Author: Marjeta Humar
Publisher: Založba ZRC
ISBN: 9612542031
Category : Language policy
Languages : en
Pages : 131
Book Description
Zbornik vsebuje dopolnjena in za objavo prirejena predavanja, ki so jih predstavili udeleženci mednarodne konference z naslovom Jezikovna različnost in nacionalni jeziki v visokem šolstvu, ki je potekala 19. in 20. novembra 2009 v Ljubljani. Prispevki, ki so objavljeni v zborniku, prikazujejo položaj nacionalnih jezikov v visokem šolstvu in znanosti v teh državah, opozarjajo pa tudi na izgubo strokovnih področij in vpliv angleščine na nacionalne terminologije.
Nacionalni jeziki v visokem šolstvu
Farmacevtski terminološki slovar
Author: Marjeta Humar, Jelka Šmid Korbar, Aleš Obreza
Publisher: Založba ZRC
ISBN: 9612543305
Category : Drugs
Languages : sl
Pages : 374
Book Description
Farmacevtski terminološki slovar vsebuje okoli 5500 strokovnih izrazov, ki se uporabljajo na različnih področjih farmacije (farmacevtska tehnologija, farmacevtska informatika, farmacevtska biotehnologija, farmacevtska kemija, farmacevtska zakonodaja, farmakoepidemiologija, farmakognozija, toksikologija, lekarniška farmacija, klinična farmacija, socialna farmacija ipd.). Slovar ne vsebuje zaščitenih imen zdravil. Vsak strokovni izraz je prikazan v samostojnem slovarskem članku. Slovar je normativen, razlagalen in prevoden. Vsebuje izrazje, ki mu stroka daje prednost, in z jezikovnega in/ali strokovnega stališča manj ustrezno izrazje, ki je prikazano v obliki kazalk k ustreznejšim poimenovanjem. Prednostno izrazje ima pomenski opis, navadno tudi angleški in latinski ustreznik, če se uporabljata. Slovar ima tri dele: slovensko-angleško-latinski, angleško-slovenski in latinsko-slovenski del. Pri izdelavi farmacevtskega terminološkega slovarja so sodelovali farmacevti, terminografi in jezikoslovci (slovenisti, latinisti in anglisti).
Publisher: Založba ZRC
ISBN: 9612543305
Category : Drugs
Languages : sl
Pages : 374
Book Description
Farmacevtski terminološki slovar vsebuje okoli 5500 strokovnih izrazov, ki se uporabljajo na različnih področjih farmacije (farmacevtska tehnologija, farmacevtska informatika, farmacevtska biotehnologija, farmacevtska kemija, farmacevtska zakonodaja, farmakoepidemiologija, farmakognozija, toksikologija, lekarniška farmacija, klinična farmacija, socialna farmacija ipd.). Slovar ne vsebuje zaščitenih imen zdravil. Vsak strokovni izraz je prikazan v samostojnem slovarskem članku. Slovar je normativen, razlagalen in prevoden. Vsebuje izrazje, ki mu stroka daje prednost, in z jezikovnega in/ali strokovnega stališča manj ustrezno izrazje, ki je prikazano v obliki kazalk k ustreznejšim poimenovanjem. Prednostno izrazje ima pomenski opis, navadno tudi angleški in latinski ustreznik, če se uporabljata. Slovar ima tri dele: slovensko-angleško-latinski, angleško-slovenski in latinsko-slovenski del. Pri izdelavi farmacevtskega terminološkega slovarja so sodelovali farmacevti, terminografi in jezikoslovci (slovenisti, latinisti in anglisti).
The Geography of Slovenia
Author: Drago Perko
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3030140660
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 357
Book Description
This book is the first to give a comprehensive and detailed overview of the complete geography of Slovenia in English. Only very few countries, even considerably larger ones, can boast the landscape diversity found in Slovenia since the Alps, the Pannonian Basin, the Dinaric Alps, and the Mediterranean meet and interweave in this small corner of Central Europe, as do Germanic, Hungarian, Slavic, and Romance cultural influences. The book provides a systematical overview of physical and human geographical elements of Slovenia from landforms to cultural characteristics. Special attention is given to landscape diversity, to the presentation of Slovene landscape types and regions, to some particularities and interesting facts of Slovenia, and to the position of Slovenia in the World. The book also illustrates some other important geographical phenomena, processes and interactions between nature and society in nowadays Slovenia. This volume appeals to researchers as well as students in the field of regional geography. It can also serve as a source for complete background information as well as a field guide for Slovenia.
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3030140660
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 357
Book Description
This book is the first to give a comprehensive and detailed overview of the complete geography of Slovenia in English. Only very few countries, even considerably larger ones, can boast the landscape diversity found in Slovenia since the Alps, the Pannonian Basin, the Dinaric Alps, and the Mediterranean meet and interweave in this small corner of Central Europe, as do Germanic, Hungarian, Slavic, and Romance cultural influences. The book provides a systematical overview of physical and human geographical elements of Slovenia from landforms to cultural characteristics. Special attention is given to landscape diversity, to the presentation of Slovene landscape types and regions, to some particularities and interesting facts of Slovenia, and to the position of Slovenia in the World. The book also illustrates some other important geographical phenomena, processes and interactions between nature and society in nowadays Slovenia. This volume appeals to researchers as well as students in the field of regional geography. It can also serve as a source for complete background information as well as a field guide for Slovenia.
The Role of Self in Teacher Development
Author: Richard P. Lipka
Publisher: SUNY Press
ISBN: 9780791440155
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 252
Book Description
Reflects some of the major transition points in becoming a teacher and focuses explicitly on how issues of self and identity bear on these different points.
Publisher: SUNY Press
ISBN: 9780791440155
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 252
Book Description
Reflects some of the major transition points in becoming a teacher and focuses explicitly on how issues of self and identity bear on these different points.
English in Europe Today
Author: Annick De Houwer
Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing
ISBN: 9027287341
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 184
Book Description
This volume discusses several facets of English in today's multilingual Europe. It emphasizes the interdependence between cultures, languages and situations that influence its use. This interdependence is particularly relevant to European settings where English is being learned as a second language. Such learning situations constitute the core focus of the book. The volume is unique in bringing together empirical studies examining factors that promote the learning of English in Europe. Rather than assuming that English is a threat to linguistic diversity and cultural independence, these studies discuss psycholinguistic factors such as the input, and sociolinguistic factors such as the type of English that is targeted in learning. The contributing authors are well-established specialists who have worked on multilingualism, English as a Lingua Franca and second language acquisition. The book will be of interest to applied linguists, sociolinguists and teachers of English as a foreign language.
Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing
ISBN: 9027287341
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 184
Book Description
This volume discusses several facets of English in today's multilingual Europe. It emphasizes the interdependence between cultures, languages and situations that influence its use. This interdependence is particularly relevant to European settings where English is being learned as a second language. Such learning situations constitute the core focus of the book. The volume is unique in bringing together empirical studies examining factors that promote the learning of English in Europe. Rather than assuming that English is a threat to linguistic diversity and cultural independence, these studies discuss psycholinguistic factors such as the input, and sociolinguistic factors such as the type of English that is targeted in learning. The contributing authors are well-established specialists who have worked on multilingualism, English as a Lingua Franca and second language acquisition. The book will be of interest to applied linguists, sociolinguists and teachers of English as a foreign language.
Planinski terminološki slovar
Author: Marjeta Humar
Publisher: Založba ZRC
ISBN: 9616358685
Category : Mountaineering
Languages : sl
Pages : 458
Book Description
Planinski terminološki slovar je petjezični razlagalni in slovar. Vsebuje 3615 poimenovanj, ki jih uporabljajo planinci, alpinisti, plezalci, odpravarji, gorski reševalci in gorski vodniki. V manjšem obsegu je prikazano tudi strokovno pogovorno in nižje strokovno pogovorno izrazje, gorsko rastlinje in živalstvo pa nista upoštevana. Iztočnice so pomensko in jezikovno opisane, ovrednotene glede na jezikovnokulturno vrednost in pogostost rabe. Angleški, nemški, francoski in italijanski ustrezniki slovenskih poimenovanj omogočajo mednarodno komunikacijo.
Publisher: Založba ZRC
ISBN: 9616358685
Category : Mountaineering
Languages : sl
Pages : 458
Book Description
Planinski terminološki slovar je petjezični razlagalni in slovar. Vsebuje 3615 poimenovanj, ki jih uporabljajo planinci, alpinisti, plezalci, odpravarji, gorski reševalci in gorski vodniki. V manjšem obsegu je prikazano tudi strokovno pogovorno in nižje strokovno pogovorno izrazje, gorsko rastlinje in živalstvo pa nista upoštevana. Iztočnice so pomensko in jezikovno opisane, ovrednotene glede na jezikovnokulturno vrednost in pogostost rabe. Angleški, nemški, francoski in italijanski ustrezniki slovenskih poimenovanj omogočajo mednarodno komunikacijo.
Collected papers from the International Conference Language Diversity and National Languages in Higher Education (2009, Ljubljana)
Author: Marjeta Humar
ISBN: 9789610503910
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 0
Book Description
Zbornik vsebuje dopolnjena in za objavo prirejena predavanja, ki so jih predstavili udeleženci mednarodne konference z naslovom Jezikovna različnost in nacionalni jeziki v visokem šolstvu, ki je potekala 19. in 20. novembra 2009 v Ljubljani. Prispevki, ki so objavljeni v zborniku, prikazujejo položaj nacionalnih jezikov v visokem šolstvu in znanosti v teh državah, opozarjajo pa tudi na izgubo strokovnih področij in vpliv angleščine na nacionalne terminologije.
ISBN: 9789610503910
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 0
Book Description
Zbornik vsebuje dopolnjena in za objavo prirejena predavanja, ki so jih predstavili udeleženci mednarodne konference z naslovom Jezikovna različnost in nacionalni jeziki v visokem šolstvu, ki je potekala 19. in 20. novembra 2009 v Ljubljani. Prispevki, ki so objavljeni v zborniku, prikazujejo položaj nacionalnih jezikov v visokem šolstvu in znanosti v teh državah, opozarjajo pa tudi na izgubo strokovnih področij in vpliv angleščine na nacionalne terminologije.
12. letno srečanje Združenja za slovansko jezikoslovje
Author: Luka Repanšek
Publisher: Založba ZRC
ISBN: 9610500277
Category :
Languages : sl
Pages : 270
Book Description
Publikacija je zbornik povzetkov prispevkov 12. letnega srečanja Združenja za slovansko jezikoslovje (Slavic Linguistics Society) (Ljubljana, 21.–24. september 2017, v organizaciji Inštituta za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša Znanstvenoraziskovalnega centra Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti ter Oddelka za slavistiko, Oddelka za slovenistiko in Oddelka za primerjalno in splošno jezikoslovje Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani). Zbornik vsebuje okrog 100 prispevkov, katerih avtorji so jezikoslovci iz Severne Amerike, Evrope, Rusije, Južne Koreje in Japonske, ki se ukvarjajo z znanstvenim preučevanjem slovanskih jezikov. V prispevkih so v duhu omogočanja enakih možnosti vsem in ohranjanja metodološkega pluralizma v znanosti zastopane različne jezikoslovne poddiscipline, teoretični modeli in metodološki pristopi, saj je glavni namen delovanja združevanja prav vzpostavljanje tvornega dialoga med njimi.
Publisher: Založba ZRC
ISBN: 9610500277
Category :
Languages : sl
Pages : 270
Book Description
Publikacija je zbornik povzetkov prispevkov 12. letnega srečanja Združenja za slovansko jezikoslovje (Slavic Linguistics Society) (Ljubljana, 21.–24. september 2017, v organizaciji Inštituta za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša Znanstvenoraziskovalnega centra Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti ter Oddelka za slavistiko, Oddelka za slovenistiko in Oddelka za primerjalno in splošno jezikoslovje Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani). Zbornik vsebuje okrog 100 prispevkov, katerih avtorji so jezikoslovci iz Severne Amerike, Evrope, Rusije, Južne Koreje in Japonske, ki se ukvarjajo z znanstvenim preučevanjem slovanskih jezikov. V prispevkih so v duhu omogočanja enakih možnosti vsem in ohranjanja metodološkega pluralizma v znanosti zastopane različne jezikoslovne poddiscipline, teoretični modeli in metodološki pristopi, saj je glavni namen delovanja združevanja prav vzpostavljanje tvornega dialoga med njimi.
PhraseBook for Writing Papers and Research in English
Author: Stephen Howe
Publisher: The Whole World Company
ISBN: 1903384052
Category : Reference
Languages : en
Pages : 317
Book Description
The PhraseBook for Writing Papers and Research gives you a bank of over 5000 words and phrases to help you write, present and publish in English. Phrases are divided into around 30 main sections, such as Introducing a Study, Arguing For and Against, Reviewing other Work, Summarizing and Conclusions. Writing Help sections give advice on university and research writing, helping you to avoid many common errors in English. Main chapters include Style, Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar, Vocabulary, Numbers and Time. The 4th edition also includes a University and Research Thesaurus to help you improve your academic vocabulary, as well as a Glossary of University and Research Terminology. The PhraseBook is used in more than 30 countries in subjects ranging from Medicine, Engineering, Science and Technology to Law, Business and Economics, Geography, History, Sociology, Psychology, Language and Education. Over 5000 words and phrases to help you write, present and publish in English Written by PhD authors Specially designed for non-native speakers Suitable for university and research writing from student to researcher and faculty level Includes most frequent words in academic English Exercises for individual and classroom use British and American English "This material, prepared by experienced editors, is certainly very useful" Photosynthetica Example phrases Introducing your work The study will begin by outlining... This study addresses a number of issues... The following section sets out... examine the research problem in detail shed light on a number of problem areas in current theory The paper presented here is based in part on an earlier study Arguing for and against This becomes clear when one examines... This lends weight to the argument that... Support for this interpretation comes from... While it may well be valid that..., this study argues the importance of... A serious drawback of this approach is... One of the prime failings of this theory or explanation is... Reviewing other work X takes little or no account of... There is little evidence to suggest that... The study offers only cursory examination of... X gives a detailed if not always tenable analysis of... The authors' claim not well founded. X's explanation is not implausible, if not entirely satisfactory. Analysis and explanation If, for the sake of argument, we assume... One of the most obvious consequences Although it may well be true that..., it is important not to overlook... It is important to distinguish carefully between... The extent to which this unclear. A more plausible explanation for or of...would... The reason unknown, but...has been suggested by X as a possible factor. Summary and conclusions Concluding this section, we can say that... Chapter X draws together the main findings of the paper. A number of key issues have been addressed in this study. This study has highlighted a number of problem areas in existing theory. While the initial findings are promising, further research is necessary. The results of this study suggest a number of new avenues for research.
Publisher: The Whole World Company
ISBN: 1903384052
Category : Reference
Languages : en
Pages : 317
Book Description
The PhraseBook for Writing Papers and Research gives you a bank of over 5000 words and phrases to help you write, present and publish in English. Phrases are divided into around 30 main sections, such as Introducing a Study, Arguing For and Against, Reviewing other Work, Summarizing and Conclusions. Writing Help sections give advice on university and research writing, helping you to avoid many common errors in English. Main chapters include Style, Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar, Vocabulary, Numbers and Time. The 4th edition also includes a University and Research Thesaurus to help you improve your academic vocabulary, as well as a Glossary of University and Research Terminology. The PhraseBook is used in more than 30 countries in subjects ranging from Medicine, Engineering, Science and Technology to Law, Business and Economics, Geography, History, Sociology, Psychology, Language and Education. Over 5000 words and phrases to help you write, present and publish in English Written by PhD authors Specially designed for non-native speakers Suitable for university and research writing from student to researcher and faculty level Includes most frequent words in academic English Exercises for individual and classroom use British and American English "This material, prepared by experienced editors, is certainly very useful" Photosynthetica Example phrases Introducing your work The study will begin by outlining... This study addresses a number of issues... The following section sets out... examine the research problem in detail shed light on a number of problem areas in current theory The paper presented here is based in part on an earlier study Arguing for and against This becomes clear when one examines... This lends weight to the argument that... Support for this interpretation comes from... While it may well be valid that..., this study argues the importance of... A serious drawback of this approach is... One of the prime failings of this theory or explanation is... Reviewing other work X takes little or no account of... There is little evidence to suggest that... The study offers only cursory examination of... X gives a detailed if not always tenable analysis of... The authors' claim not well founded. X's explanation is not implausible, if not entirely satisfactory. Analysis and explanation If, for the sake of argument, we assume... One of the most obvious consequences Although it may well be true that..., it is important not to overlook... It is important to distinguish carefully between... The extent to which this unclear. A more plausible explanation for or of...would... The reason unknown, but...has been suggested by X as a possible factor. Summary and conclusions Concluding this section, we can say that... Chapter X draws together the main findings of the paper. A number of key issues have been addressed in this study. This study has highlighted a number of problem areas in existing theory. While the initial findings are promising, further research is necessary. The results of this study suggest a number of new avenues for research.
The Position of the German Language in the World
Author: Ulrich Ammon
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1351654896
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 712
Book Description
The Position of the German Language in the World focuses on the global position of German and the factors which work towards sustaining its use and utility for international communication. From the perspective of the global language constellation, the detailed data analysis of this substantial research project depicts German as an example of a second-rank language. The book also provides a model for analysis and description of international languages other than English. It offers a framework for strengthening the position of languages such as Arabic, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Spanish and others and for countering exaggerated claims about the global monopoly position of English. This comprehensive handbook of the state of the German language in the world was originally published in 2015 by Walter de Gruyter in German and has been critically acclaimed. Suitable for scholars and researchers of the German language, the handbook shows in detail how intricately and thoroughly German and other second-rank languages are tied up with a great number of societies and how these statistics support or weaken the languages’ functions and maintenance.
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1351654896
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 712
Book Description
The Position of the German Language in the World focuses on the global position of German and the factors which work towards sustaining its use and utility for international communication. From the perspective of the global language constellation, the detailed data analysis of this substantial research project depicts German as an example of a second-rank language. The book also provides a model for analysis and description of international languages other than English. It offers a framework for strengthening the position of languages such as Arabic, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Spanish and others and for countering exaggerated claims about the global monopoly position of English. This comprehensive handbook of the state of the German language in the world was originally published in 2015 by Walter de Gruyter in German and has been critically acclaimed. Suitable for scholars and researchers of the German language, the handbook shows in detail how intricately and thoroughly German and other second-rank languages are tied up with a great number of societies and how these statistics support or weaken the languages’ functions and maintenance.