Behavioral Economics

Behavioral Economics PDF Author: Floris Heukelom
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1139867857
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 237

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This book presents a history of behavioral economics. The recurring theme is that behavioral economics reflects and contributes to a fundamental reorientation of the epistemological foundations upon which economics had been based since the days of Smith, Ricardo, and Mill. With behavioral economics, the discipline has shifted from grounding its theories in generalized characterizations to building theories from behavioral assumptions directly amenable to empirical validation and refutation. The book proceeds chronologically and takes the reader from von Neumann and Morgenstern's axioms of rational behavior, through the incorporation of rational decision theory in psychology in the 1950s–70s, to the creation and rise of behavioral economics in the 1980s and 1990s at the Sloan and Russell Sage Foundations.

The Oxford Handbook of Computational and Mathematical Psychology

The Oxford Handbook of Computational and Mathematical Psychology PDF Author: Jerome R. Busemeyer
ISBN: 0199957991
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 425

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This Oxford Handbook offers a comprehensive and authoritative review of important developments in computational and mathematical psychology. With chapters written by leading scientists across a variety of subdisciplines, it examines the field's influence on related research areas such as cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, clinical psychology, and neuroscience. The Handbook emphasizes examples and applications of the latest research, and will appeal to readers possessing various levels of modeling experience. The Oxford Handbook of Computational and mathematical Psychology covers the key developments in elementary cognitive mechanisms (signal detection, information processing, reinforcement learning), basic cognitive skills (perceptual judgment, categorization, episodic memory), higher-level cognition (Bayesian cognition, decision making, semantic memory, shape perception), modeling tools (Bayesian estimation and other new model comparison methods), and emerging new directions in computation and mathematical psychology (neurocognitive modeling, applications to clinical psychology, quantum cognition). The Handbook would make an ideal graduate-level textbook for courses in computational and mathematical psychology. Readers ranging from advanced undergraduates to experienced faculty members and researchers in virtually any area of psychology--including cognitive science and related social and behavioral sciences such as consumer behavior and communication--will find the text useful.

Mathematical Psychology and Psychophysiology

Mathematical Psychology and Psychophysiology PDF Author: Stephen Grossberg
Publisher: Psychology Press
ISBN: 1317769643
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 329

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Mathematical Psychology and Psychophysiology promotes an understanding of the mind and its neural substrates by applying interdisciplinary approaches to issues concerning behavior and the brain. The contributions present model from many disciplines that share common, conceptual, functional, or mechanistic substrates and summarize recent models and data from neural networks, mathematical genetics, psychoacoustics, olfactory coding, visual perception, measurement, psychophysics, cognitive development, and other areas. The contributors to Mathematical Psychology and Psychophysiology show the conceptual and mathematical interconnectedness of several approaches to the fundamental scientific problem of understanding mind and brain. The book's interdisciplinary approach permits a deeper understanding of theoretical advances as it formally structures a broad overview of the data.

Mathematical Difficulties

Mathematical Difficulties PDF Author:
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080559778
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 273

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This book examines the mathematical difficulties in typical and atypical populations. It discusses the behavioural, educational and neuropsychological characteristics of people with mathematical difficulties, and educational interventions to prevent, diagnose, treat or ameliorate such difficulties. The book brings together studies from different disciplines, including developmental psychology, neuroscience and education, and includes perspectives from practicing teachers.The book is divided into three major sections. The first includes chapters about the nature and characteristics of mathematical difficulties in the population as a whole, in relation to both psychology and education. The second deals with mathematical difficulties in children with other problems such as specific language impairment and dyslexia. The third discusses methods of interventions aimed at preventing, treating or ameliorating mathematical difficulties, and will include discussions of assessment and diagnosis.

The Psychology of Mathematics

The Psychology of Mathematics PDF Author: Anderson Norton
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1000547019
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 238

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This book offers an innovative introduction to the psychological basis of mathematics and the nature of mathematical thinking and learning, using an approach that empowers students by fostering their own construction of mathematical structures. Through accessible and engaging writing, award-winning mathematician and educator Anderson Norton reframes mathematics as something that exists first in the minds of students, rather than something that exists first in a textbook. By exploring the psychological basis for mathematics at every level—including geometry, algebra, calculus, complex analysis, and more—Norton unlocks students’ personal power to construct mathematical objects based on their own mental activity and illustrates the power of mathematics in organizing the world as we know it. Including reflections and activities designed to inspire awareness of the mental actions and processes coordinated in practicing mathematics, the book is geared toward current and future secondary and elementary mathematics teachers who will empower the next generation of mathematicians and STEM majors. Those interested in the history and philosophy that underpins mathematics will also benefit from this book, as well as those informed and curious minds attentive to the human experience more generally.

The Development of Mathematical Skills

The Development of Mathematical Skills PDF Author: Chris Donlan
Publisher: Psychology Press
ISBN: 1317715454
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 356

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Cutting edge research from a diverse range of viewpoints Central section dedicated to the arithmetical development of memory.

Psychology Of Problem Solving, The: The Background To Successful Mathematics Thinking

Psychology Of Problem Solving, The: The Background To Successful Mathematics Thinking PDF Author: Alfred S Posamentier
Publisher: World Scientific
ISBN: 9811205728
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 168

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The art or skill of problem solving in mathematics is mostly relegated to the strategies one can use to solve problems in the field. Although this book addresses that issue, it delves deeply into the psychological aspects that affect successful problem-solving. Such topics as decision-making, judgment, and reasoning as well as using memory effectively and a discussion of the thought processes that could help address certain problem-solving situations.Most books that address problem-solving and mathematics focus on the various skills. This book goes beyond that and investigates the psychological aspects to solving problems in mathematics.

Psychology of Mathematics for Instruction

Psychology of Mathematics for Instruction PDF Author: L. B. Resnick
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1136557520
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 273

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Published in 1981, Psychology of Mathematics for Instruction is a valuable contribution to the field of Education.

Mathematical Psychology

Mathematical Psychology PDF Author: Jean-Paul Doignon
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1461397286
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 442

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Sometime in the late sixties, one of the editors of this volume realized that the mathematica psychologists in Europe-an odd lot mostly concentrated in Germany, the Netherlands, France, England and Belgium-were suffering from an acute sense of isolation. The papers that they presented at meetings of their national or regional societies had to be 'sanitized' to the point of misrepresentation. They were misunderstood. The mood was grim, depression was lurking. He decided that urgent action was required: a European gathering of mathematical psychologists was called in April 1971. Not being foolhardy, however, he took the precaution of choosing Paris as the meeting place. Around thirty mathematical psychologists received an invitation. They all came, justifying at least Paris's reputation. The meeting took place at the 'Maison des Belges' of the Cite Universitaire, Boulevard Jourdan, in front of the Parc Montsouris. As far as everyone remembers, the meeting was a full success. A happy birth had taken place. This editor then irresponsibly accepted a position in a university in the US, leaving an infant to the whims of the passers-by. Fortunately, a godfather came along. The next meeting took place in Nijmegen, in November 1971, under the loving care of Eddy Roskam. A tradition was established. The third meeting was in Oxford (1972); then in Marseilles (1973), Regensburg (1974), Stirling (1975), Stockholm (1976) . . . The infant became a toddler, then a vigorous child. This annual meeting is now an important event in the field.

An Essay on the Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field

An Essay on the Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field PDF Author: Jacques Hadamard
Publisher: Read Books Ltd
ISBN: 1447493273
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 130

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Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. We are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and artwork.

The Mathematician's Mind

The Mathematician's Mind PDF Author: Jacques Hadamard
Publisher: Princeton University Press
ISBN: 0691212902
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 168

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Book Description
Fifty years ago when Jacques Hadamard set out to explore how mathematicians invent new ideas, he considered the creative experiences of some of the greatest thinkers of his generation, such as George Polya, Claude Lévi-Strauss, and Albert Einstein. It appeared that inspiration could strike anytime, particularly after an individual had worked hard on a problem for days and then turned attention to another activity. In exploring this phenomenon, Hadamard produced one of the most famous and cogent cases for the existence of unconscious mental processes in mathematical invention and other forms of creativity. Written before the explosion of research in computers and cognitive science, his book, originally titled The Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field, remains an important tool for exploring the increasingly complex problem of mental life. The roots of creativity for Hadamard lie not in consciousness, but in the long unconscious work of incubation, and in the unconscious aesthetic selection of ideas that thereby pass into consciousness. His discussion of this process comprises a wide range of topics, including the use of mental images or symbols, visualized or auditory words, "meaningless" words, logic, and intuition. Among the important documents collected is a letter from Albert Einstein analyzing his own mechanism of thought.