Nanotoxicology in Humans and the Environment

Nanotoxicology in Humans and the Environment PDF Author: Jamie R. Lead
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030798089
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 263

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Book Description
The book covers the area of ‘Nanotoxicology’ but primarily from the point of view of nanotoxicology at the interface with other disciplines including human toxicology; environmental toxicology; characterization, dose and transformations; regulation; public and elite group perceptions; and interactions with innovation.Nanotoxicology in Humans and the Environment is written for researchers in nanotoxicology in academia, industry, government, and research students. Given the rapid development, the maturing of the discipline and its importance in current regulation and industry development (eg REACH, TSCA), the book is very timely.

Nanotoxicology in Humans and the Environment

Nanotoxicology in Humans and the Environment PDF Author: Jamie R. Lead
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030798089
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 263

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Book Description
The book covers the area of ‘Nanotoxicology’ but primarily from the point of view of nanotoxicology at the interface with other disciplines including human toxicology; environmental toxicology; characterization, dose and transformations; regulation; public and elite group perceptions; and interactions with innovation.Nanotoxicology in Humans and the Environment is written for researchers in nanotoxicology in academia, industry, government, and research students. Given the rapid development, the maturing of the discipline and its importance in current regulation and industry development (eg REACH, TSCA), the book is very timely.


Nanotoxicology PDF Author: Alok Dhawan
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
ISBN: 1788012593
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 380

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The rapid expansion of the nanotechnology field raises concerns, like any new technology, about the toxicity and environmental impact of nanomaterials. This book addresses the gaps relating to health and safety issues of this field and aims to bring together fragmented knowledge on nanosafety. Not only do chapters address conventional toxicity issues, but also more recent developments such as food borne nanoparticles, life cycle analysis of nanoparticles and nano ethics. In addition, the authors discuss the environmental impact of nanotechnologies as well as safety guidelines and ethical issues surrounding the use of nanoparticles. In particular this book presents a unique compilation of experimental and computational perspectives and illustrates the use of computational models as a support for experimental work. Nanotoxicology: Experimental and Computational Perspectives is aimed towards postgraduates, academics, and practicing industry professionals. This highly comprehensive review also serves as an excellent foundation for undergraduate students and researchers new to nanotechnology and nanotoxicology. It is of particular value to toxicologists working in nanotechnology, chemical risk assessment, food science, environmental, safety, chemical engineering, the biological sciences and pharmaceutical research.

The ELSI Handbook of Nanotechnology

The ELSI Handbook of Nanotechnology PDF Author: Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119592968
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 597

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This Handbook focuses on the recent advancements in Safety, Risk, Ethical Society and Legal Implications (ESLI) as well as its commercialization of nanotechnology, such as manufacturing. Nano is moving out of its relaxation phase of scientific route, and as new products go to market, organizations all over the world, as well as the general public, are discussing the environmental and health issues associated with nanotechnology. Nongovernmental science organizations have long since reacted; however, now the social sciences have begun to study the cultural portent of nanotechnology. Societal concerns and their newly constructed concepts, show nanoscience interconnected with the economy, ecology, health, and governance. This handbook addresses these new challenges and is divided into 7 sections: Nanomaterials and the Environment; Life Cycle Environmental Implications of Nanomanufacturing; Bioavailability and Toxicity of Manufactured Nanoparticles in Terrestrial Environments; Occupational Health Hazards of Nanoparticles; Ethical Issues in Nanotechnology; Commercialization of Nanotechnology; Legalization of Nanotechnology.


Toxicology PDF Author: Marcelo Larramendy
Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand
ISBN: 9535127160
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 220

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This edited book, Toxicology - New Aspects to This Scientific Conundrum, is intended to provide an overview on the different xenobiotics employed every day in our anthropogenic activities. We hope that this book will continue to meet the expectations and needs of all interested in the implications for the living species of known and new toxicants and to guide them in the future investigations.

New Frontiers in Environmental Toxicology

New Frontiers in Environmental Toxicology PDF Author: Tanu Jindal
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030721736
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 142

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This volume provides up-to-date information on toxic pollutants in the environment and their harmful effects on human health and nature. The book covers many important aspects of environmental toxicology, such as features, characterization, applications, environmental routes for dispersion, nanotoxicity, ecotoxicity and genotoxicity of nanomaterials, with emphasis on radiation toxicology, polar ecotoxicology, plastic toxicology, microbrial toxicology, nanotoxicology and pesticide toxicology. Also discussed is the use of microbes and nanotechnology for medicinal purposes, which has revealed important chemical prototypes in the discovery of new agents, stimulating the use of refined physical techniques and new syntheses of molecules with pharmaceutical applications for human welfare. The chapters also address the fate of nanoparticles in the environment, as well as nanotoxicology mechanisms impacting human health. The book will be of interest to toxicologists, environmental scientists, chemists, and students of microbiology, nanotechnology and pharmacology.

Computational Nanotoxicology

Computational Nanotoxicology PDF Author: Agnieszka Gajewicz
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1000680886
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 570

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The development of computational methods that support human health and environmental risk assessment of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) has attracted great interest because the application of these methods enables us to fill existing experimental data gaps. However, considering the high degree of complexity and multifunctionality of ENMs, computational methods originally developed for regular chemicals cannot always be applied explicitly in nanotoxicology. This book discusses the current state of the art and future needs in the development of computational modeling techniques for nanotoxicology. It focuses on (i) computational chemistry (quantum mechanics, semi-empirical methods, density functional theory, molecular mechanics, molecular dynamics), (ii) nanochemoinformatic methods (quantitative structure–activity relationship modeling, grouping, read-across), and (iii) nanobioinformatic methods (genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics). It reviews methods of calculating molecular descriptors sufficient to characterize the structure of nanoparticles, specifies recent trends in the validation of computational methods, and discusses ways to cope with the uncertainty of predictions. In addition, it highlights the status quo and further challenges in the application of computational methods in regulation (e.g., REACH, OECD) and in industry for product development and optimization and the future directions for increasing acceptance of computational modeling for nanotoxicology.

Case Studies in Nanotoxicology and Particle Toxicology

Case Studies in Nanotoxicology and Particle Toxicology PDF Author: Antonietta M Gatti
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 9780128012154
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Case Studies in Nanotoxicology and Particle Toxicology presents a highly-illustrated analysis of the most prominent cases on the adverse effects of nanoparticles and their impact on humans and the environment. This comprehensive reference demonstrates the possible risks imposed by managing and handling nanoparticles, showing the effects of involuntary inhalation or ingestion during their use and after their incineration. Through the use of numerous examples, readers will discover the possible risks and effects of working with nanoparticles, along with best practices to prevent these effects. The text is an essential reference for anyone working in the risk assessment of nanoparticles, including nanosafety professionals, occupational toxicologists, regulatory toxicologists, and clinicians.

Nanomaterials for Drug Delivery and Therapy

Nanomaterials for Drug Delivery and Therapy PDF Author: Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu
Publisher: William Andrew
ISBN: 0128166290
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 581

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Book Description
Nanomaterials for Drug Delivery and Therapy presents recent advances in the field of nanobiomaterials and their important applications in drug delivery, therapy and engineering. The book offers pharmaceutical perspectives, exploring the development of nanobiomaterials and their interaction with the human body. Chapters show how nanomaterials are used in treatments, including neurology, dentistry and cancer therapy. Authored by a range of contributors from global institutions, this book offers a broad, international perspective on how nanotechnology-based advances are leading to novel drug delivery and treatment solutions. It is a valuable research resource that will help both practicing medics and researchers in pharmaceutical science and nanomedicine learn more on how nanotechnology is improving treatments. - Assesses the opportunities and challenges of nanotechnology-based drug delivery systems - Explores how nanotechnology is being used to create more efficient drug delivery systems - Discusses which nanomaterials make the best drug carriers

Environmental Nanotechnology for Water Purification

Environmental Nanotechnology for Water Purification PDF Author: Shahid Ul Islam
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119640458
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 336

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Dyes, pigments and metals are extensively used in food, paper, carpet, rubber, plastics, cosmetics, and textile industries, in order to color and finish products. As a result, they generate a considerable amount of coloured wastewater rich in organic, inorganic, and mineral substances which are continuously polluting the water bodies and affecting human and aquatic life. Besides these industries, urban and agricultural activities also generate effluents high in biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD). In recent years, considerable research work has been done in this area and is underway to eliminate heavy metals particularly mercury (Hg), chromium (Cr), lead (Pb), selenium and cadmium (Cd) and synthetic dyes from polluted waters which have high toxicity and carcinogenicity. Currently a number of methods are in operation to decontaminate the polluted waters. Among several purification technologies, use of nanoparticles/composites have gained much attention as efficient purification technology due to its many advantages such as simple synthesis, special chemical and physical properties, unique photocatalytic activity and beneficial antimicrobial properties and high efficiency. The book Environmental Nanotechnology for Water Purification comprehensively covers and provides new insights on all nanoparticles, composites and advanced methods employed in water purification.


Nanotoxicity PDF Author: Saura C. Sahu
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 047074779X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 630

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Nanomaterials - substances smaller than 100 nanometers in size - have been added in recent years to an increasing numbers of consumer products used in day-to-day life; in food packaging, medical devices, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, odor-resistant textiles and household appliances. The extensive application of nanomaterials in a wide range of products for human use poses a potential for toxicity risk to human health and the environment. Such adverse effects of nanomaterials on human health have triggered the development of a new scientific discipline known as “nanotoxicity” – the study of the toxicity of nanomaterials. Nanotoxicity: From in vivo and in vitro Models to Health Risks provides up-to-date state-of-the-art information presented by recognized experts in this emerging new field in toxicology. It discusses the safety evaluation of nanomaterials in foods, drugs, medical devices, cosmetics and other regulated products and its use in risk analysis for potential regulatory use. Topics covered include: biomarkers for nanotoxicity assessment nanotoxicity assessment by gene expression analysis in vivo and in vitro models for nanotoxicity testing mechanisms of nanotoxicity pharmakokinetics of nanomaterials nanotoxicity of foods including food processing, food packaging and food safety nanotoxicity of drugs including drug development and drug delivery nanotoxicity of cosmetics and consumer products health and environmental impact of nanotoxicity safety evaluation of nanomaterials regulatory impact of nanomaterials Nanotoxicity: From in vivo and in vitro Models to Health Risks is a valuable authoritative source of information for readers from a wide range of disciplines such as toxicology, pharmacology, drug toxicity and food and environmental sciences. The book will be useful to the research community in academia, industry, hospitals and government, as well as to government regulators and risk assessors of foods, drugs and environmental and agricultural products.