Multimodal Level of Service Analysis for Urban Streets

Multimodal Level of Service Analysis for Urban Streets PDF Author: Richard Gerhard Dowling
Publisher: Transportation Research Board
ISBN: 0309117429
Category : Local transit
Languages : en
Pages : 122

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"TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 616: Multimodal Level of Service Analysis for Urban Streets explores a method for assessing how well an urban street serves the needs of all of its users. The method for evaluating the multimodal level of service (MMLOS) estimates the auto, bus, bicycle, and pedestrian level of service on an urban street using a combination of readily available data and data normally gathered by an agency to assess auto and transit level of service. The MMLOS user's guide was published as NCHRP Web-Only Document 128"--Publisher's description.

Multimodal Level of Service Analysis for Urban Streets

Multimodal Level of Service Analysis for Urban Streets PDF Author: Richard Gerhard Dowling
Publisher: Transportation Research Board
ISBN: 0309117429
Category : Local transit
Languages : en
Pages : 122

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Book Description
"TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 616: Multimodal Level of Service Analysis for Urban Streets explores a method for assessing how well an urban street serves the needs of all of its users. The method for evaluating the multimodal level of service (MMLOS) estimates the auto, bus, bicycle, and pedestrian level of service on an urban street using a combination of readily available data and data normally gathered by an agency to assess auto and transit level of service. The MMLOS user's guide was published as NCHRP Web-Only Document 128"--Publisher's description.

Traffic Engineering Handbook

Traffic Engineering Handbook PDF Author: ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers)
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118762282
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 688

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Get a complete look into modern traffic engineering solutions Traffic Engineering Handbook, Seventh Edition is a newly revised text that builds upon the reputation as the go-to source of essential traffic engineering solutions that this book has maintained for the past 70 years. The updated content reflects changes in key industry standards, and shines a spotlight on the needs of all users, the design of context-sensitive roadways, and the development of more sustainable transportation solutions. Additionally, this resource features a new organizational structure that promotes a more functionally-driven, multimodal approach to planning, designing, and implementing transportation solutions. A branch of civil engineering, traffic engineering concerns the safe and efficient movement of people and goods along roadways. Traffic flow, road geometry, sidewalks, crosswalks, cycle facilities, shared lane markings, traffic signs, traffic lights, and more—all of these elements must be considered when designing public and private sector transportation solutions. Explore the fundamental concepts of traffic engineering as they relate to operation, design, and management Access updated content that reflects changes in key industry-leading resources, such as the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM), Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), AASSHTO Policy on Geometric Design, Highway Safety Manual (HSM), and Americans with Disabilities Act Understand the current state of the traffic engineering field Leverage revised information that homes in on the key topics most relevant to traffic engineering in today's world, such as context-sensitive roadways and sustainable transportation solutions Traffic Engineering Handbook, Seventh Edition is an essential text for public and private sector transportation practitioners, transportation decision makers, public officials, and even upper-level undergraduate and graduate students who are studying transportation engineering.

Global Supply Chains and Multimodal Logistics: Emerging Research and Opportunities

Global Supply Chains and Multimodal Logistics: Emerging Research and Opportunities PDF Author: Sinha, Deepankar
Publisher: IGI Global
ISBN: 1522582991
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 231

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International trade has made logistics a strategic consideration for firms. The decision-making framework is substantially different in the case of international logistics, as this involves cross-border movement of goods and multimodal transportation. An integrated framework based on customer's requirement, their country regulations, risk, and cost specific to goods and countries needs to be developed. Global Supply Chains and Multimodal Logistics: Emerging Research and Opportunities is an essential reference source that provides concepts of global logistics and its risk factors and provides an integrated framework for effective decision making. Highlighting such topics as enterprise resource planning, forecasting models, and logistics systems, this publication is ideally designed for managers, business professionals, researchers, academicians, and students in fields including but not limited to supply chain management, international business, and logistics.

Traffic Operations at Intersections

Traffic Operations at Intersections PDF Author: Rod Troutbeck
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 250

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Traffic Operations at Intersections: Learning and Applying the Models and Methods of the Highway Capacity Manual Chapters on all-way stop-controlled intersections, two-way stop-controlled intersections, and signalized intersections Designed for practicing transportation engineers and university seniors and graduate students 11 simplified scenarios to open-up your understanding of the HCM 43 example calculations that are fully worked out and explained in detail 7 computational engines that allow you to see inside and then apply the models 138 figures to clearly illustrate concepts Additional problems online The models of the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) are often the engineer's choice to analyze intersection performance. These models are complex, and nearly all transportation engineers use software implementations of these models to conduct their analyses. Software applications are powerful tools that help engineers solve problems. But these applications also serve as barriers to the understanding of the complex models embedded in the software. Our major objective in writing this book is to transform the "black box" of the HCM intersection models, and their software implementations, into a "clear box" that allows the engineer to better understand how these models work. We do this through the idea of the "simplified scenario." The eleven scenarios that we present are based on conditions greatly simplified from what you would normally see in the field. By focusing on one concept at a time, in the context of these simplified conditions, you will better understand the fundamentals of the HCM intersection models. You will then be able to apply these models to more complex intersections with skill, confidence, and insight.

Trade-off Considerations in Highway Geometric Design

Trade-off Considerations in Highway Geometric Design PDF Author: Paul B. W. Dorothy
Publisher: Transportation Research Board
ISBN: 0309143454
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 175

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At head of title: National Cooperative Highway Research Program.

TRANSIT Capacity and Quality of Service Manual

TRANSIT Capacity and Quality of Service Manual PDF Author:
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Multimodal Transport Systems

Multimodal Transport Systems PDF Author: Slim Hammadi
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118577256
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 231

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The use and management of multimodal transport systems, including car-pooling and goods transportation, have become extremely complex, due to their large size (sometimes several thousand variables), the nature of their dynamic relationships as well as the many constraints to which they are subjected. The managers of these systems must ensure that the system works as efficiently as possible by managing the various causes of malfunction of the transport system (vehicle breakdowns, road obstructions, accidents, etc.). The detection and resolution of conflicts, which are particularly complex and must be dealt with in real time, are currently processed manually by operators. However, the experience and abilities of these operators are no longer sufficient when faced with the complexity of the problems to be solved. It is thus necessary to provide them with an interactive tool to help with the management of disturbances, enabling them to identify the different disturbances, to characterize and prioritize these disturbances, to process them by taking into account their specifics and to evaluate the impact of the decisions in real time. Each chapter of this book can be broken down into an approach for solving a transport problem in 3 stages, i.e. modeling the problem, creating optimization algorithms and validating the solutions. The management of a transport system calls for knowledge of a variety of theories (problem modeling tools, multi-objective problem classification, optimization algorithms, etc.). The different constraints increase its complexity drastically and thus require a model that represents as far as possible all the components of a problem in order to better identify it and propose corresponding solutions. These solutions are then evaluated according to the criteria of the transport providers as well as those of the city transport authorities. This book consists of a state of the art on innovative transport systems as well as the possibility of coordinating with the current public transport system and the authors clearly illustrate this coordination within the framework of an intelligent transport system. Contents 1. Dynamic Car-pooling, Slim Hammadi and Nawel Zangar. 2. Simulation of Urban Transport Systems, Christian Tahon, Thérèse Bonte and Alain Gibaud. 3. Real-time Fleet Management: Typology and Methods, Frédéric Semet and Gilles Goncalves. 4. Solving the Problem of Dynamic Routes by Particle Swarm, Mostefa Redouane Khouahjia, Laetitia Jourdan and El Ghazali Talbi. 5. Optimization of Traffic at a Railway Junction: Scheduling Approaches Based on Timed Petri Nets, Thomas Bourdeaud’huy and Benoît Trouillet. About the Authors Slim Hammadi is Full Professor at the Ecole Centrale de Lille in France, and Director of the LAGIS Team on Optimization of Logistic systems. He is an IEEE Senior Member and specializes in distributed optimization, multi-agent systems, supply chain management and metaheuristics. Mekki Ksouri is Professor and Head of the Systems Analysis, Conception and Control Laboratory at Tunis El Manar University, National Engineering School of Tunis (ENIT) in Tunisia. He is an IEEE Senior Member and specializes in control systems, nonlinear systems, adaptive control and optimization. The multimodal transport network customers need to be oriented during their travels. A multimodal information system (MIS) can provide customers with a travel support tool, allowing them to express their demands and providing them with the appropriate responses in order to improve their travel conditions. This book develops methodologies in order to realize a MIS tool capable of ensuring the availability of permanent multimodal information for customers before and while traveling, considering passengers mobility.

Proceedings ENTERFACE 2006

Proceedings ENTERFACE 2006 PDF Author: Similar
Publisher: Presses univ. de Louvain
ISBN: 9782874631047
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 116

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July 17th – August 11th, Dubrovnik, Croatia eNTERFACE '06, the second in the series of eNTERFACE workshops, was hosted by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb. A group of 63 international students from all over the...

Transportation Planning Handbook

Transportation Planning Handbook PDF Author: ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers)
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118762355
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1204

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A multi-disciplinary approach to transportation planning fundamentals The Transportation Planning Handbook is a comprehensive, practice-oriented reference that presents the fundamental concepts of transportation planning alongside proven techniques. This new fourth edition is more strongly focused on serving the needs of all users, the role of safety in the planning process, and transportation planning in the context of societal concerns, including the development of more sustainable transportation solutions. The content structure has been redesigned with a new format that promotes a more functionally driven multimodal approach to planning, design, and implementation, including guidance toward the latest tools and technology. The material has been updated to reflect the latest changes to major transportation resources such as the HCM, MUTCD, HSM, and more, including the most current ADA accessibility regulations. Transportation planning has historically followed the rational planning model of defining objectives, identifying problems, generating and evaluating alternatives, and developing plans. Planners are increasingly expected to adopt a more multi-disciplinary approach, especially in light of the rising importance of sustainability and environmental concerns. This book presents the fundamentals of transportation planning in a multidisciplinary context, giving readers a practical reference for day-to-day answers. Serve the needs of all users Incorporate safety into the planning process Examine the latest transportation planning software packages Get up to date on the latest standards, recommendations, and codes Developed by The Institute of Transportation Engineers, this book is the culmination of over seventy years of transportation planning solutions, fully updated to reflect the needs of a changing society. For a comprehensive guide with practical answers, The Transportation Planning Handbook is an essential reference.

Enhancing Internal Trip Capture Estimation for Mixed-use Developments

Enhancing Internal Trip Capture Estimation for Mixed-use Developments PDF Author: Brian S. Bochner
Publisher: Transportation Research Board
ISBN: 0309155584
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 165

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TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 684: Enhancing Internal Trip Capture Estimation for Mixed-Use Developments explores an improved methodology to estimate how many internal trips will be generated in mixed-use developments - trips for which both the origin and destination are within the development. The methodology estimates morning and afternoon peak-period trips to and from six specific land use categories: office, retail, restaurant, residential, cinema, and hotel. The research team analyzed existing data from prior surveys and collected new data at three mixed-use development sites. The resulting methodology is incorporated into a spreadsheet model, which is available online for download.