Piezocone and Cone Penetration Test (CPTu and CPT) Applications in Foundation Engineering

Piezocone and Cone Penetration Test (CPTu and CPT) Applications in Foundation Engineering PDF Author: Abolfazl Eslami
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann
ISBN: 0081028741
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 392

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Book Description
Piezocone and cone penetration tests (CPTu and CPT) applications in foundation engineering includes different approaches for determining the bearing capacity of shallow foundations, along with methods for determining pile bearing capacity and settlement concepts. The use of soft computing (GMDH) neural networks related to CPT records and Geotechnical parameters are also discussed. In addition, different cases regarding the behavior of foundation performance using case records, such as shallow foundation, deep soil improvement, soil behavior classification (SBC), and bearing capacity are also included. - Provides the latest on CPT and CPTu performance in geotechnical engineering, i.e., bearing capacity, settlement, liquefaction, soil classification and shear strength prediction - Introduces soft computing methods for processing soil properties and pile bearing capacity via CPT and CPTu - Explains CPT and CPTu testing methods which allows for the continuous, or virtually continuous, record of ground conditions

Piezocone and Cone Penetration Test (CPTu and CPT) Applications in Foundation Engineering

Piezocone and Cone Penetration Test (CPTu and CPT) Applications in Foundation Engineering PDF Author: Abolfazl Eslami
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann
ISBN: 0081028741
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 392

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Book Description
Piezocone and cone penetration tests (CPTu and CPT) applications in foundation engineering includes different approaches for determining the bearing capacity of shallow foundations, along with methods for determining pile bearing capacity and settlement concepts. The use of soft computing (GMDH) neural networks related to CPT records and Geotechnical parameters are also discussed. In addition, different cases regarding the behavior of foundation performance using case records, such as shallow foundation, deep soil improvement, soil behavior classification (SBC), and bearing capacity are also included. - Provides the latest on CPT and CPTu performance in geotechnical engineering, i.e., bearing capacity, settlement, liquefaction, soil classification and shear strength prediction - Introduces soft computing methods for processing soil properties and pile bearing capacity via CPT and CPTu - Explains CPT and CPTu testing methods which allows for the continuous, or virtually continuous, record of ground conditions

Cone Penetration Testing in Geotechnical Practice

Cone Penetration Testing in Geotechnical Practice PDF Author: T. Lunne
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1482295040
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 351

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This book provides guidance on the specification, performance, use and interpretation of the Electric Cone Penetration Test (CPU), and in particular the Cone Penetration Test with pore pressure measurement (CPTU) commonly referred to as the "piezocone test".

Cone Penetration Testing 2018

Cone Penetration Testing 2018 PDF Author: Michael A. Hicks
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 0429000480
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 757

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Book Description
Cone Penetration Testing 2018 contains the proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing (CPT’18, Delft, The Netherlands, 21-22 June 2018), and presents the latest developments relating to the use of cone penetration testing in geotechnical engineering. It focuses on the solution of geotechnical challenges using the cone penetration test (CPT), CPT add-on measurements and companion in-situ penetration tools (such as full flow and free fall penetrometers), with an emphasis on practical experience and application of research findings. The peer-reviewed papers have been authored by academics, researchers and practitioners from many countries worldwide and cover numerous important aspects, ranging from the development of innovative theoretical and numerical methods of interpretation, to real field applications. This is an Open Access ebook, and can be found on www.taylorfrancis.com.

Cone Penetration Testing

Cone Penetration Testing PDF Author: Paul W. Mayne
Publisher: Transportation Research Board
ISBN: 0309097843
Category : Penetrometer
Languages : en
Pages : 126

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NCHRP synthesis 368 explores the current practices of departments of transportation associated with cone penetration testing (CPT). The report examines cone penetrometer equipment options; field testing procedures; CPT data presentation and geostratigraphic profiling; CPT evaluation of soil engineering parameters and properties; CPT for deep foundations, pilings, shallow foundations, and embankments; and CPT use in ground modifications and difficult ground conditions.

Cone Penetration Testing 2022

Cone Penetration Testing 2022 PDF Author: Guido Gottardi
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1000780570
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 2767

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Book Description
This volume contains the proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing (CPT’22), held in Bologna, Italy, 8-10 June 2022. More than 500 authors - academics, researchers, practitioners and manufacturers – contributed to the peer-reviewed papers included in this book, which includes three keynote lectures, four invited lectures and 169 technical papers. The contributions provide a full picture of the current knowledge and major trends in CPT research and development, with respect to innovations in instrumentation, latest advances in data interpretation, and emerging fields of CPT application. The paper topics encompass three well-established topic categories typically addressed in CPT events: - Equipment and Procedures - Data Interpretation - Applications. Emphasis is placed on the use of statistical approaches and innovative numerical strategies for CPT data interpretation, liquefaction studies, application of CPT to offshore engineering, comparative studies between CPT and other in-situ tests. Cone Penetration Testing 2022 contains a wealth of information that could be useful for researchers, practitioners and all those working in the broad and dynamic field of cone penetration testing.

Basics of Foundation Design

Basics of Foundation Design PDF Author: Bengt Fellenius
Publisher: Lulu.com
ISBN: 1365824004
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 488

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The "Red Book" presents a background to conventional foundation analysis and design. The text is not intended to replace the much more comprehensive 'standard' textbooks, but rather to support and augment these in a few important areas, supplying methods applicable to practical cases handled daily by practising engineers and providing the basic soil mechanics background to those methods. It concentrates on the static design for stationary foundation conditions. Although the topic is far from exhaustively treated, it does intend to present most of the basic material needed for a practising engineer involved in routine geotechnical design, as well as provide the tools for an engineering student to approach and solve common geotechnical design problems.

Databases for Data-Centric Geotechnics

Databases for Data-Centric Geotechnics PDF Author: Kok-Kwang Phoon
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1040166407
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 511

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Book Description
Databases for Data-Centric Geotechnics forms a definitive reference and guide to databases in geotechnical and rock engineering, to enhance decision-making in geotechnical practice using data-driven methods. This first volume pertains to site characterization. The opening chapter presents an in-depth analysis of site data attributes, including the establishment of a new taxonomy of site data under “4S” (site generalizations, spatial features, sampling characteristics, and smart data) to provide a novel agenda for data-driven site characterization. Type 3 machine learning methods (disruptive value) are possible as sensors become more pervasive and more intelligent. A comprehensive overview of site characterization information is also presented with a focus on its availability, coverage, value to decision making, and challenges. The remaining 13 chapters cover databases of soil and rock properties and the application of these databases to rock socket behavior, rock classification, settlement on soft marine clays, permeability of fine-grained soils, and liquefaction among others. The databases were compiled from studies undertaken in many countries including Austria, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Finland, Germany, India, Iran, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. This volume on site characterization is a companion to the volume on geotechnical structures. Databases for Data-Centric Geotechnics represents the most diverse and comprehensive assembly of database research in a single publication (consisting of two volumes) to date. It follows from Model Uncertainties for Foundation Design, also published by CRC Press, and suits specialist geotechnical engineers, researchers and graduate students.

Correlations of Soil and Rock Properties in Geotechnical Engineering

Correlations of Soil and Rock Properties in Geotechnical Engineering PDF Author: Jay Ameratunga
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 8132226291
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 236

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This book presents a one-stop reference to the empirical correlations used extensively in geotechnical engineering. Empirical correlations play a key role in geotechnical engineering designs and analysis. Laboratory and in situ testing of soils can add significant cost to a civil engineering project. By using appropriate empirical correlations, it is possible to derive many design parameters, thus limiting our reliance on these soil tests. The authors have decades of experience in geotechnical engineering, as professional engineers or researchers. The objective of this book is to present a critical evaluation of a wide range of empirical correlations reported in the literature, along with typical values of soil parameters, in the light of their experience and knowledge. This book will be a one-stop-shop for the practising professionals, geotechnical researchers and academics looking for specific correlations for estimating certain geotechnical parameters. The empirical correlations in the forms of equations and charts and typical values are collated from extensive literature review, and from the authors' database.

Databases for Data-Centric Geotechnics

Databases for Data-Centric Geotechnics PDF Author: Chong Tang
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1040166644
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 691

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Book Description
Databases for Data-Centric Geotechnics forms a definitive reference and guide to databases in geotechnical and rock engineering, to enhance decision-making in geotechnical practice using data-driven methods. This second volume pertains to geotechnical structures. The opening chapter presents a substantial survey of performance databases and the effectiveness of our prediction models in matching the field measurements in these databases, based on (1) full-scale field tests, (2) 39 prediction exercises organized as a part of international conferences, and (3) comparison between numerical analyses and in-situ or field measurements conducted by the French LCPC. The focus is on the evaluation of the statistical degree of confidence in predicting various of quantities of interest such as capacity and deformation. The following 18 chapters then present databases on the performance of shallow foundations, spudcan foundations, deep foundations, anchors and pipelines, retaining systems and excavations, and landslides. The databases were compiled from studies undertaken in many countries such as Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Hungary, Iran, Ireland, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States. This volume on geotechnical structures is a companion to the volume on site characterization. Databases for Data-Centric Geotechnics represents the most diverse and comprehensive assembly of database research in a single publication (consisting of two volumes) to date. It follows from Model Uncertainties for Foundation Design, also published by CRC Press, and suits specialist geotechnical engineers, researchers and graduate students.

Uncertainty, Modeling, and Decision Making in Geotechnics

Uncertainty, Modeling, and Decision Making in Geotechnics PDF Author: Kok-Kwang Phoon
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1003801250
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 521

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Uncertainty, Modeling, and Decision Making in Geotechnics shows how uncertainty quantification and numerical modeling can complement each other to enhance decision-making in geotechnical practice, filling a critical gap in guiding practitioners to address uncertainties directly. The book helps practitioners acquire a working knowledge of geotechnical risk and reliability methods and guides them to use these methods wisely in conjunction with data and numerical modeling. In particular, it provides guidance on the selection of realistic statistics and a cost-effective, accessible method to address different design objectives, and for different problem settings, and illustrates the value of this to decision-making using realistic examples. Bringing together statistical characterization, reliability analysis, reliability-based design, probabilistic inverse analysis, and physical insights drawn from case studies, this reference guide from an international team of experts offers an excellent resource for state-of-the-practice uncertainty-informed geotechnical design for specialist practitioners and the research community.