Neuronal Networks in Brain Function, CNS Disorders, and Therapeutics

Neuronal Networks in Brain Function, CNS Disorders, and Therapeutics PDF Author: Carl Faingold
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0124158641
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 537

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Neuronal Networks in Brain Function, CNS Disorders, and Therapeutics, edited by two leaders in the field, offers a current and complete review of what we know about neural networks. How the brain accomplishes many of its more complex tasks can only be understood via study of neuronal network control and network interactions. Large networks can undergo major functional changes, resulting in substantially different brain function and affecting everything from learning to the potential for epilepsy. With chapters authored by experts in each topic, this book advances the understanding of: - How the brain carries out important tasks via networks - How these networks interact in normal brain function - Major mechanisms that control network function - The interaction of the normal networks to produce more complex behaviors - How brain disorders can result from abnormal interactions - How therapy of disorders can be advanced through this network approach This book will benefit neuroscience researchers and graduate students with an interest in networks, as well as clinicians in neuroscience, pharmacology, and psychiatry dealing with neurobiological disorders. - Utilizes perspectives and tools from various neuroscience subdisciplines (cellular, systems, physiologic), making the volume broadly relevant - Chapters explore normal network function and control mechanisms, with an eye to improving therapies for brain disorders - Reflects predominant disciplinary shift from an anatomical to a functional perspective of the brain - Edited work with chapters authored by leaders in the field around the globe – the broadest, most expert coverage available

Neuronal Networks in Brain Function, CNS Disorders, and Therapeutics

Neuronal Networks in Brain Function, CNS Disorders, and Therapeutics PDF Author: Carl Faingold
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0124158641
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 537

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Book Description
Neuronal Networks in Brain Function, CNS Disorders, and Therapeutics, edited by two leaders in the field, offers a current and complete review of what we know about neural networks. How the brain accomplishes many of its more complex tasks can only be understood via study of neuronal network control and network interactions. Large networks can undergo major functional changes, resulting in substantially different brain function and affecting everything from learning to the potential for epilepsy. With chapters authored by experts in each topic, this book advances the understanding of: - How the brain carries out important tasks via networks - How these networks interact in normal brain function - Major mechanisms that control network function - The interaction of the normal networks to produce more complex behaviors - How brain disorders can result from abnormal interactions - How therapy of disorders can be advanced through this network approach This book will benefit neuroscience researchers and graduate students with an interest in networks, as well as clinicians in neuroscience, pharmacology, and psychiatry dealing with neurobiological disorders. - Utilizes perspectives and tools from various neuroscience subdisciplines (cellular, systems, physiologic), making the volume broadly relevant - Chapters explore normal network function and control mechanisms, with an eye to improving therapies for brain disorders - Reflects predominant disciplinary shift from an anatomical to a functional perspective of the brain - Edited work with chapters authored by leaders in the field around the globe – the broadest, most expert coverage available

Imaging of the Human Brain in Health and Disease

Imaging of the Human Brain in Health and Disease PDF Author: Philip Seeman
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 012418684X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 534

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Brain imaging technology remains at the forefront of advances in both our understanding of the brain and our ability to diagnose and treat brain disease and disorders. Imaging of the Human Brain in Health and Disease examines the localization of neurotransmitter receptors in the nervous system of normal, healthy humans and compares that with humans who are suffering from various neurologic diseases. Opening chapters introduce the basic science of imaging neurotransmitters, including sigma, acetylcholine, opioid, and dopamine receptors. Imaging the healthy and diseased brain includes brain imaging of anger, pain, autism, the release of dopamine, the impact of cannabinoids, and Alzheimer's disease. This book is a valuable companion to a wide range of scholars, students, and researchers in neuroscience, clinical neurology, and psychiatry, and provides a detailed introduction to the application of advanced imaging to the treatment of brain disorders and disease. - A focused introduction to imaging healthy and diseased brains - Focuses on the primary neurotransmitter release - Includes sigma, acetylcholine, opioid, and dopamine receptors - Presents the imaging of healthy and diseased brains via anger, pain, autism, and Alzheimer's disease

Novel Tools for the Study of Structural and Functional Networks in the Brain

Novel Tools for the Study of Structural and Functional Networks in the Brain PDF Author: Luis M. Colon-Perez
Publisher: Frontiers Media SA
ISBN: 288945472X
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 104

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Throughout the history of neuroscience, technological advances are the drivers behind many major advances in our understanding of the nervous system. Investigations of the structure and function of the brain take place on multiple scales, including macroscale at the level of brain regions, mesoscale at the level of neuronal populations, and microscale at the level of single neurons and neuron to neuron interactions. Integration of knowledge over these scales requires novel techniques and interpretations. In this research topic, we highlight nine articles that integrate structural and functional approaches to study brain networks.

Fundamentals of Brain Network Analysis

Fundamentals of Brain Network Analysis PDF Author: Alex Fornito
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0124081185
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 496

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Fundamentals of Brain Network Analysis is a comprehensive and accessible introduction to methods for unraveling the extraordinary complexity of neuronal connectivity. From the perspective of graph theory and network science, this book introduces, motivates and explains techniques for modeling brain networks as graphs of nodes connected by edges, and covers a diverse array of measures for quantifying their topological and spatial organization. It builds intuition for key concepts and methods by illustrating how they can be practically applied in diverse areas of neuroscience, ranging from the analysis of synaptic networks in the nematode worm to the characterization of large-scale human brain networks constructed with magnetic resonance imaging. This text is ideally suited to neuroscientists wanting to develop expertise in the rapidly developing field of neural connectomics, and to physical and computational scientists wanting to understand how these quantitative methods can be used to understand brain organization. - Winner of the 2017 PROSE Award in Biomedicine & Neuroscience and the 2017 British Medical Association (BMA) Award in Neurology - Extensively illustrated throughout by graphical representations of key mathematical concepts and their practical applications to analyses of nervous systems - Comprehensively covers graph theoretical analyses of structural and functional brain networks, from microscopic to macroscopic scales, using examples based on a wide variety of experimental methods in neuroscience - Designed to inform and empower scientists at all levels of experience, and from any specialist background, wanting to use modern methods of network science to understand the organization of the brain

Guide to Research Techniques in Neuroscience

Guide to Research Techniques in Neuroscience PDF Author: Matt Carter
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0323915612
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 416

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Modern neuroscience research is inherently multidisciplinary, with a wide variety of cutting edge new techniques to explore multiple levels of investigation. This Third Edition of Guide to Research Techniques in Neuroscience provides a comprehensive overview of classical and cutting edge methods including their utility, limitations, and how data are presented in the literature. This book can be used as an introduction to neuroscience techniques for anyone new to the field or as a reference for any neuroscientist while reading papers or attending talks. - Nearly 200 updated full-color illustrations to clearly convey the theory and practice of neuroscience methods - Expands on techniques from previous editions and covers many new techniques including in vivo calcium imaging, fiber photometry, RNA-Seq, brain spheroids, CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing, and more - Clear, straightforward explanations of each technique for anyone new to the field - A broad scope of methods, from noninvasive brain imaging in human subjects, to electrophysiology in animal models, to recombinant DNA technology in test tubes, to transfection of neurons in cell culture - Detailed recommendations on where to find protocols and other resources for specific techniques - "Walk-through" boxes that guide readers through experiments step-by-step

Atlas of Human Brain Connections

Atlas of Human Brain Connections PDF Author: Marco Catani
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
ISBN: 0199541167
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 533

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One of the major challenges of modern neuroscience is to define the complex pattern of neural connections that underlie cognition and behaviour. This atlas capitalises on novel diffusion MRI tractography methods to provide a comprehensive overview of connections derived from virtual in vivo tractography dissections of the human brain.

Novel Frontiers of Advanced Neuroimaging

Novel Frontiers of Advanced Neuroimaging PDF Author: Kostas Fountas
Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand
ISBN: 9535109235
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 236

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Emerging imaging modalities continuously increase the diagnostic sensitivity and accuracy of neuroimaging, and have transformed diagnostic radiology into a powerful research and clinical tool. Various novel neuroimaging modalities have become of paramount importance, not only in establishing diagnosis but also in guiding surgical intervention, and in evaluating the treatment effect. Advanced MR based techniques such as Fractional Anisotropy, Diffusion Tensor Imaging, Proton Spectroscopy, and task-generated as well as resting-state functional MRI have tremendously increased the power of the modern neuroscientist’s armamentarium. The employment of advanced neuroimaging techniques have been expanded in the scientific fields of neuropsychology, consumer’s psychology, and forensic medicine. Our current textbook presents exactly a collection of such innovative work, and explores new frontiers, and future applications of neuroimaging

Oxford Textbook of Neuroimaging

Oxford Textbook of Neuroimaging PDF Author: Massimo Filippi
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0191640921
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 433

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Book Description
Part of the Oxford Textbooks in Clinical Neurology series, the Oxford Textbook of Neuroimaging provides an overview of the established and latest neuroimaging methodologies, and illustrates their application to the main diseases of the brain and the spinal cord including movement disorders, headache and stroke. In addition, assessments of neuroimaging techniques in both adult and paediatric neurological conditions are included, enabling thorough examples from both age groups. This full-colour book contains 280 detailed photographs and illustrations that enable a clear understanding of each technique. Covering the newest advances, each different imagining technique is comprehensively described, providing a practical relevance and a stimulus for more in-depth readings. The print edition is supplemented with a concurrent online edition, which allows access to the full content of the textbook, contains links from the references to primary research journal articles, and provides access to figures and tables that can be downloaded by the user. Providing a balanced state-of-the-art guide to neuroimaging for neurologists and radiologists, this title will enhance understanding of the pathophysiological basis of neurological conditions and will help set the stage for future research.

Functional and structural brain network construction, representation and application

Functional and structural brain network construction, representation and application PDF Author: Mingxia Liu
Publisher: Frontiers Media SA
ISBN: 2832520014
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 534

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The Neuroscience of Adolescence

The Neuroscience of Adolescence PDF Author: Adriana Galván
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1107089921
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 341

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Written by an award-winning developmental neuroscientist, this is a comprehensive and cutting-edge account of the latest research on the adolescent brain.