Nigeria Operational Plan Report Fy 2013

Nigeria Operational Plan Report Fy 2013 PDF Author: United States United States Department of State
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 9781503194229
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 334

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The Federal Republic of Nigeria consists of six geo-political zones that include thirty-six (36) states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), which, in turn, contain seven-hundred and seventy-four (774) local government areas (LGAs). Nigeria occupies an area more than twice the size of the State of California. In both geographic size and population, many states are larger than various African countries. The country has 3.46 million HIV-positive individuals and constitutes the third greatest burden of HIV/AIDS care and treatment worldwide. Adding to this burden are the estimated 2.19million children orphaned by HIV/AIDS.1 Nigeria also has one of the highest tuberculosis (TB) burdens in the world (311/100,000 population2) and the largest TB burden in Africa. Many TB cases go undetected, despite increasing TB detection rates and TB program coverage. This situation results in significant challenges for the HIV/AIDS response due to the high rates of TB/HIV co-infection. Since reporting the first case of AIDS in Nigeria in 1986, the epidemic has become generalized. This illness affects all population groups and spares no geographical area. Generalized prevalence among 15-49 year olds is about 3.6 percent3, but significantly higher rates exist among key populations, including commercial sex workers (30.2-37.4 percent), injecting drug users (5.6 percent), and men who have sex with men (13.5 percent)4. Heterosexual transmission accounts for up to 95 percent of HIV infections. Women account for close to 60 percent of all adults living with HIV.5

Nigeria Operational Plan Report Fy 2013

Nigeria Operational Plan Report Fy 2013 PDF Author: United States United States Department of State
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 9781503194229
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 334

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Book Description
The Federal Republic of Nigeria consists of six geo-political zones that include thirty-six (36) states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), which, in turn, contain seven-hundred and seventy-four (774) local government areas (LGAs). Nigeria occupies an area more than twice the size of the State of California. In both geographic size and population, many states are larger than various African countries. The country has 3.46 million HIV-positive individuals and constitutes the third greatest burden of HIV/AIDS care and treatment worldwide. Adding to this burden are the estimated 2.19million children orphaned by HIV/AIDS.1 Nigeria also has one of the highest tuberculosis (TB) burdens in the world (311/100,000 population2) and the largest TB burden in Africa. Many TB cases go undetected, despite increasing TB detection rates and TB program coverage. This situation results in significant challenges for the HIV/AIDS response due to the high rates of TB/HIV co-infection. Since reporting the first case of AIDS in Nigeria in 1986, the epidemic has become generalized. This illness affects all population groups and spares no geographical area. Generalized prevalence among 15-49 year olds is about 3.6 percent3, but significantly higher rates exist among key populations, including commercial sex workers (30.2-37.4 percent), injecting drug users (5.6 percent), and men who have sex with men (13.5 percent)4. Heterosexual transmission accounts for up to 95 percent of HIV infections. Women account for close to 60 percent of all adults living with HIV.5

Mozambique Operational Plan Report Fy 2013

Mozambique Operational Plan Report Fy 2013 PDF Author: United States United States Department of State
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 9781503194250
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 486

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As part of our two year Country Operational Plan (COP), the 2013 plan supports the global priorities set forth in the AIDS-Free Generation (AFG) policy to: provide antiretroviral treatment (ART) for 6 million people; perform 4.7 million voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) procedures; provide antiretroviral (ARV) prophylaxis to 1.5 million HIV-infected pregnant women to prevent mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT); support the Government of Mozambique's (GRM) national "HIV/AIDS Acceleration Plan 2013-2015" (Acceleration Plan) to increase the percentage of eligible adults and children with advanced HIV infection who receive antiretroviral therapy to 80%; increase the percentage of HIV-positive pregnant women who receive ARVs to 90%; and increase the percentage of adult males circumcised in target provinces to 75% by 2015. The Acceleration Plan, developed in collaboration with the PEPFAR Mozambique team, and closely coordinated with the development of the Ministry of Health's Global Fund Round 9 phase II application for HIV/AIDS, prioritizes high-impact interventions and geographic areas, and focuses on a continuum of response by addressing key populations. This year's COP represents result-driven and target-based budget allocations through direct application of PEPFAR Expenditure Analysis and other unit cost data to PEPFAR's contribution to the national targets. Our interventions target priority districts identified in the GRM's Acceleration Plan and ensure strong linkages between counseling and testing, care, treatment, and PMTCT for a robust continuum of response. Our overall budget is carefully aligned to the priorities of an AIDS Free Generation. Prevention activities represent 24% of our overall budget, with 8% allocated to PMTCT for ARV prophylaxis for 61,147 pregnant women, 8% allocated to VMMC to circumcise 224,413 men, 3% reserved for sexual prevention to reach most-at-risk populations (MARPs), 4% dedicated to test and counsel 2.2 million individuals; 33% allocated for antiretroviral (ART) treatment for 380,680 adults and children - including 16% for ARV drugs, 19% dedicated to the care of almost one million HIV infected adults and children - including 10% for orphans and vulnerable children, and 13% budgeted for system strengthening activities to support prevention, care, and treatment goals. HIV commodities, including ARV drugs, represent 23% of the budget. USG management and operations represent 11% of PEPFAR resources.

Angola Operational Plan Report Fy 2013

Angola Operational Plan Report Fy 2013 PDF Author: United States United States Department of State
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 9781503193161
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 98

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In 2011, Secretary Clinton called on the world to join in the fight for an AIDS Free generation and in 2012 the Secretary revealed a PEPFAR (President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) Blueprint outlining the path to making this a reality. Aligned with the Global Health Initiative (GHI) Strategy, our Partnership Framework (PF) and the Blueprint's policy imperative, Angola's PEPFAR initiatives are based on strategic, scientifically sound investments to scale-up core HIV prevention to maximize impact. Based on a capacity-building, systems strengthening model, PEPFAR Angola is working with partners to effectively mobilize, coordinate and efficiently use resources to save more lives sooner. The focus will be on key populations, on women and girls to increase gender equality, and ending stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV (Cross Cutting-Appendix A). This will be measured by setting benchmarks that are regularly assessed, with the long term goal of country ownership. The Angola PEPFAR Team will continue to build upon successes of our past, maintaining current programs like supporting the Government of Republic of Angola (GRA-INLS, INSP, CNS) decentralization plan with technical assistance in health systems strengthening, implementation of an enhanced Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission (PMTCT) services, building GRA human resources by training local surveillance experts to sustain the country's capacity in strategic information, and supporting the military to strengthen its HIV Prevention Program and promote organizational networking with other military partners at the regional level. In addition to continuing programs, in fiscal year 2014, Angola PEPFAR will expand PMTCT and HIV testing and counseling in Luanda province and coordinate HIV initiatives across borders to demonstrate collaboration with our neighbors in unity toward an AIDS Free generation. The United States Government (USG-Appendix C) utilizes a technical assistance approach in areas identified by the Ministry of Health (MoH). Secretary Clinton stated in her remarks at the 2012 International AIDS conference that we should continue to be focused on supporting high-impact interventions, and make tough decisions driven by science. This is the fundamental goal of the Angola PEPFAR program.

The Report: Nigeria 2013

The Report: Nigeria 2013 PDF Author: Oxford Business Group
Publisher: Oxford Business Group
ISBN: 190706592X
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 356

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As the single most populous nation in Africa, Nigeria recently overtook South Africa as the largest economy on the continent. Natural resources, oil and gas in particular, comprise the country’s single largest revenue-earner but the 170m person economy also has seen significant activity in recent years into the industrial, financial, telecoms and – as of 2013 – power sectors. Hydrocarbons reserves have traditionally attracted the vast majority of domestic and foreign investment in Nigeria. Oil production capacity has remained at roughly 2.5m barrels per day (bpd) since the start of 2000, although output fell to 2.2m bpd on average in 2012. Still, the country has long operated below its true potential and government efforts in recent years have sought to increase local value addition, by boosting refining capacity and minimising theft and bunkering. The country’s banking sector has been through a significant shake-up as well, resulting in a far healthier and more robust financial industry, while reforms in the telecoms and agricultural sectors have strengthened medium-term prospects.

Botswana Operational Plan Report Fy 2013

Botswana Operational Plan Report Fy 2013 PDF Author: United States United States Department of State
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 9781503193147
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 244

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The U.S.-Botswana health partnership remains strong and effective. HIV-associated mortality has been reduced by more than half since treatment became available, and the rate of new infections has declined. Botswana's HIV treatment and Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) programs are models for their coverage and quality of services. The rate of mother to child HIV transmission in Botswana has declined to

Burundi Operational Plan Report Fy 2013

Burundi Operational Plan Report Fy 2013 PDF Author: United States United States Department of State
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 9781503193130
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 100

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Burundi is a low-income developing country with a population of 10.5 million (July 2012 CIA World Fact book), an annual population growth of 2.4 percent, and more than 300 inhabitants per km2. This makes Burundi the country with the second highest population density in sub-Saharan Africa. Burundi remains one of the poorest countries in the world with a per capita gross national income (GNI) of $170, and it is considered one of the world's 40 "Heavily Indebted Poor Countries". Additionally, it is worth noting that a civil war, which lasted 13 years from 1993, killed more than 300,000 people, severely weakened the health and social welfare systems and negatively affected donor support and private sector investment in Burundi.

Cameroon Operational Plan Report Fy 2013

Cameroon Operational Plan Report Fy 2013 PDF Author: United States United States Department of State
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 9781503193116
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 92

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Cameroon is a lower-middle income country with a population of 20 million representing over 275 ethnic groups. Cameroon's epidemiological profile is dominated by communicable diseases such as malaria and HIV (prevalence of 4.3%, DHS 2011); and an increased prevalence in non-communicable diseases, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Maternal mortality is estimated at 782 per 100,000 live births, while the under-five mortality rate is estimated at 122 per 1,000 live births. Funding for health is approximately 5% of the 2013 budget. In 2010, private spending (out of pocket) accounted for 70.4% of total health expenditure (including 94.5% in the form of direct payments); 13.2% of the funding was provided by external resources; while government funds covered 16.4% of total expenditures on health (World Bank Report on Health and Health Systems in Cameroon, 2012). The significant financial burden on households to finance health care consequently affects access to and use of health services in Cameroon.

Rwanda Operational Plan Report Fy 2013

Rwanda Operational Plan Report Fy 2013 PDF Author: United States United States Department of State
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 9781503194205
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 214

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Rwanda has made remarkable progress since the tragedy of the 1994 genocide, with growth in real per capita income averaging nearly 5% and accelerating to an average of over 8% in the period 2006-2010 (NISR, Statistical Yearbook 2011). However, Rwanda remains one of the world's poorest countries, and is ranked 166 out of 187 countries on UNDP's Human Development Index 2011. According to the 2011 household survey, 45% of the population lives below the poverty line of $1.30 per day with 24% falling below an extreme poverty threshold of about $0.90 per day (NISR, 2012). Although Rwanda has made significant progress in improving the health status of its population, much work remains. Females have a life expectancy of 53.8 years, while males have a life expectancy of 49.4 years (NISR, 2011). The burden of disease in Rwanda is similar to that of other developing countries. Acute respiratory infections (ARI) accounted for 36% of all illnesses in 2011, followed by intestinal parasites (9%) (Rwanda MOH Annual Health Statistics Booklet, 2011). Cases of malaria have dropped from 8% in 2010 to 3% in 2011 but account for 6% of total deaths in 2011 as compared to 13% in 2010. In 2011, HIV and associated opportunistic infections was the fourth leading cause of hospital mortality with 7% of deaths after premature birth (11%), ARIs (9%) and cardiac diseases (9%).

Uganda Operational Plan Report Fy 2013

Uganda Operational Plan Report Fy 2013 PDF Author: United States United States Department of State
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 9781503194151
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 592

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In September 2012, the Ministry of Health (MOH) released the results of the Uganda AIDS Indicator Survey (UAIS) 2011, which indicated that Uganda continues to experience a severe HIV epidemic. HIV prevalence in the general population (15 to 59 years old) is estimated to be 7.3% in 2011, compared to 6.4% in 2004-5. HIV prevalence is higher among women (8.3%) than among men (6.1%). Compared to the 2004/5 UAIS survey, the magnitude of change in HIV prevalence varied across regions: Central, Western, Southwestern and Northern regions remain the worst-affected while modest declines in prevalence were recorded in the East-Central and Mid-Eastern regions. Of particular concern is the rise in HIV prevalence among young people aged 15-24 years generally and in all age groups specifically in the West Nile and North-East regions that previously were least affected. UNAIDS projects the number of new annual infections at 150,000 (2011), an increase from 120,000 in 2004. AIDS mortality is estimated at 62,000 deaths in 2011, the lowest estimate in a long decline since 2000, reflecting the significant expansion of ART. The UNAIDS' most recent World AIDS Day Report warned of increasing unprotected sex (both sexes) and multiple partners (women). The estimated number of people infected with HIV has risen to 1.39 million, 55% of whom are female and 14% are children under the age of 15 years. HIV is predominantly heterosexually transmitted, accounting for 75-80% of new infections. However, population subgroups show that the most affected and the risk factors and drivers of HIV infections have evolved in recent years. Studies show an HIV prevalence of 1.2% in university students, 15-40% in fishing communities, 37% among sex workers, 18% in the partners of sex workers, and 13% in the group of men with a history of having sex with men. Strikingly, 35% of new infections occur amongst self-reported monogamous individuals which raises concerns regarding rising multiple concurrent partnerships. The remaining transmissions are largely due to mother-to-child HIV transmission. In response to the 2011 UAIS results, PEPFAR revised its programmatic and technical approaches and targets to better respond to Uganda's escalating epidemic. The 2013 COP is based on scientific evidence, prioritized proven interventions, resources matched effectively across subpopulations, and efforts directed towards sources of new infections to assist the HIV/AIDS epidemic response in Uganda. The 2013 COP is the product of a consultative process that involved the GOU, PEPFAR implementing partners (IP) and bilateral and multilateral donors.

State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations for 2017

State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations for 2017 PDF Author: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations. Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs
Category : Economic assistance, American
Languages : en
Pages : 1454

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