Patient Adherence to Medical Treatment Regimens

Patient Adherence to Medical Treatment Regimens PDF Author: Alan J. Christensen
Publisher: Yale University Press
ISBN: 9780300103496
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 204

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The single most important public health problem facing physicians today may be the failure of patients to follow their prescribed treatment regimens, a phenomenon that results in treatment failures, increased morbidity and mortality, and enormous burdens to society and the economy. This book focuses on the many factors that influence adherence behavior and discusses how this behavior can be improved. Drawing on data from social, personality, clinical, and health psychology, a leading authority on the subject examines the psychosocial, demographic, contextual, and provider determinants of patient compliance with physician recommendations and stresses their multiplicative influence. Alan J. Christensen presents several theories to account for this behavior and then offers his own new interactional framework, one that applies broader fundamental theorizing about psychological and behavior change to the problem and thereby sheds new light on efforts to promote adherence.

Patient Adherence to Medical Treatment Regimens

Patient Adherence to Medical Treatment Regimens PDF Author: Alan J. Christensen
Publisher: Yale University Press
ISBN: 9780300103496
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 204

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Book Description
The single most important public health problem facing physicians today may be the failure of patients to follow their prescribed treatment regimens, a phenomenon that results in treatment failures, increased morbidity and mortality, and enormous burdens to society and the economy. This book focuses on the many factors that influence adherence behavior and discusses how this behavior can be improved. Drawing on data from social, personality, clinical, and health psychology, a leading authority on the subject examines the psychosocial, demographic, contextual, and provider determinants of patient compliance with physician recommendations and stresses their multiplicative influence. Alan J. Christensen presents several theories to account for this behavior and then offers his own new interactional framework, one that applies broader fundamental theorizing about psychological and behavior change to the problem and thereby sheds new light on efforts to promote adherence.

Adherence to Long-term Therapies

Adherence to Long-term Therapies PDF Author: Eduardo Sabaté
Publisher: World Health Organization
ISBN: 9789241545990
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 232

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This report is based on an exhaustive review of the published literature on the definitions, measurements, epidemiology, economics and interventions applied to nine chronic conditions and risk factors.

Health Behavior Change and Treatment Adherence

Health Behavior Change and Treatment Adherence PDF Author: Leslie R. Martin
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
ISBN: 0195380401
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 225

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This title synthesizes the results from more than 50 years of empirical research, resulting in simple, powerful, and practical guidance for health professionals who want to know the most effective strategies for helping their clients to put long-term health-relevant behaviour changes into practice.

The Wiley Handbook of Healthcare Treatment Engagement

The Wiley Handbook of Healthcare Treatment Engagement PDF Author: Andrew Hadler
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119129524
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 667

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Winner of the 2021 PROSE Award for CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY and PSYCHIATRY Against a global backdrop of problematic adherence to medical treatment, this volume addresses and provides practical solutions to the simple question: "Why don't patients take treatments that could save their lives?" The Wiley handbook of Healthcare Treatment Engagement offers a guide to the theory, research and clinical practice of promoting patient engagement in healthcare treatment at individual, organizational and systems levels. The concept of treatment engagement, as explained within the text, promotes a broader view than the related concept of treatment adherence. Treatment engagement encompasses more readily the lifestyle factors which may impact healthcare outcomes as much as medication-taking, as well as practical, economic and cultural factors which may determine access to treatment. Over a span of 32 chapters, an international panel of expert authors address this far-reaching and fascinating field, describing a broad range of evidence-based approaches which stand to improve clinical services and treatment outcomes, as well as the experience of users of healthcare service and practitioners alike. This comprehensive volume adopts an interdisciplinary approach to offer an understanding of the factors governing our healthcare systems and the motivations and behaviors of patients, clinicians and organizations. Presented in a user-friendly format for quick reference, the text first supports the reader’s understanding by exploring background topics such as the considerable impact of sub-optimal treatment adherence on healthcare outcomes, before describing practical clinical approaches to promote engagement in treatment, including chapters referring to specific patient populations. The text recognizes the support which may be required throughout the depth of each healthcare organization to promote patient engagement, and in the final section of the book, describes approaches to inform the development of healthcare services with which patients will be more likely to seek to engage. This important book: Provides a comprehensive summary of practical approaches developed across a wide range of clinical settings, integrating research findings and clinical literature from a variety of disciplines Introduces and compliments existing approaches to improve communication in healthcare settings and promote patient choice in planning treatment Presents a range of proven clinical solutions that will appeal to those seeking to improve outcomes on a budget Written for health professionals from all disciplines of clinical practice, as well as service planners and policy makers, The Wiley Handbook of Healthcare Treatment Engagement is a comprehensive guide for individual practitioners and organizations alike. 2021 PROSE Biological and Life Sciences Category for Clinical Psychology & Psychiatry

Handbook of Health Behavior Research II

Handbook of Health Behavior Research II PDF Author: David S. Gochman
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9780306454448
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 560

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This landmark treatise provides the first comprehensive review of basic health behavior research. In four volumes, multidisciplinary contributors critically assess every aspect of health behavior, giving special attention to the interrelationship between personal/social systems and risk behavior. Volume 1 presents useful conceptions of health and health behavior and describes the influence of personal, family, social and institutional factors. Each volume features extensive supplementary and integrative material prepared by the editor, the detailed index to the entire four-volume set, and a glossary of health behavior terminology.

Practical Psychology in Medical Rehabilitation

Practical Psychology in Medical Rehabilitation PDF Author: Maggi A. Budd
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319340344
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 591

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This easy-access guide summarizes the dynamic specialty of rehabilitation psychology, focusing on real-world practice in the medical setting. It begins by placing readers at the frontlines of practice with a solid foundation for gathering information and communicating effectively with patients, families, and staff. The book’s topics run a wide gamut of patient conditions (neurological, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular), related problems (sleep and fatigue issues, depression) and practitioner responses (encouraging coping and compliance, pediatric and geriatric considerations). Models of disability and adaptation, review of competency concerns, and guidelines for group and individual therapy offer evidence-based insights for helping patients manage their health conditions, benefit from rehabilitation interventions, and prepare for their post-rehabilitation lives and activities. Coverage spotlights these core areas: ·Basics and biopsychosocial practicalities, from behavioral medicine and psychopharmacology to ethical and forensic issues. ·Populations, problems, and procedures, including stroke, TBI, substance abuse, transplants, and severe mental illness. ·Assessment and practical interventions such as pain, anxiety, cognitive functioning, and more. ·Consultation, advocacy, and interdisciplinary teams. ·Practice management, administration, and professional self-care. ·Research, technology, and program evaluation. Practical Psychology in Medical Rehabilitation is an essential professional development tool for novice (and a refresher for veteran) psychologists and neuropsychologists, as well as rehabilitation physicians, nurses, therapists, psychiatrists, and social workers. It presents in depth both the hallmarks of the specialty and the nuts and bolts of being a valuable team player in a medical setting.

User's Manual for the Medical Outcomes Study (MOS) Core Measures of Health-related Quality of Life

User's Manual for the Medical Outcomes Study (MOS) Core Measures of Health-related Quality of Life PDF Author: Ron D. Hays
Publisher: RAND Corporation
ISBN: 9780833015907
Category : Health status indicators
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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This manual describes self-administered patient questionnaires that were developed for patients participating in the Medical Outcomes Study.

Adherence to Pediatric Medical Regimens

Adherence to Pediatric Medical Regimens PDF Author: Michael A. Rapoff
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 058537581X
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 182

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1. It is incumbent on medical providers that they are asking patients to - here to regimens with demonstrated eficacy, Providers need to remind themselves of the Hippocratic oath: "I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit ofmy patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous" (as cited in Cassell, 199 1, p. 145). 2. Providers need to abandon the "blame and shame" approach to dealing with medical adherence problems. It is tempting to blame patients for adherence failures and shame them into changing their behavior. Providers need to share the blame (or better yet omit blame) and look at their own attitudes and behaviors that impact adherence. For example, failing to simplify regimens or minimize negative side effects can adversely impact patient adherence. 3. Patients and their families are no longer (or maybe were never) satisfied with apassive role in their health care. In fact, the tern compliance lost favor in the literature because it implied for some an authoritarian approach to health care that required unquestioned obedience by patients to provider recommendations (DiMatteo & DiNicola, 1982). Comprehensive and effective health care requires a cooperative relationship between providers and patients and their families. It also acknowledges the following realities, particularly for treating persons with chronic illness: "Doctors do not treat chronic illnesses. The chronically ill treat themselves with the help of their physicians; the physician is part of the treatment.

Compliance in Health Care

Compliance in Health Care PDF Author: R. Brian Haynes
ISBN: 9780835780780
Category : Patient compliance
Languages : en
Pages : 534

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Promoting Treatment Adherence

Promoting Treatment Adherence PDF Author: William T. O'Donohue
Publisher: SAGE
ISBN: 9781412944823
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 476

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In Nazi Germany, the cult of celebrity was the embodiment of Hitler s style of cultural governance. Hitler s rise to power owed much to the creation of his own celebrity, and the country s greatest stars, whether they were actors, writers, or musicians, could be one of only two things. If they were compliant, they were lauded and awarded status symbols for the regime; but if they resisted or were simply Jewish they were traitors to be interned and murdered. This fascinating analysis offers a shocking portrait of a Hitler shaped by aspirations to Hollywood-style fame, of the correlation between art and ambition, of films used as weapons, and of sexual predilections. The Fuhrer believed he was an artist, not a politician, and in his Germany politics and culture became one. His celebrity was cultivated and nurtured by Joseph Goebbels, Germany s supreme head of culture. Hitler and Goebbels enjoyed the company of beautiful female film stars, and Goebbels had his own casting couch. In Germany s version of Hollywood there were scandals, starlets, secret agents, premieres, and party politics. The Third Reich would launch filmmaker and actress Leni Riefenstahl to prominence by making her its own glorifying documentarian, most famously in The Triumph of the Will, the innovative propaganda film starring Hitler and widely considered to be one of the greatest movies ever made. It is no coincidence that Eva Braun, Hitler s longtime partner and wife for the two days leading up to their joint suicide, was a photographer, and in fact shot most of the surviving photographs and film footage of her lover. This book reveals previously unpublished information about the Hitler film, which Goebbels envisaged as the greatest story ever told, although it was ultimately trumped by the dictator s own, real-life Wagnerian finale.