Plug-in Hybrids

Plug-in Hybrids PDF Author: Sherry Boschert
Publisher: Gabriola, B.C. : New Society Publishers
Category : Automobiles, Electric
Languages : en
Pages : 246

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A politically polarized America is coming together over a new kind of car--the plug-in hybrid that will save drivers money, reduce pollution, and increase US security by reducing dependence on imported oil. Plug-in Hybrids points out that, where hydrogen fuel-cell cars won't be ready for decades, the technology for plug-in hybrids exists today. Unlike conventional hybrid cars that can't run without gasoline, plug-in hybrids use gasoline or cheaper, cleaner, domestic electricity--or both. Although plug-in hybrids are not yet for sale, demand for them is widespread, coming from characters across the political spectrum, such as: * Chelsea Sexton, the automotive insider: working for General Motors, Sexton fought attempts to destroy the all-electric EV1 car and describes how car companies are resisting plug-in hybrids--and why they'll make them -anyway. * Felix Kramer and the tech squad: Kramer started a nonprofit organization using the Internet to tap into a small army of engineers who built the first plug-in Prius hybrids. * R. James Woolsey, former CIA director and national security hawk: seeing the end of oil supplies looming, Woolsey is demanding plug-in hybrids to wean us from petroleum. Cautioning that the oil and auto companies know how to undermine the success of plug-in car programs to protect their interests, the book gives readers tools to ensure that plug-in hybrids get to market--and stay here.

Plug-in Hybrids

Plug-in Hybrids PDF Author: Sherry Boschert
Publisher: Gabriola, B.C. : New Society Publishers
Category : Automobiles, Electric
Languages : en
Pages : 246

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Book Description
A politically polarized America is coming together over a new kind of car--the plug-in hybrid that will save drivers money, reduce pollution, and increase US security by reducing dependence on imported oil. Plug-in Hybrids points out that, where hydrogen fuel-cell cars won't be ready for decades, the technology for plug-in hybrids exists today. Unlike conventional hybrid cars that can't run without gasoline, plug-in hybrids use gasoline or cheaper, cleaner, domestic electricity--or both. Although plug-in hybrids are not yet for sale, demand for them is widespread, coming from characters across the political spectrum, such as: * Chelsea Sexton, the automotive insider: working for General Motors, Sexton fought attempts to destroy the all-electric EV1 car and describes how car companies are resisting plug-in hybrids--and why they'll make them -anyway. * Felix Kramer and the tech squad: Kramer started a nonprofit organization using the Internet to tap into a small army of engineers who built the first plug-in Prius hybrids. * R. James Woolsey, former CIA director and national security hawk: seeing the end of oil supplies looming, Woolsey is demanding plug-in hybrids to wean us from petroleum. Cautioning that the oil and auto companies know how to undermine the success of plug-in car programs to protect their interests, the book gives readers tools to ensure that plug-in hybrids get to market--and stay here.

Plug-In Electric Vehicles

Plug-In Electric Vehicles PDF Author: David B. Sandalow
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield
ISBN: 0815703481
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 281

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Plug-in electric vehicles are coming. Major automakers plan to commercialize their first models soon, while Israel and Denmark have ambitious plans to electrify large portions of their vehicle fleets. No technology has greater potential to end the United States' crippling dependence on oil, which leaves the nation vulnerable to price shocks, supply disruptions, environmental degradation, and national security threats including terrorism. What does the future hold for this critical technology, and what should the U.S. government do to promote it? Hybrid vehicles now number more than one million on America's roads, and they are in high demand from consumers. The next major technological step is the plug-in electric vehicle. It combines an internal combustion engine and electric motor, just as hybrids do. But unlike their precursors, PEVs can be recharged from standard electric outlets, meaning the vehicles would no longer be dependent on oil. Widespread growth in the use of PEVs would dramatically reduce oil dependence, cut driving costs and reduce pollution from vehicles. National security would be enhanced, as reduced oil dependence decreases the leverage and resources of petroleum exporters. Brookings fellow David Sandalow heads up an authoritative team of experts including former government officials, private-sector analysts, academic experts, and nongovernmental advocates. Together they explain the current landscape for PEVs: the technology, the economics, and the implications for national security and the environment. They examine how the national interest could be served by federal promotion and investment in PEVs. For example, can tax or procurement policy advance the cause of PEVs? Should the public sector contribute to greater research and development? Should the government insist on PEVs to replenish its huge fleet of official vehicles? Plug-in electric vehicles are coming. But how soon, in what numbers, and to what effect? Feder

Technologies and Applications for Smart Charging of Electric and Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles

Technologies and Applications for Smart Charging of Electric and Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles PDF Author: Ottorino Veneri
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319436511
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 323

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This book outlines issues related to massive integration of electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles into power grids. Electricity is becoming the preferred energy vector for the next new generation of road vehicles. It is widely acknowledged that road vehicles based on full electric or hybrid drives can mitigate problems related to fossil fuel dependence. This book explains the emerging and understanding of storage systems for electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles. The recharging stations for these types of vehicles might represent a great advantage for the electric grid by facilitating integration of renewable and distributed energy production. This book presents a broad review from analyzing current literature to on-going research projects about the new power technologies related to the various charging architectures for electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles. Specifically focusing on DC fast charging operations, as well as, grid-connected power converters and the full range of energy storage systems. These key components are analyzed for distributed generation and charging system integration into micro-grids. The authors demonstrate that these storage systems represent effective interfaces for the control and management of renewable and sustainable distributed energy resources. New standards and applications are emerging from micro-grid pilot projects around the world and case studies demonstrate the convenience and feasibility of distributed energy management. The material in this unique volume discusses potential avenues for further research toward achieving more reliable, more secure and cleaner energy.

Build Your Own Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle

Build Your Own Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle PDF Author: Seth Leitman
Publisher: McGraw Hill Professional
ISBN: 0071614745
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 313

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle from the Ground Up Written by clean energy guru and electric vehicle expert Seth Leitman, this hands-on guide gives you the latest technical information and easy-to-follow instructions for building a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV). "Written by Seth Leitman, longtime green vehicle/sustainability expert and author of "Build Your Own Electric Vehicle," this 275-page book provides an overview of the technology and the issues in doing a conversion, and it works well as a different way in to the open source material that can be found at or the easier-to-remember" -- Build Your Own Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle puts you in the driver's seat when it comes to hitting the road in a reliable, economical, and environmentally friendly ride. Inside, you'll find complete details on the hybrid powertrain and all the required components, including the motor, battery, and chassis. The book covers the plug-in hybrids currently on the market as well as hybrid conversion companies, conversion kits, and related resources. Pictures, diagrams, charts, and graphs illustrate each step along the way. With this how-to guide on hand, you'll be behind the wheel of your own plug-in hybrid electric automobile in no time! Build Your Own Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle covers: Energy savings and environmental benefits PHEV background Drivetrain components and design Chassis selection DC and AC motor types Batteries and chargers The conversion process Licensing and insurance Safety, maintenance, troubleshooting, and warranties Clubs and associations Additional resources

Smart Power Grids 2011

Smart Power Grids 2011 PDF Author: Ali Keyhani
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9783642440632
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Electric power systems are experiencing significant changes at the worldwide scale in order to become cleaner, smarter, and more reliable. This edited book examines a wide range of topics related to these changes, which are primarily caused by the introduction of information technologies, renewable energy penetration, digitalized equipment, new operational strategies, and so forth. The emphasis will be put on the modeling and control of smart grid systems. The book addresses research topics such as high efficiency transforrmers, wind turbines and generators, fuel cells, or high speed turbines and generators.

Hybrid Electric Vehicles

Hybrid Electric Vehicles PDF Author: Chris Mi
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119970113
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 449

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Modern Hybrid Electric Vehicles provides vital guidance to help a new generation of engineers master the principles of and further advance hybrid vehicle technology. The authors address purely electric, hybrid electric, plug-in hybrid electric, hybrid hydraulic, fuel cell, and off-road hybrid vehicle systems. They focus on the power and propulsion systems for these vehicles, including issues related to power and energy management. They concentrate on material that is not readily available in other hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) books such as design examples for hybrid vehicles, and cover new developments in the field including electronic CVT, plug-in hybrid, and new power converters and controls. Covers hybrid vs. pure electric, HEV system architecture (including plug-in and hydraulic), off-road and other industrial utility vehicles, non-ground-vehicle applications like ships, locomotives, aircrafts, system reliability, EMC, storage technologies, vehicular power and energy management, diagnostics and prognostics, and electromechanical vibration issues. Contains core fundamentals and principles of modern hybrid vehicles at component level and system level. Provides graduate students and field engineers with a text suitable for classroom teaching or self-study.

Hybrid Electric Power Train Engineering and Technology: Modeling, Control, and Simulation

Hybrid Electric Power Train Engineering and Technology: Modeling, Control, and Simulation PDF Author: Szumanowski, Antoni
Publisher: IGI Global
ISBN: 146664043X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 446

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Hybridization is an increasingly popular paradigm in the auto industry, but one that is not fully understood by car manufacturers. In general, hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) are designed without regard to the mechanics of the power train, which is developed similarly to its counterparts in internal combustion engines. Hybrid Electric Power Train Engineering and Technology: Modeling, Control, and Simulation provides readers with an academic investigation into HEV power train design using mathematical modeling and simulation of various hybrid electric motors and control systems. This book explores the construction of the most energy efficient power trains, which is of importance to designers, manufacturers, and students of mechanical engineering. This book is part of the Research Essentials collection.

Electric and Hybrid Vehicles

Electric and Hybrid Vehicles PDF Author: Gianfranco Pistoia
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0444535667
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 671

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Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Power Sources, Models, Sustainability, Infrastructure and the Market reviews the performance, cost, safety, and sustainability of battery systems for hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) and electric vehicles (EVs), including nickel-metal hydride batteries and Li-ion batteries. Throughout this book, especially in the first chapters, alternative vehicles with different power trains are compared in terms of lifetime cost, fuel consumption, and environmental impact. The emissions of greenhouse gases are particularly dealt with. The improvement of the battery, or fuel cell, performance and governmental incentives will play a fundamental role in determining how far and how substantial alternative vehicles will penetrate into the market. An adequate recharging infrastructure is of paramount importance for the diffusion of vehicles powered by batteries and fuel cells, as it may contribute to overcome the so-called range anxiety."" Thus, proposed battery charging techniques are summarized and hydrogen refueling stations are described. The final chapter reviews the state of the art of the current models of hybrid and electric vehicles along with the powertrain solutions adopted by the major automakers. - Contributions from the worlds leading industry and research experts - Executive summaries of specific case studies - Information on basic research and application approaches

Electric Vehicles

Electric Vehicles PDF Author: Seref Soylu
Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand
ISBN: 9533074779
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 482

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In this book, modeling and simulation of electric vehicles and their components have been emphasized chapter by chapter with valuable contribution of many researchers who work on both technical and regulatory sides of the field. Mathematical models for electrical vehicles and their components were introduced and merged together to make this book a guide for industry, academia and policy makers.

High Voltage

High Voltage PDF Author: Jim Motavalli
Publisher: Rodale Books
ISBN: 1609613236
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 274

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A behind-the-scenes look at the robustly competitive race to dominate the market for electric cars, the larger-than-life moguls behind them, and the changes that are transforming the auto industry In the 1980s, it was unimaginable that the home computer would become as common and easy to use as a toaster. Today, plug-in charging stations and smart grids seem like something still far off in the future. But by 2020, the auto industry will look very different from today's field of troubled auto giants. The combination of technological breakthroughs and charging networks driven by global warming and peak oil makes it clear that revolutionary change in the auto industry is happening right now. In High Voltage, Jim Motavalli captures this period of unprecedented change, documenting the evolution from internal combustion engines to electric power. Driven by the auto world's ambitious and sometimes outlandish personalities, the book chronicles the race to dominate the market, focusing on big players like Tesla and Fisker, as well as a tiny start-up and a battery supplier. Flashing forward to the changes we'll see in the coming years, High Voltage shows a not-so-distant future where we will live on a smart grid, our cars "fueling," that is, charging, while we shop or sleep. The ramifications of these changes will be on a grander scale than most of us ever imagined—altering foreign policy, reducing trade deficits, and perhaps even ending global warming.