MhGAP Humanitarian Intervention Guide (mhGAP-HIG)

MhGAP Humanitarian Intervention Guide (mhGAP-HIG) PDF Author: World Health Organization
Publisher: World Health Organization
ISBN: 9241548924
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 68

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Book Description
The mhGAP Intervention Guide (IG) is a clinical guide on mental neurological and substance use disorders for general health care workers who work in non-specialized health care settings particularly in low- and middle-income countries. These health care workers include general physicians family physicians nurses and clinical officers. The mhGAP programme provides a range of tools to support the work of health care providers as well as health policy makers and planners The proposed guide is an adaptation of the mhGAP Intervention Guide to be used in humanitarian settings. These settings include a broad range of acute and chronic emergency situations arising from armed conflicts natural disasters and industrial disasters and may include mass displacement of populations (eg refugees and/or internally displaced people).

MhGAP Humanitarian Intervention Guide (mhGAP-HIG)

MhGAP Humanitarian Intervention Guide (mhGAP-HIG) PDF Author: World Health Organization
Publisher: World Health Organization
ISBN: 9241548924
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 68

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Book Description
The mhGAP Intervention Guide (IG) is a clinical guide on mental neurological and substance use disorders for general health care workers who work in non-specialized health care settings particularly in low- and middle-income countries. These health care workers include general physicians family physicians nurses and clinical officers. The mhGAP programme provides a range of tools to support the work of health care providers as well as health policy makers and planners The proposed guide is an adaptation of the mhGAP Intervention Guide to be used in humanitarian settings. These settings include a broad range of acute and chronic emergency situations arising from armed conflicts natural disasters and industrial disasters and may include mass displacement of populations (eg refugees and/or internally displaced people).

MhGAP Intervention Guide for Mental, Neurological and Substance-Use Disorders in Non-specialized Health Settings - Version 2. 0

MhGAP Intervention Guide for Mental, Neurological and Substance-Use Disorders in Non-specialized Health Settings - Version 2. 0 PDF Author: World Health Organization
ISBN: 9789241549790
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
Mental, neurological and substance use (MNS) disorders are highly prevalent, accounting for a substantial burden of disease and disability globally. In order to bridge the gap between available resources and the significant need for services, the World Health Organization launched the Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP). The objective of mhGAP is to scale-up care and services using evidence-based interventions for prevention and management of priority MNS conditions. The mhGAP Intervention Guide version 1.0 for MNS disorders for non-specialist health settings was developed in 2010 as a simple technical tool to allow for integrated management of priority MNS conditions using protocols for clinical decision-making. With uptake in over 90 countries, mhGAP-IG 1.0 version has had widespread success. It is our pleasure to present mhGAP version 2.0, with updates incorporating new evidence-based guidance, enhanced usability, and new sections to expand its use by both health care providers as well as programme managers. It is our hope that this guide will continue to provide the road-map to deliver care and services for people with MNS disorders around the world and lead us closer to achieving the goal of universal health coverage.

Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) guideline for mental, neurological and substance use disorders

Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) guideline for mental, neurological and substance use disorders PDF Author: World Health Organization
Publisher: World Health Organization
ISBN: 9240084274
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 184

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International travel and health. Module 5. Mental, neurological and substance use conditions

International travel and health. Module 5. Mental, neurological and substance use conditions PDF Author: World Health Organization
Publisher: World Health Organization
ISBN: 924009394X
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 40

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Book Description
Depending on the health profile of the traveller, the type of travel to be undertaken, and the place of transit and destination, travellers may face various health risks during travel. The International travel and health collection serves as an entry point for other World Health Organization (WHO) publications that provide further information. Its primary target audience is travel health practitioners and travel health professionals, who provide health advice to travellers on appropriate precautions to be taken to minimize any travel-related health risks in unfamiliar environments, before, during and after travel. Module 5 lays out the various aspects relevant to mental, neurological and substance use (MNS) conditions that travel health practitioners should be aware of when supporting travellers, or people with these conditions who are considering travelling. International travel can be a stressful experience. Travellers may face separation from family and familiar social support systems as well as having to adjust to foreign cultures and languages. Coping with high levels of stress may result in physical, social and psychological problems. Changes to the circadian rhythm and sleep deprivation can trigger seizures in people with epilepsy, provoke migraine attacks and exacerbate behavioural symptoms in people living with dementia. Under the stress of travel, pre-existing MNS conditions may be exacerbated or become apparent for the first time.

Advocacy for Mental Health

Advocacy for Mental Health PDF Author: World Health Organization
Publisher: World Health Organization
ISBN: 9241545909
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 67

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This volume is part of a series of publications which contain practical guidance to assist policy-makers and planners in member countries with policy development to address public mental health needs and service provision. This volume highlights the importance of advocacy in mental health policy and service development, a relatively new concept, aimed at reducing stigma and discrimination, and promoting the human rights of people with mental disorders. It considers the roles of various mental health groups in advocacy and sets out practical steps for implementation, indicating how governments can support advocacy services. The full package of eight volumes in the series is also available (ISBN 0119894173).

Disease Control Priorities, Third Edition (Volume 4)

Disease Control Priorities, Third Edition (Volume 4) PDF Author: Vikram Patel
Publisher: World Bank Publications
ISBN: 1464804281
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 307

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Book Description
Mental, neurological, and substance use disorders are common, highly disabling, and associated with significant premature mortality. The impact of these disorders on the social and economic well-being of individuals, families, and societies is large, growing, and underestimated. Despite this burden, these disorders have been systematically neglected, particularly in low- and middle-income countries, with pitifully small contributions to scaling up cost-effective prevention and treatment strategies. Systematically compiling the substantial existing knowledge to address this inequity is the central goal of this volume. This evidence-base can help policy makers in resource-constrained settings as they prioritize programs and interventions to address these disorders.

Guidelines on Mental Health Promotive and Preventive Interventions for Adolescents

Guidelines on Mental Health Promotive and Preventive Interventions for Adolescents PDF Author: World Health Organization
Category : Mental health
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Responding to Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence Against Women

Responding to Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence Against Women PDF Author: World Health Organization
Publisher: World Health Organization
ISBN: 9241548592
Category : Family & Relationships
Languages : en
Pages : 66

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A health-care provider is likely to be the first professional contact for survivors of intimate partner violence or sexual assault. Evidence suggests that women who have been subjected to violence seek health care more often than non-abused women, even if they do not disclose the associated violence. They also identify health-care providers as the professionals they would most trust with disclosure of abuse. These guidelines are an unprecedented effort to equip healthcare providers with evidence-based guidance as to how to respond to intimate partner violence and sexual violence against women. They also provide advice for policy makers, encouraging better coordination and funding of services, and greater attention to responding to sexual violence and partner violence within training programmes for health care providers. The guidelines are based on systematic reviews of the evidence, and cover: 1. identification and clinical care for intimate partner violence 2. clinical care for sexual assault 3. training relating to intimate partner violence and sexual assault against women 4. policy and programmatic approaches to delivering services 5. mandatory reporting of intimate partner violence. The guidelines aim to raise awareness of violence against women among health-care providers and policy-makers, so that they better understand the need for an appropriate health-sector response. They provide standards that can form the basis for national guidelines, and for integrating these issues into health-care provider education.

WHO guidelines on mental health at work

WHO guidelines on mental health at work PDF Author: World Health Organization
Publisher: World Health Organization
ISBN: 9240053050
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 134

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Guidelines on Mental Health at Work An estimated 15% of working-age adults have a mental disorder at any point in time. Depression and anxiety are estimated to cost the global economy US $1 trillion each year driven predominantly by lost productivity. People living with severe mental health conditions are largely excluded from work despite participation in economic activities being important for recovery. The WHO guidelines on mental health at work provide evidence-based recommendations to promote mental health, prevent mental health conditions, and enable people living with mental health conditions to participate and thrive in work. The recommendations cover organizational interventions, manager training and worker training, individual interventions, return to work, and gaining employment. The guidelines on mental health at work aim to improve the implementation of evidence-based interventions for mental health at work.

Guidelines on mental health promotive and preventive interventions for adolescents

Guidelines on mental health promotive and preventive interventions for adolescents PDF Author: World Health Organization
Publisher: World Health Organization
ISBN: 9240011854
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 120

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The Guidelines on promotive and preventive mental health interventions for adolescents - Helping Adolescents thrive (HAT), provide evidence-informed recommendations on psychosocial interventions to promote mental health, prevent mental disorders, and reduce self-harm and other risk behaviours among adolescents. The HAT Guidelines aims to inform policy development, service planning and the strengthening of health and education systems, and facilitate mainstreaming of adolescent mental health promotion and prevention strategies across sectors and delivery platforms.