Low-latency and Robust Peer-to-peer Video Streaming

Low-latency and Robust Peer-to-peer Video Streaming PDF Author: JeongHun Noh
Publisher: Stanford University
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 172

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Peer-to-peer (P2P) systems have emerged as a promising and cost-effective transport solution for streaming video to a group of users in the Internet. In the P2P architecture, users not only consume video, but also forward it to other users. Thus, P2P systems scale better than client-server systems as users bring resources to the system. The challenge is to achieve low-latency and robust video dissemination by overcoming a number of adversarial aspects and challenges -- peer dynamics, heterogeneous uplink bandwidth of peers, heterogeneous hardware and capabilities of peers, and peer-wise connection restrictions due to NATs/firewalls. This dissertation presents Stanford Peer-to-Peer Multicast (SPPM), a P2P video streaming system. SPPM is designed to achieve low-latency and robust streaming by constructing an overlay of multiple complementary trees and dynamically rearranging the position of peers by Active Overlay Management in a distributed fashion. Next, we extend SPPM for providing playback control to users by time-shifted streaming. To perform time-shifted streaming, peers store past portions of video and forward them to other users when requested, thereby reducing server load. To further alleviate server load, we propose fast prefetching, by which peers can disseminate content quickly. Finally, we present a way to accommodate mobile users. Video transcoding is often required to adapt video for the mobile users. We propose interleaved distributed transcoding (IDT), which allows a video stream to be transcoded at multiple peers that are more capable than mobile users. IDT is shown not only to reduce computation required at a peer but also to achieve higher error resilience in case of peer failure or packet loss.

Multimedia Cloud Computing Systems

Multimedia Cloud Computing Systems PDF Author: Mohsen Amini Salehi
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030884511
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 199

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The second generation of cloud computing systems, known as domain-specific clouds, are emerging based on application-specific processors and serverless computing paradigm. As multimedia streaming services are increasingly growing in popularity and diversity, this book is authored to introduce “multimedia clouds” as a domain-specific cloud that operates in the intersection of cloud computing technologies and digital media streaming. The book concentrates on the architectural aspects of multimedia clouds and describes development of high-level abstractions that will mitigate the burden of programmers, cloud architects, and system administrators. Multimedia clouds not only democratize multimedia streaming and add flexibility to the streaming services, they also help stream providers to offer robust and reliable streaming services in a cost- and energy-efficient manner.

Peer-to-Peer Video Streaming

Peer-to-Peer Video Streaming PDF Author: Eric Setton
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 0387741151
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 157

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Peer-to-Peer Video Streaming describes novel solutions to enhance video quality, increase robustness to errors, and reduce end-to-end latency in video streaming systems. This book will be of use to both academics and professionals as it presents thorough coverage and solutions for current issues with Video Streaming and Peer-to-Peer architectures. The book provides an overview of today’s state-of-the art video streaming technology. It presents adaptive video coding and streaming techniques for performance enhancement of conventional client-server systems and P2P multicast. The detailed appendix incorporates various additional experiments.

Distributed Computing

Distributed Computing PDF Author: Andrzej Pelc
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3540751424
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 525

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This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Distributed Computing, DISC 2007. The 32 revised full papers, presented together with abstracts of three invited papers and nine brief announcements of ongoing works, cover all current issues in distributed computing, including theory, design, analysis, implementation, and application of distributed systems and networks. Coverage ranges from theoretical topics to applications in various fields.

Enterprise Information Systems

Enterprise Information Systems PDF Author: Joaquim Filipe
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3031647556
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 296

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Emerging Research on Networked Multimedia Communication Systems

Emerging Research on Networked Multimedia Communication Systems PDF Author: Kanellopoulos, Dimitris
Publisher: IGI Global
ISBN: 1466688513
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 471

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Robust Video Transmission Over Lossy Channels and Efficient Video Distribution Over Peer-to-peer Networks

Robust Video Transmission Over Lossy Channels and Efficient Video Distribution Over Peer-to-peer Networks PDF Author: Jiajun Wang
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 268

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Streaming Media with Peer-to-Peer Networks: Wireless Perspectives

Streaming Media with Peer-to-Peer Networks: Wireless Perspectives PDF Author: Fleury, Martin
Publisher: IGI Global
ISBN: 1466616148
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 404

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Book Description
The number of users who rely on the Internet to deliver multimedia content has grown significantly in recent years. As this consumer demand grows, so, too, does our dependency on a wireless and streaming infrastructure which delivers videos, podcasts, and other multimedia. Streaming Media with Peer-to-Peer Networks: Wireless Perspectives offers insights into current and future communication technologies for a converged Internet that promises soon to be dominated by multimedia applications, at least in terms of bandwidth consumption. The book will be of interest to industry managers, and will also serve as a valuable resource to students and researchers looking to grasp the dynamic issues surrounding video streaming and wireless network development.

Recent Advances in Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing

Recent Advances in Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing PDF Author: Jeng-Shyang Pan
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3030037487
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 369

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This book features papers presented at IIH-MSP 2018, the 14th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing. The scope of IIH-MSP included information hiding and security, multimedia signal processing and networking, and bio-inspired multimedia technologies and systems. The book discusses subjects related to massive image/video compression and transmission for emerging networks, advances in speech and language processing, recent advances in information hiding and signal processing for audio and speech signals, intelligent distribution systems and applications, recent advances in security and privacy for multimodal network environments, multimedia signal processing, and machine learning. Presenting the latest research outcomes and findings, it is suitable for researchers and students who are interested in the corresponding fields. IIH-MSP 2018 was held in Sendai, Japan on 26–28 November 2018. It was hosted by Tohoku University and was co‐sponsored by the Fujian University of Technology in China, the Taiwan Association for Web Intelligence Consortium in Taiwan, and the Swinburne University of Technology in Australia, as well as the Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Big Data Mining and Applications (Fujian University of Technology) and the Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate School in China.

Emerging Technologies for 3D Video

Emerging Technologies for 3D Video PDF Author: Frederic Dufaux
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118583574
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 479

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With the expectation of greatly enhanced user experience, 3D video is widely perceived as the next major advancement in video technology. In order to fulfil the expectation of enhanced user experience, 3D video calls for new technologies addressing efficient content creation, representation/coding, transmission and display. Emerging Technologies for 3D Video will deal with all aspects involved in 3D video systems and services, including content acquisition and creation, data representation and coding, transmission, view synthesis, rendering, display technologies, human perception of depth and quality assessment. Key features: Offers an overview of key existing technologies for 3D video Provides a discussion of advanced research topics and future technologies Reviews relevant standardization efforts Addresses applications and implementation issues Includes contributions from leading researchers The book is a comprehensive guide to 3D video systems and services suitable for all those involved in this field, including engineers, practitioners, researchers as well as professors, graduate and undergraduate students, and managers making technological decisions about 3D video.