Medicine.

Book catalog of the Library and Information Services Division

Book catalog of the Library and Information Services Division PDF Author: Environmental Science Information Center. Library and Information Services Division
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 582

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Current Catalog

Current Catalog PDF Author: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Category : Medicine
Languages : en
Pages : 1442

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First multi-year cumulation covers six years: 1965-70.

Biology and Evolution of the Mollusca, Volume 1

Biology and Evolution of the Mollusca, Volume 1 PDF Author: Winston Frank Ponder
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1351115642
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 1524

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Molluscs comprise the second largest phylum of animals (after arthropods), occurring in virtually all habitats. Some are commercially important, a few are pests and some carry diseases, while many non-marine molluscs are threatened by human impacts which have resulted in more extinctions than all tetrapod vertebrates combined. This book and its companion volume provide the first comprehensive account of the Mollusca in decades. Illustrated with hundreds of colour figures, it reviews molluscan biology, genomics, anatomy, physiology, fossil history, phylogeny and classification. This volume includes general chapters drawn from extensive and diverse literature on the anatomy and physiology of their structure, movement, reproduction, feeding, digestion, excretion, respiration, nervous system and sense organs. Other chapters review the natural history (including ecology) of molluscs, their interactions with humans, and assess research on the group. Key features of both volumes: up to date treatment with an extensive bibliography; thoroughly examines the current understanding of molluscan anatomy, physiology and development; reviews fossil history and phylogenetics; overviews ecology and economic values; and summarises research activity and suggests future directions for investigation. Winston F Ponder was a Principal Research Scientist at The Australian Museum in Sydney where he is currently a Research Fellow. He has published extensively over the last 55 years on the systematics, evolution, biology and conservation of marine and freshwater molluscs, as well as supervised post graduate students and run university courses. David R. Lindberg is former Chair of the Department of Integrative Biology, Director of the Museum of Paleontology, and Chair of the Berkeley Natural History Museums, all at the University of California. He has conducted research on the evolutionary history of marine organisms and their habitats on the rocky shores of the Pacific Rim for more than 40 years. The numerous elegant and interpretive illustrations were produced by Juliet Ponder.

National Library of Medicine Current Catalog

National Library of Medicine Current Catalog PDF Author: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Category : Medicine
Languages : en
Pages : 1028

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Bibliography Series

Bibliography Series PDF Author:
Category : Conservation of natural resources
Languages : en
Pages : 118

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Kennewick Man

Kennewick Man PDF Author: Heather Burke
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1315425750
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 397

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Kennewick Man, known as the Ancient One to Native Americans, has been the lightning rod for conflict between archaeologists and indigenous peoples in the United States. A decade-long legal case pitted scientists against Native American communities and highlighted the shortcomings of the Native American Graves and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), designed to protect Native remains. In this volume, we hear from the many sides of this issue—archaeologists, tribal leaders, and others—as well as views from the international community. The wider implications of the case and its resolution is explored. Comparisons are made to similar cases in other countries and how they have been handled. Appendixes provide the legal decisions, appeals, and chronology to allow full exploration of this landmark legal struggle. An ideal starting point for discussion of this case in anthropology, archaeology, Native American studies, and cultural property law courses. Sponsored by the World Archaeological Congress.

National Union Catalog

National Union Catalog PDF Author:
Category : Catalogs, Union
Languages : en
Pages : 1032

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Includes entries for maps and atlases.

Elephant Seals

Elephant Seals PDF Author: Burney J. Le Beouf
Publisher: Univ of California Press
ISBN: 0520368177
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 434

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The largest of all seals, elephant seals rank among the most impressive of marine mammals. They are renowned for their spectacular recovery from near-extinction at the end of the nineteenth century when seal hunters nearly eliminated the entire northern species. No other vertebrate has come so close to extinction and made such a complete recovery. The physiological extremes that elephant seals can tolerate are also remarkable: females fast for a month while lactating, and the largest breeding males fast for over one hundred days during the breeding seasons, at which times both sexes lose forty percent of their body weight. Elephant seals dive constantly during their long foraging migrations, spending more time under water than most whales and diving deeper and longer than any other marine mammal. This first book-length discussion of elephant seals brings together worldwide expertise from scientists who describe and debate recent research, including the history and status of various populations, their life-history tactics, and other findings obtained with the help of modern microcomputer diving instruments attached to free-ranging seals. Essential for all marine mammalogists for its information and its methodological innovations, Elephant Seals will also illuminate current debates about species extinctions and possible means of preventing them. This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press’s mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1994.