The Stars Within You

The Stars Within You PDF Author: Juliana McCarthy
Publisher: Shambhala Publications
ISBN: 1611805112
Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
Languages : en
Pages : 289

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A fresh introduction to astrology that will provide a contemporary perspective on this age-old practice. Where have we been? Where are we going? There is no greater roadmap than the stars for helping us to recognize habitual patterns, discovering our gifts, and figuring out how to move toward greater joy and contentment. A Modern Guide to Astrology provides readers with a fresh perspective on the fundamentals of astrology and how to read their own birth charts. With accessible depictions of the astrological signs and symbols, this guide opens up the rich world of astrology as a tool to deepen self-awareness and lead a more fulfilling life. The book highlights the basic concepts of astrology that provide entryways into an understanding of the factors that shape our lives in fundamental ways. This book weaves together the whole tapestry, showing readers that reading and understanding astrology charts is within reach.

The Stars Within You

The Stars Within You PDF Author: Juliana McCarthy
Publisher: Shambhala Publications
ISBN: 1611805112
Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
Languages : en
Pages : 289

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A fresh introduction to astrology that will provide a contemporary perspective on this age-old practice. Where have we been? Where are we going? There is no greater roadmap than the stars for helping us to recognize habitual patterns, discovering our gifts, and figuring out how to move toward greater joy and contentment. A Modern Guide to Astrology provides readers with a fresh perspective on the fundamentals of astrology and how to read their own birth charts. With accessible depictions of the astrological signs and symbols, this guide opens up the rich world of astrology as a tool to deepen self-awareness and lead a more fulfilling life. The book highlights the basic concepts of astrology that provide entryways into an understanding of the factors that shape our lives in fundamental ways. This book weaves together the whole tapestry, showing readers that reading and understanding astrology charts is within reach.

The Modern Text-Book of Astrology

The Modern Text-Book of Astrology PDF Author: Margaret E. Hone
Publisher: Astrology Classics
ISBN: 9781933303352
Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
Languages : en
Pages : 332

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It was a long time ago and few alive now remember what life was like in England in the years after World War II. Yes, the Luftwaffe and Vengeance weapons had made a fine mess in the south of the country, but during the war years the Yanks were there, millions of them, seducing the womenfolk, brawling in pubs, and, most importantly, spending their pay with local shopkeepers. May, 1945, the war ended and all the Americans left. Most went home, but a sizeable contingent set up shop in Germany, where, to the best of their ability given the local ruins, they carried on as before, seducing the womenfolk, brawling in pubs and spending their pay with the surviving shopkeepers. The Americans were joined by contingents of English, French and Soviet troops. As a result, the surprising fact, long forgotten, is that after the war, conditions in England were even worse than they were in post-Third Reich Germany. Some in Britain rued winning the war, as deprivation became their fate. In London after the war books were so scarce that used vendors had long lists of people waiting for the few books that turned up. For schools in London which taught astrology, the situation was impossible. Responding to the post WWII book shortage, Margaret Hone published this ultimate Astrology Text-Book. She was born in Birmingham, England, on October 2, 1892, at 2:13 am. Her ascendant was 27 Leo; her Sun was 9 Libra; her Moon was 13 Aquarius. Her midheaven was 15 Taurus. Of Ms Hone, James Holden wrote, "English astrologer, educator, and author. She was a professional astrologer and private teacher for many years and later was Principal and Director of Studies of the Faculty of Astrological Studies 1954-1969 and Vice President of the Astrological Lodge of London. Mrs. Hone was an advocate of the Equal House system of house division. She is best known in the U.S. for her two instruction manuals." This book is dedicated to Charles E.O. Carter, 1887-1968. Carter succeeded Alan Leo as head of the Astrological Lodge (1920-1952) and was First Principal of the Faculty of Astrological Studies, which he helped found in 1948. Hone succeeded Carter at FAS. She passed away on October 14, 1969. In his Preface, while quick to praise Hone, a personal friend, Charles Carter also pointed out that this book's high price was justified, that "padding has been rigorously excluded." He goes on to praise the workmanship, the carefully worded definitions, as well as the fact that the book was complete and entire in itself. Save for ephemeris and tables of houses, this one book would suffice beginning as well as advanced students for some years. In addition, Hone also includes one of the earliest modern histories of astrology, short biographies of leading astrologers past and present, astrology and public opinion (daily horoscopes in the newspapers were a recent innovation). On a more practical side, Hone gives a thorough analysis of the principal house systems of the day (Equal, Campanus, Regiomontanus, Placidus), and even mentions C.G. Jung's recently developed Depth Psychology.

New Insights in Modern Astrology

New Insights in Modern Astrology PDF Author: Stephen Arroyo
ISBN: 9780916360474
Category : Astrology
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Saturn PDF Author: Liz Greene
Publisher: Weiser Books
ISBN: 1633412091
Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
Languages : en
Pages : 292

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This classic astrology text, revered by beginners and professional astrologers alike, is now available in a Weiser Classics edition. “The most important single contribution of twentieth-century astrology is that astrology is not a map of one’s fixed destiny but is a potential map of the unfolding of the authentic, higher self.” —Robert Hand, from the foreword Saturn’s darker persona is recognized universally in myth and fairytale. In this classic astrology text, renowned astrologer and Jungian analyst Liz Greene offers a fresh perspective on how to handle the influence of this much-maligned astrological symbol. In Saturn, Greene shows us how the frustrating experiences connected to this planet can be turned into opportunities for greater insight and meaning in our lives. Saturn, she says, symbolizes a psychic process—one that allows us to utilize the experience of pain for self-discovery and a more fulfilling and complete life. Greene retraces Saturn’s character through sign, house, aspect, and synastry in a brilliant analysis that reveals his other face: that of the initiator who, for the price of our honesty with ourselves, offers us greater consciousness, self-understanding, and, eventually, freedom.

The Astrology Fix

The Astrology Fix PDF Author: Theresa Cheung
Publisher: White Lion Publishing
ISBN: 0711255261
Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
Languages : en
Pages : 178

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Heal and flourish with The Astrology Fix. Bestselling astrology and dreams author Theresa Cheung answers daily dilemmas with expertly-crafted cosmic cures. Are you stressed and overwhelmed? Lost and seeking direction? Yearning safety, connection and joy? The universe is here to help. By decoding the heavens and your soul, you begin a transformative journey to self-discovery, growth and fulfilment. Modern astrology is a form of spiritual psychology – one that can help you become the person you were born to be. Part illuminating life-coach, part contemporary cosmic guide, The Astrology Fix helps you reconnect with your innermost self. Tune into your astrological personality – who you are and your general approach to life. Then try over 50 astrological fixes to transform your emotional, physical and spiritual life. For: Joy and Success, try an Aries ritual for motivation, a full moon empowerment chant, a Gemini laughter incantation and more. Love and Relationships, try a Venus self-love spell, an inner power visualisation, a healing heartbreak bath and more. Health and Well-being, try a reconnect to the earth exercise, sun-sign self-care, connect with air body scan and more. Energy and Inspiration, try a Leo confidence pose, an Age of Aquarius reflection, a planetary weekday boost and more. Rest and Rejuvenation, try a compassion spell, a Pluto meditation, a calm-down journal and more. Protection and Comfort, try a zodiac detox, a Uranus meditation, a colour fix and more. Two indexes – one general and one organised by specific needs – enable you to quickly address any question or issue that confronts you. Follow your astrological compass to better navigate the world and relate to those around you. Be the master of your own universe.

Astrology, Almanacs, and the Early Modern English Calendar

Astrology, Almanacs, and the Early Modern English Calendar PDF Author: Phebe Jensen
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317034953
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 409

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Astrology, Almanacs, and the Early Modern English Calendar is a handbook designed to help modern readers unlock the vast cultural, religious, and scientific material contained in early modern calendars and almanacs. It outlines the basic cosmological, astrological, and medical theories that undergirded calendars, traces the medieval evolution of the calendar into its early modern format against the background of the English Reformation, and presents a history of the English almanac in the context of the rise of the printing industry in England. The book includes a primer on deciphering early modern printed almanacs, as well as an illustrated guide to the rich visual and verbal iconography of seasons, months, and days of the week, gathered from material culture, farming manuals, almanacs, and continental prints. As a practical guide to English calendars and the social, mathematical, and scientific practices that inform them, Astrology, Almanacs,and the Early Modern English Calendar is an indispensable tool for historians, cultural critics, and literary scholars working with the primary material of the period, especially those with interests in astrology, popular science, popular print, the book as material artifact, and the history of time-reckoning.

Astrology and Popular Religion in the Modern West

Astrology and Popular Religion in the Modern West PDF Author: Dr Nicholas Campion
Publisher: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.
ISBN: 1409461491
Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
Languages : en
Pages : 474

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This book explores an area of contemporary religion, spirituality and popular culture which has not so far been investigated in depth, the phenomenon of astrology in the modern west. Locating modern astrology historically and sociologically in its religious, New Age and millenarian contexts, Nicholas Campion considers astrology's relation to modernity and draws on extensive fieldwork and interviews with leading modern astrologers to present an invaluable contribution to our understanding of the origins and nature of New Age ideology. This book challenges the notion that astrology is either 'marginal' or a feature of postmodernism. Concluding that astrology is more popular than the usual figures suggest, Campion argues that modern astrology is largely shaped by New Age thought, influenced by the European Millenarian tradition, that it can be seen as an heir to classical Gnosticism and is part of the vernacular religion of the modern west.

The Astrological Grimoire

The Astrological Grimoire PDF Author: Beatrix Gravesguard
Publisher: Chronicle Books
ISBN: 1452173540
Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
Languages : en
Pages : 210

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From the co-hosts of Astral Projection Radio Hour on, a guide to understanding your natal chart, with practices to help you tap into your intuition. This unique astrological perspective invites readers to discover themselves in every sign of the zodiac. Divided into twelve chapters, one for each sign, the book offers horoscopes based on moon phase and “mood phase”—emotions and life events—so readers can always find a horoscope that speaks to their current life moment. The Astrological Grimoire guides readers in understanding their birth chart so they can learn how all the signs impact their lives and find the right horoscope for any situation. This holistic and individualized book is ultimately an uplifting way to find meaning in the movements of the universe!

Star Power

Star Power PDF Author: Vanessa Montgomery
Publisher: Hardie Grant Publishing
ISBN: 1787133079
Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
Languages : en
Pages : 289

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Become a better modern mystic with the help of this invaluable handbook. Through easy-to-follow, step-by-step chapters, you'll find all you need to know in order to read your own astrological birth chart, from the movement and meaning of the Sun signs and planets to understanding astrological elements, houses, aspects and transits. Star Power reveals how your birth chart can all help you learn more about yourself, your life and your future. You'll find out which sign you're compatible with, how the universe impacts your approach to love, wealth, creativity and careers, and ultimately learn to take cosmic control of your universe.

Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer

Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer PDF Author: James T. Braha
ISBN: 9780935895049
Category : Hindu astrology
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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"Ever since my first journey to India I have desired to share the knowledge I was fortunate enough to receive. I have also felt a need to dispel some rather major misconceptions, the main one being the fact that Hindu astrology is extraordinarily difficult. This is not true, as will soon hopefully be revealed. Although I have always been most fascinated with astrology because of the philosophical implications and revelations which can be extracted. I have done my best to keep philosophy from this work, as that is not my present purpose. It is my intention only to present Hindu astrology in a way that it deserves to be presented, which is long overdue -- a way which western astrologers can understand and utilise, and which will clear away the mystery and finally put into perspective the enormously complex techniques which make up the bulk of most textbooks on the subject. Having worked with both Hindu and western systems, it is my experience that the two greatly complement each other and together form the basis for a complete and profound astrology." -- taken from the Introduction.