Power Electronics, Drives, and Advanced Applications

Power Electronics, Drives, and Advanced Applications PDF Author: Vinod Kumar
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1351665995
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 791

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Book Description
Concern for reliable power supply and energy-efficient system design has led to usage of power electronics-based systems, including efficient electric power conversion and power semiconductor devices. This book provides integration of complete fundamental theory, design, simulation and application of power electronics, and drives covering up-to-date subject components. It contains twenty-one chapters arranged in four sections on power semiconductor devices, basic power electronic converters, advanced power electronics converters, power supplies, electrical drives and advanced applications. Aimed at senior undergraduate and graduate students in electrical engineering and power electronics including related professionals, this book • Includes electrical drives such as DC motor, AC motor, special motor, high performance motor drives, solar, electrical/hybrid vehicle and fuel cell drives • Reviews advances in renewable energy technologies (wind, PV, hybrid power systems) and their integration • Explores topics like distributed generation, microgrid, and wireless power transfer system • Includes simulation examples using MATLAB®/Simulink and over four hundred solved, unsolved and review problems

Power Electronics, Drives, and Advanced Applications

Power Electronics, Drives, and Advanced Applications PDF Author: Vinod Kumar
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1351665995
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 791

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Book Description
Concern for reliable power supply and energy-efficient system design has led to usage of power electronics-based systems, including efficient electric power conversion and power semiconductor devices. This book provides integration of complete fundamental theory, design, simulation and application of power electronics, and drives covering up-to-date subject components. It contains twenty-one chapters arranged in four sections on power semiconductor devices, basic power electronic converters, advanced power electronics converters, power supplies, electrical drives and advanced applications. Aimed at senior undergraduate and graduate students in electrical engineering and power electronics including related professionals, this book • Includes electrical drives such as DC motor, AC motor, special motor, high performance motor drives, solar, electrical/hybrid vehicle and fuel cell drives • Reviews advances in renewable energy technologies (wind, PV, hybrid power systems) and their integration • Explores topics like distributed generation, microgrid, and wireless power transfer system • Includes simulation examples using MATLAB®/Simulink and over four hundred solved, unsolved and review problems

Power Electronics, Drives, and Advanced Applications

Power Electronics, Drives, and Advanced Applications PDF Author: Vinod Kumar
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1351665987
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 690

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Book Description
Concern for reliable power supply and energy-efficient system design has led to usage of power electronics-based systems, including efficient electric power conversion and power semiconductor devices. This book provides integration of complete fundamental theory, design, simulation and application of power electronics, and drives covering up-to-date subject components. It contains twenty-one chapters arranged in four sections on power semiconductor devices, basic power electronic converters, advanced power electronics converters, power supplies, electrical drives and advanced applications. Aimed at senior undergraduate and graduate students in electrical engineering and power electronics including related professionals, this book • Includes electrical drives such as DC motor, AC motor, special motor, high performance motor drives, solar, electrical/hybrid vehicle and fuel cell drives • Reviews advances in renewable energy technologies (wind, PV, hybrid power systems) and their integration • Explores topics like distributed generation, microgrid, and wireless power transfer system • Includes simulation examples using MATLAB®/Simulink and over four hundred solved, unsolved and review problems

Power Electronics and Electric Drives for Traction Applications

Power Electronics and Electric Drives for Traction Applications PDF Author: Gonzalo Abad
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118954424
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 660

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Book Description
Power Electronics and Electric Drives for Traction Applications offers a practical approach to understanding power electronics applications in transportation systems ranging from railways to electric vehicles and ships. It is an application-oriented book for the design and development of traction systems accompanied by a description of the core technology. The first four introductory chapters describe the common knowledge and background required to understand the preceding chapters. After that, each application-specific chapter: highlights the significant manufacturers involved; provides a historical account of the technological evolution experienced; distinguishes the physics and mechanics; and where possible, analyses a real life example and provides the necessary models and simulation tools, block diagrams and simulation based validations. Key features: Surveys power electronics state-of-the-art in all aspects of traction applications. Presents vital design and development knowledge that is extremely important for the professional community in an original, simple, clear and complete manner. Offers design guidelines for power electronics traction systems in high-speed rail, ships, electric/hybrid vehicles, elevators and more applications. Application-specific chapters co-authored by traction industry expert. Learning supplemented by tutorial sections, case studies and MATLAB/Simulink-based simulations with data from practical systems. A valuable reference for application engineers in traction industry responsible for design and development of products as well as traction industry researchers, developers and graduate students on power electronics and motor drives needing a reference to the application examples.

Industrial Applications of Power Electronics

Industrial Applications of Power Electronics PDF Author: Eduardo M. G. Rodrigues
Publisher: MDPI
ISBN: 3039434837
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 322

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Book Description
In recent years, power electronics have been intensely contributing to the development and evolution of new structures for the processing of energy. They can be used in a wide range of applications ranging from power systems and electrical machines to electric vehicles and robot arm drives. In conjunction with the evolution of microprocessors and advanced control theories, power electronics are playing an increasingly essential role in our society. Thus, in order to cope with the obstacles lying ahead, this book presents a collection of original studies and modeling methods which were developed and published in the field of electrical energy conditioning and control by using circuits and electronic devices, with an emphasis on power applications and industrial control. Researchers have contributed 19 selected and peer-reviewed papers covering a wide range of topics by addressing a wide variety of themes, such as motor drives, AC–DC and DC–DC converters, multilevel converters, varistors, and electromagnetic compatibility, among others. The overall result is a book that represents a cohesive collection of inter-/multidisciplinary works regarding the industrial applications of power electronics.

Power Electronics and Motor Drives

Power Electronics and Motor Drives PDF Author: Bimal K. Bose
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 008045738X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 935

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Book Description
Power electronics is an area of extremely important and rapidly changing technology. Technological advancements in the area contribute to performance improvement and cost reduction, with applications proliferating in industrial, commercial, residential, military and aerospace environments. This book is meant to help engineers operating in all these areas to stay up-to-date on the most recent advances in the field, as well as to be a vehicle for clarifying increasingly complex theories and mathematics. This book will be a cost-effective and convenient way for engineers to get up-to-speed on the latest trends in power electronics. The reader will obtain the same level of informative instruction as they would if attending an IEEE course or a training session, but without ever leaving the office or living room! The author is in an excellent position to offer this instruction as he teaches many such courses. - Self-learning advanced tutorial, falling between a traditional textbook and a professional reference. - Almost every page features either a detailed figure or a bulleted chart, accompanied by clear descriptive explanatory text.

Advanced Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronic Converters

Advanced Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronic Converters PDF Author: Jacek Kabziński
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319457357
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 391

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Book Description
This contributed volume is written by key specialists working in multidisciplinary fields in electrical engineering, linking control theory, power electronics, artificial neural networks, embedded controllers and signal processing. The authors of each chapter report the state of the art of the various topics addressed and present results of their own research, laboratory experiments and successful applications. The presented solutions concentrate on three main areas of interest: · motion control in complex electromechanical systems, including sensorless control; · fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control of electric drives; · new control algorithms for power electronics converters. The chapters and the complete book possess strong monograph attributes. Important practical and theoretical problems are deeply and accurately presented on the background of an exhaustive state-of the art review. Many results are completely new and were never published before. Well-known control methods like field oriented control (FOC) or direct torque control (DTC) are referred as a starting point for modifications or are used for comparison. Among numerous control theories used to solve particular problems are: nonlinear control, robust control, adaptive control, Lyapunov techniques, observer design, model predictive control, neural control, sliding mode control, signal filtration and processing, fault diagnosis, and fault tolerant control.

Power Electronics

Power Electronics PDF Author: Ned Mohan
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 9788126510900
Category : Electric current converters
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Market_Desc: · Electrical Engineering Students · Electrical Engineering Instructors· Power Electronics Engineers Special Features: · Easy to follow step-by-step in depth treatment of all the theory.· Computer simulation chapter describes the role of computer simulations in power electronics. Examples and problems based on Pspice and MATLAB are included.· Introductory chapter offers a review of basic electrical and magnetic circuit concepts.· A new CD-ROM contains the following:· Over 100 of new problems of varying degrees of difficulty for homework assignments and self-learning.· PSpice-based simulation examples, which illustrate basic concepts and help in design of converters.· A newly-developed magnetic component design program that demonstrates design trade-offs.· PowerPoint-based slides, which will improve the learning experience and the ease of using the book About The Book: The text includes cohesive presentation of power electronics fundamentals for applications and design in the power range of 500 kW or less. It describes a variety of practical and emerging power electronic converters made feasible by the new generation of power semiconductor devices. Topics included in this book are an expanded discussion of diode rectifiers and thyristor converters as well as chapters on heat sinks, magnetic components which present a step-by-step design approach and a computer simulation of power electronics which introduces numerical techniques and commonly used simulation packages such as PSpice, MATLAB and EMTP.

Advanced and Intelligent Control in Power Electronics and Drives

Advanced and Intelligent Control in Power Electronics and Drives PDF Author: Teresa Orłowska-Kowalska
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319034014
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 422

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Book Description
Power electronics and variable frequency drives are continuously developing multidisciplinary fields in electrical engineering and it is practically not possible to write a book covering the entire area by one individual specialist. Especially by taking account the recent fast development in the neighboring fields like control theory, computational intelligence and signal processing, which all strongly influence new solutions in control of power electronics and drives. Therefore, this book is written by individual key specialist working on the area of modern advanced control methods which penetrates current implementation of power converters and drives. Although some of the presented methods are still not adopted by industry, they create new solutions with high further research and application potential. The material of the book is presented in the following three parts: Part I: Advanced Power Electronic Control in Renewable Energy Sources (Chapters 1-4), Part II: Predictive Control of Power Converters and Drives (5-7), Part III: Neurocontrol and Nonlinear Control of Power Converters and Drives (8-11). The book is intended for engineers, researchers and students in the field of power electronics and drives who are interested in the use of advanced control methods and also for specialists from the control theory area who like to explore new area of applications.

Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Systems, Transportation and Industrial Applications

Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Systems, Transportation and Industrial Applications PDF Author: Haitham Abu-Rub
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118755502
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1080

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Book Description
Compiles current research into the analysis and design of power electronic converters for industrial applications and renewable energy systems, presenting modern and future applications of power electronics systems in the field of electrical vehicles With emphasis on the importance and long-term viability of Power Electronics for Renewable Energy this book brings together the state of the art knowledge and cutting-edge techniques in various stages of research. The topics included are not currently available for practicing professionals and aim to enable the reader to directly apply the knowledge gained to their designs. The book addresses the practical issues of current and future electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), and focuses primarily on power electronics and motor drives based solutions for electric vehicle (EV) technologies. Propulsion system requirements and motor sizing for EVs is discussed, along with practical system sizing examples. Key EV battery technologies are explained as well as corresponding battery management issues. PHEV power system architectures and advanced power electronics intensive charging infrastructures for EVs and PHEVs are detailed. EV/PHEV interface with renewable energy is described, with practical examples. This book explores new topics for further research needed world-wide, and defines existing challenges, concerns, and selected problems that comply with international trends, standards, and programs for electric power conversion, distribution, and sustainable energy development. It will lead to the advancement of the current state-of-the art applications of power electronics for renewable energy, transportation, and industrial applications and will help add experience in the various industries and academia about the energy conversion technology and distributed energy sources. Combines state of the art global expertise to present the latest research on power electronics and its application in transportation, renewable energy and different industrial applications Offers an overview of existing technology and future trends, with discussion and analysis of different types of converters and control techniques (power converters, high performance power devices, power system, high performance control system and novel applications) Systematic explanation to provide researchers with enough background and understanding to go deeper in the topics covered in the book

Advanced Power Electronics Converters

Advanced Power Electronics Converters PDF Author: Euzeli dos Santos
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118972058
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 384

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This book covers power electronics, in depth, by presenting the basic principles and application details, which can be used both as a textbook and reference book. Introduces a new method to present power electronics converters called Power Blocks Geometry (PBG) Applicable for courses focusing on power electronics, power electronics converters, and advanced power converters Offers a comprehensive set of simulation results to help understand the circuits presented throughout the book