
Mingkiri PDF Author: Edith Richards
Publisher: Iad Press
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 88

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A guide to the habits of the animals and plants based on a recent fauna survey of Uluru-Kata National Park including a list of Anagu names and pronunciation guide.


Mingkiri PDF Author: Edith Richards
Publisher: Iad Press
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 88

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A guide to the habits of the animals and plants based on a recent fauna survey of Uluru-Kata National Park including a list of Anagu names and pronunciation guide.

Australian Deserts

Australian Deserts PDF Author: Steve Morton
ISBN: 1486306004
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 305

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Australian Deserts: Ecology and Landscapes is about the vast sweep of the Outback, a land of expanses making up three-quarters of the continent – the heart of Australia. Steve Morton brings his extensive first-hand knowledge and experience of arid Australia to this book, explaining how Australian deserts work ecologically. This book outlines why unpredictable rainfall and paucity of soil nutrients underpin the nature of desert ecosystems, while also describing how plants and animals came to be desert dwellers through evolutionary time. It shows how plants use uncertain rainfall to provide for persistence of their populations, alongside outlines of the dominant animals of the deserts and explanations of the features that help them succeed in the face of aridity and uncertainty. Richly illustrated with the photographs of Mike Gillam, this fascinating and accessible book will enhance your understanding of the nature of arid Australia.

Remote Avant-Garde

Remote Avant-Garde PDF Author: Jennifer Loureide Biddle
Publisher: Duke University Press
ISBN: 0822374609
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 175

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In Remote Avant-Garde Jennifer Loureide Biddle models new and emergent desert Aboriginal aesthetics as an art of survival. Since 2007, Australian government policy has targeted "remote" Australian Aboriginal communities as at crisis level of delinquency and dysfunction. Biddle asks how emergent art responds to national emergency, from the creation of locally hunted grass sculptures to biliterary acrylic witness paintings to stop-motion animation. Following directly from the unprecedented success of the Western Desert art movement, contemporary Aboriginal artists harness traditions of experimentation to revivify at-risk vernacular languages, maintain cultural heritage, and ensure place-based practice of community initiative. Biddle shows how these new art forms demand serious and sustained attention to the dense complexities of sentient perception and the radical inseparability of art from life. Taking shape on frontier boundaries and in zones of intercultural imperative, Remote Avant-Garde presents Aboriginal art "under occupation" in Australia today.

Alitji in Dreamland

Alitji in Dreamland PDF Author: Nancy Sheppard
Category : Aboriginal Australians
Languages : en
Pages : 134

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For children; Pitjantjatjara translation of Alices adventures in wonderland, in which animals and activities are appropriate to Central Australia.

Bardi Grubs and Frog Cakes

Bardi Grubs and Frog Cakes PDF Author: Dorothy Jauncey
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 250

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This new reference is a collection of words that are associated in different ways with South Australia--those in the book's title represent both the oldest and the newest cultures in the state.

Alitjinya Ngura Tjukurtjarangka

Alitjinya Ngura Tjukurtjarangka PDF Author: Barbara Ker Wilson
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 120

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A Pitjantjatjara translation of the tale that transforms Carrolls creatures into more familiar species for Central Australia, so that the White Rabbit becomes a White Kangaroo with dilly bag and digging sticks.

Records of the South Australian Museum

Records of the South Australian Museum PDF Author: South Australian Museum
Category : Aboriginal Australians
Languages : en
Pages : 340

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The Anthropology of Landscape

The Anthropology of Landscape PDF Author: Eric Hirsch
ISBN: 0198280106
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 281

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Landscape has long had a submerged presence within anthropology, both as a framing device which informs the way the anthropologist brings his or her study into 'view', and as the meaning imputed by local people to their cultural and physical surroundings. A principal aim of this volume follows from these interconnected ways of considering landscape: the conventional, Western notion of 'landscape' may be used as productive point of departure from which to explore analgous ideas; local ideas can in turn reflexively by used to interrogate the Western construct. The Introduction argues that landscape should be conceptualized as a cultural process: a process located between place and space, inside and outside, image and representation. In the chapters that follow, nine noted anthropologists and an art historian exemplify this approach, drawing on a diverse set of case studies. These range from an analysis of Indian calendar art to an account of Israeli nature tourism, and from the creation of a metropolitan "gaze" in nineteenth-century Paris to the soundscapes particular to the Papua New Guinea rainforests. The anthropological perspectives developed here are of cross-disciplinary relevance; geographers, art historians, and archaeologists will be no less interested than anthropologists in this re-envisaging of the notion of landscape.

Desert Crafts

Desert Crafts PDF Author: Jennifer Isaacs
Publisher: Doubleday Books
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 222

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Introduction to Anangu people, defined as Pitjantjatjara, Yankunytjatjara and Ngaanyatjara but including Matutjara and Ngaatjatjara; outstations and use of modern technology there; Uluru and Katatjuta; outline of struggle for land rights; founding of Pitjantjatjara council; brief outlines of several myths; attitudes and responses of Anangu to tourists; development of woodcarving and craft industry; Amata Craft Centre; foundations and role of Maruku; details of craft purchasing trip; Anangu knowledge and use of natural resources; manufacturing techniques; innovative practices; introduced crafts such as knitting, weaving, rugmaking, batik; vocabulary for tools, weapons and materials.

Catalogue of Tape Archive

Catalogue of Tape Archive PDF Author: Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies
Category : Data tapes
Languages : en
Pages : 592

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