Author: Karl H. Hausser
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9783642761065
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 0
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0 e From the reviews of the German edition: "NMR: readable yet professional... Through this book the reader with a scientific background becomes familiar with all important NMR phenomena, methods and conceptions... The great amount of carefully drawn figures and skillfully selected biologically relevant spectra and figures are an decisive bridge to the ... aim, to convey the NMR basics without mathematics. Besides biologists and physicians the book can be highly recommended to physicists and chemists..." #Nachrichten a. d. Chemie, Technik u. Laboratorien#1 "An extraordinary NMR textbook ... The authors succeeded in presenting the subject vividly. This book is clearly set out and easy to follow at a glance, and its numerous figures are extremely well done." #Labo#2
Author: P. G. Morris
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 412
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The aim of this book is to give a sound physical understanding of the theory and practice of NMR imaging, a field which has grown rapidly in recent years, to the point that clinical imaging systems have become commercially available worldwide and many techniques have evolved.
Author: John L. Markley
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0195357426
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 375
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This book presents a critical assessment of progress on the use of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to determine the structure of proteins, including brief reviews of the history of the field along with coverage of current clinical and in vivo applications. The book, in honor of Oleg Jardetsky, one of the pioneers of the field, is edited by two of the most highly respected investigators using NMR, and features contributions by most of the leading workers in the field. It will be valued as a landmark publication that presents the state-of-the-art perspectives regarding one of today's most important technologies.
Author: Gordon S. Rule
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1402035004
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 543
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NMR spectroscopy has proven to be a powerful technique to study the structure and dynamics of biological macromolecules. Fundamentals of Protein NMR Spectroscopy is a comprehensive textbook that guides the reader from a basic understanding of the phenomenological properties of magnetic resonance to the application and interpretation of modern multi-dimensional NMR experiments on 15N/13C-labeled proteins. Beginning with elementary quantum mechanics, a set of practical rules is presented and used to describe many commonly employed multi-dimensional, multi-nuclear NMR pulse sequences. A modular analysis of NMR pulse sequence building blocks also provides a basis for understanding and developing novel pulse programs. This text not only covers topics from chemical shift assignment to protein structure refinement, as well as the analysis of protein dynamics and chemical kinetics, but also provides a practical guide to many aspects of modern spectrometer hardware, sample preparation, experimental set-up, and data processing. End of chapter exercises are included to emphasize important concepts. Fundamentals of Protein NMR Spectroscopy not only offer students a systematic, in-depth, understanding of modern NMR spectroscopy and its application to biomolecular systems, but will also be a useful reference for the experienced investigator.
Author: K.V.R. Chary
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1402066805
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 552
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During teaching NMR to students and researchers, we felt the need for a text-book which can cover modern trends in the application of NMR to biological systems. This book covers the entire area of NMR in Biological Sciences (Biomolecules, cells and tissues, animals, plants and drug design). As well as being useful to researchers, this is an excellent book for teaching a course on NMR in Biological Systems.
Author: Hanudatta S. Atreya
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9400749546
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 219
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NMR spectroscopy has undergone a revolution in recent years with the advent of several new methods overcoming the problems of sensitivity and resolution. Recent developments in biotechnology have made it easier and economical to introduce 13C, 15N and 2H into proteins and nucleic acids. At the same time, there has been an explosion in the number of NMR experiments that utilize such isotope labeled samples. Thus, a combination of isotopic labeling and multidimensional, multinuclear NMR has opened up new avenues for structural studies of proteins, nucleic acids and their complexes. This book will focus on recent developments in isotope labeling methods for structural studies of small molecules, peptides, proteins and nucleic acids. The aim of the book is to serve as a compendium of isotope labeling for the biomolecular NMR community providing comprehensive coverage of the existing methods and latest developments along with protocols and practical hints on the various experimental aspects. The book will cover a wide range of topics in isotope labeling under one title including emerging areas of metabolonomics and solid state NMR.
Author: Quincy Teng
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 0387243674
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 302
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Over the years since NMR was first applied to solve problems in structural biology, it has undergonedramaticdevelopmentsinbothNMRinstrumenthardwareandmethodology. While it is established that NMR is one of the most powerful tools for understanding biological p- cesses at the atomic level, it has become increasingly difficult for authors and instructors to make valid decisions concerning the content and level for a graduate course of NMR in str- turalbiology. BecausemanyofthedetailsinpracticalNMRarenotdocumentedsystematically, students entering the field have to learn the experiments and methods through communication with other experienced students or experts. Often such a learning process is incomplete and unsystematic. This book is meant to be not only a textbook, but also a handbook for those who routinely use NMR to study various biological systems. Thus, the book is organized with experimentalists in mind, whether they are instructors or students. For those who have a little or no background in NMR structural biology, it is hoped that this book will provide sufficient perspective and insight. Those who are already experienced in NMR research may find new information or different methods that are useful to their research. Because understanding fundamental principles and concepts of NMR spectroscopy is essential for the application of NMR methods to research projects, the book begins with an introduction to basic NMR principles. While detailed mathematics and quantum mechanics dealing with NMR theory have been addressed in several well-known NMR books, Chapter 1 illustrates some of the fundamental principles and concepts of NMR spectroscopy in a more descriptiveandstraightforwardmanner.
Author: A. Kristina Downing
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1592598099
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 494
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When I was asked to edit the second edition of Protein NMR Techniques, my first thought was that the time was ripe for a new edition. The past several years have seen a surge in the development of novel methods that are truly revolutionizing our ability to characterize biological macromolecules in terms of speed, accuracy, and size limitations. I was particularly excited at the prospect of making these techniques accessible to all NMR labs and for the opportunity to ask the experts to divulge their hints and tips and to write, practically, about the methods. I commissioned 19 chapters with wide scope for Protein NMR Techniques, and the volume has been organized with numerous themes in mind. Chapters 1 and 2 deal with recombinant protein expression using two organisms, E. coli and P. pastoris, that can produce high yields of isotopically labeled protein at a reasonable cost. Staying with the idea of isotopic labeling, Chapter 3 describes methods for perdeuteration and site-specific protonation and is the first of several chapters in the book that is relevant to studies of higher molecular weight systems. A different, but equally powerful, method that uses molecular biology to “edit” the spectrum of a large molecule using segmental labeling is presented in Chapter 4. Having successfully produced a high molecular weight target for study, the next logical step is data acquisition. Hence, the final chapter on this theme, Chapter 5, describes TROSY methods for stru- ural studies.
Author: Karl H. Hausser
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642761046
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 228
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0 e From the reviews of the German edition: "NMR: readable yet professional... Through this book the reader with a scientific background becomes familiar with all important NMR phenomena, methods and conceptions... The great amount of carefully drawn figures and skillfully selected biologically relevant spectra and figures are an decisive bridge to the ... aim, to convey the NMR basics without mathematics. Besides biologists and physicians the book can be highly recommended to physicists and chemists..." #Nachrichten a. d. Chemie, Technik u. Laboratorien#1 "An extraordinary NMR textbook ... The authors succeeded in presenting the subject vividly. This book is clearly set out and easy to follow at a glance, and its numerous figures are extremely well done." #Labo#2
Author: Neil E. Jacobsen
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0470173343
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 686
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NMR Spectroscopy Explained : Simplified Theory, Applications and Examples for Organic Chemistry and Structural Biology provides a fresh, practical guide to NMR for both students and practitioners, in a clearly written and non-mathematical format. It gives the reader an intermediate level theoretical basis for understanding laboratory applications, developing concepts gradually within the context of examples and useful experiments. Introduces students to modern NMR as applied to analysis of organic compounds. Presents material in a clear, conversational style that is appealing to students. Contains comprehensive coverage of how NMR experiments actually work. Combines basic ideas with practical implementation of the spectrometer. Provides an intermediate level theoretical basis for understanding laboratory experiments. Develops concepts gradually within the context of examples and useful experiments. Introduces the product operator formalism after introducing the simpler (but limited) vector model.