Carbon Fibres and Their Composites

Carbon Fibres and Their Composites PDF Author: Erich Fitzer
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642707254
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 299

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The proper choice of technology is a complex decision, particularly for developing countries, as it depends not only on local needs and conditions but also, importantly, on the national political context and, increasingly, on the international environment. This technological choice carries with it the genetic code of the nation's future development. Many developing countries which lack the needed infrastructure do not have real options; others with a reservoir of scientific and engineering skills and explicit SIT strategies, can indeed choose between alternatives. Turning to the technologies themselves, these cover a wide spectrum: traditional technologies that are low-cost, low-energy and often better suited to meet basic needs; more sophisticated technologies which are highly knowledge-intensive and require large capital outlays for research, product design and manufacturing; and still others which depend upon a blending of modern technology with traditional methods to create products and processes more suited to local needs. Even within the group of advanced technologies, there is considerable differentiation, and those at the lower end of the product cycle are clearly within reach by the newly industri alizing countries.

Carbon Fibres and Their Composites

Carbon Fibres and Their Composites PDF Author: Erich Fitzer
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642707254
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 299

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Book Description
The proper choice of technology is a complex decision, particularly for developing countries, as it depends not only on local needs and conditions but also, importantly, on the national political context and, increasingly, on the international environment. This technological choice carries with it the genetic code of the nation's future development. Many developing countries which lack the needed infrastructure do not have real options; others with a reservoir of scientific and engineering skills and explicit SIT strategies, can indeed choose between alternatives. Turning to the technologies themselves, these cover a wide spectrum: traditional technologies that are low-cost, low-energy and often better suited to meet basic needs; more sophisticated technologies which are highly knowledge-intensive and require large capital outlays for research, product design and manufacturing; and still others which depend upon a blending of modern technology with traditional methods to create products and processes more suited to local needs. Even within the group of advanced technologies, there is considerable differentiation, and those at the lower end of the product cycle are clearly within reach by the newly industri alizing countries.

Plastic Deformation of Ceramics

Plastic Deformation of Ceramics PDF Author: R.C. Bradt
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1489914412
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 661

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This proceedings volume, "Plastic Deformation of Ceramics," constitutes the papers of an international symposium held at Snowbird, Utah from August 7-12, 1994. It was attended by nearly 100 scientists and engineers from more than a dozen countries representing academia, national laboratories, and industry. Two previous conferences on this topic were held at The Pennsylvania State University in 1974 and 1983. Therefore, the last major international conference focusing on the deformation of ceramic materials was held more than a decade ago. Since the early 1980s, ceramic materials have progressed through an evolutionary period of development and advancement. They are now under consideration for applications in engineering structures. The contents of the previous conferences indicate that considerable effort was directed towards a basic understanding of deformation processes in covalently bonded or simple oxide ceramics. However, now, more than a decade later, the focus has completely shifted. In particular, the drive for more efficient heat engines has resulted in the development of silicon-based ceramics and composite ceramics. The discovery of high-temperature cupric oxide-based superconductors has created a plethora of interesting perovskite-Iike structured ceramics. Additionally, nanophase ceramics, ceramic thin films, and various forms of toughened ceramics have potential applications and, hence, their deformation has been investigated. Finally, new and exciting areas of research have attracted interest since 1983, including fatigue, nanoindentation techniques, and superplasticity.

Mechanical Behaviour of Engineering Materials

Mechanical Behaviour of Engineering Materials PDF Author: Joachim Roesler
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3540734481
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 540

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How do engineering materials deform when bearing mechanical loads? To answer this crucial question, the book bridges the gap between continuum mechanics and materials science. The different kinds of material deformation are explained in detail. The book also discusses the physical processes occurring during the deformation of all classes of engineering materials and shows how these materials can be strengthened to meet the design requirements. It provides the knowledge needed in selecting the appropriate engineering material for a certain design problem. This book is both a valuable textbook and a useful reference for graduate students and practising engineers.

Mechanical and Physical Testing of Biocomposites, Fibre-Reinforced Composites and Hybrid Composites

Mechanical and Physical Testing of Biocomposites, Fibre-Reinforced Composites and Hybrid Composites PDF Author: Mohammad Jawaid
Publisher: Woodhead Publishing
ISBN: 0081023006
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 480

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Mechanical and Physical Testing of Biocomposites, Fibre-Reinforced Composites and Hybrid Composites covers key aspects of fracture and failure in natural/synthetic fiber reinforced polymer based composite materials, ranging from crack propagation, to crack growth, and from notch-size effect, to damage-tolerant design. Topics of interest include mechanical properties, such as tensile, flexural, compression, shear, impact, fracture toughness, low and high velocity impact, and anti-ballistic properties of natural fiber, synthetic fibers and hybrid composites materials. It also covers physical properties, such as density, water absorption, thickness swelling, and void content of composite materials fabricated from natural or synthetic materials. Written by leading experts in the field, and covering composite materials developed from different natural fibers and their hybridization with synthetic fibers, the book's chapters provide cutting-edge, up-to-date research on the characterization, analysis and modelling of composite materials. - Contains contributions from leading experts in the field - Discusses recent progress on failure analysis, SHM, durability, life prediction and the modelling of damage in natural fiber-based composite materials - Covers experimental, analytical and numerical analysis - Provides detailed and comprehensive information on mechanical properties, testing methods and modelling techniques

Mechanical Response of Composites

Mechanical Response of Composites PDF Author: Pedro P. Camanho
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1402085842
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 321

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Themethodologyfordesigninghigh-performancecompositestructuresisstill evo- ing. The complexity of the response of composite materials and the dif?culties in predicting the composite material properties from the basic properties of the c- stituents result in the need for a well-planned and exhaustive test program. The recommended practice to mitigate the technological risks associated with advanced composite materials is to substantiate the performance and durability of the design in a sequence of steps known as the Building Block Approach. The Building Block Approach ensures that cost and performance objectives are met by testing greater numbers of smaller, less expensive specimens. In this way, technology risks are assessed early in the program. In addition, the knowledge acquired at a given level of structural complexity is built up before progressing to a level of increased complexity. Achieving substantiation of structural performance by testing alone can be p- hibitively expensive because of the number of specimens and components required to characterize all material systems, loading scenarios and boundary conditions. Building Block Approachprogramscan achieve signi?cant cost reductionsby se- ing a synergy between testing and analysis. The more the development relies on analysis, the less expensive it becomes. The use of advanced computational models for the prediction of the mechanical response of composite structures can replace some of the mechanical tests and can signi?cantly reduce the cost of designing with composites while providing to the engineers the information necessary to achieve an optimized design.

Mechanical Properties of Polymers and Composites, Second Edition

Mechanical Properties of Polymers and Composites, Second Edition PDF Author: Robert F. Landel
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 9780824789640
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 586

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This text, now in its second edition, offers an up-to-date, expanded treatment of the behaviour of polymers with regard to material variables and test and use conditions. It highlights general principles, useful empirical rules and practical equations.;Detailing the specific behaviour of many common polymers, the text: places emphasis on time and frequency dependence over temperature dependence; uses contemporary molecular mechanisms to explain creep, stress relaxation, constant strain rate responses and crazing; provides explicit equations to predict responses; supplies a discussion of large deformation multiaxial responses; compares statistical and continuum theories on the same data set; and updates stress-strain behaviour and particulate filled systems.

Experimental Characterization of Advanced Composite Materials

Experimental Characterization of Advanced Composite Materials PDF Author: Leif A. Carlsson
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 142003202X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 259

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Over much of the last three decades, the evolution of techniques for characterizing composite materials has struggled to keep up with the advances of composite materials themselves and their broadening areas of application. In recent years, however, much work has been done to consolidate test methods and better understand those being used. Finally,

Bioinspired Structures and Design

Bioinspired Structures and Design PDF Author: Wole Soboyejo
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1108963447
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 374

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Master simple to advanced biomaterials and structures with this essential text. Featuring topics ranging from bionanoengineered materials to bio-inspired structures for spacecraft and bio-inspired robots, and covering issues such as motility, sensing, control and morphology, this highly illustrated text walks the reader through key scientific and practical engineering principles, discussing properties, applications and design. Presenting case studies for the design of materials and structures at the nano, micro, meso and macro-scales, and written by some of the leading experts on the subject, this is the ideal introduction to this emerging field for students in engineering and science as well as researchers.

Mechanics Of Composite Materials

Mechanics Of Composite Materials PDF Author: Robert M. Jones
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1498711065
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 538

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This book balances introduction to the basic concepts of the mechanical behavior of composite materials and laminated composite structures. It covers topics from micromechanics and macromechanics to lamination theory and plate bending, buckling, and vibration, clarifying the physical significance of composite materials. In addition to the materials covered in the first edition, this book includes more theory-experiment comparisons and updated information on the design of composite materials.

Mechanics of Composite Materials

Mechanics of Composite Materials PDF Author: Autar K. Kaw
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1420058290
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 491

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In 1997, Dr. Kaw introduced the first edition of Mechanics of Composite Materials, receiving high praise for its comprehensive scope and detailed examples. He also introduced the groundbreaking PROMAL software, a valuable tool for designing and analyzing structures made of composite materials. Updated and expanded to reflect recent advances in the