Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Image and Signal Processing

Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Image and Signal Processing PDF Author: Petros Maragos
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9780792397335
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 498

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Book Description
Mathematical morphology (MM) is a powerful methodology for the quantitative analysis of geometrical structures. It consists of a broad and coherent collection of theoretical concepts, nonlinear signal operators, and algorithms aiming at extracting, from images or other geometrical objects, information related to their shape and size. Its mathematical origins stem from set theory, lattice algebra, and integral and stochastic geometry. MM was initiated in the late 1960s by G. Matheron and J. Serra at the Fontainebleau School of Mines in France. Originally it was applied to analyzing images from geological or biological specimens. However, its rich theoretical framework, algorithmic efficiency, easy implementability on special hardware, and suitability for many shape- oriented problems have propelled its widespread diffusion and adoption by many academic and industry groups in many countries as one among the dominant image analysis methodologies. The purpose of Mathematical Morphology and its Applications to Image and Signal Processing is to provide the image analysis community with a sampling from the current developments in the theoretical (deterministic and stochastic) and computational aspects of MM and its applications to image and signal processing. The book consists of the papers presented at the ISMM'96 grouped into the following themes: Theory Connectivity Filtering Nonlinear System Related to Morphology Algorithms/Architectures Granulometries, Texture Segmentation Image Sequence Analysis Learning Document Analysis Applications

Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Image and Signal Processing

Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Image and Signal Processing PDF Author: Petros Maragos
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9780792397335
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 498

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Book Description
Mathematical morphology (MM) is a powerful methodology for the quantitative analysis of geometrical structures. It consists of a broad and coherent collection of theoretical concepts, nonlinear signal operators, and algorithms aiming at extracting, from images or other geometrical objects, information related to their shape and size. Its mathematical origins stem from set theory, lattice algebra, and integral and stochastic geometry. MM was initiated in the late 1960s by G. Matheron and J. Serra at the Fontainebleau School of Mines in France. Originally it was applied to analyzing images from geological or biological specimens. However, its rich theoretical framework, algorithmic efficiency, easy implementability on special hardware, and suitability for many shape- oriented problems have propelled its widespread diffusion and adoption by many academic and industry groups in many countries as one among the dominant image analysis methodologies. The purpose of Mathematical Morphology and its Applications to Image and Signal Processing is to provide the image analysis community with a sampling from the current developments in the theoretical (deterministic and stochastic) and computational aspects of MM and its applications to image and signal processing. The book consists of the papers presented at the ISMM'96 grouped into the following themes: Theory Connectivity Filtering Nonlinear System Related to Morphology Algorithms/Architectures Granulometries, Texture Segmentation Image Sequence Analysis Learning Document Analysis Applications

Mathematical Morphology and its Applications to Image and Signal Processing

Mathematical Morphology and its Applications to Image and Signal Processing PDF Author: Henk J.A.M. Heijmans
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9780792351337
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 468

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Book Description
This book contains the proceedings of the International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology and its Applications to Image and Signal Processing IV, held June 3-5, 1998, in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The purpose of the work is to provide the image analysis community with a sampling of recent developments in theoretical and practical aspects of mathematical morphology and its applications to image and signal processing. Among the areas covered are: digitization and connectivity, skeletonization, multivariate morphology, morphological segmentation, color image processing, filter design, gray-scale morphology, fuzzy morphology, decomposition of morphological operators, random sets and statistical inference, differential morphology and scale-space, morphological algorithms and applications. Audience: This volume will be of interest to research mathematicians and computer scientists whose work involves mathematical morphology, image and signal processing.

Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Signal and Image Processing

Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Signal and Image Processing PDF Author: Bernhard Burgeth
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3030208672
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 545

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Book Description
This book contains the refereed proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology, ISMM 2019, held in Saarbrücken, Germany, in July 2019. The 40 revised full papers presented together with one invited talk were carefully reviewed and selected from 54 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on Theory, Discrete Topology and Tomography, Trees and Hierarchies, Multivariate Morphology, Computational Morphology, Machine Learning, Segmentation, Applications in Engineering, and Applications in (Bio)medical Imaging.

Image Processing and Mathematical Morphology

Image Processing and Mathematical Morphology PDF Author: Frank Y. Shih
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1351834444
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 423

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Book Description
In the development of digital multimedia, the importance and impact of image processing and mathematical morphology are well documented in areas ranging from automated vision detection and inspection to object recognition, image analysis and pattern recognition. Those working in these ever-evolving fields require a solid grasp of basic fundamentals, theory, and related applications—and few books can provide the unique tools for learning contained in this text. Image Processing and Mathematical Morphology: Fundamentals and Applications is a comprehensive, wide-ranging overview of morphological mechanisms and techniques and their relation to image processing. More than merely a tutorial on vital technical information, the book places this knowledge into a theoretical framework. This helps readers analyze key principles and architectures and then use the author’s novel ideas on implementation of advanced algorithms to formulate a practical and detailed plan to develop and foster their own ideas. The book: Presents the history and state-of-the-art techniques related to image morphological processing, with numerous practical examples Gives readers a clear tutorial on complex technology and other tools that rely on their intuition for a clear understanding of the subject Includes an updated bibliography and useful graphs and illustrations Examines several new algorithms in great detail so that readers can adapt them to derive their own solution approaches This invaluable reference helps readers assess and simplify problems and their essential requirements and complexities, giving them all the necessary data and methodology to master current theoretical developments and applications, as well as create new ones.

Mathematical Morphology and Its Application to Signal and Image Processing

Mathematical Morphology and Its Application to Signal and Image Processing PDF Author: Michael H. F. Wilkinson
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642036120
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 330

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Book Description
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology, ISMM 2009 held in Groningen, The Netherlands in August 2009. The 27 revised full papers presented together with one invited paper were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on theory, connectivity and connected filters, adaptive morphology, graphs and topology, segmentation, shape, morphology of multi-valued images, and algorithms.

Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Image Processing

Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Image Processing PDF Author: Jean Serra
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9401110409
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 391

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Book Description
Mathematical morphology (MM) is a theory for the analysis of spatial structures. It is called morphology since it aims at analysing the shape and form of objects, and it is mathematical in the sense that the analysis is based on set theory, topology, lattice algebra, random functions, etc. MM is not only a theory, but also a powerful image analysis technique. The purpose of the present book is to provide the image analysis community with a snapshot of current theoretical and applied developments of MM. The book consists of forty-five contributions classified by subject. It demonstrates a wide range of topics suited to the morphological approach.

Mathematical Morphology

Mathematical Morphology PDF Author: Laurent Najman
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118600851
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 407

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Book Description
Mathematical Morphology allows for the analysis and processing of geometrical structures using techniques based on the fields of set theory, lattice theory, topology, and random functions. It is the basis of morphological image processing, and finds applications in fields including digital image processing (DSP), as well as areas for graphs, surface meshes, solids, and other spatial structures. This book presents an up-to-date treatment of mathematical morphology, based on the three pillars that made it an important field of theoretical work and practical application: a solid theoretical foundation, a large body of applications and an efficient implementation. The book is divided into five parts and includes 20 chapters. The five parts are structured as follows: Part I sets out the fundamental aspects of the discipline, starting with a general introduction, followed by two more theory-focused chapters, one addressing its mathematical structure and including an updated formalism, which is the result of several decades of work. Part II extends this formalism to some non-deterministic aspects of the theory, in particular detailing links with other disciplines such as stereology, geostatistics and fuzzy logic. Part III addresses the theory of morphological filtering and segmentation, featuring modern connected approaches, from both theoretical and practical aspects. Part IV features practical aspects of mathematical morphology, in particular how to deal with color and multivariate data, links to discrete geometry and topology, and some algorithmic aspects; without which applications would be impossible. Part V showcases all the previously noted fields of work through a sample of interesting, representative and varied applications.

Sparse Image and Signal Processing

Sparse Image and Signal Processing PDF Author: Jean-Luc Starck
ISBN: 9780511728877
Category : Electronic books
Languages : en
Pages : 316

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Book Description
Presents the state of the art in sparse and multiscale image and signal processing.

Sparse Image and Signal Processing

Sparse Image and Signal Processing PDF Author: Jean-Luc Starck
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1107088062
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 449

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Book Description
Presents state-of-the-art sparse and multiscale image and signal processing with applications in astronomy, biology, MRI, media, and forensics.

Morphological Image Analysis

Morphological Image Analysis PDF Author: Pierre Soille
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3662039397
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 322

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Book Description
The book is self-contained in the sense that it is accessible to engineers, scientists, and practitioners having no prior experience with morphology. In addition, most necessary background notions about digital image processing are covered. The emphasis being put on the techniques useful for solving practical problems rather than the theory underlying mathematical morphology, no special knowledge about set theory and topology is required. Nevertheless, the book goes well beyond an introduction to mathematical morphology. Indeed, starting from the fundamental transformations, more elaborate methods which have proven their practical usefulness are explained. This is achieved through a step by step process pursued until the most recent advances.