Military Tokens of the United States, 1866-1978

Military Tokens of the United States, 1866-1978 PDF Author: James J. Curto
Category : Tokens
Languages : en
Pages : 128

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Military Tokens of the United States, 1866-1978

Military Tokens of the United States, 1866-1978 PDF Author: James J. Curto
Category : Tokens
Languages : en
Pages : 128

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A Revised Check List and Valuation of Military Tokens of the United States, 1866-1969, Book I

A Revised Check List and Valuation of Military Tokens of the United States, 1866-1969, Book I PDF Author: James J. Curto
Category : Tokens
Languages : en
Pages : 96

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Tokens in Classical Athens and Beyond

Tokens in Classical Athens and Beyond PDF Author: M. E. Gkikaki
Publisher: Liverpool University Press
ISBN: 1800855664
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 368

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A selection of essays on symbola, as the tokens of Classical Athens were called, bringing together scholars of various disciplines and professional categories (numismatists, historians, museum curators) that intends to reshape our knowledge on the roles these objects played in the Athenian Democracy. This is a series of case studies which aspires to test old theories and probe new assumptions. The first section explores the extent to which our knowledge has evolved since symbola were first distinguished from coins. Four essays demonstrate how tokens, as material manifestations of particular institutions, contributed to the formation of civic and political identity in the city-state of Athens and the roles they played in ensuring legal and political equality. The second section of the volume on new finds aims to develop expertise in studying tokens and increase relevant knowledge. Finally, a third section contains comparative studies from Sicily, Jerusalem and Ephesos, aiming to adopt a comparative methodology for a better understanding of the characteristics and roles of tokens from across the ancient Mediterranean. Contributors: Vera Geelmuyden Bulgurlu, Tumay Hazinedar Coscun, Antonino Crisà, Yoav Farhi, P. J. Finglass, Mairi Gkikaki, Irini Karra, James Kierstead, John H. Kroll, Stamatoula Makrypodi, Christian Mondello, Daria Russo, Martin Schäfer. An Open Access edition will be available on publication.

Post Exchange, Canteen and Other Military Tokens

Post Exchange, Canteen and Other Military Tokens PDF Author: James J. Curto
Category : Coins and coinage
Languages : en
Pages : 50

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Alaska and Yukon Tokens

Alaska and Yukon Tokens PDF Author: Ronald J. Benice
Publisher: McFarland
ISBN: 078645718X
Category : Antiques & Collectibles
Languages : en
Pages : 371

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This reference work lists and describes all known tokens (privately issued substitutes for coins) used from the 1890s gold rush through 1959, when Alaska gained statehood. New to this edition are tokens from the Yukon Territory, with extensive coverage of Yukon tokens through 1989. Entries describe individual tokens, are arranged alphabetically, and are divided into seven sections: Traditional Alaska Tokens, Alaska Transportation Tokens, Alaska Food Stamp Change Tokens, Alaska Prison Tokens, Metallic Identification Chits, Yukon Territory Metallic Tokens 1897-1945, and Yukon Territory Plastic Tokens 1946-1989. For each token, information includes the issuer, a physical and historical description, and current value.

Tokens of Power

Tokens of Power PDF Author: Ann Hironaka
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1107175119
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 315

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What motivates going to war? This book reexamines how leaders make decisions based on appearances of power over military reality.


MILITARY TOKENS PDF Author: David Plowman
ISBN: 9781716395444
Category :
Languages : es
Pages : 0

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In his latest book, Panama specialist David Plowman takes on the military tokens of the Panama Canal Zone. It covers all known 118 tokens which includes new discoveries, 44 more than any previous work. The tokens are covered in great depth with color photographs, measurements, history and photographs of the Canal Zone bases and units which issued the tokens, cross-references charts, pricing trends and much more. It's the complete guide to military tokens of the Panama Canal Zone. En su último libro, el especialista en Panamá David Plowman discute a las fichas militares de la Zona del Canal de Panamá. Cubre todas las 118 fichas conocidas que incluyen nuevos descubrimientos, 44 más que cualquier trabajo anterior. Las fichas están cubiertas en gran detalle con fotografías a color, medidas, historia y fotografías de las bases y unidades de la Zona del Canal que emitieron las fichas, tablas de referencias cruzadas, tendencias de precios y mucho más. Es la guía completa de fichas militares de la Zona del Canal de Panamá.

The Numismatic Circular and Catalogue of Coins, Tokens, Commemorative & War Medals, Books & Cabinets

The Numismatic Circular and Catalogue of Coins, Tokens, Commemorative & War Medals, Books & Cabinets PDF Author: Spink & Son
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 382

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Military Tokens of the British Commonwealth

Military Tokens of the British Commonwealth PDF Author: John F. Yarwood
ISBN: 9780957737778
Category : Commonwealth countries
Languages : en
Pages : 274

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A guide to military tokens of the British Comonwealth.

So-Called Dollars

So-Called Dollars PDF Author: Harold E. Hibler
Publisher: Coin & Currency Institute
ISBN: 0871841029
Category : Antiques & Collectibles
Languages : en
Pages : 191

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When So-Called Dollars was published it was the first, and it is still the only book to deal comprehensively with its subject matter. The book begins with the legendary Erie Canal Completion issues of 1826 and proceeds to catalog 135 years of the Golden Age of American history, all the way up to 1961. Although there have been many propositions for reviving the book over the years, none were more than theoretical musings until two collectors, Tom Hoffman of Crystal Lake, IL and Jonathan Brecher of Cambridge, MA set the process in motion. They have been joined by two others, Dave Hayes and John Dean, to produce a remarkable new edition, of the sort that can only be the product of dedicated hobbyists who love their subject and see it as their obligation to share with others the knowledge gained from years of collecting. While the second edition holds true to the original in basic style and in substance, prices have skyrocketed and it offers much that is new. There are many more illustrations than in the first edition. In fact, virtually every type is now represented by a photograph. More historical information for the issues is presented in the text, which has been further expanded with additional listings of both previously unknown metal varieties and totally new items. The size of each item is now given in mm rather than in 16ths of an inch as in the 1963 edition. Each issue has been assigned a rarity rating of from R-1, indicating more than 5,000 known, to R-10, meaning unique. In addition, a loose-leaf price guide included in each book at no additional charge. The index has been expanded to include references to more subjects and places. Finally, there is a section of color plates. The Hibler & Kappen book remains the standard reference work on the subject with its HK numbers an instantly recognizable means of cataloging and identification.