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Author: Vasilios N. Stavrou
Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand
ISBN: 1789846269
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 176
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The field of low-dimensional structures has been experiencing rapid development in both theoretical and experimental research. Phonons in Low Dimensional Structures is a collection of chapters related to the properties of solid-state structures dependent on lattice vibrations. The book is divided into two parts. In the first part, research topics such as interface phonons and polaron states, carrier-phonon non-equilibrium dynamics, directional projection of elastic waves in parallel array of N elastically coupled waveguides, collective dynamics for longitudinal and transverse phonon modes, and elastic properties for bulk metallic glasses are related to semiconductor devices and metallic glasses devices. The second part of the book contains, among others, topics related to superconductor, phononic crystal carbon nanotube devices such as phonon dispersion calculations using density functional theory for a range of superconducting materials, phononic crystal-based MEMS resonators, absorption of acoustic phonons in the hyper-sound regime in fluorine-modified carbon nanotubes and single-walled nanotubes, phonon transport in carbon nanotubes, quantization of phonon thermal conductance, and phonon Anderson localization.
Author: Vasilios N. Stavrou
Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand
ISBN: 1789846269
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 176
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Book Description
The field of low-dimensional structures has been experiencing rapid development in both theoretical and experimental research. Phonons in Low Dimensional Structures is a collection of chapters related to the properties of solid-state structures dependent on lattice vibrations. The book is divided into two parts. In the first part, research topics such as interface phonons and polaron states, carrier-phonon non-equilibrium dynamics, directional projection of elastic waves in parallel array of N elastically coupled waveguides, collective dynamics for longitudinal and transverse phonon modes, and elastic properties for bulk metallic glasses are related to semiconductor devices and metallic glasses devices. The second part of the book contains, among others, topics related to superconductor, phononic crystal carbon nanotube devices such as phonon dispersion calculations using density functional theory for a range of superconducting materials, phononic crystal-based MEMS resonators, absorption of acoustic phonons in the hyper-sound regime in fluorine-modified carbon nanotubes and single-walled nanotubes, phonon transport in carbon nanotubes, quantization of phonon thermal conductance, and phonon Anderson localization.
Author: Lawrence John Challis
ISBN: 9780198507321
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 302
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The study of electrons and holes confined to two, one and even zero dimensions has uncovered a rich variety of new physics and applications. This book describes the interaction between these confined carriers and the optic and acoustic phonons within and around the confined regions. Phonons provide the principal channel of energy transfer between the carriers and their surroundings and also the main restriction to their room temperature mobility. But they have many other roles; they provide, for example, an essential feature of the operation of the quantum cascade laser. Since their momenta at relevant energies are well matched to those of electrons, they can also be used to probe electronic properties such as the confinement width of 2D electron gases and the dispersion curve of quasiparticles in the fractional quantum Hall effect. The book describes both the physics of the electron-phonon interaction in the different confined systems and the experimental and theoretical techniques that have been used in its investigation. The experimental methods include optical and transport techniques as well as techniques in which phonons are used as the experimental probe. The aim of the book is to provide an up to date review of the physics and its significance in device performance. It is also written to be explanatory and accessible to graduate students and others new to the field.
Author: Vladimir G. Plekhanov
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642286135
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 104
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This Briefs volume describes the properties and structure of elementary excitations in isotope low-dimensional structures. Without assuming prior knowledge of quantum physics, the present book provides the basic knowledge needed to understand the recent developments in the sub-disciplines of nanoscience isotopetronics, novel device concepts and materials for nanotechnology. It is the first and comprehensive interdisciplinary account of the newly developed scientific discipline isotopetronics.
Author: T.J. Wieting
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9400993706
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 483
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This volume is devoted to the electron and phonon energy states of inorganic layered crystals. The distinctive feature of these low-dimensional materials is their easy mechanical cleavage along planes parallel to the layers. This feature implies that the chemical binding within each layer is much stronger than the binding between layers and that some, but not necessarily all, physical properties of layered crystals have two-dimensional character. In Wyckoff's Crystal Structures, SiC and related com pounds are regarded as layered structures, because their atomic layers are alternately stacked according to the requirements of cubic and hexagonal close-packing. How ever, the uniform (tetrahedral) coordination of the atoms in these compounds excludes the kind of structural anisotropy that is fundamental to the materials dis cussed in this volume. An individual layer of a layered crystal may be composed of either a single sheet of atoms, as in graphite, or a set of up to five atomic sheets, as in Bi2 Te3' A layer may also have more complicated arrangements of the atoms, as we find for example in Sb S . But the unique feature common to all these materials is 2 3 the structural anisotropy, which directly affects their electronic and vibrational properties. The nature of the weak interlayer coupling is not very well understood, despite the frequent attribution of the coupling in the literature to van der Waals forces. Two main facts, however, have emerged from all studies.
Author: Michael A. Stroscio
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1139430327
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 290
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This book focuses on the theory of phonon interactions in nanoscale structures with particular emphasis on modern electronic and optoelectronic devices. The continuing progress in the fabrication of semiconductor nanostructures with lower dimensional features has led to devices with enhanced functionality and even novel devices with new operating principles. The critical role of phonon effects in such semiconductor devices is well known. There is therefore a great need for a greater awareness and understanding of confined phonon effects. A key goal of this book is to describe tractable models of confined phonons and how these are applied to calculations of basic properties and phenomena of semiconductor heterostructures. The level of presentation is appropriate for undergraduate and graduate students in physics and engineering with some background in quantum mechanics and solid state physics or devices. A basic understanding of electromagnetism and classical acoustics is assumed.
Author: J.P. Leburton
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9401116830
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 490
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In the last ten years, the physics and technology of low dimensional structures has experienced a tremendous development. Quantum structures with vertical and lateral confinements are now routinely fabricated with feature sizes below 100 run. While quantization of the electron states in mesoscopic systems has been the subject of intense investigation, the effect of confinement on lattice vibrations and its influence on the electron-phonon interaction and energy dissipation in nanostructures received atten tion only recently. This NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Phonons in Sem iconductor Nanostructures was a forum for discussion on the latest developments in the physics of phonons and their impact on the electronic properties of low-dimensional structures. Our goal was to bring together specialists in lattice dynamics and nanos tructure physics to assess the increasing importance of phonon effects on the physical properties of one-(lD) and zero-dimensional (OD) structures. The Workshop addressed various issues related to phonon physics in III-V, II-VI and IV semiconductor nanostructures. The following topics were successively covered: Models for confined phonons in semiconductor nanostructures, latest experimental observations of confined phonons and electron-phonon interaction in two-dimensional systems, elementary excitations in nanostructures, phonons and optical processes in reduced dimensionality systems, phonon limited transport phenomena, hot electron effects in quasi - ID structures, carrier relaxation and phonon bottleneck in quantum dots.
Author: Keith Barnham
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521599047
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 408
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Low-Dimensional Semiconductor Structures offers a seamless, atoms-to-devices introduction to the latest quantum heterostructures. It covers their fabrication; electronic, optical, and transport properties; role in exploring new physical phenomena; and utilization in devices. The authors describe the epitaxial growth of semiconductors and the physical behavior of electrons and phonons in low-dimensional structures. They then go on to discuss nonlinear optics in quantum heterostructures. The final chapters deal with semiconductor lasers, mesoscopic devices, and high-speed heterostructure devices. The book contains many exercises and comprehensive references.
Author: Vladimir G. Plekhanov
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319422618
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 298
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This book describes new trends in the nanoscience of isotopic materials science. Assuming a background in graduate condensed matter physics and covering the fundamental aspects of isotopic materials science from the very beginning, it equips readers to engage in high-level professional research in this area. The book ́s main objective is to provide insight into the question of why solids are the way they are, either because of how their atoms are bonded with one another, because of defects in their structure, or because of how they are produced or processed. Accordingly, it explores the science of how atoms interact, connects the results to real materials properties, and demonstrates the engineering concepts that can be used to produce or improve semiconductors by design. In addition, it shows how the concepts discussed are applied in the laboratory. The book addresses the needs of researchers, graduate students and senior undergraduate students alike. Although primarily written for materials science audience, it will be equally useful to those teaching in electrical engineering, materials science or even chemical engineering or physics curricula. In order to maintain the focus on materials concepts, however, the book does not burden the reader with details of many of the derivations and equations nor does it delve into the details of electrical engineering topics.
Author: G P Srivastava
Publisher: World Scientific
ISBN: 9814496758
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 346
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The state-of-the-art theoretical studies of ground state properties, electronic states and atomic vibrations for bulk semiconductors and their surfaces by the application of the pseudopotential method are discussed. Studies of bulk and surface phonon modes have been extended by the application of the phenomenological bond charge model. The coverage of the material, especially of the rapidly growing and technologically important topics of surface reconstruction and chemisorption, is up-to-date and beyond what is currently available in book form. Although theoretical in nature, the book provides a good deal of discussion of available experimental results. Each chapter provides an adequate list of references, relevant for both theoretical and experimental studies. The presentation is coherent and self-contained, and is aimed at the postgraduate and postdoctoral levels.
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080540996
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 305
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Since its inception in 1966, the series of numbered volumes known as Semiconductors and Semimetals has distinguished itself through the careful selection of well-known authors, editors, and contributors. The Willardson and Beer series, as it is widely known, has succeeded in producing numerous landmark volumes and chapters. Not only did many of these volumes make an impact at the time of their publication, but they continue to be well-cited years after their original release. Recently, Professor Eicke R. Weber of the University of California at Berkeley joined as a co-editor of the series. Professor Weber, a well-known expert in the field of semiconductor materials, will further contribute to continuing the series' tradition of publishing timely, highly relevant, and long-impacting volumes. Some of the recent volumes, such as Hydrogen in Semiconductors, Imperfections in III/V Materials, Epitaxial Microstructures, High-Speed Heterostructure Devices, Oxygen in Silicon, and others promise that this tradition will be maintained and even expanded.Thermoelectric materials may be used for solid state refrigeration or power generation applications via the large Peltier effect in these materials. To be an effective thermoelectric material, a material must possess a large Seebeck coefficient, a low resistivity and a low thermal conductivity. Due to increased need for alternative energy sources providing environmentally friendly refrigeration and power generation, thermoelectric materials research experienced a rebirth in the mid 1990's. Semiconductors and Semimetals, Volume 71: Recent Trends in Thermoelectric Materials Research: Part Three provides an overview of much of this research in thermoelectric materials during the decade of the 1990's. New materials and new material concepts such as quantum well and superlattice structures gave hope to the possibilities that might be achieved. An effort was made to focus on these new materials and not on materials such as BiTe alloys, since such recent reviews are available. Experts in the field who were active researchers during this period were the primary authors to this series of review articles. This is the most complete collection of review articles that are primarily focussed on new materials and new concepts that is existence to date.