Practical Aspects of Computational Chemistry V

Practical Aspects of Computational Chemistry V PDF Author: Jerzy Leszczynski
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030832449
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 292

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Book Description
This book presents contributions on a wide range of computational research applied to fields ranging from molecular systems to bulk structures. This volume highlights current trends in modern computational chemistry and discusses the development of theoretical methodologies, state-of-the-art computational algorithms and their practical applications. This volume is part of a continuous effort by the editors to document recent advances by prominent researchers in the area of computational chemistry. Most of the chapters are contributed by invited speakers and participants to International annual conference “Current Trends in Computational Chemistry”, organized by Jerzy Leszczynski, one of the editors of the current volume. This conference series has become an exciting platform for eminent theoretical and computational chemists to discuss their recent findings and is regularly honored by the presence of Nobel laureates. Topics covered in the book include reactive force-field methodologies, coarse-grained modeling, DNA damage radiosensitizers, modeling and simulation of surfaces and interfaces, non-covalent interactions, and many others. The book is intended for theoretical and computational chemists, physical chemists, material scientists and those who are eager to apply computational chemistry methods to problems of chemical and physical importance. It is a valuable resource for undergraduate, graduate and PhD students as well as for established researchers.

Practical Aspects of Computational Chemistry V

Practical Aspects of Computational Chemistry V PDF Author: Jerzy Leszczynski
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030832449
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 292

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Book Description
This book presents contributions on a wide range of computational research applied to fields ranging from molecular systems to bulk structures. This volume highlights current trends in modern computational chemistry and discusses the development of theoretical methodologies, state-of-the-art computational algorithms and their practical applications. This volume is part of a continuous effort by the editors to document recent advances by prominent researchers in the area of computational chemistry. Most of the chapters are contributed by invited speakers and participants to International annual conference “Current Trends in Computational Chemistry”, organized by Jerzy Leszczynski, one of the editors of the current volume. This conference series has become an exciting platform for eminent theoretical and computational chemists to discuss their recent findings and is regularly honored by the presence of Nobel laureates. Topics covered in the book include reactive force-field methodologies, coarse-grained modeling, DNA damage radiosensitizers, modeling and simulation of surfaces and interfaces, non-covalent interactions, and many others. The book is intended for theoretical and computational chemists, physical chemists, material scientists and those who are eager to apply computational chemistry methods to problems of chemical and physical importance. It is a valuable resource for undergraduate, graduate and PhD students as well as for established researchers.

Practical Aspects of Computational Chemistry IV

Practical Aspects of Computational Chemistry IV PDF Author: Jerzy Leszczynski
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 148997699X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 400

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Book Description
The editors of this volume have compiled an important book that is a useful vehicle for important computational research - in the development of theoretical methodologies and their practical applications. Themes include new methodologies, state-of-the-art computational algorithms and hardware as well as new applications. This volume, Practical Aspects of Computational Chemistry IV, is part of a continuous effort by the editors to document recent progress made by eminent researchers. Most of these chapters have been collected from invited speakers from the annual international meeting: “Current Trends in Computational Chemistry” organized by Jerzy Leszczynski, one of the editors of the current volume. This conference series has become an exciting platform for eminent Theoretical/Computational Chemists to discuss their recent findings and is regularly honored by the presence of Nobel laureates. Certainly, it is not possible to cover all topics related to the Computational Chemistry in a single volume but we hope that the recent contributions in the latest volume of this collection adequately highlight this important scientific area.

Practical Aspects of Computational Chemistry

Practical Aspects of Computational Chemistry PDF Author: Jerzy Leszczynski
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9048126878
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 468

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Book Description
"Practical Aspects of Computational Chemistry" presents contributions on a range of aspects of Computational Chemistry applied to a variety of research fields. The chapters focus on recent theoretical developments which have been used to investigate structures and properties of large systems with minimal computational resources. Studies include those in the gas phase, various solvents, various aspects of computational multiscale modeling, Monte Carlo simulations, chirality, the multiple minima problem for protein folding, the nature of binding in different species and dihydrogen bonds, carbon nanotubes and hydrogen storage, adsorption and decomposition of organophosphorus compounds, X-ray crystallography, proton transfer, structure-activity relationships, a description of the REACH programs of the European Union for chemical regulatory purposes, reactions of nucleic acid bases with endogenous and exogenous reactive oxygen species and different aspects of nucleic acid bases, base pairs and base tetrads.

Practical Aspects of Computational Chemistry I

Practical Aspects of Computational Chemistry I PDF Author: Jerzy Leszczynski
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9400709196
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 687

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Book Description
Practical Aspects of Computational Chemistry I: An Overview of the Last Two Decades and Current Trends gathers the advances made within the last 20 years by well-known experts in the area of theoretical and computational chemistry and physics. The title itself reflects the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the “Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry (CCTCC)” to which all authors have participated and contributed to its success. This volume poses (and answers) important questions of interest to the computational chemistry community and beyond. What is the historical background of the “Structural Chemistry”? Is there any way to avoid the problem of intruder state in the multi-reference formulation? What is the recent progress on multi-reference coupled cluster theory? Starting with a historical account of structural chemistry, the book focuses on the recent advances made in promising theories such as many body Brillouin-Wigner theory, multireference state-specific coupled cluster theory, relativistic effect in chemistry, linear and nonlinear optical properties of molecules, solution to Kohn-Sham problem, electronic structure of solid state materials, development of model core potential, quantum Monte Carlo method, nano and molecular electronics, dynamics of photodimerization and excited states, intermolecular interactions, hydrogen bonding and non-hydrogen bonding interactions, conformational flexibility, metal cations in zeolite catalyst and interaction of nucleic acid bases with minerals. Practical Aspects of Computational Chemistry I: An Overview of the Last Two Decades and Current Trends is aimed at theoretical and computational chemists, physical chemists, materials scientists, and particularly those who are eager to apply computational chemistry methods to problem of chemical and physical importance. This book will provide valuable information to undergraduate, graduate, and PhD students as well as to established researchers.

Theoretical and Computational Chemistry

Theoretical and Computational Chemistry PDF Author: Iwona Gulaczyk
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG
ISBN: 3110678217
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 270

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This book explores the applications of computational chemistry ranging from the pharmaceutical industry and molecular structure determination to spectroscopy and astrophysics. The authors detail how calculations can be used to solve a wide range of practical challenges encountered in research and industry.

Practical Aspects of Computational Chemistry III

Practical Aspects of Computational Chemistry III PDF Author: Jerzy Leszczynski
Publisher: Springer Science & Business
ISBN: 1489974458
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 440

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Book Description
Theoretical and Computational Chemistry research has made unparalleled advancements in understanding every expanding area of science and technology. This volume presents the state-of-the-art research and progress made by eminent researchers in the area of theoretical computational chemistry and physics. The title mirrors the name of the annual international conference “Conference on Current Trends on Computational Chemistry” (CCTCC) which has become a popular discussion ground for eminent Theoretical and Computational Chemists and has been honored by the presence of several Nobel Laureates. Practical Aspects of Computational Chemistry III is aimed at theoretical and computational chemists, physical chemists, material scientists and those who are eager to apply computational chemistry methods to problems of chemical and physical importance. The book is a valuable resource for undergraduate, graduate and PhD students as well as established researchers.

Computational Chemistry

Computational Chemistry PDF Author: David Young
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0471458430
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 408

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Book Description
A practical, easily accessible guide for bench-top chemists, thisbook focuses on accurately applying computational chemistrytechniques to everyday chemistry problems. Provides nonmathematical explanations of advanced topics incomputational chemistry. Focuses on when and how to apply different computationaltechniques. Addresses computational chemistry connections to biochemicalsystems and polymers. Provides a prioritized list of methods for attacking difficultcomputational chemistry problems, and compares advantages anddisadvantages of various approximation techniques. Describes how the choice of methods of software affectsrequirements for computer memory and processing time.

Mathematical Challenges from Theoretical/Computational Chemistry

Mathematical Challenges from Theoretical/Computational Chemistry PDF Author: National Research Council
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 030917662X
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 143

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Book Description
Computational methods are rapidly becoming major tools of theoretical, pharmaceutical, materials, and biological chemists. Accordingly, the mathematical models and numerical analysis that underlie these methods have an increasingly important and direct role to play in the progress of many areas of chemistry. This book explores the research interface between computational chemistry and the mathematical sciences. In language that is aimed at non-specialists, it documents some prominent examples of past successful cross-fertilizations between the fields and explores the mathematical research opportunities in a broad cross-section of chemical research frontiers. It also discusses cultural differences between the two fields and makes recommendations for overcoming those differences and generally promoting this interdisciplinary work.

Computational Chemistry Using the PC

Computational Chemistry Using the PC PDF Author: Donald Rogers
Publisher: VCH Publishers
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 272

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Book Description
An introduction to computational chemistry, molecular orbital calculations and molecular mechanics. This second edition takes in recent developments in hardware and software. The book includes a disk with about 50 complete projects and selected output files suitable for self-study.

Essentials of Computational Chemistry

Essentials of Computational Chemistry PDF Author: Christopher J. Cramer
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118712277
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 624

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Book Description
Essentials of Computational Chemistry provides a balanced introduction to this dynamic subject. Suitable for both experimentalists and theorists, a wide range of samples and applications are included drawn from all key areas. The book carefully leads the reader thorough the necessary equations providing information explanations and reasoning where necessary and firmly placing each equation in context.