Author: Lesley Lougher
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 9780443061349
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 257
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Occupational Therapy for Child and Adolescent Mental Health is a practical textbook which provides occupational therapists working in this area with a theoretical framework for practice. It outlines the work of the occupational therapist in this area of mental health and introduces a variety of theoretical approaches and therapeutic interventions used with child and adolescent mental health clients. The role of the occupational therapist as part of a multidisciplinary team is emphasised throughout. This textbook will fill a real gap in the literature for occupational therapists, students and practitioners alike. It will alsobe welcomed by members of the other health care professions in the multidisciplinary team who need to understand each others roles so that they may work together more effectively. Addresses an area in which many occupational therapists are now likely to become involved and which is now receiving more attention within the student curriculum Covers the full range of pre-adult age groups Written by a team of highly experienced therapists with many years of experience in the field Includes examples of practice by international contributors (eg USA and New Zealand ) Includes relevant theory and presents it related to practice both in the community and in specialised units
Author: Jane Case-Smith
ISBN: 9780323169226
Category : Occupational therapy for children
Languages : en
Pages : 0
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This text covers everything occupational therapists need to know about therapy for children. The book focuses on children at many ages and stages in development, comprehensively addressing both treatment techniques and diagnoses settings.
Author: Nisha Dogra
Publisher: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
ISBN: 1846428467
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 287
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This fully updated edition of A Multidisciplinary Handbook of Child and Adolescent Mental Health for Front-line Professionals is an accessible introduction to child mental health, covering the nature, prevalence, treatment and management of mental health problems in children and young people. The authors explore issues such as assessing and meeting the mental health needs of young people, specific mental health problems such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and learning difficulties, and legal aspects of working with child mental health. They also assess diversity issues as an integral part of practice, and highlight practice issues for readers. The book contains illustrative case studies and self-directed exercises, and outlines the services available to children with mental health problems. This second edition also includes additional material on working with culture and diversity, plus the latest clinical guidelines and current medication. This handbook is an invaluable resource for students, trainers and professionals working with children with mental health problems in a medical and non-medical environment as well as parents wanting to know more about the subject.
Author: Jennifer Creek
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 0702048763
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 621
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This book is a comprehensive textbook for occupational therapy students and occupational therapists working in the field of mental health. It presents different theories and approaches, outlines the occupational therapy process, discusses the context of practice and describes a wide range of techniques used by occupational therapists. These include physical activity, cognitive approaches, group work, creative activities, play and life skills. The book covers all areas of practice in the field, including mental health promotion, acute psychiatry, community work, severe and enduring mental illness, working with older people, child and adolescent mental health, forensic occupational therapy, substance misuse and working with people on the margins of society. The theory chapters are written by occupational therapists who are recognised experts in their fields and the applied chapters are written by practitioners. An innovation in this edition is the inclusion of commentaries by service users on some of the chapters. This fourth edition has been extensively revised and updated. The new structure reflects changes in service delivery and includes sections on: philosophy and theory base the occupational therapy process ensuring quality the context of occupational therapy occupations client groups. Important new areas that are covered include mental health promotion, evidence-based practice, community development and continuing professional development. Addresses the needs of the undergraduate course - covers all the student needs for this subject area in one volume. Links between theory and practice are reinforced throughout Written by a team of experienced OT teachers and practitioners Comprehensive - covers theory, skills and applications as well as management The clear structure with the division of chapters into six distinct sections makes it easy to learn and revise from as well as easy to refer to for quick reference in the clinical situation. Provides key reading and reference lists to encourage and facilitate more in-depth study on any aspect. It is written in a style that is easy to read and understand; yet there is enough depth to take students through to their final year of education. Chapters on the application of occupational therapy are written by practising clinicians, so they are up-to-date and realistic. For qualified occupational therapists, the book includes a review of current theories and approaches to practice, with references so that they can follow up topics of particualr interest. Suitable for BSc and BSc (Hons) occupational therapy courses.
Author: Jess P. Shatkin
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company
ISBN: 0393710920
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 539
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Everything clinicians need to know about the emotional well-being of kids. With the number and type of mental health issues in kids on the rise, and as more and more clinicians and counselors are being pushed to the front lines of defense, now more than ever there is a need for a comprehensive, practical resource that guides professionals through the complexities of child and adolescent mental health. This practical, comprehensive book answers that call.
Author: Jane Case-Smith
Publisher: Mosby
ISBN: 9780323056588
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 857
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Focusing on children from infancy to adolescence, Occupational Therapy for Children and Adolescents, 7th Edition provides comprehensive, full-color coverage of pediatric conditions and treatment techniques in all settings. Its emphasis on evidence-based practice includes updated references, research notes, and explanations of the evidentiary basis for specific interventions. And coverage of new research and theories, new techniques, and current trends, with additional case studies, keeps you in step with the latest advances in pediatric OT practice. Written by educators Jane Case-Smith and Jane Clifford O'Brien, this text is the Number One book in pediatric OT! Case studies help you apply concepts to actual situations you may encounter in practice. Research Notes boxes and evidence-based summary tables help you interpret evidence and strengthen your clinical decision-making skills. Learning resources on Evolve include video clips, review activities, and additional case studies. Learning objectives indicate what you will be learning in each chapter and serve as checkpoints in studying for examinations. A glossary makes it easy to look up key terms. NEW video clips and case studies on the Evolve website demonstrate important concepts and rehabilitation techniques. NEW Autism Spectrum Disorder chapter contains important information for OTs not addressed in other texts. NEW Neuromotor: Cerebral Palsy chapter addresses the most prevalent cause of motor dysfunction in children. NEW Adolescent Development chapter helps you manage the special needs of teenagers and young adults. NEW contemporary design includes full-color photos and illustrations. UPDATED content and references ensure you have access to the comprehensive, research-based information that will guide you in making optimal decisions in practice.
Author: Susan Bazyk
Publisher: American Occupational Therapy Association, Incorporated
ISBN: 9781569003077
Category : Mental health promotion
Languages : en
Pages : 302
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This important new text provides a framework for occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants that can be applied in all children and youth practice settings. The content lays a foundation for conceptualizing the role of occupational therapy in mental health promotion, prevention, and intervention when working with children and youth-those with and without disabilities, mental illness, or both-in schools and community settings. Reflecting a public health approach to occupational therapy services at the universal, targeted, and intensive levels, the emphasis is on helping all children develop and maintain positive affect, positive psychological and social functioning, productive activities, and resilience in the face of adversity.
Author: Rosemary Crouch
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118624203
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 518
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Comprehensive and informative, the extensively revised fifth edition of Occupational Therapy in Psychiatry and Mental Health is an accessible overview of occupational therapy in psychiatry, providing key information on a range of international models of occupational therapy as well as their practical applications. The fifth edition includes: • Case studies throughout to illustrate application of theory to practice • Coverage of key concepts and issues in occupational therapy • New material on emerging areas of practice • Comprehensive information on assessment and treatment for children, adolescents and adults, covering key mental health conditions Occupational Therapy in Psychiatry and Mental Health is an ideal resource for students in occupational therapy, newly qualified and experienced practitioners, and other allied health professionals seeking an up-to-date, globally relevant resource on psychiatry and mental health care.
Author: Anita Atwal
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118556143
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 292
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This book locates older people as major clients of occupational therapy services. It provides a comprehensive resource for students and a basic working reference for clinicians. The book encompasses current theories, debates and challenges which occupational therapists need to engage in if they are to provide pro-active and promotional approaches to ageing. Detailed coverage of bodily structures, functions and pathologies leads onto chapters dedicated to activity, occupation and participation. The ethos of the book is to inspire innovation in the practice of occupational therapy with older people, promoting successful ageing that entails control and empowerment. This new edition has been fully revised and updated. In addition brand new material has been included on occupational transitions (retirement, frailty and end of life); user perspectives; public health including advocacy, enablement and empowerment; people entering old age with disability and mental health conditions; visual impairment; assistive technology driving and ageism.
Author: Gloria Frolek Clark
Publisher: AOTA Press
ISBN: 9781569003435
Category : Occupational therapy for children
Languages : en
Pages : 154
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Currently in the United States, 20% of children ages 6 years or younger live in poverty. Poor children have fewer opportunities than their peers to resources that are important for child development. At the same time, the prevalence of developmental disabilities has increased to 1 in every 6 children. Early identification of developmental delays is critical, and more than half of all American parents do not know the warning signs. Occupational therapy professionals in early intervention and preschool practice can provide the necessary services to support children's health in early childhood. This Practice Guideline explains the occupational therapy process for young children--and their families, caregivers, and teachers--which includes evaluation, intervention, and outcomes planning to enhance a child's occupational performance, adaptation, health and wellness, community participation, role competence, and self-advocacy. Topics include social-emotional development; feeding, eating, and swallowing; cognitive and motor development; service delivery; autism; obesity, cerebral palsy; and parent training. This work can help occupational therapy practitioners, as well as those who manage, reimburse, or set policy regarding occupational therapy services, understand the contribution of occupational therapy in evaluating and serving young children. This guideline can also serve as a resource for parents, school administrators, educators, and other early childhood staff.