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Author: Andrea d'Avella
Publisher: Frontiers Media SA
ISBN: 2889198057
Category : Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry
Languages : en
Pages : 794
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Mastering a rich repertoire of motor behaviors, as humans and other animals do, is a surprising and still poorly understood outcome of evolution, development, and learning. Many degrees-of-freedom, non-linear dynamics, and sensory delays provide formidable challenges for controlling even simple actions. Modularity as a functional element, both structural and computational, of a control architecture might be the key organizational principle that the central nervous system employs for achieving versatility and adaptability in motor control. Recent investigations of muscle synergies, motor primitives, compositionality, basic action concepts, and related work in machine learning have contributed to advance, at different levels, our understanding of the modular architecture underlying rich motor behaviors. However, the existence and nature of the modules in the control architecture is far from settled. For instance, regularity and low-dimensionality in the motor output are often taken as an indication of modularity but could they simply be a byproduct of optimization and task constraints? Moreover, what are the relationships between modules at different levels, such as muscle synergies, kinematic invariants, and basic action concepts? One important reason for the new interest in understanding modularity in motor control from different viewpoints is the impressive development in cognitive robotics. In comparison to animals and humans, the motor skills of today’s best robots are limited and inflexible. However, robot technology is maturing to the point at which it can start approximating a reasonable spectrum of isolated perceptual, cognitive, and motor capabilities. These advances allow researchers to explore how these motor, sensory and cognitive functions might be integrated into meaningful architectures and to test their functional limits. Such systems provide a new test bed to explore different concepts of modularity and to address the interaction between motor and cognitive processes experimentally. Thus, the goal of this Research Topic is to review, compare, and debate theoretical and experimental investigations of the modular organization of the motor control system at different levels. By bringing together researchers seeking to understand the building blocks for coordinating many muscles, for planning endpoint and joint trajectories, and for representing motor and behavioral actions in memory we aim at promoting new interactions between often disconnected research areas and approaches and at providing a broad perspective on the idea of modularity in motor control. We welcome original research, methodological, theoretical, review, and perspective contributions from behavioral, system, and computational motor neuroscience research, cognitive psychology, and cognitive robotics.
Author: Andrea d'Avella
Publisher: Frontiers Media SA
ISBN: 2889198057
Category : Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry
Languages : en
Pages : 794
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Mastering a rich repertoire of motor behaviors, as humans and other animals do, is a surprising and still poorly understood outcome of evolution, development, and learning. Many degrees-of-freedom, non-linear dynamics, and sensory delays provide formidable challenges for controlling even simple actions. Modularity as a functional element, both structural and computational, of a control architecture might be the key organizational principle that the central nervous system employs for achieving versatility and adaptability in motor control. Recent investigations of muscle synergies, motor primitives, compositionality, basic action concepts, and related work in machine learning have contributed to advance, at different levels, our understanding of the modular architecture underlying rich motor behaviors. However, the existence and nature of the modules in the control architecture is far from settled. For instance, regularity and low-dimensionality in the motor output are often taken as an indication of modularity but could they simply be a byproduct of optimization and task constraints? Moreover, what are the relationships between modules at different levels, such as muscle synergies, kinematic invariants, and basic action concepts? One important reason for the new interest in understanding modularity in motor control from different viewpoints is the impressive development in cognitive robotics. In comparison to animals and humans, the motor skills of today’s best robots are limited and inflexible. However, robot technology is maturing to the point at which it can start approximating a reasonable spectrum of isolated perceptual, cognitive, and motor capabilities. These advances allow researchers to explore how these motor, sensory and cognitive functions might be integrated into meaningful architectures and to test their functional limits. Such systems provide a new test bed to explore different concepts of modularity and to address the interaction between motor and cognitive processes experimentally. Thus, the goal of this Research Topic is to review, compare, and debate theoretical and experimental investigations of the modular organization of the motor control system at different levels. By bringing together researchers seeking to understand the building blocks for coordinating many muscles, for planning endpoint and joint trajectories, and for representing motor and behavioral actions in memory we aim at promoting new interactions between often disconnected research areas and approaches and at providing a broad perspective on the idea of modularity in motor control. We welcome original research, methodological, theoretical, review, and perspective contributions from behavioral, system, and computational motor neuroscience research, cognitive psychology, and cognitive robotics.
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Languages : en
Pages : 0
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Mastering a rich repertoire of motor behaviors, as humans and other animals do, is a surprising and still poorly understood outcome of evolution, development, and learning. Many degrees-of-freedom, non-linear dynamics, and sensory delays provide formidable challenges for controlling even simple actions. Modularity as a functional element, both structural and computational, of a control architecture might be the key organizational principle that the central nervous system employs for achieving versatility and adaptability in motor control. Recent investigations of muscle synergies, motor primitives, compositionality, basic action concepts, and related work in machine learning have contributed to advance, at different levels, our understanding of the modular architecture underlying rich motor behaviors. However, the existence and nature of the modules in the control architecture is far from settled. For instance, regularity and low-dimensionality in the motor output are often taken as an indication of modularity but could they simply be a byproduct of optimization and task constraints? Moreover, what are the relationships between modules at different levels, such as muscle synergies, kinematic invariants, and basic action concepts? One important reason for the new interest in understanding modularity in motor control from different viewpoints is the impressive development in cognitive robotics. In comparison to animals and humans, the motor skills of today's best robots are limited and inflexible. However, robot technology is maturing to the point at which it can start approximating a reasonable spectrum of isolated perceptual, cognitive, and motor capabilities. These advances allow researchers to explore how these motor, sensory and cognitive functions might be integrated into meaningful architectures and to test their functional limits. Such systems provide a new test bed to explore different concepts of modularity and to address the interaction between motor and cognitive processes experimentally. Thus, the goal of this Research Topic is to review, compare, and debate theoretical and experimental investigations of the modular organization of the motor control system at different levels. By bringing together researchers seeking to understand the building blocks for coordinating many muscles, for planning endpoint and joint trajectories, and for representing motor and behavioral actions in memory we aim at promoting new interactions between often disconnected research areas and approaches and at providing a broad perspective on the idea of modularity in motor control. We welcome original research, methodological, theoretical, review, and perspective contributions from behavioral, system, and computational motor neuroscience research, cognitive psychology, and cognitive robotics.
Author: Francisco J. Valero-Cuevas
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 1447167473
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 204
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This book provides a conceptual and computational framework to study how the nervous system exploits the anatomical properties of limbs to produce mechanical function. The study of the neural control of limbs has historically emphasized the use of optimization to find solutions to the muscle redundancy problem. That is, how does the nervous system select a specific muscle coordination pattern when the many muscles of a limb allow for multiple solutions? I revisit this problem from the emerging perspective of neuromechanics that emphasizes finding and implementing families of feasible solutions, instead of a single and unique optimal solution. Those families of feasible solutions emerge naturally from the interactions among the feasible neural commands, anatomy of the limb, and constraints of the task. Such alternative perspective to the neural control of limb function is not only biologically plausible, but sheds light on the most central tenets and debates in the fields of neural control, robotics, rehabilitation, and brain-body co-evolutionary adaptations. This perspective developed from courses I taught to engineers and life scientists at Cornell University and the University of Southern California, and is made possible by combining fundamental concepts from mechanics, anatomy, mathematics, robotics and neuroscience with advances in the field of computational geometry. Fundamentals of Neuromechanics is intended for neuroscientists, roboticists, engineers, physicians, evolutionary biologists, athletes, and physical and occupational therapists seeking to advance their understanding of neuromechanics. Therefore, the tone is decidedly pedagogical, engaging, integrative, and practical to make it accessible to people coming from a broad spectrum of disciplines. I attempt to tread the line between making the mathematical exposition accessible to life scientists, and convey the wonder and complexity of neuroscience to engineers and computational scientists. While no one approach can hope to definitively resolve the important questions in these related fields, I hope to provide you with the fundamental background and tools to allow you to contribute to the emerging field of neuromechanics.
Author: Giuseppe Averta
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030925218
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 284
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This book moves from a thorough investigation of human capabilities during movements and interactions with objects and environment and translates those principles into the design planning and control of innovative mechatronic systems, providing significant advancements in the fields of human–robot interaction, autonomous robots, prosthetics and assistive devices. The work presented in this monograph is characterized by a significant paradigmatic shift with respect to typical approaches, as it always place the human at the center of the technology developed, and the human represents the starting point and the actual beneficiary of the developed solutions. The content of this book is targeted to robotics and neuroscience enthusiasts, researchers and makers, students and simple lovers of the matter.
Author: Andrzej Pilat
Publisher: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
ISBN: 1913426343
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 1006
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Myofascial InductionTM - An anatomical approach to the treatment of fascial dysfunction describes the properties of the fascial network and provides therapeutic solutions for different types of fascial dysfunction. The material is presented in two volumes: Volume 1 analyzes in depth the theoretical aspects related to fascia and focuses on the therapeutic procedures of Myofascial Induction Therapy (MITTM) for the upper body; Volume 2 summarizes and expands on the theoretical aspects and explains the therapeutic procedures of MIT for the lower body. Volume 1 is divided into two parts: Part 1 - The Science and Principles of Myofascial Induction and Part 2 - Practical Applications of Myofascial Induction - the Upper Body. Part 1 defines the fascia as a complex biological system before discussing its multiple characteristics. Part 2 is the practical part. Here the reader will find a wide range of manual therapeutic procedures which can be selected and used to build up the MIT treatments. These processes are explained in detail and are richly illustrated, in full color, with diagrams and photographs of their practical application in the body and in the treated samples of dissected tissues. Each chapter opens with an introduction offering to the reader some philosophical background as a reminder that philosophy allows us to relate the strictly scientific with the empirical. Praxis and empiricism are the basis of science. The author invites you to join the scientific fascial adventure that allows us to uncover areas of knowledge which may have been forgotten or which are not yet recognized as being related and which might still reveal relevant information. Once discovered, these facts can help us to better understand the kinesis of our body and so help the individual to change their body image and to improve their quality of life.
Author: Gershon Tenenbaum
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119568080
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 1385
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4. Auflage dieses Klassikers und führenden Referenzwerks aus dem Bereich Sport-, Bewegungs- und Leistungspsychologie Die vollständige neue Ausgabe des Handbook of Sports Psychology, jetzt in 2 Bänden und mit unzähligen neuen Kapitel renommierter Wissenschaftler des Fachgebiets, greift auf eine Riege von Experten und Wissenschaftlern zurück, die ihr Wissen nach dem neuesten Forschungsstand in diesem gründlichen und zugänglichen Referenzwerk zusammenfassen. Die Publikation wird auch von der International Society of Sport Psychology unterstützt und ist eine unschätzbare Quelle für theoretische und praktische Informationen, mit denen sich die Rolle der Psychologie im Zusammenhang mit Sport, Bewegung und Leistung besser verstehen lässt und die zeigen, wie dieses Verständnis für die Ergebnisverbesserung in der Praxis Anwendung findet. Die 4. Auflage des Handbook of Sports Psychology präsentiert in acht Abschnitten neue Informationen zu neuen Gebieten, wie Achtsamkeit, Hirnkartierung, Selbstbewusstsein, mentale Stärke, und behandelt Spezialthemen wie Geschlecht, kulturelle Diversität, Sportler mit Behinderungen, Alkohol und Drogen im Sport. Darüber hinaus werden klassische Themen erörtert, z. B. Motivationsauslöser für sportliche Leistungen, Druck als Ansporn, Topathleten und ihr Umgang mit Führungsrollen, Bedeutung von mentalem Training, Umgang mit Verletzungen u.v.m. - 4. Auflage diese einflussreichen Referenzwerks der Sportpsychologie. - Neue Inhalte, u. a. Achtsamkeit in der Sport- und Bewegungspsychologie, Ethik, mentale Stärke, Sportsozialisierung, Einsatz von Brain-Technologien in der Praxis. - Unterstützt von der International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP). Die 4. Auflage des Handbook of Sports Psychology ist ein Muss für Studenten und Praktiker, die sich für Sportpsychologie interessieren.
Author: Jessica Rose
Publisher: Frontiers Media SA
ISBN: 288966354X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 172
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Author: Tamar Flash
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030572277
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 265
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This book is based on a two-day symposium at the Paris Institute of Advanced Study titled "space-time geometries and movement in the brain and the arts". It includes over 20 chapters written by the leading scientists and artists who presented their related research studies at the symposium and includes six sections; the first three focus on space-time geometries in perception, action and memory while the last three focus on specific artistic domains: drawing and painting, dance, music, digital arts and robotics. The book is accompanied by a dedicated webpage including related images and videos. There is an ever-growing interest in the topics covered by this book. Space and time are of fundamental importance for our understanding of human perception, action, memory and cognition, and are entities which are equally important in physics, biology, neuroscience and psychology. Highly prominent scientists and mathematicians have expressed their belief that our bodies and minds shape the ways we perceive space and time and the physical laws we formulate. Understanding how the brain perceives motion and generates -bodily movements is of great significance. There is also growing interest in studying how space, time and movement subserve artistic creations in different artistic modalities (e.g., fine arts, digital and performing arts and music). This interest is inspired by the idea that artists make intuitive use of the principles and simplifying strategies used by the brain in movement generation and perception. Building upon new understanding of the spatio-temporal geometries subserving movement generation and perception by the brain we can start exploring how artists make use of such neuro --geometrical and neuro-dynamic representations in order to express artistic concepts and emotionally affect the human observers and listeners. Scientists have also started formulating new ideas of how aesthetic judgements emerge from the principles and brain mechanisms subserving motor control and motion perception. Covering novel and multidisciplinary topics, this advanced book will be of interest to neuroscientists, behavioral scientists, artificial intelligence and robotics experts, students and artists.
Author: Zhengbing Hu
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3030120821
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 766
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This book includes the proceedings of the Second International Conference of Artificial Intelligence, Medical Engineering, Education (AIMEE2018), held in Moscow, Russia, on 6–8 October 2018. The conference covered advances in the development of artificial intelligence systems and their applications in various fields, from medicine and technology to education. The papers presented in the book discuss topics in mathematics and biomathematics; medical approaches; and technological and educational approaches. Given the rapid development of artificial intelligence systems, the book highlights the need for more intensive training for a growing number of specialists, particularly in medical engineering, to increase the effectiveness of medical diagnosis and treatment. The book is intended for specialists, students and other readers who would like to know where artificial intelligence systems can beneficially be applied in the future.
Author: Ramona Ritzmann
Publisher: Frontiers Media SA
ISBN: 2889761193
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 148
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