Pediatric Sleep Medicine

Pediatric Sleep Medicine PDF Author: David Gozal
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030655741
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 719

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Book Description
This book provides comprehensive coverage of all aspects related to pediatric sleep and its associated disorders. It addresses the ontogeny and maturational aspects of physiological sleep and circadian rhythms, as well as the effects of sleep on the various organ systems as a function of development. Organized into nine sections, the book begins with a basic introduction to sleep, and proceeds into an extensive coverage of normative sleep and functional homeostasis. Part three then concisely examines the humoral and developmental aspects of sleep, namely the emerging role of metabolic tissue and the intestinal microbiota in regulation. Parts four, five, and six discuss diagnoses methods, techniques in sleep measurement, and specific aspects of pharmacotherapy and ventilator support for the pediatric patient. Various sleep disorders are explored in part seven, followed by an in-depth analysis of obstructive sleep apnea in part eight. The book concludes with discussions on the presence of sleep issues in other disorders such as Down syndrome, obesity, cystic fibrosis, and asthma. Written by recognized leaders in the field, Pediatric Sleep Medicine facilitates an extensive learning experience for practicing physicians who encounter specific sleep-related issues in their practice.

Pediatric Sleep Medicine

Pediatric Sleep Medicine PDF Author: David Gozal
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030655741
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 719

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Book Description
This book provides comprehensive coverage of all aspects related to pediatric sleep and its associated disorders. It addresses the ontogeny and maturational aspects of physiological sleep and circadian rhythms, as well as the effects of sleep on the various organ systems as a function of development. Organized into nine sections, the book begins with a basic introduction to sleep, and proceeds into an extensive coverage of normative sleep and functional homeostasis. Part three then concisely examines the humoral and developmental aspects of sleep, namely the emerging role of metabolic tissue and the intestinal microbiota in regulation. Parts four, five, and six discuss diagnoses methods, techniques in sleep measurement, and specific aspects of pharmacotherapy and ventilator support for the pediatric patient. Various sleep disorders are explored in part seven, followed by an in-depth analysis of obstructive sleep apnea in part eight. The book concludes with discussions on the presence of sleep issues in other disorders such as Down syndrome, obesity, cystic fibrosis, and asthma. Written by recognized leaders in the field, Pediatric Sleep Medicine facilitates an extensive learning experience for practicing physicians who encounter specific sleep-related issues in their practice.

A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep

A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep PDF Author: Jodi A. Mindell
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN: 1605473898
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 302

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Book Description
Written for busy primary care practitioners, this book is a practical clinical guide to common pediatric sleep disorders and their treatment. Information is organized by specific disorder and by the most frequent presenting complaints. Symptom-based algorithms will enable practitioners to evaluate sleep complaints in a stepwise manner. Other features include symptom checklists for specific disorders and chapters on sleep problems in special populations. Appendices provide practical tools for screening for sleep problems, evaluating sleep studies, and counseling families. This edition includes updated ICSD-2 and ICD-10 diagnostic criteria and new and revised American Academy of Sleep Medicine Standards of Practice guidelines. Other highlights include new chapters on sleep hygiene and sleep enuresis, updated and expanded chapters on all sleep disorders, and up-to-date information on sleep medications and sleep in special populations. A companion Website will offer parent handouts for each age group and each sleep disorder, as well as screening questionnaires and sleep diaries.

Pediatric Sleep Problems

Pediatric Sleep Problems PDF Author: Lisa J. Meltzer
Publisher: American Psychological Association (APA)
ISBN: 9781433819834
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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This book presents highly effective behavioral interventions for common pediatric sleep problems. Includes over 30 handouts for parents and children, all of which can also be downloaded from a supplemental website.

Principles and Practice of Pediatric Sleep Medicine

Principles and Practice of Pediatric Sleep Medicine PDF Author: Stephen H. Sheldon
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 0721694586
Category : Children
Languages : en
Pages : 368

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Book Description
This companion to Kryger et al.'s PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF SLEEP MEDICINE focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of a full range of sleep disorders in children. Recognized leaders in the field offer definitive guidance on virtually all of the sleep-associated problems encountered in pediatrics, from sleep and obstructive sleep apnea, neurological disorders, and sleep-related enuresis. Presents up-to-date information of the field's hottest topics in chapters on Pharmacology of Sleep in Children · Epidemiology of Sleep Disorders During Childhood · Circadian Rhythm Disorders: Diagnosis and Treatment · and Differential Diagnosis of Pediatric Sleep Disorders. Organizes information into separate sections covering normal and abnormal sleep, for quick reference. Makes further investigation easy with abundantly referenced chapters. Addresses both medical and psychiatric sleep disorders. Features the expertise of Drs. Sheldon, Kryger and Ferber - renowned authorities in the field of sleep medicine.

Pediatric Sleep Pearls E-Book

Pediatric Sleep Pearls E-Book PDF Author: Lourdes M. DelRosso
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 0323428339
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 355

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Book Description
Following in the steps of the bestselling Sleep Medicine Pearls, this practical resource provides authoritative guidance on the evaluation and management of common pediatric sleep medicine problems using concise clinical vignettes. Experts in this rapidly growing field, led by Drs. Lourdes M. Del Rosso, Richard B. Berry, Suzanne E. Beck, Mary H. Wagner, and Carole L. Marcus, provide a hands-on, case-based approach, perfect for physicians studying for the sleep boards, fellows learning sleep medicine, and physicians who see children in their practice. - Consult this title on your favorite e-reader, conduct rapid searches, and adjust font sizes for optimal readability. - Over 95 cases review key elements in the evaluation and management of a wide variety of pediatric sleep disorders. - An easy-to-read "pearls" format summarizes 2 to 5 major teaching points for maximum retention. Short, templated chapters are ideal for use by busy physicians. - Current scoring criteria from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine manual for sleep and associated events version 2.2, as well as the current International Classification of Sleep Disorders, 3rd Edition (ICSD-3). - Expert coverage of normal sleep in children, as well as sleep disorders associated with common medical, neurologic, psychiatric, neurodevelopmental, and genetic conditions. - Up-to-date information on pediatric obstructive sleep apnea syndrome diagnosis and management. - Numerous illustrations of polysomnographic fragments and pictures of clinical findings help you quickly recognize key pediatric sleep patterns that lead to an accurate diagnosis. All illustrations online are in full color. - An ideal resource for pediatric sleep medicine specialists, adult sleep medicine specialists, pediatric pulmonologists, pediatric neurologists, pediatric otolaryngologists, general pediatricians, and pediatric psychologists.

Clinical Sleep Medicine

Clinical Sleep Medicine PDF Author: Emmanuel H. During, M.D.
Publisher: American Psychiatric Pub
ISBN: 1615373004
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 422

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Book Description
"The importance of sleep for well-being and general and mental health is increasingly being recognized. Sleep complaints are commonly associated with mental disorders and are even part of the diagnostic criteria for some of them, such as mood and anxiety disorders and PTSD. The relationship between sleep and psychiatric disorders is intertwined and, in some cases, bidirectional. Anxiety, psychosis, and depression often result in reduced sleep quality (sleep fragmentation, experience of unpleasant, unrefreshing sleep), quantity (increased or reduced), or pattern (changes in sleep schedule, loss of sleep consistency). Reciprocally, sleep disorders can contribute to the exacerbation of psychiatric symptoms and independently affect the prognosis. Finally, most psychotropic drugs have an effect on sleep and arousal and can aggravate a preexisting sleep abnormality. This book aims to familiarize readers with current knowledge on the mutual effects of sleep and mental health and provide an integrated framework for students, clinicians, and researchers. Throughout its 18 chapters, it discusses the six main categories of sleep disorders: insomnia (Chapters 3-5), hypersomnia (Chapters 6-7), sleep-disordered breathing (Chapters 8-11), circadian disorders (Chapters 12-13), parasomnias (Chapters 14-16), and sleep-related movement disorders (Chapters 17-18)"--

Therapy in Sleep Medicine E-Book

Therapy in Sleep Medicine E-Book PDF Author: Teri J. Barkoukis
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 1455723304
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 817

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Therapy in Sleep Medicine, by Drs. Teri J. Barkoukis, Jean K. Matheson, Richard Ferber, and Karl Doghrami, provides the clinically focused coverage you need for rapid diagnosis and effective treatment of sleep disorders. A multidisciplinary team of leading authorities presents the latest on sleep breathing disorders (including obstructive sleep apnea), neuropharmacology, parasomnias, neurologic disorders affecting sleep, sleep therapy for women, sleep therapy in geriatric patients, controversies, and future trends in therapy in a highly illustrated, easy-to-follow format. Diagnose and treat patients effectively with complete coverage of the full range of sleep disorders. Find diagnostic and treatment information quickly and easily thanks to a highly illustrated, easy-to-read format that highlights key details. Stay current on discussions of hot topics, including sleep breathing disorders (including obstructive sleep apnea), neuropharmacology, parasomnias, neurologic disorders affecting sleep, sleep therapy for women, sleep therapy in geriatric patients, controversies, and future trends in therapy. Tap into the expertise of a multidisciplinary team of leading authorities for well-rounded, trusted guidance.

Sleep in Children with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities

Sleep in Children with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities PDF Author: Jennifer A. Accardo
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319984144
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 386

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Book Description
This practical guide presents approaches to working with children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disabilities who have sleep problems. Divided into four sections, the book begins with the impact of sleep problems in children with disabilities and the evaluation of sleep complaints. The next two sections cover the major categories of sleep disorders as they apply in children with disabilities, and specific neurodevelopmental disabilities with their characteristic sleep manifestations. The last section details options for treatment, which include behavioral and environmental strategies, occupational therapy, exercise, and medications. Chapters feature case studies that introduce and reinforce diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. Those engaged in the care of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities and sleep problems will find this text to be an invaluable guide when assessing and treating sleep disorders.

Sleep Disorders in Children

Sleep Disorders in Children PDF Author: Soňa Nevšímalová
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319286404
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 421

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Book Description
This book is both an exam guide to children ́s sleep medicine and a practical manual for diagnosis and management of sleep disorders in children. An overview of the most frequent sleep disorders encountered in newborns, infants, children and adolescents is provided. This book discusses the main sleep disorders in detail, including insomnia, respiratory disturbances, movement disorders during sleep, circadian rhythm disorders, parasomnias, and disorders associated with increased sleepiness. It also covers sleep disorders associated with neurological, psychiatric, and medical diseases. This book is divided into two parts. The first part is an introduction to childhood sleep physiology and pathology, epidemiology of sleep disorders, and diagnostic procedures. The second part describes the most frequent sleep disorders in greater depth. Sleep Disorders in Children is aimed at sleep researchers, pediatricians, child neurologists and child psychiatrists, as well as patient organizations and families with affected children.

Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine in the Child

Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine in the Child PDF Author: Richard Ferber (M.D.)
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 288

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Book Description
This book is for any professional who sees children (or parents of children) with sleep problems including pediatricians, primary care physicians, nurses, mental health workers, pulmonologists, neurologists, and specialists in sleep medicine. Although sleep disorders in children are very common, until recently the body of knowledge in pediatric sleep medicine was too limited to warrant a textbook devoted to this topic. In recent years, a robust scientifically based body of knowledge has emerged, and the tools to diagnose and effectively treat children with sleep disorders are now available. The first part of this book reviews normal sleep patterns and clinical assessment techniques in the child. The second part deals with specific problems related to the sleep period, problems that may be developmental, neurologic, psychologic/psychiatric, or medical in origin. Only by understanding the interactions among normal sleep patterns, parental desires, patient needs, and pathologic states can a rational approach to the evaluation and treatment of sleep disorders in children become feasible.