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Author: Del Loewenthal
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 0429917422
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 242
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A valuable contribution to the field by a professor of psychotherapy and author and editor of many titles in this area.
Author: Del Loewenthal
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 0429917422
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 242
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A valuable contribution to the field by a professor of psychotherapy and author and editor of many titles in this area.
Author: Del Loewenthal
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 113485143X
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 389
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Del Loewenthal's career has been wide-ranging, spanning existentialism, psychoanalysis, critical psychotherapy, humanism, postmodernism, phototherapy, cognitive behaviour therapy and childhood studies. This collection combines new and recent works with earlier writings, drawing together his outstanding research and contribution to existential theory, practice and research. Containing chapters and papers chosen by Loewenthal himself, the book is divided into the following sections: • Existentialism after postmodernism and the psychological therapies • Practice, ideologies and politics: Now you see it, now you don’t! • Practice, practice issues and the nature of psychotherapeutic knowledge • Practice and theory: Implications not applications • Thoughtful practice and research • Conclusion: Hopefully unending, continually changing and astonishing After an introduction to the overall book, each section is accompanied by the author's exploration of his further thoughts on the pieces, his own subsequent learning and his comments on developments in the field since the time of writing. Existential Psychotherapy and Counselling after Postmodernism will be inspiring reading for psychotherapists, psychoanalysts, counsellors, other mental health professionals in general, and existential therapists in particular.
Author: Del Loewenthal
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 100037100X
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 169
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This book is an introduction to critical existential-analytic psychotherapy. It has been written as a response to what is considered to be a crisis point in what is currently taken as psychotherapeutic knowledge. A focus point is the relentless move in psychotherapy and psychotherapy trainings towards evidence-based practice. It is suggested that such developments can be usefully challenged if we are to consider: Can starting with theory be a form of violence? Should a primacy be given to practice? Does reliance on empirical research mean we start from the wrong place? From a critical existential-analytic psychotherapeutic perspective, the answer to all three of these questions is ‘yes’. This perspective, therefore, is fundamentally different from what psychological therapists are increasingly purporting to do, and further challenges other current notions from diagnosis and treatment to dominant discourses in psychology. The aim of this book is to consider some ways in which the psychological therapies might be able to move away from the crisis mainly caused by what is currently wrongly being understood in terms of ‘evidence-based practice’ as the nature of psychotherapeutic knowledge. Instead, it is proposed that primacy be given to: practice, considering theories having implications rather than applications, and privileging thoughtfulness with notions of research being seen more as cultural practices. This book is based on a special issue of the European Journal of Psychotherapy& Counselling.
Author: Roy Moodley
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1135262721
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 555
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Many factors in the world today, such as globalization and a rise in immigration, are increasing the need for mental health practitioners to acquire the ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures. This text will be the most comprehensive volume to address this need to date, exploring the history, philosophy, processes, and trends in counseling and psychotherapy in countries from all regions of the globe. Organized by continent and country, each chapter is written by esteemed scholars drawing on intimate knowledge of their homelands. They explore such topics as their countries’ demographics, counselor education programs, current counseling theories and trends, and significant traditional and indigenous treatment and healing methods. This consistent structure facilitates quick and easy comparisons and contrasts across cultures, offering an enhanced understanding of diversity and multicultural competencies. Overall, this text is an invaluable resource for practitioners, researchers, students, and faculty, showing them how to look beyond their own borders and cultures to enhance their counseling practices.
Author: Del Loewenthal
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1135092486
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 199
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The digital age has brought about a world-wide evolution of phototherapy and therapeutic photography. This book provides both a foundation in phototherapy and therapeutic photography and describes the most recent developments. Phototherapy and Therapeutic Photography in a Digital Age is divided into three sections: In the first, an introduction and overviews from different perspectives; in the second, approaches and contexts, including phototherapy, re-enactment phototherapy, community phototherapy, self-portraiture, family photography. This is followed by a conclusion looking at the future of phototherapy and therapeutic photography in terms of theory, practice and research. The book is for anyone interested in the therapeutic use of photographs. It will be of particular interest to psychological therapists and especially psychotherapists, counsellors, psychologists and art therapists, as well as photographers and others wishing to explore further the use of photographs therapeutically within their existing practices.
Author: Julie Lloyd
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1351395009
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 407
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Cognitive Analytic Therapy and the Politics of Mental Health provides an overview of the development of cognitive analytic therapy (CAT), and illuminates how the political context affects the way in which therapists consider their work and facilitates their practice. This book examines how CAT contributes to wider debates over ‘the politics of mental health’. With contributions from those working in services – including adult mental health, learning disabilities and child and adolescent therapists – the writers consider how contemporary politics devolves responsibility for mental illness onto those suffering distress. The evolving political and social attitudes clients bring to therapy are also addressed in several chapters, and there is a focus on groups in society who have been marginalized and neglected in mental and physical health services. Cognitive Analytic Therapy and the Politics of Mental Health offers a fresh understanding of the contemporary politics of mental health that will be of interest to all therapists and mental health professionals.
Author: Del Loewenthal
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 0429875045
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 366
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This book examines developments in qualitative psychotherapeutic research. It focuses on different methods and aspects of clinical practice. These range from the experiences of service users and clinicians, examining in detail different aspects of how therapy gets done in practice, to critiquing the politics and ideologies of psychotherapy practice. It aims to reflect the diversity that characterises this developing field and to represent practice-based research carried out in different clinical settings, from different perspectives and in different sociocultural contexts. The wide range of research projects presented arise from a network of clinicians and psychotherapy researchers who have established an international transdisciplinary forum for dedicated qualitative research on a range of topics in the field of mental health, using a variety of methodologies and theoretical approaches. In the spirit of dialogue, this book further provides chapters written by key practitioners in the field of qualitative research in mental health discussing these contributions. This book was originally published as a special issue of the European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling.
Author: Mick Cooper
Publisher: SAGE
ISBN: 1473986885
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 233
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What does it mean to practice therapy in an existential way? What are the different existential approaches? What are their strengths and limitations? Focusing on practical, face-to-face work with clients, the book introduces students to six existential therapies, highlighting areas of commonality and difference, and discusses key figures and their contributions, including Yalom, van Deurzen, Spinelli, Frankl and Laing. It outlines the critical perspectives and key debates, and presents implications for practice, reflection and further reading. Fully updated to reflect current issues, this book now includes: · Sections presenting research evidence for each approach · An extended case study running through the book, demonstrating how different therapies might approach the same case · Chapter overviews, questions for reflection, and additional case studies of actual existential practice.
Author: Tom Strong
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319566997
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 272
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This book discusses how counselling, a profession known for diverse and innovative practices, has recently been influenced by scientific, marketplace, and administrative developments corresponding with a medicalized focus on psychiatric diagnoses and related evidence-based treatments. Tensions associated with this medicalized focus refer to competing logics and accountabilities regarding how to understand and address concerns brought to counselling. Tom Strong reviews such tensions as they relate to counsellors’ approaches to practice experienced as incompatible with a medicalized approach. The role of media and technology, therapy culture, and counsellor education, are examined with respect to medicalizing tensions that professionals and clients of counselling increasingly face. The book will interest readers who share concerns regarding the potential for a mental health monoculture grounded in the diagnose and treatment logic of medicalized counselling.
Author: Del Loewenthal
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317683579
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 250
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Is therapy’s relational turn only something to celebrate? It is a major worldwide trend taking place in all the therapy traditions. But up to now appreciation of these developments has not been twinned with well-informed and constructive critique. Hence practitioners and students have not been able to engage as fully as they might with the complex questions and issues that relational working presents. Relational Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis and Counselling: Appraisals and reappraisals seeks to redress this balance. In this unique book, Del Loewenthal and Andrew Samuels bring together the contributions of writers from several countries and many therapy modalities, all of whom have engaged with what ‘relational’ means – whether to espouse the idea, to urge caution or to engage in sceptical reflection. Relational Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis and Counselling: Appraisals and reappraisals presents clinical work of the highest standard in a way that is moving and draws the reader in. The more intellectual contributions are accessible and respectful, avoiding the polarising tendencies of the profession. At a time when there has been a decline in the provision and standing of the depth therapies across the globe, this book shows that, whatever the criticisms, there is still creative energy in the field. It is hoped that practitioners and students in psychoanalysis, psychotherapy counselling and counselling psychology will welcome this book for its cutting edge content and compassionate tone.