Modern Theories of Chemistry

Modern Theories of Chemistry PDF Author: Lothar Meyer
Category : Chemistry
Languages : en
Pages : 644

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Modern Theories of Chemistry

Modern Theories of Chemistry PDF Author: Lothar Meyer
Category : Chemistry
Languages : en
Pages : 644

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Modern Theories of Organic Chemistry

Modern Theories of Organic Chemistry PDF Author: H. B. Watson
Publisher: READ BOOKS
ISBN: 9781406738483
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 228

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PREFACE. THE Author of this very practical treatise on Scotch Loch - Fishing desires clearly that it may be of use to all who had it. He does not pretend to have written anything new, but to have attempted to put what he has to say in as readable a form as possible. Everything in the way of the history and habits of fish has been studiously avoided, and technicalities have been used as sparingly as possible. The writing of this book has afforded him pleasure in his leisure moments, and that pleasure would be much increased if he knew that the perusal of it would create any bond of sympathy between himself and the angling community in general. This section is interleaved with blank shects for the readers notes. The Author need hardly say that any suggestions addressed to the case of the publishers, will meet with consideration in a future edition. We do not pretend to write or enlarge upon a new subject. Much has been said and written-and well said and written too on the art of fishing but loch-fishing has been rather looked upon as a second-rate performance, and to dispel this idea is one of the objects for which this present treatise has been written. Far be it from us to say anything against fishing, lawfully practised in any form but many pent up in our large towns will bear us out when me say that, on the whole, a days loch-fishing is the most convenient. One great matter is, that the loch-fisher is depend- ent on nothing but enough wind to curl the water, -and on a large loch it is very seldom that a dead calm prevails all day, -and can make his arrangements for a day, weeks beforehand whereas the stream- fisher is dependent for a good take on the state of the water and however pleasant and easy it may be for one living near the banks of a good trout stream or river, it is quite another matter to arrange for a days river-fishing, if one is looking forward to a holiday at a date some weeks ahead. Providence may favour the expectant angler with a good day, and the water in order but experience has taught most of us that the good days are in the minority, and that, as is the case with our rapid running streams, -such as many of our northern streams are, -the water is either too large or too small, unless, as previously remarked, you live near at hand, and can catch it at its best. A common belief in regard to loch-fishing is, that the tyro and the experienced angler have nearly the same chance in fishing, -the one from the stern and the other from the bow of the same boat. Of all the absurd beliefs as to loch-fishing, this is one of the most absurd. Try it. Give the tyro either end of the boat he likes give him a cast of ally flies he may fancy, or even a cast similar to those which a crack may be using and if he catches one for every three the other has, he may consider himself very lucky. Of course there are lochs where the fish are not abundant, and a beginner may come across as many as an older fisher but we speak of lochs where there are fish to be caught, and where each has a fair chance. Again, it is said that the boatman has as much to do with catching trout in a loch as the angler. Well, we dont deny that. In an untried loch it is necessary to have the guidance of a good boatman but the same argument holds good as to stream-fishing...

The Theories of Chemistry

The Theories of Chemistry PDF Author: Jan C.A. Boeyens
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 9780080519043
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 570

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Theories of Chemistry reviews the theories that underpin chemistry, but yet are not traditionally recognized as such, being normally considered as part of physics. Based on the argument that the needs of chemistry are distinctive, a mathematical structure of topics such as quantum mechanics, relativity theory, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, suiting the needs of chemistry, is outlined. The subject matter is arranged in a sequence that reveals the foundations of chemistry. Starting from the mathematical basis, the sequence runs through the general concepts (mechanics and wave formalism) and the elementary building blocks, to molecules and macrosystems. The book is the product of the author's reading of original literature rather than of standard texts. It differs from what is conventionally emphasized because of the different approach that it argues for the recognition of chemistry as an emergent discipline, ultimately based on the properties and structure of space and time. Hence the emphasis on otherwise unexpected topics such as quaternions, lie groups, polarized light, compressed atoms, rydberg atoms, solitons, molecular hydrogen, and phase transitions, amongst others. The topic is the understanding of chemistry from first principles. The book is self-contained and can be used without reference to other sources. - All chemisty theories are covered in this one volume. - The book is self-contained and can be used without reference to other sources. - Many topics, routinely referred to in advanced chemistry texts, without making them accessible to the non-specialist, are brought together.

Modern Quantum Chemistry

Modern Quantum Chemistry PDF Author: Attila Szabo
Publisher: Courier Corporation
ISBN: 0486134598
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 484

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This graduate-level text explains the modern in-depth approaches to the calculation of electronic structure and the properties of molecules. Largely self-contained, it features more than 150 exercises. 1989 edition.

Essentials of Computational Chemistry

Essentials of Computational Chemistry PDF Author: Christopher J. Cramer
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118712277
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 624

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Essentials of Computational Chemistry provides a balanced introduction to this dynamic subject. Suitable for both experimentalists and theorists, a wide range of samples and applications are included drawn from all key areas. The book carefully leads the reader thorough the necessary equations providing information explanations and reasoning where necessary and firmly placing each equation in context.

Organic Chemistry

Organic Chemistry PDF Author: Pierre Vogel
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 3527345329
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 1386

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Provides the background, tools, and models required to understand organic synthesis and plan chemical reactions more efficiently Knowledge of physical chemistry is essential for achieving successful chemical reactions in organic chemistry. Chemists must be competent in a range of areas to understand organic synthesis. Organic Chemistry provides the methods, models, and tools necessary to fully comprehend organic reactions. Written by two internationally recognized experts in the field, this much-needed textbook fills a gap in current literature on physical organic chemistry. Rigorous yet straightforward chapters first examine chemical equilibria, thermodynamics, reaction rates and mechanisms, and molecular orbital theory, providing readers with a strong foundation in physical organic chemistry. Subsequent chapters demonstrate various reactions involving organic, organometallic, and biochemical reactants and catalysts. Throughout the text, numerous questions and exercises, over 800 in total, help readers strengthen their comprehension of the subject and highlight key points of learning. The companion Organic Chemistry Workbook contains complete references and answers to every question in this text. A much-needed resource for students and working chemists alike, this text: -Presents models that establish if a reaction is possible, estimate how long it will take, and determine its properties -Describes reactions with broad practical value in synthesis and biology, such as C-C-coupling reactions, pericyclic reactions, and catalytic reactions -Enables readers to plan chemical reactions more efficiently -Features clear illustrations, figures, and tables -With a Foreword by Nobel Prize Laureate Robert H. Grubbs Organic Chemistry: Theory, Reactivity, and Mechanisms in Modern Synthesis is an ideal textbook for students and instructors of chemistry, and a valuable work of reference for organic chemists, physical chemists, and chemical engineers.

Cathedrals of Science

Cathedrals of Science PDF Author: Patrick Coffey
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 019971746X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 400

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In Cathedrals of Science, Patrick Coffey describes how chemistry got its modern footing-how thirteen brilliant men and one woman struggled with the laws of the universe and with each other. They wanted to discover how the world worked, but they also wanted credit for making those discoveries, and their personalities often affected how that credit was assigned. Gilbert Lewis, for example, could be reclusive and resentful, and his enmity with Walther Nernst may have cost him the Nobel Prize; Irving Langmuir, gregarious and charming, "rediscovered" Lewis's theory of the chemical bond and received much of the credit for it. Langmuir's personality smoothed his path to the Nobel Prize over Lewis. Coffey deals with moral and societal issues as well. These same scientists were the first to be seen by their countries as military assets. Fritz Haber, dubbed the "father of chemical warfare," pioneered the use of poison gas in World War I-vividly described-and Glenn Seaborg and Harold Urey were leaders in World War II's Manhattan Project; Urey and Linus Pauling worked for nuclear disarmament after the war. Science was not always fair, and many were excluded. The Nazis pushed Jewish scientists like Haber from their posts in the 1930s. Anti-Semitism was also a force in American chemistry, and few women were allowed in; Pauling, for example, used his influence to cut off the funding and block the publications of his rival, Dorothy Wrinch. Cathedrals of Science paints a colorful portrait of the building of modern chemistry from the late 19th to the mid-20th century.

The Six Core Theories of Modern Physics

The Six Core Theories of Modern Physics PDF Author: Charles F. Stevens
Publisher: MIT Press
ISBN: 9780262691888
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 252

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This text presents a summary of the basic theoretical structures of classical mechanics, electricity and magnetism, quantum mechanics, statistical physics, special relativity and modern field theories.

Modern Physical Organic Chemistry

Modern Physical Organic Chemistry PDF Author: Eric V. Anslyn
Publisher: University Science Books
ISBN: 9781891389313
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 1148

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In additionto covering thoroughly the core areas of physical organic chemistry -structure and mechanism - this book will escortthe practitioner of organic chemistry into a field that has been thoroughlyupdated.

Chemical Sciences in the 20th Century

Chemical Sciences in the 20th Century PDF Author: Carsten Reinhardt
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 3527612742
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 297

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Chemistry in the last century was characterized by spectacular growth and advances, stimulated by revolutionary theories and experimental breakthroughs. Yet, despite this rapid development, the history of this scientific discipline has achieved only recently the status necessary to understand the effects of chemistry on the scientific and technological culture of the modern world. This book addresses the bridging of boundaries between chemistry and the other "classical" disciplines of science, physics and biology as well as the connections of chemistry to mathematics and technology. Chemical research is represented as an interconnected patchwork of scientific specialties, and this is shown by a mixture of case studies and broader overviews on the history of organic chemistry, theoretical chemistry, nuclear- and cosmochemistry, solid state chemistry, and biotechnology. All of these fields were at the center of the development of twentieth century chemistry, and the authors cover crucial topics such as the emergence of new subdisciplines and research fields, the science-technology relationship, and national styles of scientific work. This monograph represents a unique treasure trove for general historians and historians of science, while also appealing to those interested in the theoretical background and development of modern chemistry.