Non-distinct Arguments in Uto-Aztecan

Non-distinct Arguments in Uto-Aztecan PDF Author: Ronald W. Langacker
Publisher: Berkeley : University of California Press
Category : Uto-Aztecan languages
Languages : en
Pages : 272

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Non-distinct Arguments in Uto-Aztecan

Non-distinct Arguments in Uto-Aztecan PDF Author: Ronald W. Langacker
Publisher: Berkeley : University of California Press
Category : Uto-Aztecan languages
Languages : en
Pages : 272

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Uto-Aztecan PDF Author: Eugene H. Casad
Publisher: USON
ISBN: 9789706890306
Category : Indians of Mexico
Languages : en
Pages : 442

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Studies in Uto-Aztecan Grammar: An overview of Uto-Aztecan grammar

Studies in Uto-Aztecan Grammar: An overview of Uto-Aztecan grammar PDF Author: Ronald W. Langacker
Category : Uto-Aztecan languages
Languages : en
Pages : 216

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Ten Lectures on the Basics of Cognitive Grammar

Ten Lectures on the Basics of Cognitive Grammar PDF Author: Ronald Langacker
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 9004347453
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 457

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These lectures provide a basic introduction to the linguistic theory known as Cognitive Grammar. It is argued that a conceptualist semantics, well motivated in its own terms, provides the basis for a symbolic view of grammar. Consisting in the structuring and symbolization of conceptual content, grammar is inherently meaningful, and basic grammatical notions have conceptual characterizations. An account is given of grammatical categories, markings, and constructions. A number of central topics are examined in detail, including subjects, possessives, locatives, voice, and impersonals.

Language Typology and Syntactic Description: Volume 1, Clause Structure

Language Typology and Syntactic Description: Volume 1, Clause Structure PDF Author: Timothy Shopen
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 113946728X
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 24

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This unique three-volume survey brings together a team of leading scholars to explore the syntactic and morphological structures of the world's languages. Clearly organized and broad-ranging, it covers topics such as parts-of-speech, passives, complementation, relative clauses, adverbial clauses, inflectional morphology, tense, aspect, mood, and diexis. The contributors look at the major ways that these notions are realized, and provide informative sketches of them at work in a range of languages. Each volume is accessibly written and clearly explains each new concept introduced. Although the volumes can be read independently, together they provide an indispensable reference work for all linguists and fieldworkers interested in cross-linguistic generalizations. Volume I covers parts-of-speech systems, word order, the noun phrase, clause types, speech act distinctions, the passive, and information packaging in the clause.

The Linguistics of Eating and Drinking

The Linguistics of Eating and Drinking PDF Author: John Newman
Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing
ISBN: 9027229988
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 296

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This volume reviews a range of fascinating linguistic facts about ingestive predicates in the world's languages. The highly multifaceted nature of 'eat' and 'drink' events gives rise to interesting clausal properties of these predicates, such as the atypicality of transitive constructions involving 'eat' and 'drink' in some languages. The two verbs are also sources for a large number of figurative uses across languages with meanings such as 'destroy', and 'savour', as well as participating in a great variety of idioms which can be quite opaque semantically. Grammaticalized extensions of these predicates also occur, such as the quantificational use of Hausa shaa 'drink' meaning (roughly) 'do X frequently, regularly'. Specialists discuss details of the use of these verbs in a variety of languages and language families: Australian languages, Papuan languages, Athapaskan languages, Japanese, Korean, Hausa, Amharic, Hindi-Urdu, and Marathi.

Checking Theory and Grammatical Functions in Universal Grammar

Checking Theory and Grammatical Functions in Universal Grammar PDF Author: Hiroyuki Ura
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0195353404
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 337

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Ura demonstrates that his theory of multiple feature-checking, an extension of Chomsky's Agr-less checking theory, gives a natural explanation for a wide range of data drawn from a variety of languages in a very consistent way with a limited set of parameters.

Reciprocal Constructions

Reciprocal Constructions PDF Author: Vladimir P. Nedjalkov
Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing
ISBN: 9027291713
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 2249

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This monograph constitutes the first comprehensive investigation of reciprocal constructions and related phenomena in the world’s languages. Reciprocal constructions (of the type The two boys hit each other, The poets admire each other’s poems) have often been the subject of language-particular studies, but it is only in this work that a truly global comparative picture emerges. Nine stage-setting chapters dealing with general and theoretical matters are followed by 40 chapters containing in-depth descriptions of reciprocals in individual languages by renowned specialists. The introductory papers provide a conceptual and terminological framework that allows the authors of the individual chapters to characterize their languages in comparable terms, making it easy for the reader to see points of commonality between languages and constructions that have never been compared before. This set of volumes is an indispensable starting point and will be a lasting reference work for any future studies of reciprocals.

Historical Linguistics 2015

Historical Linguistics 2015 PDF Author: Michela Cennamo
Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing Company
ISBN: 9027262454
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 649

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The collection of articles presented in this volume addresses a number of general theoretical, methodological and empirical issues in the field of Historical Linguistics, in different levels of analysis and on different themes: (i) phonology, (ii) morphology, (iii) morphosyntax, (iv) syntax, (v) diachronic typology, (vi) semantics and pragmatics, and (vii) language contact, variation and diffusion. The topics discussed, often in a comparative perspective, feature a variety of languages and language families and cover a wide range of research areas. Novel analyses and often new diachronic data — also from less known and under-investigated languages — are provided to the debate on the principles, mechanisms, paths and models of language change, as well as the relationship between synchronic variation and diachrony. The volume is of interest to scholars of different persuasions working on all aspects of language change.

The Grammar of Causation and Interpersonal Manipulation

The Grammar of Causation and Interpersonal Manipulation PDF Author: Masayoshi Shibatani
Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing
ISBN: 9027297223
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 567

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This volume presents fifteen original papers dealing with various aspects of causative constructions ranging from morphology to semantics with emphasis on language data from Central and South America. Informed by a better understanding of how different constructions are positioned both synchronically (e.g., on a semantic map) and diachronically (e.g., through grammaticalization processes), the volume affords a comprehensive up-to-date perspective on the perennial issues in the grammar of causation such as the distribution of competing causative morphemes, the meaning distinctions among them, and the overall form-meaning correlation. Morphosyntactic interactions of causatives with other phenomena such as incorporation and applicativization receive focused attention as such basic issues as the semantic distinction between direct and indirect causation and the typology of causative constructions.