Principles Underlying Post-Stroke Recovery of Upper Extremity Sensorimotor Function – A Neuroimaging Perspective

Principles Underlying Post-Stroke Recovery of Upper Extremity Sensorimotor Function – A Neuroimaging Perspective PDF Author: Bruno J. Weder
Publisher: Frontiers Media SA
ISBN: 2889197670
Category : Medicine (General)
Languages : en
Pages : 155

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Neuroimaging post-stroke has the potential to uncover underlying principles of disordered function and recovery characterizing defined patient groups, including their long term course as well as individual variations. (MRI) measuring task related activation as well as resting state. Functional MRI can be performed by MRI to detect blood flow and associated changes in brain function. For structural MRI robust and accurate computational anatomical methods like voxel-based morphometry and surface based techniques are available. The investigation of the connectivity between brain regions and disruption after stroke is facilitated by diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Intra- and interhemispheric coherence may be studied by the use of the techniques of electroencephalography and transcranial magnetic stimulation. Consecutive phases of stroke recovery (acute, subacute, early chronic and late chronic stages) are each distinguished by intrinsic processes. The site and size of lesions entail partially different functional implications. New strategies to establish a specific function of a lesion site. Large-scale lesions often imply poor cerebral blood flow which impedes recovery significantly and possibly interferes with BOLD response of functional MRI. Thus, depending on the site and size of the infarct, the patterns of recovery will vary. These include, in the perilesional area, intrinsic compensatory mechanisms using alternative cortical and subcortical pathways, or behavioral compensatory strategies, eg by using the non-affected limb. In this context, behavioral and neuroimaging measures should be developed and applied to delineate aspects of learning during recovery. Of special interest in the recovery of hand paresis is the interplay between sensory and motor areas in the posterior parietal cortex. The dominant disability should be, from the level of elementary to hierarchically higher processes, such as neglect, apraxia, and motor planning. In summary, this research covers new trends in state of the art neuroimaging of stroke during recovery from upper limb paresis. Integration of behavioral and neuroimaging findings in probabilistic brain atlases.

Principles Underlying Post-Stroke Recovery of Upper Extremity Sensorimotor Function – A Neuroimaging Perspective

Principles Underlying Post-Stroke Recovery of Upper Extremity Sensorimotor Function – A Neuroimaging Perspective PDF Author: Bruno J. Weder
Publisher: Frontiers Media SA
ISBN: 2889197670
Category : Medicine (General)
Languages : en
Pages : 155

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Book Description
Neuroimaging post-stroke has the potential to uncover underlying principles of disordered function and recovery characterizing defined patient groups, including their long term course as well as individual variations. (MRI) measuring task related activation as well as resting state. Functional MRI can be performed by MRI to detect blood flow and associated changes in brain function. For structural MRI robust and accurate computational anatomical methods like voxel-based morphometry and surface based techniques are available. The investigation of the connectivity between brain regions and disruption after stroke is facilitated by diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Intra- and interhemispheric coherence may be studied by the use of the techniques of electroencephalography and transcranial magnetic stimulation. Consecutive phases of stroke recovery (acute, subacute, early chronic and late chronic stages) are each distinguished by intrinsic processes. The site and size of lesions entail partially different functional implications. New strategies to establish a specific function of a lesion site. Large-scale lesions often imply poor cerebral blood flow which impedes recovery significantly and possibly interferes with BOLD response of functional MRI. Thus, depending on the site and size of the infarct, the patterns of recovery will vary. These include, in the perilesional area, intrinsic compensatory mechanisms using alternative cortical and subcortical pathways, or behavioral compensatory strategies, eg by using the non-affected limb. In this context, behavioral and neuroimaging measures should be developed and applied to delineate aspects of learning during recovery. Of special interest in the recovery of hand paresis is the interplay between sensory and motor areas in the posterior parietal cortex. The dominant disability should be, from the level of elementary to hierarchically higher processes, such as neglect, apraxia, and motor planning. In summary, this research covers new trends in state of the art neuroimaging of stroke during recovery from upper limb paresis. Integration of behavioral and neuroimaging findings in probabilistic brain atlases.

Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation

Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation PDF Author: Richard L. Harvey, MD
Publisher: Demos Medical Publishing
ISBN: 1935281054
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 817

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A Doody's Core Title 2012 Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation is the new gold standard comprehensive guide to the management of stroke patients. Beginning with detailed information on risk factors, epidemiology, prevention, and neurophysiology, the book details the acute and long-term treatment of all stroke-related impairments and complications. Additional sections discuss psychological issues, outcomes, community reintegration, and new research. Written by dozens of acknowledged leaders in the field, and containing hundreds of tables, graphs, and photographic images, Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation features: The first full-length discussion of the most commonly-encountered component of neurorehabilitation Multi-specialty coverage of issues in rehabilitation, neurology, PT, OT, speech therapy, and nursing Focus on therapeutic management of stroke related impairments and complications An international perspective from dozens of foremost authorities on stroke Cutting edge, practical information on new developments and research trends Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation is a valuable reference for clinicians and academics in rehabilitation and neurology, and professionals in all disciplines who serve the needs of stroke survivors.

Textbook of Neural Repair and Rehabilitation

Textbook of Neural Repair and Rehabilitation PDF Author: Michael E. Selzer
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1107011671
Category : Nervous system
Languages : en
Pages : 693

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In two freestanding volumes, the Textbook of Neural Repair and Rehabilitation provides comprehensive coverage of the science and practice of neurological rehabilitation. Revised throughout, bringing the book fully up to date, this volume, Neural Repair and Plasticity, covers the basic sciences relevant to recovery of function following injury to the nervous system, reviewing anatomical and physiological plasticity in the normal central nervous system, mechanisms of neuronal death, axonal regeneration, stem cell biology, and research strategies targeted at axon regeneration and neuron replacement. New chapters have been added covering pathophysiology and plasticity in cerebral palsy, stem cell therapies for brain disorders and neurotrophin repair of spinal cord damage, along with numerous others. Edited and written by leading international authorities, it is an essential resource for neuroscientists and provides a foundation for the work of clinical rehabilitation professionals.

Textbook of Neural Repair and Rehabilitation: Volume 1, Neural Repair and Plasticity

Textbook of Neural Repair and Rehabilitation: Volume 1, Neural Repair and Plasticity PDF Author: Michael Selzer
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1139915959
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 693

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Book Description
In two freestanding volumes, the Textbook of Neural Repair and Rehabilitation provides comprehensive coverage of the science and practice of neurological rehabilitation. Revised throughout, bringing the book fully up to date, this volume, Neural Repair and Plasticity, covers the basic sciences relevant to recovery of function following injury to the nervous system, reviewing anatomical and physiological plasticity in the normal central nervous system, mechanisms of neuronal death, axonal regeneration, stem cell biology, and research strategies targeted at axon regeneration and neuron replacement. New chapters have been added covering pathophysiology and plasticity in cerebral palsy, stem cell therapies for brain disorders and neurotrophin repair of spinal cord damage, along with numerous others. Edited and written by leading international authorities, it is an essential resource for neuroscientists and provides a foundation for the work of clinical rehabilitation professionals.

Constraint-induced Movement Therapy

Constraint-induced Movement Therapy PDF Author: G. Uswatte
Publisher: Ios PressInc
ISBN: 9781586036591
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 74

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Constraint-Induced Movement therapy (CI therapy) is a behavioral approach to neurorehabilitation based on a program of neuroscience experiments conducted with monkeys. Evidence has accumulated to support the efficacy of CI therapy for rehabilitating hemiparetic arm use in individuals with chronic stroke. This book addresses the related topics.

Stroke Rehabilitation

Stroke Rehabilitation PDF Author: Leeanne M. Carey
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0199797889
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 277

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Book Description
Stroke Rehabilitation: Insights from Neuroscience and Imaging informs and challenges neurologists, rehabilitation therapists, imagers, and stroke specialists to adopt more restorative and scientific approaches to stroke rehabilitation based on new evidence from neuroscience and neuroimaging literatures. The fields of cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging are advancing rapidly and providing new insights into human behavior and learning. Similarly, improved knowledge of how the brain processes information after injury and recovers over time is providing new perspectives on what can be achieved through rehabilitation. Stroke Rehabilitation explores the potential to shape and maximize neural plastic changes in the brain after stroke from a multimodal perspective. Active skill based learning is identified as a central element of a restorative approach to rehabilitation. The evidence behind core learning principles as well as specific learning strategies that have been applied to retrain lost functions of movement, sensation, cognition and language are also discussed. Current interventions are evaluated relative to this knowledge base and examples are given of how active learning principles have been successfully applied in specific interventions. The benefits and evidence behind enriched environments is reviewed with examples of potential application in stroke rehabilitation. The capacity of adjunctive therapies, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation, to modulate receptivity of the damaged brain to benefit from behavioral interventions is also discussed in the context of this multimodal approach. Focusing on new insights from neuroscience and imaging, the book explores the potential to tailor interventions to the individual based on viable brain networks.

Stroke Rehabilitation

Stroke Rehabilitation PDF Author: Leeanne M. Carey
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0199797986
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 277

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Book Description
Stroke Rehabilitation: Insights from Neuroscience and Imaging informs and challenges neurologists, rehabilitation therapists, imagers, and stroke specialists to adopt more restorative and scientific approaches to stroke rehabilitation based on new evidence from neuroscience and neuroimaging literatures. The fields of cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging are advancing rapidly and providing new insights into human behavior and learning. Similarly, improved knowledge of how the brain processes information after injury and recovers over time is providing new perspectives on what can be achieved through rehabilitation. Stroke Rehabilitation explores the potential to shape and maximize neural plastic changes in the brain after stroke from a multimodal perspective. Active skill based learning is identified as a central element of a restorative approach to rehabilitation. The evidence behind core learning principles as well as specific learning strategies that have been applied to retrain lost functions of movement, sensation, cognition and language are also discussed. Current interventions are evaluated relative to this knowledge base and examples are given of how active learning principles have been successfully applied in specific interventions. The benefits and evidence behind enriched environments is reviewed with examples of potential application in stroke rehabilitation. The capacity of adjunctive therapies, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation, to modulate receptivity of the damaged brain to benefit from behavioral interventions is also discussed in the context of this multimodal approach. Focusing on new insights from neuroscience and imaging, the book explores the potential to tailor interventions to the individual based on viable brain networks. This book is intended for clinicians, rehabilitation specialists and neurologists who are interested in using these new discoveries to achieve more optimal outcomes. Equally as important, it is intended for neuroscientists, clinical researchers, and imaging specialists to help frame important clinical questions and to better understand the context in which their discoveries may be used.

Textbook of Stroke Medicine

Textbook of Stroke Medicine PDF Author: Michael Brainin
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1107047498
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 425

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Fully revised throughout, the new edition of this concise textbook is aimed at doctors preparing to specialize in stroke care.

Pathy's Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine

Pathy's Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine PDF Author: Alan J. Sinclair
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119954142
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 3453

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Book Description
This new edition of the comprehensive and renowned textbook Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine offers a fully revised and updated review of geriatric medicine. It covers the full spectrum of the subject, features 41 new chapters, and provides up-to-date, evidence-based, and practical information about the varied medical problems of ageing citizens. The three editors, from UK, USA and France, have ensured that updated chapters provide a global perspective of geriatric medicine, as well as reflect the changes in treatment options and medical conditions which have emerged since publication of the 4th edition in 2006. The book includes expanded sections on acute stroke, dementia, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory diseases, and features a new section on end-of-life care. In the tradition of previous editions, this all-encompassing text continues to be a must-have text for all clinicians who deal with older people, particularly geriatric medical specialists, gerontologists, researchers, and general practitioners. This title is also available as a mobile App from MedHand Mobile Libraries. Buy it now from Google Play or the MedHand Store. Praise for the 4th edition: " excellent reference for learners at all clinical and preclinical levels and a useful contribution to the geriatric medical literature." —Journal of the American Medical Association, November 2006 5th edition selected for 2012 Edition of Doody's Core TitlesTM

Brain Repair After Stroke

Brain Repair After Stroke PDF Author: Steven C. Cramer
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1139490656
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 307

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Increasing evidence identifies the possibility of restoring function to the damaged brain via exogenous therapies. One major target for these advances is stroke, where most patients can be left with significant disability. Treatments have the potential to improve the victim's quality of life significantly and reduce the time and expense of rehabilitation. Brain Repair After Stroke reviews the biology of spontaneous brain repair after stroke in animal models and in humans. Detailed chapters cover the many forms of therapy being explored to promote brain repair and consider clinical trial issues in this context. This book provides a summary of the neurobiology of innate and treatment-induced repair mechanisms after hypoxia and reviews the state of the art for human therapeutics in relation to promoting behavioral recovery after stroke. Essential reading for stroke physicians, neurologists, rehabilitation physicians and neuropsychologists.