Programa de Formación Profesional del Paramédico. Nancy Caroline. Volumen 1 Impreso, Volumen 2 libro electrónico. En español.

Programa de Formación Profesional del Paramédico. Nancy Caroline. Volumen 1 Impreso, Volumen 2 libro electrónico. En español. PDF Author: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS),
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
ISBN: 1284302229
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 6324

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El Programa de Formación Profesional del Paramédico, de Nancy Caroline, segunda edición, es la evolución más reciente del principal programa de formación académica para paramédicos.

Programa de Formación Profesional del Paramédico. Nancy Caroline. Volumen 1 Impreso, Volumen 2 libro electrónico. En español.

Programa de Formación Profesional del Paramédico. Nancy Caroline. Volumen 1 Impreso, Volumen 2 libro electrónico. En español. PDF Author: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS),
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
ISBN: 1284302229
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 6324

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El Programa de Formación Profesional del Paramédico, de Nancy Caroline, segunda edición, es la evolución más reciente del principal programa de formación académica para paramédicos.

EMT Spanish: Atención Prehospitalaria Basica, Undécima edición

EMT Spanish: Atención Prehospitalaria Basica, Undécima edición PDF Author: AAOS,
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
ISBN: 1284194051
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 1615

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En 1971, la Academia Americana de Cirujanos Ortopedistas (AAOS) publicó la primera edición de Los Cuidados de Emergencia y Transporte de Enfermos y Heridos y sentó las bases para el entrenamiento de los SEM. Hoy en día, vemos cómo la undécima edición transforma la educación en los SEM llevándola a todo el mundo y ayudando a un desarrollo superior de los proveedores del SEM alrededor del planeta. Con base en los Estándares Nacionales de Educación de los SEM de Estados Unidos de América de y las guías 2015 de RCP/CCE del 2015, la undécima edición ofrece una cobertura completa de cada declaración de competencia con claridad y precisión en un formato conciso que asegura la comprensión del alumno y fomenta el pensamiento critico. Presenta un nuevo material cognitivo y didáctico, junto con nuevas destrezas y características para crear una solución de formación completa e innovadora para proveedores prehospitalarios. Hoy, el paquete de recursos educativos en SEM de la AAOS, desde primeros auxilios y RCP hasta el transporte de cuidados críticos, es el estándar de oro en materiales de capacitación, ofreciendo contenido excepcional y recursos de instrucción que satisfacen las diversas necesidades de los estudiantes y educadores de hoy en día. Contenido medico actualizado de ultima generación La undécima edición se alinea con los estándares médicos actuales — desde PHTLS hasta ILCOR — e incorpora conceptos médicos basados en evidencia para garantizar que los estudiantes e instructores tengan una interpretación precisa y profunda de la ciencia médica y su aplicación en la medicina prehospitalaria de hoy en día. Aplicación al Mundo Real del SEM A través de la evolución de estudios de caso de pacientes en cada capítulo, la undécima edición proporciona a los estudiantes el contexto de mundo real para aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos en cada capitulo clarificando cómo la información se utiliza para la atención de los pacientes en el campo e impulsa a los estudiantes a participar en el pensamiento crítico y la discusión. Una Fundación de por Vida La undécima edición parte de la premisa de que los estudiantes necesitan una base de fundamentos solidos y posteriormente refuerzo apropiado. La undécima edición proporciona a los estudiantes una comprensión amplia de la terminología médica, anatomía, fisiología y fisiopatología. Los conceptos son examinados brevemente y son relacionados con los capítulos posteriores, fortaleciendo los conocimientos fundamentales y ofreciendo un contexto cuando se estudian las emergencias específicas.

Tragedias y Dolor para un Milagro de Amor

Tragedias y Dolor para un Milagro de Amor PDF Author: José Ramón Jiménez
Publisher: Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.
ISBN: 1098032500
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 645

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Esta es una historia de tres generaciones que se ven envuelto en tragedia de sufrimiento y dolor para convertirse todo en progreso y amor. Todo comenzó como un gozo y alegría. Convirtiéndose en un infierno de mala suerte. Para ellos y los descendientes de ellos. Ellos murieron en un accidente automovilístico pero dejaron una hija que fue el comienzo de la segunda generación y su nombre fue Martha. La pusieron en una casa de adopción y ella fue adoptada en dos ocasiones. Terminando criándose en una institución de niños huérfanos y abandonados. Ella fue violada por el cocinero de la institución cuando ella tenía catorce años. Ella luego tuvo un niño de esa violación y el cocinero al ser descubierto, se ahorcó. Ella murió en el hospital de complicaciones de su anterior embarazo. Entonces, el niño, al nacer vino siendo la tercera generación. La directora de esa institución odiaba tanto a Martha como a su hijo. Pero la directora, cuando Martha murió, el diagnostico que le dieron de su muerte no le agradó. La directora puso al abogado de la institución para que se encargara del caso. Y el abogado rápido actuó, encontrando la verdadera razón y demandando al hospital por una fuerte suma de dinero. Luego la directora, quien era egoísta y ambiciosa, creía que iba a disfrutar de ese dinero. Pero el señor juez puso el dinero en una cuenta del banco para cuando el niño sea mayor de edad. El niño se escapó de la institución a la edad de doce años. Y si ustedes quieren saber todas las demás escenas existentes que ocurrieron en el transcurso del libro tendrán que leer el libro.

Los Cuidados De Urgencias Y El Transporte De Los Enfermos Y Los Heridos, Novena Edicion

Los Cuidados De Urgencias Y El Transporte De Los Enfermos Y Los Heridos, Novena Edicion PDF Author: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) Staff
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers
ISBN: 1449657737
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 1212

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La Academia Americana de Cirujanos Ortopédicos (o AAOS por sus siglas en inglés) fue el primero en promover la educación sobre el Servicio Médico de Emergencias (o EMS) cuando publicó Emergency Care and Transportion of the Sick and Injured (Los Cuidados de Urgencias y el transporte de los enfermos y los heridos). Esta Novena edición mantiene este mismo espíritu pionero ya que incluye enfoques innovadores y un contenido exhaustivo e inigualable en cuanto a la capacitación de los Técnicos en urgencias médicas, nivel básico (EMT-Basic). Ahora, la editorial Jones and Bartlett (J&B) y la Cruz Roja Mexicana (CRM) publicarán una versión de este texto tan destacado que está dirigido al mundo hispanohablante. La Novena edición abarca de manera integral el currículo elaborado por el Departamento de Transporte de los Estados Unidos (o DOT por sus siglas en inglés) asi como los requerimentos que marca la Norma Oficial Mexicana 237 de la Secretaria de Salud (NOM-237-SSA), que es el plan de estudios estándar a nivel nacional para los Técnicos en urgencias médicas, nivel básico, y incluye una amplia gama de perfeccionamientos con el fin de enriquecer la educación de los Técnicos en urgencias médicas, nivel básico. Combina un contenido médico completo con varios componentes nuevos y dinámicos, y tecnología interactiva para apoyar a los profesores y preparar a los estudiantes para su trabajo.

PHTLS Portuguese: Atendimento Pre-hospitalar Traumatizado

PHTLS Portuguese: Atendimento Pre-hospitalar Traumatizado PDF Author: NAEMT,
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
ISBN: 128418711X
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 742

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Are you ready to get started with PHTLS? Experience PHTLS for yourself by previewing a free module from PHTLS Online. Then, complete the NAEMT Instructor Course and learn more about the simple steps to become a PHTLS instructor here. To learn more about becoming an NAEMT Course site, visit this page.Each new print copy of PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support, Eighth Edition also includes an access code that unlocks a complete eBook and skills videos.PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support, Eighth Edition is the premier and proven global prehospital trauma education program from NAEMT. For three decades, PHTLS has improved the quality of trauma patient care and has saved lives. The Eighth Edition of PHTLS continues the PHTLS mission to promote excellence in trauma patient management by all providers involved in the delivery of prehospital care through global education.This legendary program was first developed by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) in the early 1980s in cooperation with the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS-COT). Its medical content is continuously revised and updated to reflect current, state-of-the-art knowledge and practice. PHTLS promotes critical thinking as the foundation for providing quality care. It is based on the belief that EMS practitioners make the best decisions on behalf of their patients when given a good foundation of knowledge and key principles. The Eighth Edition of PHTLS features a new chapter, Physiology of Life and Death. This chapter creates a solid understanding of the physiology of life and pathophysiology that can lead to death. This understanding is essential for the prehospital care provider if abnormalities are to be found and addressed quickly in the trauma patient.Clear Approach to Assessing a Trauma PatientIn the field, seconds count. PHTLS teaches and reinforces the principles of rapidly assessing a trauma patient using an orderly approach, immediately treating life-threatening problems as they are identified, and minimizing any delays in initiating transport to an appropriate destination.Dynamic Technology SolutionsWorld-class content joins instructionally sound design in a user-friendly online interface to give instructors and students a truly interactive and engaging learning experience with:• eBook• Video Demonstrations of Critical Skills• Interactive LecturesPHTLS Online Continuing Education is also available. Click here for additional information.

 PDF Author:
Publisher: Bib. Orton IICA / CATIE
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 162

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Spanish for EMS

Spanish for EMS PDF Author: Aida de la Cruz Dean
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
ISBN: 9780763720698
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 98

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This self-teaching Spanish course, composed of a text and audio CD-ROM, supplies EMS providers with quick and easy phrases and questions in Spanish for those situations in which English will not suffice.

Discrimination in Latin America

Discrimination in Latin America PDF Author: Hugo opo
Publisher: World Bank Publications
ISBN: 0821380826
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 340

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While there is a strongly held belief that Latin American societies are highly discriminatory, the economic profession has found relatively little evidence for this perception, and until recently other social sciences had prevailed in the discussion of this timely and relevant topic. The development of new tools for analyzing the economic mechanisms underlying discrimination, however, has opened up several avenues for research. This book presents a set of studies on contemporary discrimination in Latin America that takes advantage of these new tools by focusing on social interactions that range from cooperation, group formation, and the impact of migration in poor families to specific markets such as housing and labor. The techniques applied include traditional regression analysis, experimental approaches, and audit studies, as well as structural methods. This wide range of analytical approaches leads to findings that confirm some of the common perceptions regarding discrimination but challenge the conventional wisdom in other regards In some instances the long-held conventional wisdom may not hold at all. Latin Americans do not discriminate more or less than inhabitants of other regions, and the discrimination that does occur appears largely to stem from lack of information on individuals a result of great interest in colleges and universities that teach courses on Latin American development both at the undergraduate and graduate level. Furthermore, this book s findings extend to the political arena, as they challenge standard policies that have been ineffective for decades. Finally, this book should be of interest to researchers, as the empirical methods employed are at the vanguard of the profession. In fact, in addition to the contribution that this volume makes to the literature on discrimination, it also has the potential to contribute more broadly to labor economics, development economics and experimental economics, as well as to Latin American studies.

Spanish For Medical Professionals With Essential Questions and Responses Vol 1

Spanish For Medical Professionals With Essential Questions and Responses Vol 1 PDF Author: Authentic Language Books
Publisher: Authentic Language Books
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 241

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This book was created with the listener in mind. Purchase the audiobook version of this book for the best and most effective learning experience! Spanish For Medical Professionals With Essential Questions and Responses Vol I If you are looking to learn Medical Spanish in a fast, simple way without entering a classroom then you have chosen the perfect book. Spanish For Medical Professionals With Essential Questions And Responses Vol I is a comprehensive and simple program for learning the perfect Cheat Sheet Of Medical Spanish Vocabulary, Phrases And Conversational Dialogues For Medical Providers. With Step By Step Spanish Conversations Quick And Easy In Your Car Lesson By Lesson. Learning Spanish can be a daunting experience. Most people start learning a new language in formal classes or try by stalking apps to learn how to speak in Spanish without any positive results. Through this book you will learn Medical Spanish through lessons that will help you develop your vocabulary and teach you how to communicate with patients and make a diagnosis in Spanish through short conversations Through these book’s lessons you will learn basic interactions that you will find daily in the medical field. The following book on Spanish For Medical Professionals With Essential Questions And Responses will give you the necessary tools for learning a new language in simple and quick lessons. It’s time to begin the adventure of learning Medical Spanish, through simple and quick lessons you can study everywhere. Inside You Will Find How to ask greet other people initiate conversations politely in quick and easy lessons for native like fluency in no time How to answer people’s basic questions through didactive dialogues How to book an appointment and ask about insurance How to ask what wrong or what hurts and do diagnosis questions through didactive dialogues How to Spanish speaking people in the ER Learn quick Spanish understand vocabulary and interactions and learn correct pronunciation through this simple audio lessons Get this book NOW, embrace these simple, yet effective language lessons that will have you speaking Spanish like a native in no time!

Medical Spanish

Medical Spanish PDF Author: Authentic Language Books
Publisher: Authentic Language Books
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 764

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This book was created with the listener in mind. Purchase the audiobook version of this book for the best and most effective learning experience! Spanish For Medical Professionals With Essential Questions and Responses Vol 1, 2, 3, And 4 If you are looking to learn Medical Spanish in a fast, simple way without entering a classroom then you have chosen the perfect book. Spanish For Medical Professionals With Essential Questions And Responses Vol 3 is a comprehensive and simple program for learning the perfect Cheat Sheet Of Medical Spanish Vocabulary, Phrases And Conversational Dialogues For Medical Providers. With Step By Step Spanish Conversations Quick And Easy In Your Car Lesson By Lesson. Learning Spanish can be a daunting experience. Most people start learning a new language in formal classes or try by stalking apps to learn how to speak in Spanish without any positive results. Through this book you will learn Medical Spanish through lessons that will help you develop your vocabulary and teach you how to communicate with patients and make a diagnosis in Spanish through short conversations Through these book’s lessons you will learn basic interactions that you will find daily in the medical field The following book on Spanish For Medical Professionals With Essential Questions And Responses will give you the necessary tools for learning a new language in simple and quick lessons. It’s time to begin the adventure of learning Medical Spanish, through simple and quick lessons you can study everywhere. Inside You Will Find How to treat patients in emergency situations in quick and easy lessons for native like fluency in no time How to inform a patient the need of emergency surgery through didactive dialogues How to build a patient’s medical history through dialogues that teach the most important questions How to ask ask a patient pre-op questions and understand their answers through didactive dialogues How to perform medical exams and ask developmental questions in quick and easy lessons for native like fluency in no time How to inform a patient about the risk of surgery through dialogues that teach the most important questions How to ask greet other people initiate conversations politely in quick and easy lessons for native like fluency in no time How to answer people’s basic questions through didactive dialogues How to book an appointment and ask about insurance How to ask what wrong or what hurts and do diagnosis questions through didactive dialogues How to Spanish speaking people in the ER How to set an appointment in quick and easy lessons for native like fluency in no time How to ask people about their symptoms through didactive dialogues How to understand a patient in an emergency situation and diagnose them How to ask what is wrong or what hurts and do diagnosis questions through didactive dialogues Learn quick Spanish understand vocabulary and interactions and learn correct pronunciation through this simple audio lessons Get this book NOW, embrace these simple, yet effective language lessons that will have you speaking Spanish like a native in no time!